Jul 30, 2023
In His Image
Series: 2023
  • Jul 30, 2023In His Image
    Jul 30, 2023
    In His Image
    Series: 2023
  • Jul 26, 2023Exodus 27
    Jul 26, 2023
    Exodus 27
  • Jul 19, 2023Exodus 26 part2
    Jul 19, 2023
    Exodus 26 part2
  • Jul 16, 2023Rainbow Promises
    Jul 16, 2023
    Rainbow Promises
    Series: 2023

    God’s word begins with Genesis 1:1 God created the heavens and the Earth
    By Genesis 8, man was so evil, God destroyed everyone except the family of Noah
    In Genesis 9 God makes us a promise that includes a sign
    The Rainbow!!
    This weekend in VBS the theme has been Noah and the Ark
    What I want to focus on today in the Promise or the Covenant
    A covenant made by God to all living things
    A covenant that God wanted to remind us of often so He gave us a beautiful rainbow
    A rainbow is actually a full circle when seen from above but we only see half from the ground
    A circle also represents perfection and continuity
    God destroyed the earth because of the evil of man
    This covenant never says man won’t be punished for their evil
    However it is a promise that God loves us so much he won’t flood the whole world again
    The first thing that Noah did when he stepped out of the ark was give an offering to God
    God says “the intent of a man’s heart is evil”
    The only thing that can change that is God
    Some try to explain away the rainbow as simply a scientific explanation
    God’s word clearly shows that a rainbow is from God
    Some of the most beautiful rainbows seem to occur after the worst storms
    God reminding us that He will never leave us or forsake us even when times are bad.
    Have you ever seen a double rainbow?
    Have you ever noticed that the color pattern of the second rainbow is a reverse of the first
    How amazing!  I like to think of that as a full picture from top to bottom and bottom to top.
    No matter what comes your way God is always there
    A rainbow also causes me to think of another covenant from God
    The one in which Jesus gave His life to save yours
    This beauty makes a rainbow dim in comparison
    Have you ever entered into that covenant with God?
  • Jul 12, 2023Exodus 26 part1
    Jul 12, 2023
    Exodus 26 part1
  • Jul 9, 2023Forgivness Is Paramount
    Jul 9, 2023
    Forgivness Is Paramount
    Series: 2023

    Everyone here is human
    Since we all make mistakes, we all need forgiveness
    God gave us the ultimate forgiveness, if we accept it
    If we have been forgiven, what does that mean for us?
    When we need forgiveness, it is the greatest thing we can receive
    Forgiveness can repair relationships as nothing else can
    In this passage a person was in the wrong but they asked for compassion
    The compassion led to complete forgiveness
    This was an incredible act of kindness
    Unfortunately, many people receive forgiveness but don’t reciprocate
    Forgiveness should be given as easily as it is received
    Today we hear many people say, I can never forgive them
    I’m talking about Christians right now
    When we have been forgiven there are consequences if we don’t forgive
    If we are to have a relationship, forgiveness is paramount
    When we hold unforgiveness in our hearts, the person that hurts the most is us
    Unforgiveness creates a barrier to a relationship with people and with God
    When we have hurt someone we need to go to them and apologize
    This gives us a chance to show our sorrow and them a chance to forgive
    We need to go to those we have hurt and make amends
    This can make both hearts right with God
    See we, as believers, must give others the same forgiveness that God gives us
    The way to do this is be kind to everyone
    If we do something wrong to someone, apologize
    When someone apologizes, forgive them
    Have you received the forgiveness that Jesus offers today?
  • Jul 5, 2023Exodus 25 part 2
    Jul 5, 2023
    Exodus 25 part 2
  • Jul 2, 2023Excessive Heat Warning
    Jul 2, 2023
    Excessive Heat Warning
    Series: 2023

