Jun 13, 2021
Wisdom and Folly
Series: 2021
A wise woman builds her house

We aren’t talking about a physical house here

What this is talking about is building her life

Our lives are built every day by the decisions we make

If we build wisely, our lives will be good and pleasing in God’s sight

If we are foolish, we end up tearing down

This whole passage is talking about building up for the sake of the body of Christ

The foolish tears it down with her own hands

You see, we have choices to make and they include building up or tearing down

In our world today, everywhere you look there is destruction in the name of prosperity

The family unit is being destroyed so individual pleasure can strive

Instead of teaching people that God’s love includes rebuke

Destruction is happening by accepting sin as normal

Instead of reaching out to people as believers, we are building walls of selfishness

The truly foolish thing is, this house is being torn down by our own hands

Believers, I am saying that our tearing down is why the world is distant from God

Instead of building up in God’s love, we became legalists

Instead of trying to edify we have been busy building a chasm

Am I saying we should be ok with the sinful world?

May it never be!!
We should build up by showing God’s love to a sinful world

Yes, God’s love does include rebuke but love comes first

Fear of the Lord is what we have forgotten

Instead, we practice deceit by acting one way on Sunday and different after

We tear down others by putting ourselves above them

This isn’t Godly rebuke through His love. This is worshipping self!

You can’t walk upright while tearing down someone else to build up yourself

If tearing down others is what you need to be built up, you aren’t walking in God’s love

If we spent our time building through God’s love…..

How much better could our world be here?

The wise woman and man builds

Today, are you full of wisdom or folly?

If you know God as Savior, are you trusting Him as you live?

Do you really know Him as Savior or perhaps you just know about Him?

It’s time to make wise choices, starting with giving your life to Him.

  • Jun 13, 2021Wisdom and Folly
    Jun 13, 2021
    Wisdom and Folly
    Series: 2021
    A wise woman builds her house

    We aren’t talking about a physical house here

    What this is talking about is building her life

    Our lives are built every day by the decisions we make

    If we build wisely, our lives will be good and pleasing in God’s sight

    If we are foolish, we end up tearing down

    This whole passage is talking about building up for the sake of the body of Christ

    The foolish tears it down with her own hands

    You see, we have choices to make and they include building up or tearing down

    In our world today, everywhere you look there is destruction in the name of prosperity

    The family unit is being destroyed so individual pleasure can strive

    Instead of teaching people that God’s love includes rebuke

    Destruction is happening by accepting sin as normal

    Instead of reaching out to people as believers, we are building walls of selfishness

    The truly foolish thing is, this house is being torn down by our own hands

    Believers, I am saying that our tearing down is why the world is distant from God

    Instead of building up in God’s love, we became legalists

    Instead of trying to edify we have been busy building a chasm

    Am I saying we should be ok with the sinful world?

    May it never be!!
    We should build up by showing God’s love to a sinful world

    Yes, God’s love does include rebuke but love comes first

    Fear of the Lord is what we have forgotten

    Instead, we practice deceit by acting one way on Sunday and different after

    We tear down others by putting ourselves above them

    This isn’t Godly rebuke through His love. This is worshipping self!

    You can’t walk upright while tearing down someone else to build up yourself

    If tearing down others is what you need to be built up, you aren’t walking in God’s love

    If we spent our time building through God’s love…..

    How much better could our world be here?

    The wise woman and man builds

    Today, are you full of wisdom or folly?

    If you know God as Savior, are you trusting Him as you live?

    Do you really know Him as Savior or perhaps you just know about Him?

    It’s time to make wise choices, starting with giving your life to Him.

  • Jun 6, 2021Old Things
    Jun 6, 2021
    Old Things
    Series: 2021

    What a title for a sermon right?
    Old Things

    First of all, I’m not talking about people!

    Secondly, I’m talking about good, old things

    Does anyone have a favorite couch, hat, shoes, even clothes?

