Posted on Nov 5, 2021 in Uncategorized | Tags: aliens, Baptist, character, Christ, Church, God, hedonist, Jesus, materialist, Men, narcissist, Orchard, relationship, worship

Love Aliens?
“You are to love those who are aliens” Deuteronomy 10:19
Men become what they worship. If you love stuff, you become a materialist. If you love indulging yourself and worship feelings and thrills, you become a hedonist. If you love your image more than you love God and people, you become a narcissist. If you worship the “God of gods and Lord of lords” who defends the vulnerable, you become a tender warrior. This means taking on His character, conduct, and causes with aliens.
When Jesus charged the disciples saying “Go make disciples,” it was synonymous with saying, “Go fight for the captives,” because freedom from sin and death through the Spirit would be the outcome. The Holy Spirit’s mission in our lives is to conform us to the God we worship, and He is passionate about delivering people.
Through the Holy Spirit, God’s Man shares God’s heart. Making commitments in His name is synonymous with faithfully acting according to His character. Make no mistake: His character is to defend the vulnerable, the captive, the marginalized, the persecuted, the oppressed, the lonely, the left out and the left behind. If we are listening to the Holy Spirit, our hands and feet will eventually take us toward the aliens among us. It may take some time, some maturing, and some changes within us firs, but eventually the Holy Spirit will raise us up as tender warriors who are unafraid and unapologetic to stand up for those who need a spiritual champion to fight for them.
Thank you Father for giving me your heart to reach out to an alien that I once was.
Posted on May 23, 2017 in Newsletter, Uncategorized |
This week at OBC:
Monday: 6:30 PM Vision Team Mtg.
Tuesday: 10:00 AM Crochet Class
6:00 PM Church Council Mtg.
Wednesday: 6:30 PM Prayer Service/Youth/Kids on a mission
Thursday: 7:30 AM Men of Prayer
9:00 to 11:00 AM Food Pantry
Next Sunday (6/4): 8:00 AM Men’s Breakfast
12:00 Sr. Adult Recognition Luncheon (sign up in foyer)
Posted on Feb 27, 2017 in Newsletter, Uncategorized |
This week at OBC:
Monday: 6:00 PM Church Council Mtg.
Tuesday: 10:00 AM Crochet Classes
Wednesday: 6:30 PM Prayer Service/Youth/Kids on a mission
Thursday: 7:30 AM Men of Prayer
9:00 to 11:00 AM Food Pantry
Posted on Feb 21, 2017 in Newsletter, Uncategorized |

Monday: 6:30 PM Vision Team Mtg.
Tuesday: 10:00 AM Crochet Classes
Wednesday: 6:30 PM Prayer Service/Youth/Kids on a mission
Thursday: 7:30 AM Men of Prayer
9:00 to 11:00 AM Food Pantry
Friday & Saturday: Boy’s Campout
Posted on Feb 15, 2017 in Newsletter, Uncategorized |
This week at OBC:
Monday: 6:00 PM Mission of Hope
Wednesday: 9:45 AM Shepherd’s Staff
6:30 PM Business-Prayer Service/Youth/Kids on a misiion
Thursday: 7:30 AM Men of Prayer
9:00 to 11:00 AM Food Pantry
6:30 PM Hold the Rope/Apron
Saturday: 2:00 to 4:00 PM Orchard Nature Blast (K5-6th grades)
Posted on Feb 7, 2017 in Newsletter, Uncategorized |

This week at OBC:
Tuesday: 10:00 AM Crochet Classes
6:30 PM Art & Soul
Youth Movie Night
Wednesday: 6:30 PM Prayer Service/Youth/Kids on a mission
Thursday: 7:30 AM Men of Prayer
9:00 to 11:00 PM Food Pantry
Saturday: 8:45 AM Women’s Bible Study
Posted on Jan 31, 2017 in Uncategorized |
This week at OBC:
Wednesday: 6:30 PM Prayer Service/Youth/Kids on a mission
Thursday: 7:30 AM Men of Prayer
9:00 to 11:00 Food Pantry
Youth Winter Jam
Saturday: 10:30 AM Prayer Walk
Posted on Jan 23, 2017 in Newsletter, Uncategorized |
This week at OBC:
Monday: 6:00 PM Vision Team Mtg.
Tuesday: 10:00 AM Crochet Classes
6:30 PM Art & Soul
Wednesday: 6:30 PM Prayer Service/Youth/Kids on a mission
Thursday: 7:30 AM Men of Prayer
9:00 to 11:00 Food Pantry
Next Sunday: 5th Sunday Lunch – Youth Fundraiser – Italian ($10.00 per person)
Posted on Jan 17, 2017 in Newsletter, Uncategorized |
This week at OBC:
Tuesday: 10:00 AM Crochet Classes
6:30 PM Art & Soul
Wednesday: 6:30 PM Business-Prayer Service/Youth/Kids of a mission
Thursday: 7:30 AM Men of Prayer
9:00 to 11:00 AM Food Pantry
6:30 PM HOld the Rope/Apron (at Sonny’s BBQ youth fundraiser- don’t forget your flyer to help the youth.)
Posted on Jan 10, 2017 in Newsletter, Uncategorized |
This week at OBC:
Tuesday: 10:00 AM Crochet Classes
6:30 PM Art & Soul
Wednesday: 6:30 PM Prayer Service/Youth/Kids on a mission
Thursday: 7:30 AM Men of Prayer
9:00 to 11:00 AM Food Pantry
Saturday: 8:45 AM Women’s Bible Study Breakfast