From The Pastor’s Pen

   I have been recently reflecting on the condition of our world.  It seems to me that people are very distraught over just about everything.  Every day there are so many conflicting stories about our new president and his cabinet.  Political arguments seem to headline every  type of social media known to man.  Ethnic divide seems to be growing larger every day.  In other words, this world is messed up.  
   News flash! It has been messed up since the fall of man!  The biggest difference is that there are now social media outlets that let every person that has an opinion post it world wide.  People are spending a majority of their day plugged into some form of social media or news outlet.  The media, that used to report on things that were actually news, are just as caught up in the storm of social media as the rest of the world.  People believe that anything they read on social media must be true, especially if it is reported on by the actual news media. Unfortunately, that is not the case. 
   So, are you looking for actual truth?  Something that is solid and has been proven throughout time?  Then unplug from social media and plug into God’s word.  That is right, the Bible! The book that has withstood the test of time and remains the greatest word every written.  God’s word is inspiring, comforting, and also convicting, all at the same time.  Don’t take my word for it! Read it for yourself and then join together with others who are also reading His word.  Yep, the largest book club ever assembled, which we call the Church.  We discover together what God has said in His word and talk about how to apply it to our lives.  I hope to see you there this Sunday.
God Bless You,
Bro. George Riek