    Sometimes you get that piece of furniture or article of clothing, and they are just perfect.

    However, time goes by, and although it just keeps being your favorite, it has worn and is beginning to look terrible.

    To you, it is still awesome, but to everyone else, it doesn’t look good and should probably be tossed.
    Relationships, especially Marriage relationships, are similar to this.

    In the beginning, your spouse is your favorite thing to pour into. You do everything together.

    Time goes by, kids, jobs, finances and on and on, begins to change the way you act with each other.

    You still love your spouse, but what anyone else would see doesn’t truly show it.

    In fact, even your spouse may begin to wonder if that is true.

    It seems that while this thing or this relationship may still be important to you, it isn’t as important as it was.

    Turn with me to Revelation 2:1-7 NASB

    You have lost your first Love!

    The church at Ephesus was still doing many good things, but to God, it wasn’t sincere

    Just like the church at Ephesus, today’s churches can seem cold

    I don’t mean the buildings, but the people that are the church

    Today, often times, the church is super busy

    The things that we are doing are wonderful things, and we work hard at them

    If anything, sometimes we could be accused of having too much going on

    What does that mean?

    That, out of all these things you are doing, you have forgotten who you were doing them for

    Perhaps, you are so busy that you are no longer actually worshipping

    The acts have become greater than loving the Lord

    These things we spend so much time doing become cold without loving God first

    I have this against you

    No one wants to hear God say that to them

    If He stood in front of you today, would that phrase fit?

    The Pharisees strived to do all the stuff, but they didn’t have that love.

    Have you lost your first love of God today?

    Have you ever truly had love for God, or is it something else?

    It is time for that love to be re-kindled today!

  • Jun 2, 2021Book of Revelation Study 34
    Jun 2, 2021
    Book of Revelation Study 34
  • May 30, 2021In Memoriam
    May 30, 2021
    In Memoriam
    Series: 2021

    Memorial Day

    The idea of making a memorial to remember something goes all the way back to Genesis

    Genesis 28:18-22 NASB
    Jacob’s Memorial

    Exodus 39:6-7 NASB
    Memorial to the sons of Israel

    Numbers 10:10 NASB
    I AM your God

    Joshua 4:4-7 NASB
    Memorial stones

    We see that memorials are an important part of shaping our lives

    Unfortunately, sometimes a memorial's real meanings are swept away

    Memorial Day has become known as the start of summer

    BBQs and beach days have replaced decorating graves and remembering heroes

    The biggest reason is, we as a people haven’t passed the memorial on to our children

    The stones on the bank of the Jordan were to be used to tell the story to generations

    Throughout biblical history we are told to remember and pass it to our children

    Nehemiah, in the rebuilding of the temple, had the law read to all the people

    This act brought about repentance and renewed love of God

    I believe that the true meaning of Memorial day should renew patriotism

    As believers we must keep in memoriam our God and our Savior Jesus

    We must teach this to every generation and that is something we haven’t done well

    The greatest need our country has right now is to remember Jesus

    1 Cor 11:23-26 NASB
    Body and blood

    There is one symbol that we still see everywhere that needs to be remembered

    John 19:16-19 NASB
    The cross of Jesus

    Like Memorial day, for many, this has lost it’s original meaning

    It’s just a decoration many people wear, some not knowing it’s true meaning

    This symbol should daily break our hearts and bring us to live for Him

    He gave

    Tomorrow is Memorial Day, and I pray you spend time remembering the fallen

    However, I pray that every day you remember what Jesus did for you

    If you know Him, tell others what He did for you!

    If you have never known Him, today could be your day to do that.

    “Do this in remembrance of Me”

  • May 26, 2021Book of Revelation Study 33
    May 26, 2021
    Book of Revelation Study 33
  • May 23, 2021Be Imitators of God
    May 23, 2021
    Be Imitators of God
    Series: 2021

    Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

    In today’s world, people are always trying to imitate others

    Get your hair cut like your favorite star

    Wear the same type of clothes as your favorite singer

    Some people even wear costumes to look exactly like someone else

    Eph 5:1 says be imitators of GOD

    Out of everything you could imitate, God is the perfect subject

    How can I imitate God?