    This week we will celebrate Independence day!
    As a country we are blessed to be free to live and worship as we choose
    So many people have fought and even died to make sure we have this freedom
    Which brings me to today’s very pointed message
    We ALL have a choice of where we will spend eternity
    This last week we spent under an Excessive Heat Warning
    It has been so hot, peoples shoes were literally sticking to melting asphalt
    If you choose to reject Jesus Christ…..you ain’t seen nothing yet.
    We don’t like to talk about Hell because it is scary
    I personally don’t believe that our minds can even comprehend how horrifying it is
    And this horror and pain and suffering and heat will NEVER end
    Are you scared?
    All week long I heard about how bad the heat was and looking for when it will end.
    Praise God, this too will pass
    According to what I just read in Revelation, Hell is no joke but it is real!
    People make jokes about hell.  When God described it, He wasn’t joking
    Think of the most horrifying awful thing you can think of and multiply by a billion
    Some say don’t use hell as a way to convince people to accept Christ
    I just want you to know the reality of your choice
    Now, here is some good news
    You don’t have to spend an eternity in Hell
    In the beginning of the passage I read from Revelation, it mentioned a 2nd book
    The Book of Life
    If your name is found in that book, you will be spared the penalty for your sins
    This passage says “having believed you were sealed”
    That sealed, means you were written in the book of life and sealed in it
    You can’t get scratched out of it.
    Those who were found in the book of life were not cast into the lake of fire.
    Those in the book of life are sealed in Him, meaning for all eternity
    This means you will spend an eternity in Heaven with Jesus
    Today, it all boils down to your choice. Only you can choose.
  • Jun 21, 2023Exodus 25 part 1
    Jun 21, 2023
    Exodus 25 part 1
  • Jun 18, 2023Father’s Love
    Jun 18, 2023
    Father’s Love
    Series: 2023

    Happy Father’s Day!
    If you can’t celebrate your earthly father today, you can celebrate our heavenly Father
    Love is one of the words that is interpreted differently by so many people
    Someone who was abandoned, abused or flatly ignored, thinks of love differently
    Most of the time when love is talked about in the world, it is really lust
    Many father’s have a hard time showing love
    Perhaps the biggest problem with all this, is no one shared love’s true meaning with you
    Love is defined about as thoroughly as it could be in this passage
    For fathers, as well as everyone else, it is important that we truly feel this definition
    I say feel, instead of know, because just having knowledge isn’t enough
    “People are very different, and some just can’t show love like this”
    You are correct! They can’t unless they have felt love like this.
    The good news is Father’s love is exactly like this
    Our heavenly father shows us every one of these characteristics of love
    The world tries to say real men don’t show love like this because they are tough
    The truth is, so many men don’t show love like this because they don’t know it
    The most manly thing a man can do is accept Christ and His love
    The beginning of this passage says “love is patient, love is kind”
    If Fathers, and everyone else, would just grab onto that
    Just think, if we were all truly patient and kind, how much better the world would be
    “Yes, but we can’t really be that way can we?”
    Yes we can, if we truly walk in the Fathers love.
    What we see here is the power of Father’s love. 
    First the heavenly Father, then through Him, our earthly father’s love
    Are you living that love today?
    Do you want to be?
  • Jun 11, 2023In The Garden
    Jun 11, 2023
    In The Garden
    Series: 2023

    “In the Garden” is one of my favorite songs
    It reminds me of Easter, but we use that song a lot at funerals
    I believe that is because it talks about meeting Jesus
    Today, I want to talk about meeting Jesus before we pass away.
    This is obviously just before Jesus is arrested
    “Pray that you may not enter into temptation”
    Jesus also was praying
    Consider this, if Jesus, one part of the Trinity, needs to pray when faced with adversity,
    Shouldn’t we follow His example?
    The problem for many is they say, “I don’t really know how to pray”
    Unfortunately, prayer is one of those things that isn’t really taught to believers
    There is this thought that prayer must be some specific format
    Look at vs 41-42
    Jesus is troubled by what is about to happen, and He asks God to remove it
    Some say, “Well I shouldn’t ask something that is specific”
    Jesus did, so why shouldn’t we.  This is how we get to know Him before death.
    Jesus prayed from His heart.
    That is the model of prayer we all need to follow, pray from your heart
    Have a real conversation with God, just as you would if you were face to face
    God wants a relationship with you, which means, He cares about the things that are troubling you
    Yes, Jesus ended his prayer with “not My will but Yours be done”
    But before the end of His prayer look at verse 43-44
    Jesus was praying with all his being. He wasn’t leaving anything out
    He prayed so hard, His sweat became as drops of blood.
    Too many times our prayers are superficial and not truly poured out from our heart
    How do you pray? Follow this model from Jesus
    He prayed His heart but He knew that His heart might not be God’s will
    So as Jesus closes, He says Your will be done, meaning He would accept God’s will
    The thought here is that the disciples were exhausted from seeing the agony of their Lord
    Jesus bookends this passage with “Pray that you may not enter into temptation”

