This Sunday afternoon the Children’s Choir will rehearse for their Christmas Program on the 18th at 5pm. They will rehearse from 5pm to 7pm. There will also be a dress rehearsal Saturday, the 17th, from 9:30 until 11:30am. There will be pizza provided for lunch after the dress rehearsal.
Nov '16

Children’s Christmas Program
Nov '16

The OBC Children’s Department will be presenting their Christmas Program on the evening of Sunday the 18th of December.
Nov '16

Student Movie Night
Nov '16

The movie Believe begins at 3:40 Saturday afternoon. We will leave the church at 2:40 OR you can meet us at Wynnsong at 3.00.
According to the theatre Web page, the cost is $9.63 for your ticket. I will buy the popcorn, but you are on your own for anything else.
Please let me know if you are going and where you will meet us.
Right after the movie (about 5.45) we will head to Moffett Road Baptist Church for the Bethlehem Experience. Looking forward to seeing your smiling faces!
Mrs. Brenda
The most important thing I want you to know about Orchard Baptist Church is that we are here to serve the Lord. It is our desire to see all people come to Christ that none would perish. In this crazy mixed up world that we live in right now people are so confused they do not know which way to turn. Evil is so prevalent that many people are calling evil good because they have been told by so many that it is good. One thing I know for sure and that is the only hope that we have in this world is Jesus Christ. In the ever changing world views and opinions He is the constant. God so loved the world that He sent His Son into the world to save it. Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life and no man may enter into heaven except through a relationship with Jesus. If you are searching for answers or just looking for a group of believers to worship with come visit with us. I hope to see you on Sunday.
God Bless You!
Bro. George Riek