Mar 23, 2025
It Takes All Of Us
Series: 2025
Full Transcript:

And, lots that we want to talk about today. Brother Don and I were talking, and he said, the slides you sent me this week are are different. You put the words first instead of the title screen. I said, yes. I know.

I did that on purpose. He said, I'm not sure what to do with that. Just play them in order, brother. It'll be good. So, you know, it's a wonderful day when we can join together in the house of the Lord.

We can come together for a common reason to worship our savior. That's what it's all about. That's what it's all about. And today, we've had the events with the children. We've had choir.

We've had specials. We've had all of this go on. Already, I hope that your heart is tuned to worship. And so I want us to move forward from what we talked about last week. If you were here last week, you know that we talked about rebuilding.

We talked about rebuilding. Now I used scripture for Nehemiah, and and the rebuilding of the wall, but we talked about rebuilding of God's kingdom. What do you mean rebuilding of God's kingdom? I didn't know what needed to be rebuilt. Well, all we must do is look around and see the deterioration that has happened in this country for those that are serving God.

We look around this church today, and we know that it should be full. We can go to just about any church across the country and find the same problem, that it's not near the number of people here that there used to be. The problem is people have gotten, well laid back and kinda think somebody else can do it. There's gonna be somebody else that could do it. So last week, we talked about rebuilding.

We saw as God's people worked. When Nehemiah tried to rebuild the wall, God's people began to come together and work for a common purpose. They came together, pardon me, to rebuild the wall. Some people worked while some were praying. Some couldn't do the physical work, but they were praying.

In our country today, we see there are some that can't do the physical work, but they can still pray because they know what is at stake. And so they can pray. Some can work. Some can pray. We also saw some were guarding.

Some weren't doing the work, but they were guarding against the enemy and those that were trying to come and tear down the wall. And so as some were working, some were praying, some were keeping the guard to make sure that those who were working were able to keep working and that they weren't being deterred from what they were doing. It took more than one person to rebuild that wall. It took more than one person to rebuild that wall. It wasn't just one.

So I want you to understand this. This week, I want us to see, it takes all, and all means All. All. All of us. All means all.

There's no exception to the word all. When you say all, it's not all except, it's all. It takes all of us, all of God's people to rebuild the kingdom of God. It takes all of us working together just like we saw the children. They couldn't stretch all the way across here.

There was a gap left. You know what happens when there's a gap? The enemy shoots the gap. The enemy comes through the gap. The enemy comes in and starts to tear things down from behind.

We have to have all of us, not just some of us. It takes all of us if we're going to rebuild the kingdom of God. Because make no mistake, in the world today, the kingdom of God has been deteriorated. It's been deteriorated by the enemy without Satan and the enemy within people. People who are not stepping up and doing what God has called us to do.

People who are say they know God, but they're not serving him. They're not trying to do what needs to be done. It's simply, well, I know God, and I hope that everything works out, but I have something else to do. It's not how it's going to work. It takes all of us.

Any task that is as massive as rebuilding God's church will take us all. Not just us, but it take all of God's people. But if you're one of God's people and you know him, then it's going to take you. It's going to take you. We can't sit back and let somebody else do it because too many people are sitting back to let somebody else do it, and there's not enough to do the work.

We need all of us in order to rebuild the kingdom. Listen. I know that some of you are gonna be surprised when I say this. The preacher can't do it alone. The preacher can't do it alone.

Neither can other ministers or teachers or deacons. In fact, no one can do it alone. No one can do it by themselves. The only one that could do it by themselves is Jesus. He's coming back one day and he will do it by himself, but before then we need to get it built back up because we don't know when he's coming back.

We don't know when that's gonna happen. So I want you to look with me today to Exodus chapter 31, and we're gonna start with verses one through three. If you have your copy of god's word, please turn there so that you can keep up. If you don't have it, it's gonna be on the screen for you. Alright.

It went kinda crazy. I got it, Don. Hold on. Here we go. See, I have called by name Bezalel, the son of Uriah, the son of Hur, the tribe of Judah.

I have filled him with the spirit of God in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all kinds of craftsmanship. God filled the people with what they needed. Now think about this. God called the people, and he filled them with exactly what they needed. When you come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and savior, you don't come because you decided I should do that.

You come because God called you and put it upon you that you knew you should come and do that. Who God calls, he equips. Who God calls, he fills. Who God calls, he gives a mission. When God called you to be a child of God, he filled you with everything you needed at that moment.

He filled you with it. The spirit of God filled you with whatever you needed to do the mission that he had for you. Now here's the thing. You need to be searching for what that is. What did god give you to use for him?

What is it that you have to use for god? Because everybody doesn't have the same thing. You see, God didn't call everybody to be a preacher. Even though he did say everyone should share the word of God, he didn't call everyone to stand up before a congregation and preach. He didn't call everyone to be a teacher.

He didn't call everyone to be a construction worker, but he called some to do all of it. And so God filled all the people with everything they needed at that moment. In this passage, God filled the people, with the Holy Spirit. God filled the people with wisdom. God filled them not only with the spirit, but he gave them wisdom.

Now listen. Wisdom, he gave them. Also, he gave them knowledge. Wait a minute. What's the difference, brother George?

Wisdom and knowledge, ain't that kinda the same thing? Well, ask someone who's 20 and someone who's 60 what's the difference between wisdom and knowledge. Someone who's 20 knows it all. Someone who's 60 has the wisdom to know they don't know it all. Wisdom comes from life, from the things that you need, things that have happened.

God gave them wisdom beyond their years, but he also gave them knowledge that was the absolute understanding of what to do. So he filled them with the spirit. He gave them wisdom. He gave them knowledge. He also gave them understanding understanding of what he wanted them to do.

Understand, God gave you a mission the moment that you accepted him. If you're not sure what that mission was, you can look right over there. Go and make disciples. God gave you a mission the moment you accepted him. Now your part in going and making disciples might be look different than mine or his or hers or someone else's.

God gave us all part of the mission. He also gave in this case, he gave them he filled them with craftsmanship. Craftsmanship. You know what this means? It means that when God called for this temple to be built, when he called for this tent of meeting and everything that was gonna be put together in it, when he called for all of this to be put together, the people that he called, he filled them with craftsmanship, which meant that before that, they couldn't do this task.

They didn't know how to do that, but God filled them with it, and he gave them the ability to do that. People say, well, I've never been good at doing whatever. When's the last time you tried it? Have you tried it since God gave you, the assurance of salvation? Have you tried whatever do you have a desire to do it?

Now I know everybody says different things. We used to have a a man in our congregation that, he said he always wanted to sing. But after getting kicked out of three choirs, he decided that wasn't what God was calling him to do. He wanted to sing, but that just wasn't what God wanted to do. But you know what?

God used him in so many other ways. The reality is God gave every one of us the abilities that we need to perform the task that he calls us to. What is that task? Have you sought that out? Have you looked to see?

What do you want me to do, god, with this life you gave me? What skills and talents? What do I have that you've given me that you want me to do? I don't know. Look at verses four through six.

He gave them all the skills and the talent and the craftsmanship to make artistic designs for work in gold, in silver, and in bronze, and in the cutting of stones for settings and in the carving of wood, that he may work in all kinds of craftsmanship. And behold, I myself have appointed with him, Holyab, the son of, Ashimirok, of the tribe of Dan, and in the hearts of all who are skillful, I have put skill that they may make all that I have commanded you. Everything god was commanding, he already had anointed the people to do it. He'd given them the skills that were needed to do the task in order to complete the mission. Everything God was calling him to do, he already had called people to do that.

It was already there. He gave him the ability to be workers. He gave him the ability to be blacksmiths and work in gold and silver and all of those things. He gave him the ability to be carpenters. He gave him the ability to be artists, and all were filled with skill.

Every one of them. Here's the thing. There's people here in our congregation that are amazing singers. Oh, they can make everything sound. They could sing the phone book.

It would be beautiful. Right? They can sing so well. There are others that that just is not what is good for them. They they can't sing.

I try to sing with the choir sometimes and they say, you're on the wrong key. And I say, I got a pocket full of keys. Which one do you want me to use? I I don't know what that means. I try to sing, but, you know, I'm not always on the right key or the right tune or at the right something called octave, whatever that is.

The whole point is that's not necessarily what God called me to do, but God called me to use my mouth. I've been accused of talking too much since I was probably two years old. You talk all the time. God said, I got a job for you. I got a job that you gotta talk to do the job.

Right? You have to speak to do that. God gave me that gift even though some of you may not think it's a gift. You're like, just quiet. God gave me that gift, and I'm trying to use that.

But God didn't only give me that gift. There are other things that God gifted me with that I still need to use for him. For you, think about this. What is it that you just love to do? How can it be used by God?

What is it that you know you're good at? Can you paint? Can you build? Can you sing? Can are you great with money?

Are are you a leader? What can God use the skills that he gave you? How can you use them for him? How can you use them for him? You see, he gave all of those skills.

He made some of them carpenters, some of them blacksmiths, some of them artists. He gave them all the skill, and he filled them with that skill. Verse seven through nine says, the tent of meeting and the ark of testimony and the mercy seat upon it and all the furniture of the tent. That's what they were building. The table also and its utensils, and the pure gold lamp stands with all its utensils, and the altar of incense.

The altar of burnt offering also with all its utensils, and the labor and its stand. God gives each of his people talent and gifts for serving him. None of them knew exactly what God wanted built, but God gave the wisdom and knowledge to one to tell them this is what you need to build, and this is the dimensions that it needs to be in. These are the materials that you need to use to build this. They'd never built these things before, but God gave them the wisdom to be able to do it.

They were willing, and they went and they built it. And it was pleasing to God. Why was it pleasing to God? Because they used the skills he gave them to do exactly what he called them to do. God gives each of us talent and gifts for serving him.

I know I've talked to plenty of people that say, I just don't have any talent. I don't have any talent. What that really means is you just haven't found it yet. You haven't searched for it. You don't know what is your talent.

Oftentimes, you say, I don't have any talent, but there's something that you really love to do and you're actually good at it, but you just hadn't figured out how it works to serve god. Some people might say, well, you know, I'm I'm I don't really have any talent. I I cook pretty good. I mean, I enjoy cooking, and I I like to make meals. People need to be fed.

People need to be fed. Sometimes people need to be fed that don't have any other way to eat. Sometimes people need to be fed while they're working on the wall, while they're doing whatever it is that God's called. They need to be fed. Maybe that's the talent that you need to use for God.

Some people would say, well, I'm you know, I I don't I don't really know how I can use my skills. I'm I mean, I can paint. Well, guess what? You can paint for God. You can do those things and make beautiful things that people can see.