    Ephesians gives you instructions of how to imitate God
    First, walk in Love, just as Christ loved YOU

    We know how He loved us, so do that

    Then, there is a list of things to avoid in order to imitate God


    These are things that a Holy God is not capable of

    They seem like no brainers, that we should stay away from these things

    However, the world embraces these, and so, we tend to let them in too

    We write off immorality and impurity as a new normal

    Greed is not really greed, we just need to have enough

    Be Imitators of God

    Words do matter and our words can cause someone to turn away from God

    "I didn’t mean anything by it! I wasn’t trying to be hurtful."

    We all try to walk a line of saying things but not saying things

    I've even had someone once ask me if cursing was ok as long as it wasn’t at someone

    Their reasoning was it was just words and not inended to be ugly

    If we are truly trying to imitate God, we need to stay away from these things

    No one has ever felt bad about being nice or saying kind things

    I don’t wish I could take back compliments or loving words

    I am not afraid someone will find out I acted righteously

    So, this doesn’t mean someone who made a mistake and was sorry for it

    This means someone who lives this way with no regret

    Every time we act that way, we are closer to becoming that way

    Instead, be imitators of God and the same applies

    Every time we act that way, we are closer to becoming that way

    The only way to imitate God is to know Him

    Do you know Him today?

  • May 19, 2021Book of Relevation Study 32
    May 19, 2021
    Book of Relevation Study 32
  • May 16, 2021Stagnant Ponds
    May 16, 2021
    Stagnant Ponds
    Series: 2021

    "You are moving like Pond Water!"

    That is what my drill Sergeant used to say

    Pond water doesn’t move and because of that it is full of all sorts of nasty

    It is when ponds are stirred that makes them teem with life

    Hang out on verse 3 with me a moment

    Everything pertaining to life and Godliness

    Who called us by His own Glory and excellence

    All of these things boil down to Love, the Love of Christ
    This we need to understand is spiritual growth:

    If we are not growing, we are stagnant

    Stagnant water begins clean and clear,

    Due to lack of movement, it turns green and stinky

    This is what happens to believers who are not growing

    He who lacks these qualities is blind

    We sit stagnant and become blind to our stinky condition

    If these qualities are increasing, we are growing

    If we are growing, it means we are full of life and bring life to others

    You will never stumble!

    The reality is, we should all stand ready to remind each other

    Are you all stagnant and stinky?

    Are you ready to be full of life in Christ?

  • May 12, 2021Book Of Revelation Study 31
    May 12, 2021
    Book Of Revelation Study 31
  • May 9, 2021A Mother’s Faith
    May 9, 2021
    A Mother’s Faith
    Series: 2021

    Mothers are amazing and they are the great teachers of life

    I want to share with you this morning a few things that mother’s teach us

    That list is funny, but it’s true!

    Every year at this time, I try to think of a Biblical mother that we can learn from

    This year I want to learn from Naomi

    This is a lot of tragedy for one woman to endure

    Remember, during this time, women didn’t have any rights on their own

    Now, without any males left to take care of her, she decided to return to Bethlehem

    So, look what happened with her daughters-in-law

    Naomi must have shown faith for Ruth to want to serve her God

    Mother’s lives are not always easy and sometimes children learn from the struggle

    Reality check.
    Even mother’s struggle with their faith

    Naomi means “Pleasant”

    Mara means “Bitter”

    Even so, she strived to take care of her daughter-in-law

    In chapter 2, Naomi’s hope was restored as God provided Boaz to take care of them

