Do you ever pray for something truly important and grow weary when you don’t see the answer?
Many believers will pray diligently but after a couple weeks allow it to fade away.
I want to read a story about George Mueller and prayer.
Where did he get the idea that he had to be so persistent?
In America today we have become an inpatient people.
“I want what I want and I want it now!” Also, “I am not willing to wait any time for it.”
Sometimes it just takes time
Smoked meat takes hours to be ready but it is so worth it when you taste it
I believe the lack of persistent prayer is the greatest reason for church decline today
We as a church need to be in persistent prayer for God to use us to reach people
If you want to see Orchard or any church grow persistent prayer is the key
When I say persistent prayer I mean you gotta PUSH
So when we pray for something we have to prepare to receive it
One of my favorite quotes from “Facing the Giants”
If you are praying for rain, prepare your field to receive it
God’s people today, when they do pray, they are not preparing to receive what they pray for
This means that we have to pray and we have to prepare
For every believer, we have to pray persistently, believing God will deliver
If we are praying persistently we have to prepare persistently
We need to get out in our community and invite people to meet God
As we saw in George Mueller’s story, God answers in His time but our job is to keep praying
“Do your work heartily, as for the Lord”
Christians, we must get to prayer and get to work for God
Being satisfied with how things are is not doing things for the Lord
Are you ready to diligently pray and prepare today?
If not, then why not? What is preventing you from that?
Do you truly know God?