And as you paint them, they may see the picture of God. Understand that some people can look at a picture and get more out of that picture than five sermons. There's a picture on the wall in my office, and all you can see is the waist down, the feet of Jesus on the cross. And beside it, on the ground, there are people dressed in modern day clothing, and they're holding hammers in their hands. Some are crying.

Some have dropped the hammer, and they're falling on the ground at their feet. And it's the realization that all of us is what put Jesus on the cross. And by seeing that, the conviction could be very strong. Whoever made that picture, they painted that. It's a painted picture.

Whoever did that, God used that to show them something in a picture that can strike home faster than five sermons. God uses every single one of us. Listen. I know I've said that 10 times today. I'm gonna say it 10 or 15 more before we're done.

God uses every one of us to serve him somehow. Well, I don't really know how to do anything. Can you drive? Well, yeah, I can drive. You know, we got a bus.

We need help with that. Sometimes we need you to go pick people up. You know, sometimes the bus has been so full, praise God, the bus has been so full for the last several months that they're having to make two trips most of the time. Because we can only put so many people on the bus, so they're having to drive and pick them up and drive and pick more up, and most all of these are children. Right?

But we have some adults that might need some help getting here. They may need someone to come and get them. Well, if the bus is busy picking up the children and for insurance purposes and all of that, we need to have them on the bus. But as adults, you can go pick up another adult. You can bring someone to church that needs a ride.

You can go and get maybe they're on your way already. Are you willing to do that? Look for ways that you can serve God. Look for ways that you can do that. Amazing skills that God gave people were for his work.

They were for his work. He didn't give them those skills just for them to enjoy. He gave them those skills for his work. Each one played a part in putting everything together. Understand, when he gave them the ability, he gave those that could work in gold and silver and ability, and they could work in gold and silver, but they had to have someone who could work in the wood to design the article that was going to be covered in the gold and the silver because they couldn't make it out of just gold and silver.

They needed something else. They had someone who knew how to sew the things together. They were someone who knew how to have a artistic eye to put everything exactly like God wanted them to do. They needed everybody. If one group of those workers didn't do their part, the whole project would have failed.

If the carpenters just said, yeah, we're we're not feeling it. We're we're not going we're not gonna do the woodwork part of this. We're just not failing it. Then all the rest of the stuff would have failed because they needed the stuff made out of wood in order to put it all together. If they put it all together, but those who worked in the gold and silver said, yeah, I'm just not gonna do it, then it would have just been wood.

It wouldn't have been what God called it to be. It couldn't have all come together if everybody wasn't doing their part. Here's the thing, the church today universal, the only way the church universal works is if everybody's doing their part. The reason that people aren't coming to know the Lord is everybody's not doing their part. Only some people are doing it.

God gives each person talent and gifts for the purpose of serving him. One of the biggest reasons the church universal of God is in decline today is his people his people, not lost people, his people are not using their gifts to serve him. His people are not. How do I know that? Well, to be honest, there are things that God's given me that I haven't used as I should.

So I know that I haven't done everything I can do. Chances are neither has anyone else. We know that there are many people that call themselves Christians. They call themselves believers of God. They call themselves children of God, yet we don't ever see them doing God's work anywhere.

So when that happens, that means that the the church universal of God is in decline because everyone is not doing their part. God gave them gifts to serve him. That's why the church is in decline today. If his people are not using their given gifts for him, it's not going to work. God's people must seek how to use their time, their talents, and, oh my goodness, I'm gonna say this word, money for God.

Oh, the preacher's talking about money. Yeah. The preacher's talking about money because we live in a world where money is required. We no longer barter for everything. Money is required.

God gives us money. Make no mistake. The money that you have, God gave it to you. God gave it to you. It wasn't given to you by you.

You didn't make it all on your own. God gave it to you. God owns it all. He owns your money before you ever saw it. God's people must seek how to use their time, their talents, and their money for god.

Because if we don't do that, then how is the church going to ever grow? The church universal. How is God's people ever going to reach the others for him, the ones that don't know him? How are we going to carry out the mission of going and making disciples if we're not using the gifts that God gave us, the talents, the skills, everything that God gave us, if we're not using that for him, then how are we going to do that? How are we going to do that?

If any of the people of God do not do their part, the church falls. If the people of God waste their talents on selfish gain, the church falls. If God's people waste their time doing everything but serving God, the church falls. If God's people keep all the money God gives them for themselves, the church falls. You see the pattern here?

God gave us all those things to serve him. But if we become selfish, and we hold all of that for ourself, the church is not going to make it. That hole that we saw today, that's what's there. And that hole, let me explain to you, is big enough right now that that Satan could drive a convoy of 18 wheelers through and never touch anything. That hole is huge.

And the devil is using every bit of it to turn the world against God. He's using every bit of it to tell the world the same lie that he told them in the Garden of Eden that you can be just like God, you don't need him. And people are believing it Because God's people are not doing what we're called to do. We're not doing that. We're too busy worrying about hurting somebody's feelings or maybe somebody won't think as well of us if they know that you know, we talk about God.

Maybe we lose our job because we talk about God. God didn't say to use all of that only if it suits you. He said, I gave it to you to use. You need to use it. Let me take care of everything else.

You use it. God's people have to use it. So here's what I want you to do today. We need to all, and all is all, examine ourselves today. Are we guilty?

Are we guilty? Are we guilty of using our time, our talents, our money, everything for ourselves instead of the church? Are we guilty? Are we part of the reason the church is failing? Are we, this local church, part of the reason the church universal is failing today?

Because we are selfishly using the things that God gave us instead of using them for him. Is that the case? I said, we all need to be examining ourselves today. Every one of us. We all need to examine ourselves.

Are we guilty? Could we be convicted if we were put on trial? Are we using our talents, time, and money for God? Is can we be convicted of not doing that? You know that and only you know that.

Examine ourselves today. Look at verse ten and eleven. 10 and 11 says, the woven garments as well, and the holy garments for Aaron the priest, and the garments of his sons, with which to carry on their priesthood. The anointing oil also and the fragrant incense for the holy place, they are to make them according to all that I have commanded you. We need to understand that the church is not just this building.

The church is not just this building. You see, we get caught up sometimes. We talk about the church, and it's at 6960 Overlook Road. That's the church. We're part of it.

That's true. But that's not just the church. The church is universal. This building is not the only thing. God's people need to use the skills and the talents that he gave them to build up the servants of God as well.

You see, many people will say to me, well, I used to do this or I used to do that, but I'm physically no longer able to do that. I understand. There's a lot of things I'm no longer physically able to do, and the list gets longer every day. The reality is we need to build up the service that can. Right now, we're taking up a collection for the, North American missions.

This is not some foreign country that you've never heard of. This is The United States Of America that you know. We're collecting money to go towards missionaries that are going to all of these locations and serving God. Understand this, The United States Of America today is has has the most unreached people group in all the world. And we have Bibles that you can get in every shape, form, and fashion.

We have television evangelists. We have radio evangelists. We have churches on every corner in the Southern Part of The United States. We've got access on the Internet. We have so many ways to hear the word of God today, and instead of growing, the church is declining.

We need to do what we can to build up the servants of God, while at the same time taking care of our little part of that wall. We need to be doing that. Servants of God use their skills and talents for the worship of God, but so do those who help build them up. We need to understand that this building is not the church. It takes all of us to rebuild the kingdom of God in this world.

If this building is not just this building is not the church, and we know that, and we've got to work towards that, then why am I preaching so hard about the local church? Because if we fail to use our time, talent, and money for our local church, then we certainly won't use those things for church universal. Think about that. If we're not willing to do it for our local body of believers, then how we ever think that we're gonna do it for the universal body? God called you to be here.

For whatever reason, this is where God put you. He called you and you felt the call to join and be part of this church. This is where we start. It's not where we finish. This is where we start, but it's not where we finish.

But if we don't start, we'll never finish. We have to use those things that god has given us in our local church first in order to be able to reach the church universal. Here's a question for you. Several. When is the last time you gave to the church?

And when I say gave, I'm talking about with this. Right? When is the last time you gave as God gave to you? Oh, hold on now. Wait a minute.

You're kinda stepping on some toes here, pastor. It's not really your business about what I gave and what I didn't give. You're right. It's God's business, not mine. But when's the last time you gave as God gave to you?

What I mean by that is you may say, well, I don't necessarily think tithing is the way to go. But God's word said give as it's been given to you. So guess what? If God has really given an abundance to you, you may be right. A tithe may not be good.

You may need to give 20%. You may need to give more than that. How has God given to you? Well, wait a minute. God hadn't I just hadn't gotten that much.

I'm I'm struggling. I'm trying, but, you know, I hadn't quite okay. But can you give five? Did God give you enough to give 5% of that? What has God given you?

Are you giving back at all? God gave you the money. It was his money. He gave it to you. Are you giving?

We've got to keep giving. If we don't give of our money, the church fails. But that's not all. When's the last time that you volunteered to use your talents for God? There are plenty of you here that have all kinds of talents.

When's the last time you volunteered to use your talents for God? If we don't use them here, how can we use them out there? How can we use them out there? When's the last time you have got to be the one to use the talents that God gave you? If we don't use them, all of us, there's a hole.

There's a hole. When is the last time that you gave God your time? That's a hard one. It's a hard one for me. It's a hard one for me.

I'm balancing working at a secular job, and also pastoring the church, and helping with my family, and all the things I have to do, and then something else comes along and I say, God, I don't have time for that right now. But if I don't make the time for God, then the time I'm trying to use for everything else is degraded. When's the last time you gave of your time? You just said, you know what? I know I'm tired.

I know it's been a long week, but I need to go out visiting on Saturday morning when we're having visitation. Or I need to get up and I need to go to the the men's bible study, or I need to go to the ladies bible study, or I need to go to choir practice, or I need to do whatever it is within the church in order that I can help to rebuild the local church, so that we can help rebuild the universal church. When is the last time you did that? These are all questions for you and me to ponder in our own mind, in our own heart and decide what can we do. It takes all of us to rebuild the kingdom of God in this world.

Here's the question. Are you ready to get busy? Are you ready to get busy? The first thing is, do you know him? Are you one of his children?

Have you ever given your life to him? If he's called you as a child of God and you've given your life to him, then you need to be busy. If he's never called, you've never answered. Maybe he's knocking on the door, but you've never answered that call. Today is a good time to answer.

Do you know him? If you know him, are you ready to get busy? Instead of saying someone else will do it. Someone else will take care of it. The the pastor will do that.

Brother Tim will take care of it. You know, the deacons can handle it, whatever it is. As the church of God, we all are part of it, and we all need to work for it. Whatever it is that God calls you to do. I understand there are physical limitations.