    Naomi taught Ruth how to trust God and He provided a redeemer in Boaz

    The story of Naomi and Ruth is unconventional, but, often times, so is life

    Naomi’s faith wasn’t perfect and a Mother’s faith isn’t either

    Moms today, if you have ever struggled thinking you aren’t good enough;

    Understand that all of us struggle with that because we live in a fallen world

    But God made you a mom for a reason and He is always there for you

    God knows exactly what He is doing so trust Him

    A mother that follows God will be the mother that she is supposed to be

    This goes for Grandmothers, Great-Grandmothers, Step-mothers

    And yes even Mothers-in-law

    In fact, it applies to all people; if we follow God, we will be exactly right

    So are you following God today?
    Do you want to?

  • May 5, 2021Book Of Revelation Study 30
    May 5, 2021
    Book Of Revelation Study 30
  • May 2, 2021Salvation
    May 2, 2021
    Series: 2021
    "And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved."

    What does the word Salvation mean?

    Salvation is necessary!

    Vs 12 says we “must be saved”

    Because we are lost, John 3:16 NASB

    Because we can’t save ourselves.

    God provided salvation for us. Why else would He do that except we must be saved

    Salvation in the here and now

    Salvation can’t happen after death. It has to happen in the here and now

    There is only one way under heaven for salvation

    Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.

    Prior to vs 12 we see that the name being talked about here is Jesus

    The incredible thing is that salvation is offered to ALL!


    Salvation is a gift

    You can’t buy it

    You can’t earn it

    You don’t deserve it

    It is a perfect gift that God has offered you through Jesus Christ

    He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit,

    Now the question is, will you accept the gift?

    A gift, no matter how amazing, is no good unless it is received.

    God has offered to ALL the ultimate gift of Salvation

    Will you simply accept it and be saved?

  • Apr 28, 2021Book Of Revelation Study 29
    Apr 28, 2021
    Book Of Revelation Study 29
  • Apr 25, 2021Start Right Here
    Apr 25, 2021
    Start Right Here
    Series: 2021
    "If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people,
    and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
    If God’s people have turned away and things are bad because of that, vs 14

    So many people want to blame the problems in this world on everyone but self. We say we want to see peace and unity but do nothing to see it happen. In verse 14, the Lord told Solomon exactly what had to happen. I want to say today that, if we want to see our land healed, it has to start right here. It has to start in the hearts of the people who are called by His name. So how do we do that?

    If My People…

    Who are called by My Name…

    Will humble themselves…

    And Pray…

    And seek My face…

    And turn from their wicked ways…


    I will hear from heaven…

    And forgive their sin…

    And heal their land…

    It starts right here in the hearts of His people. He will never leave us, even when we have failed Him. It is past time for us to realize that, in order for the world to change, the church has to return to God! It starts right here in the heart of His people. It starts right here in His church. Are you ready to begin?

  • Apr 21, 2021Book Of Revelation Study 28
    Apr 21, 2021
    Book Of Revelation Study 28
  • Apr 18, 2021The Best, Kind
    Apr 18, 2021
    The Best, Kind
    Series: 2021

    We live in a world where everyone wants to tell you how to live

    Many people are frozen by the volume of decisions

    The latest social media challenge seems great, even though people are dying from it

    What is a person to do?

    The wisest person that every lived has something to tell us

    Solomon was the wisest man to live, and he said listen to counsel and accept discipline

    He goes on to say, the counsel of the Lord will stand

    That counsel of the Lord says Kindness is desirable in a person

    Think about how many of our social problems today could be solved with kindness

    Kindness shows love not hate

    I saw on Bro. Kevin Wade’s truck the following statement:

    Be Kind to every Kind

    Kindness diffuses so many situations where people are primed to respond with hate

    The world has primed us all to stand our ground and back down from no one

    People have grabbed onto this so hard that they will fight over anything

    People look for some ulterior motive in everything, even when it doesn’t exist

    The remedy for that is kindness. It is so easy to be kind.