    Are you ready to Pray?

  • Jun 4, 2023Restoration
    Jun 4, 2023
    Series: 2023
    Does anyone ever watch those home improvement shows?
    They take something that is in a total state of disrepair and restore it.
    Sometimes our lives feel that way
    Perhaps today someone is here that is at their wits end
    Maybe you have a family member that doesn’t know how they will face another day
    Whatever may be going on in your life I want you to know Restoration is possible
    In chapter 36 God is speaking to Ezekiel about how Israel had destroyed themselves
    Chapter 37 shows that God can restore in ways we could never comprehend
    God is able to take something that is without life and restore life to it
    The problem is that, when we feel completely destroyed, we don’t call on God
    It is natural to find yourself overwhelmed
    Every person at some point feels destroyed
    Sometimes it is the world that tries to convince us we have no hope
    What is supernatural is to believe that God can Restore you, no matter your condition
    “I will put my Spirit in you and you will come to life”
    “then you will know that I, the LORD, have spoken and done it”
    Restoration can only come, when the one who knows how to restore is called
    In those shows I talked about, it took someone who knew how, to restore
    If you know God as your father, He will restore you
    Perhaps it will be your restoration that shows someone else their need for Him
    As we have seen in our passage today, it is never too late to call on God!
    Do you need to make that call today?
  • May 28, 2023Memorial Stones
    May 28, 2023
    Memorial Stones
    Series: 2023

    On Monday we will pause for Remembrance on Memorial Day
    Why is this important?
    Today I want to also talk about the importance of other memorials
    On this day in scripture Joshua had two memorials set up
    Why? To remember what happened and to pass it on to future generations
    Every person has memorial stones in their lives
    Some to help them keep something alive to pass on
    Others to remind them they don’t want to go there again
    Perhaps we haven’t set up enough memorial stones in our lives
    Winston Churchill said, “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”
    However, in some cases it is those historical things we need to repeat
    All throughout scripture we are encouraged to remember and pass it on
    God told the Jews to keep the word of God on their forehead as a memorial
    As we study Exodus the Israelites are continually reminded they were once slaves in Egypt
    Today it is important for Christians to remember they were once lost sinners
    Sometimes we just want to forget, but remembering and sharing your struggles can be helpful
    If every major event that God brings us through became a memorial in our lives
    We would soon learn that we’ve been here before and God saw us through
    As an American I can never forget that our Freedoms came by the loss of so many lives
    I wear my Red, White, and Blue. I fly my flag. I cry at the National Anthem
    It is one of the reasons I too became a soldier.
    But what about the memory of what Jesus did for our Salvation
    We can never forget that it cost Him everything to give salvation to us
    So I read my Bible, go to church, serve in many ways as a memorial of what Christ has done
    What He did for me is the reason I have salvation today
    Do you know Him today?
  • May 24, 2023Exodus 23
    May 24, 2023
    Exodus 23
  • May 21, 2023The God Of Peace
    May 21, 2023
    The God Of Peace
    Series: 2023

    Last week, my Christian brothers called for prayer over my family

    Certainly, as much as we all want to not worry, we do

    Philippians 4:4
    "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!"