I understand there's financial limitations. I understand there's there's all kinds of limitations. Instead of focusing on the limitations, why don't we search to find what we can do, not what we can't do? Because God will honor it. God will honor it.

Today, my question again is, are you ready to get busy? We've gotta get busy. We've gotta get busy. There's a there's people all around us every day that are dying and headed for a devil's hell. We gotta tell them.

They need to know. We gotta get busy to reach this community. God planted this church here over eighty years ago. It's still here. That's not by coincidence.

There's a reason we're still here. God still has a mission for this church. So I'm asking all of you today to do self examination. Are there things I can do? Things that I should do?

Things that I'm not doing that I want to start doing. Can god use this in my life? Can I give more and spend less? Can I be more available rather than sitting at home doing nothing? What can I do?

Is I have a talent that I can share with the church that might turn into something that we can reach people? What can I do? Can I give of my time, my talents, and my money that I'm not doing? For many of you, you're already giving of all of that, but are you giving everything that God's called you to give? Are we ready to buy in fully and serve God in this church, in this community, in order that we might be able to serve him in the church universal.

Today, if you need to come to the altar and just say, you know what, God? I'm ready. Would you just you just touch me? If you need to come and say, God, I'm sorry. I I failed.

Help me do better. Maybe you need to come and talk to me and say, you know what? I have never felt that call, but today I did and I wanna talk to you about it. Whatever it is, we're gonna have a time of invitation, just a moment. You come as God calls you.

Let's pray.

  • Mar 23, 2025It Takes All Of Us
    Mar 23, 2025
    It Takes All Of Us
    Series: 2025
    Full Transcript:

    And, lots that we want to talk about today. Brother Don and I were talking, and he said, the slides you sent me this week are are different. You put the words first instead of the title screen. I said, yes. I know.

    I did that on purpose. He said, I'm not sure what to do with that. Just play them in order, brother. It'll be good. So, you know, it's a wonderful day when we can join together in the house of the Lord.

    We can come together for a common reason to worship our savior. That's what it's all about. That's what it's all about. And today, we've had the events with the children. We've had choir.

    We've had specials. We've had all of this go on. Already, I hope that your heart is tuned to worship. And so I want us to move forward from what we talked about last week. If you were here last week, you know that we talked about rebuilding.

    We talked about rebuilding. Now I used scripture for Nehemiah, and and the rebuilding of the wall, but we talked about rebuilding of God's kingdom. What do you mean rebuilding of God's kingdom? I didn't know what needed to be rebuilt. Well, all we must do is look around and see the deterioration that has happened in this country for those that are serving God.

    We look around this church today, and we know that it should be full. We can go to just about any church across the country and find the same problem, that it's not near the number of people here that there used to be. The problem is people have gotten, well laid back and kinda think somebody else can do it. There's gonna be somebody else that could do it. So last week, we talked about rebuilding.

    We saw as God's people worked. When Nehemiah tried to rebuild the wall, God's people began to come together and work for a common purpose. They came together, pardon me, to rebuild the wall. Some people worked while some were praying. Some couldn't do the physical work, but they were praying.

    In our country today, we see there are some that can't do the physical work, but they can still pray because they know what is at stake. And so they can pray. Some can work. Some can pray. We also saw some were guarding.

    Some weren't doing the work, but they were guarding against the enemy and those that were trying to come and tear down the wall. And so as some were working, some were praying, some were keeping the guard to make sure that those who were working were able to keep working and that they weren't being deterred from what they were doing. It took more than one person to rebuild that wall. It took more than one person to rebuild that wall. It wasn't just one.

    So I want you to understand this. This week, I want us to see, it takes all, and all means All. All. All of us. All means all.

    There's no exception to the word all. When you say all, it's not all except, it's all. It takes all of us, all of God's people to rebuild the kingdom of God. It takes all of us working together just like we saw the children. They couldn't stretch all the way across here.

    There was a gap left. You know what happens when there's a gap? The enemy shoots the gap. The enemy comes through the gap. The enemy comes in and starts to tear things down from behind.

    We have to have all of us, not just some of us. It takes all of us if we're going to rebuild the kingdom of God. Because make no mistake, in the world today, the kingdom of God has been deteriorated. It's been deteriorated by the enemy without Satan and the enemy within people. People who are not stepping up and doing what God has called us to do.

    People who are say they know God, but they're not serving him. They're not trying to do what needs to be done. It's simply, well, I know God, and I hope that everything works out, but I have something else to do. It's not how it's going to work. It takes all of us.

    Any task that is as massive as rebuilding God's church will take us all. Not just us, but it take all of God's people. But if you're one of God's people and you know him, then it's going to take you. It's going to take you. We can't sit back and let somebody else do it because too many people are sitting back to let somebody else do it, and there's not enough to do the work.

    We need all of us in order to rebuild the kingdom. Listen. I know that some of you are gonna be surprised when I say this. The preacher can't do it alone. The preacher can't do it alone.

    Neither can other ministers or teachers or deacons. In fact, no one can do it alone. No one can do it by themselves. The only one that could do it by themselves is Jesus. He's coming back one day and he will do it by himself, but before then we need to get it built back up because we don't know when he's coming back.

    We don't know when that's gonna happen. So I want you to look with me today to Exodus chapter 31, and we're gonna start with verses one through three. If you have your copy of god's word, please turn there so that you can keep up. If you don't have it, it's gonna be on the screen for you. Alright.

    It went kinda crazy. I got it, Don. Hold on. Here we go. See, I have called by name Bezalel, the son of Uriah, the son of Hur, the tribe of Judah.

    I have filled him with the spirit of God in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all kinds of craftsmanship. God filled the people with what they needed. Now think about this. God called the people, and he filled them with exactly what they needed. When you come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and savior, you don't come because you decided I should do that.

    You come because God called you and put it upon you that you knew you should come and do that. Who God calls, he equips. Who God calls, he fills. Who God calls, he gives a mission. When God called you to be a child of God, he filled you with everything you needed at that moment.

    He filled you with it. The spirit of God filled you with whatever you needed to do the mission that he had for you. Now here's the thing. You need to be searching for what that is. What did god give you to use for him?

    What is it that you have to use for god? Because everybody doesn't have the same thing. You see, God didn't call everybody to be a preacher. Even though he did say everyone should share the word of God, he didn't call everyone to stand up before a congregation and preach. He didn't call everyone to be a teacher.

    He didn't call everyone to be a construction worker, but he called some to do all of it. And so God filled all the people with everything they needed at that moment. In this passage, God filled the people, with the Holy Spirit. God filled the people with wisdom. God filled them not only with the spirit, but he gave them wisdom.

    Now listen. Wisdom, he gave them. Also, he gave them knowledge. Wait a minute. What's the difference, brother George?

    Wisdom and knowledge, ain't that kinda the same thing? Well, ask someone who's 20 and someone who's 60 what's the difference between wisdom and knowledge. Someone who's 20 knows it all. Someone who's 60 has the wisdom to know they don't know it all. Wisdom comes from life, from the things that you need, things that have happened.

    God gave them wisdom beyond their years, but he also gave them knowledge that was the absolute understanding of what to do. So he filled them with the spirit. He gave them wisdom. He gave them knowledge. He also gave them understanding understanding of what he wanted them to do.

    Understand, God gave you a mission the moment that you accepted him. If you're not sure what that mission was, you can look right over there. Go and make disciples. God gave you a mission the moment you accepted him. Now your part in going and making disciples might be look different than mine or his or hers or someone else's.

    God gave us all part of the mission. He also gave in this case, he gave them he filled them with craftsmanship. Craftsmanship. You know what this means? It means that when God called for this temple to be built, when he called for this tent of meeting and everything that was gonna be put together in it, when he called for all of this to be put together, the people that he called, he filled them with craftsmanship, which meant that before that, they couldn't do this task.

    They didn't know how to do that, but God filled them with it, and he gave them the ability to do that. People say, well, I've never been good at doing whatever. When's the last time you tried it? Have you tried it since God gave you, the assurance of salvation? Have you tried whatever do you have a desire to do it?

    Now I know everybody says different things. We used to have a a man in our congregation that, he said he always wanted to sing. But after getting kicked out of three choirs, he decided that wasn't what God was calling him to do. He wanted to sing, but that just wasn't what God wanted to do. But you know what?

    God used him in so many other ways. The reality is God gave every one of us the abilities that we need to perform the task that he calls us to. What is that task? Have you sought that out? Have you looked to see?

    What do you want me to do, god, with this life you gave me? What skills and talents? What do I have that you've given me that you want me to do? I don't know. Look at verses four through six.

    He gave them all the skills and the talent and the craftsmanship to make artistic designs for work in gold, in silver, and in bronze, and in the cutting of stones for settings and in the carving of wood, that he may work in all kinds of craftsmanship. And behold, I myself have appointed with him, Holyab, the son of, Ashimirok, of the tribe of Dan, and in the hearts of all who are skillful, I have put skill that they may make all that I have commanded you. Everything god was commanding, he already had anointed the people to do it. He'd given them the skills that were needed to do the task in order to complete the mission. Everything God was calling him to do, he already had called people to do that.

    It was already there. He gave him the ability to be workers. He gave him the ability to be blacksmiths and work in gold and silver and all of those things. He gave him the ability to be carpenters. He gave him the ability to be artists, and all were filled with skill.

    Every one of them. Here's the thing. There's people here in our congregation that are amazing singers. Oh, they can make everything sound. They could sing the phone book.

    It would be beautiful. Right? They can sing so well. There are others that that just is not what is good for them. They they can't sing.

    I try to sing with the choir sometimes and they say, you're on the wrong key. And I say, I got a pocket full of keys. Which one do you want me to use? I I don't know what that means. I try to sing, but, you know, I'm not always on the right key or the right tune or at the right something called octave, whatever that is.

    The whole point is that's not necessarily what God called me to do, but God called me to use my mouth. I've been accused of talking too much since I was probably two years old. You talk all the time. God said, I got a job for you. I got a job that you gotta talk to do the job.

    Right? You have to speak to do that. God gave me that gift even though some of you may not think it's a gift. You're like, just quiet. God gave me that gift, and I'm trying to use that.

    But God didn't only give me that gift. There are other things that God gifted me with that I still need to use for him. For you, think about this. What is it that you just love to do? How can it be used by God?

    What is it that you know you're good at? Can you paint? Can you build? Can you sing? Can are you great with money?

    Are are you a leader? What can God use the skills that he gave you? How can you use them for him? How can you use them for him? You see, he gave all of those skills.

    He made some of them carpenters, some of them blacksmiths, some of them artists. He gave them all the skill, and he filled them with that skill. Verse seven through nine says, the tent of meeting and the ark of testimony and the mercy seat upon it and all the furniture of the tent. That's what they were building. The table also and its utensils, and the pure gold lamp stands with all its utensils, and the altar of incense.

