Posted on Jan 4, 2017 in Newsletter, Uncategorized |

This week at OBC:
Wednesday: 6:30 PM Prayer Service/Youth/Kids on a mission
Thursday: 7:30 AM Men of Prayer
9:00 to 11:00 AM Food Pantry
Sunday: 5:00 PM Deacon’s Mtg.
Posted on Dec 27, 2016 in Uncategorized |
This week at OBC:
Wednesday: 6:30 PM Prayer Service/Youth/Kids on a mission
Thursday: 7:30 AM Men of Prayer
9:00 to 11:00 AM Food Pantry
Saturday: 6:00 PM New Year’s Eve devotion and game night
Posted on Dec 19, 2016 in Newsletter, Uncategorized |

s week at OBC:
Wednesday: 6:30 PM Business-Prayer Service/Youth/Kids on a mission
Thursday: 7:30 AM Men of Prayer
No Food Pantry
No Hold the Rope/Apron
Christmas: 10:00 AM Christmas Service
Merry Christmas!!!!
Posted on Dec 13, 2016 in Newsletter, Uncategorized |
This week at OBC:
Tuesday: 5:30 PM Sr. Adult – Lights at the Hank
Wednesday: 6:30 PM Prayer Service/Youth/Kids on a mission
Thursday: 7:30 AM Men of Prayer
9:00 to 11:00 AM Food Pantry
Next Sunday(12/18/16):
Bags of Love Offering
12:00 Finance Mtg.
5:00 PM Children’s Christmas Play/Christmas Celebration(bring finger foods to share)/Youth Reindeer Games
Posted on Dec 7, 2016 in HomePage, Uncategorized |

This Sunday afternoon the Children’s Choir will rehearse for their Christmas Program on the 18th at 5pm. They will rehearse from 5pm to 7pm. There will also be a dress rehearsal Saturday, the 17th, from 9:30 until 11:30am. There will be pizza provided for lunch after the dress rehearsal.
Posted on Dec 6, 2016 in Newsletter, Uncategorized |
This week at OBC:Wednesday: 6:30 PM Prayer Service /Youth/Kids on a Mission
Thursday: 7:30 AM Men of Prayer 9:00 to 11:00 AM Food Pantry
Posted on Dec 2, 2016 in The Pastor's Corner, Uncategorized |
I love this time of year when we purposefully turn our attention to the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. I know that it is such a busy time for everyone and you can’t do everything, but please don’t neglect the real reason that we are celebrating in the first place. We are living in a crazy world where so many will say that Jesus is a myth made up for the weak minded. I would argue that history as well as scripture shows that Jesus is real. I pray that during this Christmas season you choose to celebrate the birth of Christ because God so loved the world that He sent His Son into the world to save it. Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life and no man may enter into heaven except through a relationship with Jesus. If you are searching for answers or just looking for a group of believers to worship with come visit with us. I hope to see you on Sunday.
God Bless You, Merry Christmas!
Bro. George Riek
Posted on Nov 29, 2016 in HomePage, Uncategorized |

The OBC Children’s Department will be presenting their Christmas Program on the evening of Sunday the 18th of December.
Posted on Nov 29, 2016 in HomePage, Uncategorized |

The movie Believe begins at 3:40 Saturday afternoon. We will leave the church at 2:40 OR you can meet us at Wynnsong at 3.00.
According to the theatre Web page, the cost is $9.63 for your ticket. I will buy the popcorn, but you are on your own for anything else.
Please let me know if you are going and where you will meet us.
Right after the movie (about 5.45) we will head to Moffett Road Baptist Church for the Bethlehem Experience. Looking forward to seeing your smiling faces!
Mrs. Brenda