    I’ve seen people, as I approach them, with this scowl on their face

    I smile real big and say Hi! How are you today?

    Even with a mask on, people see the smile and hear the kindness, and they smile

    Kindness comes easily out of joy in your heart

    Joy in your heart comes from a fear of the Lord or a relationship with Him

    See how wonderful God is, and this relationship fills us with joy!

    The best thing is kindness!

    But kindness, true kindness, comes out of a relationship with our Savior

    Do you have that relationship that fills you with joy and allows kindness to overflow?

    Do you want to?

  • Apr 14, 2021Book Of Revelation Study 27
    Apr 14, 2021
    Book Of Revelation Study 27
  • Apr 11, 2021What Now?
    Apr 11, 2021
    What Now?
    Series: 2021
    Can you imagine the emotional roller coaster the Apostles were on?

    They had been with Jesus when He made His triumphant entry into Jerusalem

    They celebrated the Passover with Him and He told them He was going to die

    They saw the arrest and they saw Him crucified

    Then something incredible, He arose from the grave!

    Now, in today’s passage, He was about to leave them again

    As I thought about this journey, it reminded me of something


    We are all on a journey that has unpredictable twists and turns

    Jesus is always steady

    Jesus told His disciples all of this would happen before it occurred

    So what about after the resurrection?

    What did He share with the disciples and is it relevant to us today?

    I want us to see three things Jesus talked to His disciples about and it is for us too:

    First, Jesus talked with His disciples about the end times.
    Vs 6-7
    “It is not for you to know” Jesus said. So we need to be prepared for whenever

    The Father knows the time but our job is to live every day as if it is our last

    If you were told your time was ending tomorrow, what regrets would you have?

    Did you use your time to further the Kingdom of God?

    Secondly, Jesus told the disciples about the Holy Spirit
    Vs 4-5
    So how do you live every day as if it were your last?

    Through the
    Holy Spirit

    If we trust the Holy Spirit to guide us and follow, we can live every day for God

    People tend to shut out the prompting of the Spirit instead of listening

    In fact, if we simply listen to the Holy Spirit, we receive that Power that we talked about

    We need that power to follow through with the last thing Jesus told the disciples

    Lastly, Jesus gave the disciples and us our instructions until His return
    Vs 8
    We are to go out into the world and build the Kingdom by reaching people

    We’ve been given the power through the Holy Spirit

    So when the end time comes, have you done all you could?

    When Jesus ascended into heaven, He charged His believers with the mission

    Let’s be an Acts 1:8 church, taking the gospel everywhere

    Today you need one thing to be able to do that.

    A relationship with Jesus. Do you know Him today?

  • Apr 7, 2021Book Of Revelation Study 26
    Apr 7, 2021
    Book Of Revelation Study 26
  • Apr 4, 2021Power
    Apr 4, 2021
    Series: 2021

    He is not here, He is Risen!

    We have been focusing on the Resurrection for a while now

    Why focus on the Resurrection?

    The Resurrection is the reason we have hope! Because, without it, Jesus is still dead

    The Power of the resurrection is the greatest power

    As people, we know that, sometimes, we are powerless


    The power over the grave is also for those who believe and accept Jesus

    If we are believers in Christ, we become children of God and we, too, have the power!

    Everyone can know God through His power

    His power is clearly seen in all creation. Do you see it?
    The very power of God is the cross, and it is the power to save all who will come.

    This world has no power like the power of God

    God so loved the world that He gave Jesus to save us!!

    Jesus died on that cross to pay the debt for our sins

    Through the power of God, Jesus walked out of that grave 3 days later

    He now sits at the right hand of the Father interceding on our behalf

    He stands with arms open wide offering you the same power to overcome the grave

    Are you ready to stop being powerless and receive His power?

    You can receive the power of the Holy Spirit today!
    Today is the day to receive the power of God
    Let’s all LIVE OUT the Power of almighty GOD!

    Do YOU have the power? You can receive it today!