    The altar of burnt offering also with all its utensils, and the labor and its stand. God gives each of his people talent and gifts for serving him. None of them knew exactly what God wanted built, but God gave the wisdom and knowledge to one to tell them this is what you need to build, and this is the dimensions that it needs to be in. These are the materials that you need to use to build this. They'd never built these things before, but God gave them the wisdom to be able to do it.

    They were willing, and they went and they built it. And it was pleasing to God. Why was it pleasing to God? Because they used the skills he gave them to do exactly what he called them to do. God gives each of us talent and gifts for serving him.

    I know I've talked to plenty of people that say, I just don't have any talent. I don't have any talent. What that really means is you just haven't found it yet. You haven't searched for it. You don't know what is your talent.

    Oftentimes, you say, I don't have any talent, but there's something that you really love to do and you're actually good at it, but you just hadn't figured out how it works to serve god. Some people might say, well, you know, I'm I'm I don't really have any talent. I I cook pretty good. I mean, I enjoy cooking, and I I like to make meals. People need to be fed.

    People need to be fed. Sometimes people need to be fed that don't have any other way to eat. Sometimes people need to be fed while they're working on the wall, while they're doing whatever it is that God's called. They need to be fed. Maybe that's the talent that you need to use for God.

    Some people would say, well, I'm you know, I I don't I don't really know how I can use my skills. I'm I mean, I can paint. Well, guess what? You can paint for God. You can do those things and make beautiful things that people can see.

    And as you paint them, they may see the picture of God. Understand that some people can look at a picture and get more out of that picture than five sermons. There's a picture on the wall in my office, and all you can see is the waist down, the feet of Jesus on the cross. And beside it, on the ground, there are people dressed in modern day clothing, and they're holding hammers in their hands. Some are crying.

    Some have dropped the hammer, and they're falling on the ground at their feet. And it's the realization that all of us is what put Jesus on the cross. And by seeing that, the conviction could be very strong. Whoever made that picture, they painted that. It's a painted picture.

    Whoever did that, God used that to show them something in a picture that can strike home faster than five sermons. God uses every single one of us. Listen. I know I've said that 10 times today. I'm gonna say it 10 or 15 more before we're done.

    God uses every one of us to serve him somehow. Well, I don't really know how to do anything. Can you drive? Well, yeah, I can drive. You know, we got a bus.

    We need help with that. Sometimes we need you to go pick people up. You know, sometimes the bus has been so full, praise God, the bus has been so full for the last several months that they're having to make two trips most of the time. Because we can only put so many people on the bus, so they're having to drive and pick them up and drive and pick more up, and most all of these are children. Right?

    But we have some adults that might need some help getting here. They may need someone to come and get them. Well, if the bus is busy picking up the children and for insurance purposes and all of that, we need to have them on the bus. But as adults, you can go pick up another adult. You can bring someone to church that needs a ride.

    You can go and get maybe they're on your way already. Are you willing to do that? Look for ways that you can serve God. Look for ways that you can do that. Amazing skills that God gave people were for his work.

    They were for his work. He didn't give them those skills just for them to enjoy. He gave them those skills for his work. Each one played a part in putting everything together. Understand, when he gave them the ability, he gave those that could work in gold and silver and ability, and they could work in gold and silver, but they had to have someone who could work in the wood to design the article that was going to be covered in the gold and the silver because they couldn't make it out of just gold and silver.

    They needed something else. They had someone who knew how to sew the things together. They were someone who knew how to have a artistic eye to put everything exactly like God wanted them to do. They needed everybody. If one group of those workers didn't do their part, the whole project would have failed.

    If the carpenters just said, yeah, we're we're not feeling it. We're we're not going we're not gonna do the woodwork part of this. We're just not failing it. Then all the rest of the stuff would have failed because they needed the stuff made out of wood in order to put it all together. If they put it all together, but those who worked in the gold and silver said, yeah, I'm just not gonna do it, then it would have just been wood.

    It wouldn't have been what God called it to be. It couldn't have all come together if everybody wasn't doing their part. Here's the thing, the church today universal, the only way the church universal works is if everybody's doing their part. The reason that people aren't coming to know the Lord is everybody's not doing their part. Only some people are doing it.

    God gives each person talent and gifts for the purpose of serving him. One of the biggest reasons the church universal of God is in decline today is his people his people, not lost people, his people are not using their gifts to serve him. His people are not. How do I know that? Well, to be honest, there are things that God's given me that I haven't used as I should.

    So I know that I haven't done everything I can do. Chances are neither has anyone else. We know that there are many people that call themselves Christians. They call themselves believers of God. They call themselves children of God, yet we don't ever see them doing God's work anywhere.

    So when that happens, that means that the the church universal of God is in decline because everyone is not doing their part. God gave them gifts to serve him. That's why the church is in decline today. If his people are not using their given gifts for him, it's not going to work. God's people must seek how to use their time, their talents, and, oh my goodness, I'm gonna say this word, money for God.

    Oh, the preacher's talking about money. Yeah. The preacher's talking about money because we live in a world where money is required. We no longer barter for everything. Money is required.

    God gives us money. Make no mistake. The money that you have, God gave it to you. God gave it to you. It wasn't given to you by you.

    You didn't make it all on your own. God gave it to you. God owns it all. He owns your money before you ever saw it. God's people must seek how to use their time, their talents, and their money for god.

    Because if we don't do that, then how is the church going to ever grow? The church universal. How is God's people ever going to reach the others for him, the ones that don't know him? How are we going to carry out the mission of going and making disciples if we're not using the gifts that God gave us, the talents, the skills, everything that God gave us, if we're not using that for him, then how are we going to do that? How are we going to do that?

    If any of the people of God do not do their part, the church falls. If the people of God waste their talents on selfish gain, the church falls. If God's people waste their time doing everything but serving God, the church falls. If God's people keep all the money God gives them for themselves, the church falls. You see the pattern here?

    God gave us all those things to serve him. But if we become selfish, and we hold all of that for ourself, the church is not going to make it. That hole that we saw today, that's what's there. And that hole, let me explain to you, is big enough right now that that Satan could drive a convoy of 18 wheelers through and never touch anything. That hole is huge.

    And the devil is using every bit of it to turn the world against God. He's using every bit of it to tell the world the same lie that he told them in the Garden of Eden that you can be just like God, you don't need him. And people are believing it Because God's people are not doing what we're called to do. We're not doing that. We're too busy worrying about hurting somebody's feelings or maybe somebody won't think as well of us if they know that you know, we talk about God.

    Maybe we lose our job because we talk about God. God didn't say to use all of that only if it suits you. He said, I gave it to you to use. You need to use it. Let me take care of everything else.

    You use it. God's people have to use it. So here's what I want you to do today. We need to all, and all is all, examine ourselves today. Are we guilty?

    Are we guilty? Are we guilty of using our time, our talents, our money, everything for ourselves instead of the church? Are we guilty? Are we part of the reason the church is failing? Are we, this local church, part of the reason the church universal is failing today?

    Because we are selfishly using the things that God gave us instead of using them for him. Is that the case? I said, we all need to be examining ourselves today. Every one of us. We all need to examine ourselves.

    Are we guilty? Could we be convicted if we were put on trial? Are we using our talents, time, and money for God? Is can we be convicted of not doing that? You know that and only you know that.

    Examine ourselves today. Look at verse ten and eleven. 10 and 11 says, the woven garments as well, and the holy garments for Aaron the priest, and the garments of his sons, with which to carry on their priesthood. The anointing oil also and the fragrant incense for the holy place, they are to make them according to all that I have commanded you. We need to understand that the church is not just this building.

    The church is not just this building. You see, we get caught up sometimes. We talk about the church, and it's at 6960 Overlook Road. That's the church. We're part of it.

    That's true. But that's not just the church. The church is universal. This building is not the only thing. God's people need to use the skills and the talents that he gave them to build up the servants of God as well.

    You see, many people will say to me, well, I used to do this or I used to do that, but I'm physically no longer able to do that. I understand. There's a lot of things I'm no longer physically able to do, and the list gets longer every day. The reality is we need to build up the service that can. Right now, we're taking up a collection for the, North American missions.

    This is not some foreign country that you've never heard of. This is The United States Of America that you know. We're collecting money to go towards missionaries that are going to all of these locations and serving God. Understand this, The United States Of America today is has has the most unreached people group in all the world. And we have Bibles that you can get in every shape, form, and fashion.

    We have television evangelists. We have radio evangelists. We have churches on every corner in the Southern Part of The United States. We've got access on the Internet. We have so many ways to hear the word of God today, and instead of growing, the church is declining.

    We need to do what we can to build up the servants of God, while at the same time taking care of our little part of that wall. We need to be doing that. Servants of God use their skills and talents for the worship of God, but so do those who help build them up. We need to understand that this building is not the church. It takes all of us to rebuild the kingdom of God in this world.

    If this building is not just this building is not the church, and we know that, and we've got to work towards that, then why am I preaching so hard about the local church? Because if we fail to use our time, talent, and money for our local church, then we certainly won't use those things for church universal. Think about that. If we're not willing to do it for our local body of believers, then how we ever think that we're gonna do it for the universal body? God called you to be here.

    For whatever reason, this is where God put you. He called you and you felt the call to join and be part of this church. This is where we start. It's not where we finish. This is where we start, but it's not where we finish.

    But if we don't start, we'll never finish. We have to use those things that god has given us in our local church first in order to be able to reach the church universal. Here's a question for you. Several. When is the last time you gave to the church?

    And when I say gave, I'm talking about with this. Right? When is the last time you gave as God gave to you? Oh, hold on now. Wait a minute.

    You're kinda stepping on some toes here, pastor. It's not really your business about what I gave and what I didn't give. You're right. It's God's business, not mine. But when's the last time you gave as God gave to you?

    What I mean by that is you may say, well, I don't necessarily think tithing is the way to go. But God's word said give as it's been given to you. So guess what? If God has really given an abundance to you, you may be right. A tithe may not be good.

    You may need to give 20%. You may need to give more than that. How has God given to you? Well, wait a minute. God hadn't I just hadn't gotten that much.

    I'm I'm struggling. I'm trying, but, you know, I hadn't quite okay. But can you give five? Did God give you enough to give 5% of that? What has God given you?

    Are you giving back at all? God gave you the money. It was his money. He gave it to you. Are you giving?

    We've got to keep giving. If we don't give of our money, the church fails. But that's not all. When's the last time that you volunteered to use your talents for God? There are plenty of you here that have all kinds of talents.