    Rejoice in the Lord always

    Philippians 4:5
    "Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near."

    The Lord is near

    Philippians 4:6
    "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."

    Don’t worry but do pray

    Philippians 4:7
    "And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

    Peace that passes understanding

    Philippians 4:8
    "Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute,

    "if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things."

    Dwell on these things

    Philippians 4:9
    "The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you."

    Practice these things

    The God of peace will be with you!

    Do you need peace today?

  • May 17, 2023Bible Study – Exodus 22 Pt2
    May 17, 2023
    Bible Study – Exodus 22 Pt2
  • May 14, 2023The Best Culture
    May 14, 2023
    The Best Culture
    Series: 2023

    Cancel Culture - The act of cancelling anyone’s opinions that disagree with yours

    Diversity Culture - The practice of accepting many different cultures not only one

    Woke Culture - Designed to help people see the inequality of people groups in the World

    The Best Culture - The Great Commandment

    The Best Culture is the one that puts the emphasis on treating people with God’s Love

    One of the best examples we have is the Love of our Godly Mothers!

    When a child comes to their mother with dirty faces and torn clothes, they know they will receive love

    Yes, perhaps a scolding about playing in your good clothes, but mostly love

    In most cases, if a child is hurt, they want their mother above all else.

    You see, a mother’s love is next to Our Father’s love. It is given first and freely.

    With all the different cultures I talked about today, and many I didn’t mention, it is so easy to get caught up.

    We can become angry about those we disagree with.

    Even develop a hatred for people simply for identifying with one of these cultures

    The roots, of the cultures I mentioned today, were truly trying to right some wrongs in the world today

    However, like so many things, the roots were overtaken by a political agenda

    We have become great at arguing our points by shouting loudly at the ones we disagree with

    What if we recognized, like a mother does, that all these people are the same kind of people we are

    Human beings in need of God’s love

    Think about how a mother loves her children unconditionally

    Now look back at our text again

    Our ability to love others begins with Loving God above all else

    When we start with loving God, the natural progression is to love others

    Instead of getting angry, recognize that all people are first humans and treat them with the love of God

    If we truly want to see the culture of America and the world change, it starts with Loving God and Loving people

    The Best Culture of God’s Love

    We can honor our mothers today, both those who are here and the ones who have passed, by Loving like a Mom

    That person in front of you my feel like a sticky child covered with who knows what, but just love them!

    You may not agree with their beliefs or their life choices, but just love them.

    Jesus certainly doesn’t agree with every person, but he does LOVE every person

    There is only one way you can be a part of this culture, and it starts by giving your life to Jesus.

    Are you ready to do that today?

  • May 10, 2023Bible Study – Exodus 22 Pt1
    May 10, 2023
    Bible Study – Exodus 22 Pt1
  • May 7, 2023Weary Sinner
    May 7, 2023
    Weary Sinner
    Series: 2023

    At some point in their lives most people search for something to fulfill them

    They try everything under the sun.

    1 John 2:15-17 NASB

    This lust the Bible is speaking of means what the flesh wants and what the eyes like

    This is what the world is pushing as the best things

    People grow weary trying to find fulfillment in these useless things

    The problem is the love of the Father is not in any of these things

    For many they have heard of the Love of God but try everything else instead

    Look at this picture

    “You built a mighty fortress 10,000 burdens high”

    For so many people it is this fortress that keeps them from the salvation of God

    "With everything I have done, there is no way I can ever be forgiven"

    This is the first thing you have to do,


    Repentance is more than saying I’m sorry

    You are not alone

    Romans 3:23

    "for ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God," (NASB)

    ALL means ALL there is none that have not sinned

    Romans 6:23

    "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (NASB)

    The free gift of God

    Romans 10:9

    "that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;" (NASB)

    Romans 10:10

    "for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation." (NASB)

    Romans 10:11


    Are you weary today?

  • May 3, 2023Bible Study – Exodus 21 Pt3
    May 3, 2023
    Bible Study – Exodus 21 Pt3