Most people think of labor day as the unofficial end of summer
They celebrate with BBQs and beach trips
When I think about Labor day I think about a different kind of labor
Thinking about this kind of labor made me think of what Jesus told Nicodemus
Remember who Nicodemus is?
Nicodemus came to Jesus at night
When Jesus said you must be born again Nicodemus was genuinely baffled
Remember that the Jews being God’s chosen people, felt they were destined to Heaven
Why would they need to be born again, they were born right the first time
Today some people mistakenly believe that they are destined to Heaven
God loves us, so of course He would allow us all in heaven
Jesus said unless we are born again we can’t see the kingdom of God
He said that because Nicodemus was extremely familiar with the Old Testament
It takes cleansing and being filled with the Spirit in order to be born again
Jesus isn’t saying that the Spirit of God is random
He is saying that although we can’t see it, the Spirit wishes to fill all who repent and believe
Many people today think they are saved but they have not been born again by water and Spirit
God desires for ALL to come to Him but only those who do will see the kingdom of God
Have you been born again?