    When's the last time you volunteered to use your talents for God? If we don't use them here, how can we use them out there? How can we use them out there? When's the last time you have got to be the one to use the talents that God gave you? If we don't use them, all of us, there's a hole.

    There's a hole. When is the last time that you gave God your time? That's a hard one. It's a hard one for me. It's a hard one for me.

    I'm balancing working at a secular job, and also pastoring the church, and helping with my family, and all the things I have to do, and then something else comes along and I say, God, I don't have time for that right now. But if I don't make the time for God, then the time I'm trying to use for everything else is degraded. When's the last time you gave of your time? You just said, you know what? I know I'm tired.

    I know it's been a long week, but I need to go out visiting on Saturday morning when we're having visitation. Or I need to get up and I need to go to the the men's bible study, or I need to go to the ladies bible study, or I need to go to choir practice, or I need to do whatever it is within the church in order that I can help to rebuild the local church, so that we can help rebuild the universal church. When is the last time you did that? These are all questions for you and me to ponder in our own mind, in our own heart and decide what can we do. It takes all of us to rebuild the kingdom of God in this world.

    Here's the question. Are you ready to get busy? Are you ready to get busy? The first thing is, do you know him? Are you one of his children?

    Have you ever given your life to him? If he's called you as a child of God and you've given your life to him, then you need to be busy. If he's never called, you've never answered. Maybe he's knocking on the door, but you've never answered that call. Today is a good time to answer.

    Do you know him? If you know him, are you ready to get busy? Instead of saying someone else will do it. Someone else will take care of it. The the pastor will do that.

    Brother Tim will take care of it. You know, the deacons can handle it, whatever it is. As the church of God, we all are part of it, and we all need to work for it. Whatever it is that God calls you to do. I understand there are physical limitations.

    I understand there's financial limitations. I understand there's there's all kinds of limitations. Instead of focusing on the limitations, why don't we search to find what we can do, not what we can't do? Because God will honor it. God will honor it.

    Today, my question again is, are you ready to get busy? We've gotta get busy. We've gotta get busy. There's a there's people all around us every day that are dying and headed for a devil's hell. We gotta tell them.

    They need to know. We gotta get busy to reach this community. God planted this church here over eighty years ago. It's still here. That's not by coincidence.

    There's a reason we're still here. God still has a mission for this church. So I'm asking all of you today to do self examination. Are there things I can do? Things that I should do?

    Things that I'm not doing that I want to start doing. Can god use this in my life? Can I give more and spend less? Can I be more available rather than sitting at home doing nothing? What can I do?

    Is I have a talent that I can share with the church that might turn into something that we can reach people? What can I do? Can I give of my time, my talents, and my money that I'm not doing? For many of you, you're already giving of all of that, but are you giving everything that God's called you to give? Are we ready to buy in fully and serve God in this church, in this community, in order that we might be able to serve him in the church universal.

    Today, if you need to come to the altar and just say, you know what, God? I'm ready. Would you just you just touch me? If you need to come and say, God, I'm sorry. I I failed.

    Help me do better. Maybe you need to come and talk to me and say, you know what? I have never felt that call, but today I did and I wanna talk to you about it. Whatever it is, we're gonna have a time of invitation, just a moment. You come as God calls you.

    Let's pray.

  • Mar 16, 2025Rebuilding Together
    Mar 16, 2025
    Rebuilding Together
    Series: 2025
    Full Transcript:

    And that's what it's all about, really and truly. That's what everything is really about. Eternal life. I spoke with someone just yesterday, and we're talking about what is the most important thing that you can do in life, and that is to help someone see the glory of God and the opportunity to receive eternal life.

    Because everything else we do in this world is temporary. It's only temporary. But salvation is eternal. Rebuilding together is the title today, and we are going to be over in Nehemiah. You can go ahead and turn there if you would like.

    But I want to talk about a few things before we get there. So have you ever seen a house that was neglected for many years? You know, when you drive by sometimes and there's a house and maybe nobody's lived there for a while or maybe someone who was not able to take care of it or whatever the case may be, it was neglected. There was no maintenance done. It wasn't taken care of when, there were leaks or there was damage, and, the roof may be damaged.

    There's all kinds of things that have happened. And if you watch over a period of time, that house that may have once been a big, glorious, beautiful house begins to deteriorate. It begins to fall apart. When it's not touched for so long, it starts to completely fall apart. Everything about it that we see, things fall apart and unwanted pests show up.

    There are a lot of things that, move in, animals and and bugs and all kinds of things, and sometimes, people that, just move into it and and just utilize it for all kinds of illegal activities and everything else. A lot of stuff happened, and so as the house begins to deteriorate, it looks terrible. There was a house recently in our neighborhood that's been that way for years. But sometimes, people buy a house, and they make it beautiful. In our neighborhood, they've done just that.

    They've made a house that was falling apart beautiful. You drive down the street and go, wow. It looks so great. What a beautiful thing that they've done with that old house. Now listen, they didn't tear it completely apart.

    They tore it down to the studs, and then they rebuilt it. The studs and the foundation and all of that that was there was good. The outside was not good. Today it seems that our nation has become like that old house. Today, our nation has become like that old house.

    And I don't mean just our nation. What I mean when I say our nation is I mean the people in our nation. The people in our nation have become like that old house that had they have not received what they needed. They haven't taken care of their self. They haven't taken care of their walk.

    They haven't taken care of the life that's been given to them. And so the whole nation, and especially believers, have become like that old house and are beginning to be deteriorated. It's beginning to be deteriorated. And so we look around on a daily basis and we see that this nation is just not what it used to be. God's people have not been diligent to take care of this nation, to take care of the church universal, to take care of any of those things as we need to, and therefore, it has began to crumble.

    It has began to crumble. It's cracked. It's dilapidated. There are things that are holes that's falling apart. All of these things that's going on, and because of it, unwanted pests have moved in.

    The main unwanted pest that has moved in and all of that, his name is Satan. Satan has moved in because God's people have not taken care of the church universal. They've not taken care of the nation like we need to. We have not risen up and done the things that we needed to do as a people. We are not doing what the great commandment tells us to do.

    We're not going and making disciples. We're not baptizing. We're not doing any of those things. And because of not doing those things, we can see that the church universal is crumbling. The church has fallen down.

    The the the people in the nation are turning away from God. God is not mentioned in so many places anymore. That's because God's people have allowed his house, the church, to begin to be in disarray. We've allowed it to fall apart. And I don't mean physical buildings, I mean the church universal.

    I mean the church that's made up of people. We've allowed it to literally deteriorate. Satan has moved in, and he's caused many, many problems. Satan's been here all along. Okay?

    It isn't that he wasn't here. In fact, we're studying Genesis on, Wednesday night, and he was in the garden. Right? He was in the garden with Adam and Eve. He's been here the whole time.

    It's not that he hasn't been here. He's been here. But the thing is, when God's people were doing what we were supposed to do, and people prayed, and people shared the gospel, and people walked in the way that we're called to walk according to biblical standards, we did not see the effects of Satan in the way that we see him today. Today, we see it very clearly. We know that it's there.

    It's happening all around us, and we can see that because there's holes in the wall. There's roofs falling in. There's things that are done with no type of repair. God's people have just become complacent. We've allowed Satan to just do his thing however he wants to do it.

    You know the crazy thing about, a dilapidated house? Once it reaches a certain point, nobody cares. You know, up to this point, maybe somebody tries something, but once it reaches a certain point, they just let it go. It it'd be too hard to fix it. There'd be too much to do to make it right again.

    You know, it's just it's not worth it, and they just leave it alone. And unfortunately, the church of God is being treated like that today. It's gone too far. There's no way we could build it back. There's no way that all that could happen.

    So, you know, we're just we're it's just come quickly, Lord. Forget about all this. We're just done. Just go ahead and come and and take us all home, and we just don't worry about the rest of it. Well, there's a problem with that.

    The problem with that is that if God comes today, probably most of us in this room will have family in our life that will spend an eternity in hell because they've never given their life to God. And instead of giving up, maybe the church needs to band together and begin to rebuild. God's people had neglected God. God's people had neglected God. So look with me to chapter four of Nehemiah verses one through nine.

    Chapter four of Nehemiah verses one through nine. It's on the screen if you don't have your Bible. Now it came about that when Sanballat heard that we were rebuilding the wall, he became furious and very angry and mocked the Jews. He spoke in the presence of his brothers and the wealthy men of Samaria and said, what are these feeble Jews doing? Are they going to restore it for themselves?

    Can they offer sacrifices? Can they finish in a day? Can they revive the stones from the dusty rubble, even the burned ones? Now Tobiah the Amorite Ammonite, I'm sorry, was near him, and he said even what they are building, if a fox would jump on it, it would break down their stone wall. Hear, oh god, how we are despised.

    Return their reproach on their own heads and give them up for plunder in a land of captivity. Do not forgive their iniquity and let not their sin be blotted out before you, for they have demoralized the builders. So we built the wall, and the whole wall was joined together to half its height, for the people had a mind to work. Now when Sanballat, Tobiah, the Arabs, and the Amorites, and their Ashdodites heard that the repair of the walls of Jerusalem went on and that the breaches began to be closed, they were very angry. All of them conspired together to come and fight against Jerusalem and to cause a disturbance in it.

    But we prayed to our god, and because of them, we set up a guard against them day and night. God's people had neglected God, and their city was destroyed, and they were taken into captivity. All these years later, God has allowed Nehemiah to come back and gather the people to begin rebuilding the city. Why? Because Nehemiah had been faithful, because Nehemiah had prayed, because Nehemiah desperately wanted to see the city rebuilt and god's temple repaired.

    And because of all of that, God allowed it to happen, and he allowed him to come back. Now he came back and he gathered the people, and they began to build. God allowed him to do that, and he allowed the people to come together. Here's the thing. It took Nehemiah to start that process.

    It took Nehemiah to get that process started. Up until that point, nothing had happened. But Nehemiah was stricken for the condition of the city. He was stricken because God's people had so neglected God that all of this had happened. He was heartbroken over the fact that God's people were not able to worship in the city in which they desired to be there.

    God's people were not able to come together and worship freely as they once had. He's he was heartbroken over that. And so instead of saying, it's so sad, and then going on to Starbucks to get him a coffee or whatever it was that he decided to go do, he was so heartbroken, he began to pray. And he began to pray, and God took that and he used it. He used it to make him a leader.

    And as a leader, he began to be a leader of the people, and he led the people to go back and rebuild. God's people today have neglected God. Now I want you to be clear and understand what I just said. I didn't say lost people today have neglected God. What I said was God's people, those who know him, those who say they gave their life to him, those who call themselves believers and Christians have neglected God today.

    God's people have neglected God. That's what got, the Israelites in trouble to begin with, neglecting God. Today, God's people have neglected God. For too long, the people in America have neglected to serve God with all our hearts. Therefore, the nation that was once called a godly nation is no longer called a godly nation.

    The nation, United States Of America, One nation under God. You know, there is a massive push to remove that phrase out of the pledge of allegiance because the nation is no longer considered a godly nation. This nation is no longer considered a godly nation because God's people, who are called by his name, have not done what we need to do. Instead, we have allowed the church to deteriorate. We have allowed the roof to start to fall in.

    We have allowed the walls to start opening up with holes. We have allowed mold in the building. We have allowed all of these things to happen in the church of God. We have allowed it to be torn down and fall apart. The bad part is for most of what has happened, it's not due to what the enemy has done.

    It's due to the fact that god's people didn't do anything to take care of it. You know, it's one thing when the enemy comes in and destroys something, But when God's people just simply neglect it and it falls apart, that's so much worse. That's what's happening today. That's where we are today. That's why when we look around today, we have a church congregation that even one section is not full.

    We can go down the street and check another church and another church and another church, and guess what? Almost every one of them look just alike. God's people have neglected God. The churches of America have been complacent and derelict in our godly mission. What is our godly mission?

    Go and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. That's what we're supposed to be doing. That's what god has called us to do. That's what when we receive the salvation from god, we didn't receive the salvation, and God said, okay. Now you're saved.

    Go chill out until it's time to go home. He said, now you're saved. It's time to be on mission for me. It's time to get out and see the other people. Go and tell.

    Go and tell. You know, it's amazing thing. We can have some little funny thing that happens, and we want everybody to know about it. Oh, we tell them on the phone. We we text them.

    We send it out on Facebook, all this stuff. It was so funny. We won't tell everybody about that. But we don't do the same thing to tell everybody about god. We don't do the same thing.

    You say, well, you know, sometimes people get mad when you tell them about god. I know. Yeah. They do. Sometimes they get mad.

    I would rather they be mad today, convicted tomorrow, and saved the day after that, than to be okay with me today, lost tomorrow, and spent eternity in hell. They might be mad at me. I might lose them as a friend. That doesn't mean I'm gonna stop praying for them. It doesn't mean I'm gonna stop trying to tell them.

    We never know. How many times does it take to tell somebody about God before they receive him? There's no answer. There's no answer. We don't know.

    Sometimes you tell somebody about God, and the very first time, God convicts them, and right then and there, they receive Jesus as Lord and savior. Hallelujah. Sometimes, it took four people to share the same story before they finally had their eyes open, and they were convicted and received Jesus Christ as lord and savior. Sometimes it takes forty years before they finally are convicted and receive Jesus as lord and savior. I've I've said before, I've talked to people who have been told over and over and over and over their whole life.

    I I've talked to at least one person literally on their deathbed that had rejected and rejected and rejected their whole life. But someone said, will you come and talk to them? Nothing special about me. It's just a different person talking to them. We prayed about it.

    I went and talked to him, and the person gave their life to Christ. And a week later, they were in heaven with him. What if nobody talked to him? What if they decided it's falling apart? There's no chance.

    There's no way that we can, save this. Let's just leave it. Don't worry about that one. Just move on to something else. The churches of America have been complacent and derelict of godly of their godly mission.

    However, if God's people rise up and begin to rebuild, they will succeed. Verses one through three says, it came about when Sanballat heard the rebuilding wall, he was furious, angry, and mocked the Jews. He spoke in the presence of the brothers and the wealthy men, and they are going to restore it themselves. How can this happen? Basically, it's what he said.

    In verse three, it says, now Tobiah was near him and said even what they were building, if a fox jumped on it, it would fall down. God's people were mocked. They were mocked. They were scorned. They were told it can't happen.

    No one believed they could. You know what typically happens when that occurs? The people that are trying to do the building believe it. They believe it. It can't happen.

    Listen. You think Christians can change the world? There's no way Christians can change the world. They can't even get together and decide on the color of the wall. There's no way Christians are gonna change the world.

    They can't even make up their own mind. There's no way Christians are gonna change the world. They can't even decide whether they stand on this side or whether they stand on that side. They don't know. How is that gonna happen?

    And most Christians look out and go, they're right. They're right. We can't change the world. All we can do is take care of ourself. We just had to take care of ourself.

    That's all we have to do. Listen. You have to take care of yourself in order to take care of others, in order to complete the mission. A soldier has to be in shape and do exercise and, have a a good diet and do all that he has to do to be ready that when the time comes, he can fight for the country. A Christian has to be ready and pray and spend time in god's word and take in the right nourishment and get the right exercise by serving God even in their own house so that they can be ready to go and help rebuild the church.

    But instead, after being mocked and scorned, God's people believed it. They believe there's no way. But here's what I want you to know. When Satan and the rest of the world say, there's no way. It's not even a worry.

    It's not even a fear for us. Saint Ballet said, even the rocks they got won't fall stay up. Nothing to it. It's not gonna happen. They didn't think there was any chance.

    And so they didn't worry about it. You know what God's people did? They built the wall. The most important thing to us, the most important tool one of the important tools that we have is that when they don't believe it, then we don't have the opposition. They're not fighting against us while we're trying to rebuild, and all of a sudden, guess what?

    It's rebuilt halfway, and they go, wait. I didn't expect that to happen. It won't be done if we don't put our selfishness aside and serve god completely. What do I mean by that? I mean, if we don't stop thinking only about self and start thinking about god and the mission of god, we can never complete the mission.

    We live in America where it's all about me. What's best for me? What's in it for me? How can I get something out of it? What happens if I do this?

    How am I gonna be promoted, lifted up, have my name written in the history books? It's about me. Well, I got news for you. To put it in my country, Alabama vernacular, it ain't about you. It's about God.

    And until we understand that it's not about me, it's about God, we're gonna continue to walk in that selfishness. We're gonna continue to do that. The world says, you you need to be taking care of number one. Well, number one is god. Amen?

    So if number one is god, yeah, let's take care of number one, but I'm not number one. I'm not even number two. Verse four says, here, oh god. What did they do? After they got chastised and scorned and told they couldn't do it, they prayed.

    Here, oh our god, how we are despised, return their reproach on their own heads and give them up for the plunder in the land of captivity. They prayed. God, take care of them. They're they're despising us. They're scorning us.

    They're trying to stop us from what we're doing. You take care of them. We can't. You take care of them. So first of all, Nehemiah prayed.

    That is the number one thing that god's people today have neglected. First, pray. Pray. Survey says that the average Christian in The United States Of America prays approximately four minutes per day, and that includes praying over your meals. So if it takes me thirty seconds to pray over my meal Lord, thank you for the food.

    Amen. That's how some people pray. Right? Thank you for the food. Amen.

    That's it. If it takes me thirty seconds pray over my meals a day, that's three times a day. That only leaves me with three and a half minutes to talk to god on a personal level. You can't even make a post on Facebook in three and a half minutes. How are you gonna spend time talking to God in only three and a half minutes of your life?

    First of all, pray. Nehemiah prayed. He prayed before they began and all during the restoration. It wasn't one time. I prayed about it, brother George.

    How many times did you pray about that? What do you mean? You said pray. I prayed about it. Check.

    Time to move on. Why did you only pray once for that? What do you mean? I prayed about it, didn't I? You say you did.

    Prayed about it once. Is it that trivial, whatever it is, that you could only talk to god about it for thirty seconds and move on? We will rant and rave over the service we received in the drive through longer than we talked to god. Is it worth it? God wants to have a relationship with his people.

    God wants us to be close to him. How can we be close if we don't pray? Everybody has seen this plastered all over the place, but it is so true. Second Chronicles seven fourteen. Second Chronicles seven fourteen.

    If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and, get this, turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven. I will forgive their sin, and I will hear their land. The key to rebuilding is, first of all, we have to ask that God forgive us for the things that we've done and the way we've been living. Second, God has forgive us for those things that we've done because he says he will. Then when we pray and ask all that, then he will hear from heaven and forgive our sin and heal our land.

    If my people the first key word in that is if. Is that not break your heart? That the scripture, inspired by god to be written down said, if my people if. Not when, but if. If my people who are called by my name god says if these are the people called by his name.

    Why is there a if? It should be a when. Of course, god's people are supposed to be doing this. Why is there a if there? Because God's people have been derelict in what we're supposed to do.

    God's people have been complacent. We just let things happen, and we've not spent our time serving God. If, my people, the most important thing we can do today is pray. Pray. And I don't mean a thirty second prayer on your way out the door.

    I don't mean just a casual reference to God in something you're doing throughout the day. I mean a heartfelt conversation with God. Take that time to pour yourself out before him and not just pour yourself out and say, God, I need, I need, I need, I need. We all tend to do that. Oh, I pray to god.

    Yeah. When you need, you need, you need, you need, you need. You pray. But what about god? What do you need?

    What can I do for you? How do I serve you better? What do you want me to do today? Well, I'm glad you asked. I want you to go over to that neighbor that you really dislike and tell them that god loves them.

    Oh, hold on. Wait a minute now, god. You know, we don't get along in him. He's not even a Christian. Why you think I want you to go over there and talk to him?

    I want you to go talk to him and tell him about me, but you don't understand how bad that guy is. He's just rude. It's because he don't know me. Go tell him about me. Well, what if he gets mad?

    Well, he's mad at me, not you, so go tell him anyway. Well, he might not like me after I do that. He don't like you now anyway. He already doesn't like you. It's not gonna change.

    Go tell him about God, and then he might love you because he finds his salvation. If my people, first of all, pray. Secondly, we need to come together and work to rebuild the kingdom. We need to come together and work to rebuild the kingdom. Here's the thing.

    I wanna make sure you understand this. If I ask today for volunteers to raise your hand and say, who will be with me to help rebuild the kingdom? And everybody's hand goes up. I want you to understand before you raise your hand, I'm not gonna ask the question. Before you raise your hand, you will face persecution.

    I need a volunteer, but, oh, yeah. It's gonna be difficult. I need you to volunteer for this, but people are not gonna like it, and they're gonna talk bad about you. I want you to volunteer for this, but people are gonna flat out hate you. They may come by and and throw eggs at your house.

    They may plaster your name all over Facebook. They may say horrible things about you. All this might happen, but I need you to volunteer. Most of us go, yeah. No.

    Not that. I can't do that. I can't do that. I told you, we're gonna face persecution. I don't I don't wanna do that.

    Why are we surprised when persecution comes? Understand this. God told us in the beginning, we will face trials and tribulation. We will. Why?

    Because he did. He walked on this earth, god in the flesh, and faced trials and persecution and tribulation in the time that he was here. Why would we think we're better than him? We're gonna face persecution. Here's what happens when Christians are persecuted in America.

    Hun, they said bad things about me. I don't wanna talk about that anymore. I'm just gonna do my thing and leave them alone. What if somebody felt that way about you before you came to know god? We're going to face persecution.

    In The United States Of America, we are blessed that we haven't faced the type of persecution that people around the world have faced today. There are places in the world today by simply mentioning the name of Jesus, you're condemned to death, And people die every day because they did. There are places in the world today where if you mention the name of Jesus, you're gonna be go to jail for the rest of your life. There are people in jail sharing with other prisoners about god. Some say that The United States is the worst form of persecution of all.

    Because instead of seeing that there's an absolute something and defying it anyway, it's a subliminal persecution. It's one that flies under the radar, and we're persecuted and don't even realize it. And so fighting against it is difficult. You will be persecuted when you stand up for God. Just as a reminder, when he stood up for you, he was beaten beyond recognition.

    His beard was literally pulled out by the roots. A crown of thorns forced down upon his head to the point that blood poured down his forehead. He was beaten with so many lashes across his back that the law said if they'd hit him one more time, it would have been illegal because that could have caused death. Then he received nails in his hands and feet and was raised up on a cross to die when he stood up for you. He hasn't asked you to be persecuted like that, but he said we will face persecution.

    It could come to that. We don't know. God told us that we would face persecution. So when it happens, instead of being surprised, we need to push through. Look at verses six through eight.

    So we built the wall, and the whole wall was joined together to half its height. When they say the whole wall was joined together, it means that all the holes were closed up. It was only halfway the height that it was supposed to be, but the whole wall had been rejoined together. That in itself was a phenomenal feat. They didn't think it could be done, but it was.

    The people had a mind to work. They all came together for that purpose of rebuilding that wall. Why? It wasn't about the wall. It was about bringing God's people back together for him.

    And it started with the wall. Now when Sambowed Tobiah and the Arabs and the Ammonites and the Ashlanites heard the repair of the walls, Jerusalem went on and that the breaches began to be closed. They were very angry. They all compire conspired together to come and fight against Jerusalem and to cause a disturbance in it. When the world sees God's people began to come together and began to build the church back up, It's gonna fight against it.

    They're gonna be terrified. Satan is gonna say, wait. It can't happen. Go fight. We're gonna be persecuted.

    We're gonna be some of us killed, but nothing can separate us from the love of God. Amen? We've got to rebuild. The people in Nehemiah's day had a mind to work. They had a purpose.

    They were coming together to build it back, the kingdom of God, and they kept doing it even knowing they were gonna be attacked. The rest of the story comes later. You read on down in there, you'll find out what happened. But what I want you to see is this, Nehemiah and the people were not discouraged. They were told, we're going to come battle against it.

    They weren't discouraged. They kept on working. They kept on working. They said, we're gonna keep doing it. I know it's hard, but we're gonna keep doing it.

    If you come and fight against us, we're gonna pray, and we're gonna keep doing it. We're gonna keep on doing what god wants us to do. It's exactly how we need to work today. Verse nine says this, we pray to our God. They said, we're coming against you, but we pray to our God, and because of them, we set up a guard against them day and night.

    That's exactly how we need to work today. That's exactly how we need to work today. What did they do first? When all the persecution was coming, everything that happened, they prayed. That was the first thing.

    Today, those who are able need to work diligently. I understand. There are some people that aren't physically able to do certain things. Those who are able need to work diligently. Those who are not physically able, you know what they do?

    They're the ones standing on the wall praying while the rest are working. I can't physically do this, but I can pray. I can stand firm on this wall, and I can pray while God's people rebuild. I can do that much. Understand that power of prayer is greater than anything we could ever imagine.

    No. I'm not strong enough to do that anymore, but I can pray. I can still pray. Many people in this congregation have gone to be with the lord today and said, I don't know why god has still kept me here. And I said, god has something for you to do.

    Maybe it's to pray. And they would say, you know what? I can do that. I can do that. Those who can physically do it need to be doing it.

    We need to be rebuilding. We need to be working. We need to be trying to build the kingdom of god back up and not just watching it fall down and go, it's so sad. That's so sad. It is sad.

    Do something. Those who aren't physically able should be praying for those who are working. And all of us should be diligently in prayer every day before, during, and after work. Continually in prayer. Before we go and try to build up the kingdom, we pray.

    While we're working, we pray. And when it's over at the end of the day, we pray. And if we're spending that time praying, God's gonna give us what we need. God's gonna give us what we need. We wanna rebuild.

    The rest of the story, by the way, is Nehemiah did succeed. He did succeed. The wall was rebuilt. God allowed it to be done. Oh, they faced plenty of persecution.

    They had to fight battles. They had to do all of those things, but they prayed, and they worked. And as the persecution came, they fought, and they prayed, and they worked, and they continued on and on until it was all finished. And you know what? When it was finished, they didn't stop there.

    They kept praying, and they kept working. The question that I have today is, are you ready to be a construction worker? Children said no. The real question is, do you want to be part of the crew that rebuilds the house of God? Do you want to do that?

    We, as God's people, who are called by his name, first, humble yourself. It's not about you. And pray and turn away from your wicked ways. Well, why you say I'm wicked, brother George? If you're not praying and serving God, what you're doing is wicked.

    Turn from your wicked ways and seek his face, then he will hear from heaven, forgive your sin, and heal our land. Are you ready to be part of that construction crew? If you're not, then this is my first task for you. Pray. Pray that God would prepare your heart.

    Pray that he would get you ready to be part of that. You might need to be a foreman on that crew. Maybe God wants you to be a leader. I don't think I can be a leader. You can't, not without God, but if he calls you, you can.

    Maybe he needs you to be a worker. Maybe he needs you to be somebody that stands on the wall and prays for those that are working. Whatever that he needs, we need to be ready to serve him. We need to have a desire to see god's church rebuilt. Rebuilt.

    Not so we can say, ah, see. Christians, we did it. We did it. No. So we can say, God loves you.

    God is greater than all this other stuff. And you know what? He stands with his arms open wide and says, come. I'll forgive you of everything that has happened. I will wash you white as snow.

    I will cast your sin as far as the East is from the West. I will wash you with the blood of Christ and I will bring you into the kingdom forever all of eternity. That's what we need to be sharing to the people of the world. That's why we need to build up the kingdom of God. Are you one of God's people?

    Listen. If you're one of God's people today, that question, are you ready to work, is a valid question. Are you ready? If not, pray. Ask God, how can I be used?

    Maybe you today are here and you say, you know, I'm not one of God's people. I mean, I I I I've heard of God and I I read my bible sometimes, and I come to church every once in a while, I sing the songs and all of that, but I don't have a personal relationship with him. Good news. He stands with his arms over wide today waiting. If you need to come to know him today, he's he's there.

    If you're are one of God's people, it's time to get back to work. We've got to rebuild. We've got to rebuild Because people need to know the Lord. Without him, there's an eternity in hell waiting for him. God said, it is not my desire that any would spend an eternity in hell, but that all would be saved, but he leaves it up to them.

    But he wants you to tell them and give them that choice. What if nobody ever told them there was a choice? Nobody ever shared with them. You don't have to live this way. You can accept Jesus.

    What if they never knew? Understand that this country today is one of the most unreached people groups in the world. That's why we like to give to our North American missions to try to reach people for God today. There are many people that the only time they've ever heard the word Jesus is as a swear word. We need to rebuild together.

    We have a time invitation. God's placed it on your heart that today you need to come and let me tell you how you can give your life to him, then please come. If god placed it on your heart that today you need to come and throw something down at the altar so that it can be given over to him and you can take that away and you can rise up and serve him the way that you're supposed to, the altar's open. If there's someone on your heart that you know, they don't know Jesus, but I want them to know, and I need help. I need to be able to be strong enough to come come bring that to the altar.

    The altar is a great place to do it. Nothing magic. It's just symbolic of the altar in heaven. I'll say this. As we have this time of invitation, if the Holy Spirit puts something on your heart, on your mind, please just move.

    Do whatever it is that he tells you to do. Let's pray.

  • Mar 12, 2025Chapter 3 Pt. 2
    Mar 12, 2025
    Chapter 3 Pt. 2
    Series: Genesis
  • Mar 9, 2025The Unfathomable God
    Mar 9, 2025
    The Unfathomable God
    Series: 2025
    Full Transcript:

    Amazing. You know, this week, for whatever reason, I don't know the Lord put it there, but almost all week long, I have been every moment that something wasn't happening in my mind, in my heart, I began to sing, I can only imagine. And in that song where it says, I can only imagine when it says, surrounded by your glory, what will my heart feel? Will I dance for you, Jesus, or will I and all of you be still? Will I stand in your presence or to my knees will I fall?

    You know, I don't know. I don't know what's gonna happen. But the point is, God is so unfathomable. We can probably sit and try to write down every adjective that God puts in our mind about who he is and how he is, and still never come close to describing God truly. He is absolutely unfathomable.

    He is greater than we could even begin to imagine. I think that so many times we can be satisfied with less. And so we don't think about the absolute fullness, greatness of God. We just kinda oh, yeah, God. Sometimes the things that are going crazy around you, it does make you wonder about God.

    I I mean, it does me. I'm not sure if it does you, but it it does me. When there are so many things that are going on around us in this world, some of them very bad, some of them very good, but there are so many things that are going on around us all the time. And I think as humans, we began to think about God. We wonder about God, and sometimes the thoughts come, you know what?

    Is God even real? I mean, is God even real? Look at these things that are happening in my life. Things are falling apart. There there are stuff that's happening, and I don't know how I'm ever going to recover from the things that are going on.

    Things are really bad. Does God care? Does he does he care about the things that are happening in my life? And we began to question all of those things. Maybe we think, you know what?

    Maybe he's just too busy. I mean, you know, I'm just one person and there's billions of people in this world, so maybe God is just too busy. Even the most faithful people sometimes struggle with those thoughts. So first of all, I want you to pause for a moment and go, I am just human, because there's been times where I just was like, all these years and and why would that question even come in my mind? Why would I even begin to think, is God even real?

    Does he even care? All the things that he's done in my life over and over and over, yet somehow that still comes into my mind. I wanna tell you about another man named King David. If you go read through the Psalms, you'll find many times where David is questioning God. He's questioning God.

    God, these things are happening, and it's amazing how he goes through the passage, and it's like he's having this conversation with himself. He goes through the passage, and he begins with question, but then he tries to console itself that, you know what? Why am I even thinking this? And by the end of the passage, he's saying, god is absolutely great. And he begins to realize that.

    I think that's kind of the process for a lot of us. As we go through these hard times and things happen, sometimes we struggle. It's partially because we think of God with human attributes. Well, you know, people can't do everything. And sometimes when we think about these human attributes, we put limitations on God.

    We think about God and we say, you know, God just he just can't. It's just too much. And, you know, sometimes it's just more than you can handle, not God. It's never more than he can handle. Sometimes we think about God and we we want to talk about God as being our friend.

    We have conversations and we pray with God and and a lot of people struggle. Well, how do I pray? And they're told, well, just talk to God like you talk to anybody else. Because God understands and and when you talk to God that way, he hits that. But sometimes we'll because of that, I think we look at God as just a a grander human.

    And let me tell you, God is not human. God is indescribable. He's unfathomable. There are so many things about God that the Bible says we won't ever know on this side of heaven. We won't know.

    There's too many things if it was all written down, the world couldn't contain it. There are things that God says you are not meant to know. There are things that we're just not meant to know. God is just that big. He is totally unfathomable.

    So today, I want us to look back in the Old Testament to look at someone who, spent a lot of time talking to God and shared a lot of it with us in Isaiah. Isaiah chapter 40. Some of you say, oh, I love this chapter. I know part of this chapter. I I hold on to some of it, and I'm glad that you do.

    I have Isaiah forty thirty one, I think it is, on a plaque in my office, and it does help us as we go through it. Isaiah forty twenty five. Look at this verse. It says, to whom then will you liken me that I would be his equal, says the holy one. Woah.

    Think about that for a second. This is god. To whom then will you liken me that I would be his equal? God cannot be likened to anything we know. He is too great.

    He is too big. He is too holy. To whom then will you liken me? How do you look at me? What do you do?

    What do you think? Who is my equal? There is no equal. God has no equal. God is the creator.

    We are the created. All of us have been created in the image of God, but not equal to God. So I want you to understand that God is so great. And it's when we begin to fail to look at God in that huge person that he is, that we start to have a lot of doubts. We start to wonder, well, maybe God just doesn't have enough time.

    Maybe God is just, you know, I've displeased him because I didn't do something or I maybe God's just, you know, he's run out of patience with me. Whatever it is. No. God says that he calls you by name. He knows every hair on your head.

    He knows all that about you. God loves you. Are you going to fail? Yes. But you know what?

    His word says that he has forgiven us. If you've called upon him as your lord and savior, he has forgiven you of the things you've already done and things you will do. So there's not something that you can do to to take yourself out of God's hand. He says, no one can take you out of my hand. That includes you.

    So when we begin to look at that and we look at God and we we put God in this small box, we don't realize how big he is. But there's nothing impossible with God. Nothing. God is able in every single situation. There's nothing that God is not able to do.

    And so when we look at this and we we hold on to this, God says, whom will you like in me? Who is my equal? Who is my equal? We're still discovering new things about this world every day. Do you realize that?

    Previously unknown creatures in the depths of the sea that we've discovered. How have they been unknown for so long? Because man is not able to go that deep. Machines even oftentimes are not able to go to the very depths of the ocean without being crushed. So there are things that we don't even know about even in the depths of the sea.

    Those are things that are created, and we don't even know about those. New galaxies and new planets are discovered daily. We've discovered new galaxies and said, how you know, the telescopes now have the ability to see farther than they've ever been. We have telescopes and satellites that are traveling distances greater than we can imagine. And what do they reveal?

    They keep showing new galaxies more and more than we ever thought possible. People say, oh, we know all about the galaxy, the Milky Way, but they don't even know all about that. They don't even know all about the galaxy that we live in because they keep discovering new stars, new planets, new things that they never saw before, and suddenly they've seen it. How amazing, how great that is. It's nothing compared to the greatness of God.

    That's the created stuff. God created it all. Stars that were unknown before even listen. Near to me, even weather systems that suddenly don't behave like all the past weather systems did. Part of forecasting weather is knowing what these elements, how they come together, what typically happens.

    And all of a sudden, almost every time these elements come together, this is what happens, and this time that didn't happen. Or this time, all those elements weren't there, but somehow it still happened. How is that possible? Because it's God. And all of those things that are happening, we don't even completely understand all of that.

    We don't even understand all of that, and yet somehow we feel in our little bitty minds that we completely understand God. Oh, we we know that's how God is. And God just evidently, he don't care. Because if he cared, this would be the way that it happened. God's ways are not our ways.

    Understand that just because you think that's how it should happen doesn't mean that's how it should happen. God knows because he created you in the first place. We're still discovering all these new things about the world every day, and yet somehow we feel like we know all there is to know about God. We don't even know all there is to know about what he created. There's no way we know everything about God.

    The great thing is we don't have to know it all. We don't have to know everything about God. Look at verses twenty six and twenty seven, that same passage. Lift up your eyes on high and see who has created these stars, The one who leads forth their host by number. He calls them all by name.

    Because of the greatness of his might and the strength of his power, not one of them is missing. Why do you say, oh Jacob, and assert, oh Israel, my way is hidden from the Lord, and the justice due me escapes the notice of my God? Wow. Think about this. When things are hard, it's easy to think that God just doesn't have time for you.

    It's easy to get caught up into believing that God is so big and so busy, he doesn't have time for us. He said, why do you think that I'm limited when even every single star that's out there I created, I put them in the perfect place for them to be, I call them by name. I know exactly what they are. And if I'm gonna have that type of detail with the stars, certainly with a living breathing image of me, one that was created in my image, I'm going to know what is happening with you. God has time for every single person.

    How? Because of his bigness. Because he is always present. He is present everywhere. He's omnipresent, meaning he is everywhere at one time.

    There's nothing else that can be omnipresent. Understand, people say, well, you know, the devil the devil is not omnipresent. The devil cannot be everywhere at once. Now he has demons, but the devil cannot be everywhere at once. Only God can be that way.

    And God can be everywhere at once. He knows everything all at the same time, and all of this stuff that God knows, he cares about you. When things are hard, sometimes we say, oh, well, you know, I haven't been doing right. I guess God is he's given up on me. No.

    That doesn't happen. If we pause and realize that every single star in the heavens, God created and he calls them by name, then we have to understand that if he created us in his image, we are more important than those stars. He didn't create the stars in his image. He didn't create all of that other stuff in his image. The only thing that he created in his image according to God's word is us.

    And if he created us in his image, we're more important than all of that. And so if he is so incredible that he keeps up with every single star, then certainly he's gonna keep up with you. Look at verse 28. Verse 28 says, do you not know? Have you not heard?

    The everlasting God, the Lord, the creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired. His understanding is inscrutable. God is truly unfathomable to us because he is so much greater. Do you not know when things are hard? Have you not heard when you're so tired that God does not become weary or tired?

    That's a human aspect. God doesn't have that. God never becomes weary. He never becomes tired. He is never too busy.

    He never doesn't care. He always loves and he always knows exactly what's happening. Well, pastor, if that's the truth, then why does he allow these things to happen in my life? For each person, there's different reasons why God allows things to happen. I don't know why he allows, as the world says, bad things to happen to good people, except this.

    God's word says, no one is good. Not one. So when you say, but I'm such a good person. Why is God letting this happen to me? No one is good.

    Not one. What's happening to you, the things you're going through, the hardships you're facing, it's a possibility they have nothing to do with anything that you've done in the past. It may be something God's getting ready for you to do in the future. It may be that you're going through something in the whole reason to help someone else. We don't understand why because God is unfathomable.

    He's so much greater than us. He knows exactly why. Listen. If we trust the Department of Transportation that when they put in a new road or a new turn or a new light or a new whatever that they have studied and examined and this is the reason they're doing it is greater than what we know, then why do we not trust God that when we don't understand it, he's got a plan? I can tell you right now, there's a whole lot of people in Mobile, Alabama that still don't understand a traffic circle.

    But according to the Department of Transportation and all their research, it speeds up traffic and gets people where they're going quicker, causes less accidents, and makes people move right along, if they could only figure out how to do it. The point is, we trust that when they put in a traffic light, it's there for a reason. Somebody's done research and decided it needs to be there, and we have trust in it. But yet we don't trust that when something happens in our life that God knows why he's doing it, and he puts it there on purpose. Most of us, because we're human, the first thing that happens when we run into hardship is, God, please take this away.

    That's the first thing we wanna do. God, take this away. It's a hardship. I was talking to Jacob Watts this week. He and I get together once a month and and talk, and he was talking about going through the book of James and where James says, count it all joy when you face trials and hardship.

    Count it all joy. The point of that is, God's doing something. And instead of saying, take it away, we say, God, give me the strength to go through what I gotta go through. Give me the peace, the patience, whatever it is that I need to go through, whatever this is that I've gotta go through. Because, God, I trust you.

    David did this often. I don't understand, but I trust you. I don't understand, but I trust you, and I know that you will see me through. I know that I will come out the other side one way or another. I trust you.

    God is so much greater than us. We need to understand that we don't always understand. He is the everlasting god. He will not grow tired. He will not grow weary.

    We were created in his image, but it doesn't mean that we're the same or equal to God. One key to understanding is that even when things are down even when things are down, we are uncertain. We need to understand that God is able. We need to understand he is greater than all things. Even when we're down, God is able.

    He is greater than anything we face. So instead of feeling like you're all alone, that's when you hit your knees. That's when you spend that time talking to God. That's when you ask God to show you how to go through the next thing. What do I do?

    How do I get through what's happening? It feels like it's there's no way. The weight is too much. But God said, I'm never weary. I'm never tired.

    He said, I can take your burden. Give it to me. Verse 29 through 31 says, he gives strength to the weary. He gives strength to the weary, and to him who lacks might, he increases power. Though youth grow weary and tired and vigorous men, young men stumble badly, yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength.

    They will mount up with wings like eagles. They will run and not get tired. They will walk and not become weary. Wow. Those of you that are here today and you're tired.

    And I don't mean you're tired because you didn't sleep good last night or because you lost an hour of sleep. I mean, you're tired because there's so many things that you've been going through, and it seems like the burden is really heavy. You're begin you're getting weary, and you wonder how am I gonna get through this? Those who wait for the Lord will gain the strength. God gives increases of strength to the weak.

    It means that those who have been knocked down or beaten up and feel that they just can't keep going, God is there. When you put your faith in God and you trust him and you wait on God instead of trying to do it all on your own, God will strengthen you. God will give you what you need to get through the next hour, the next day, the next month, whatever it happens to be, God will give you that strength. God pours that out. His word just we just read it.

    It says, those who wait upon the Lord will have their strength renewed. They will run and not get tired. They will not be weary. It means that even though people are tired, God is going to give us strength. When we trust God, he will renew our strength.

    When we trust God, he will renew our strength. I want you to understand, even the young can grow weary. Even the young in Christ can grow weary. Every person can grow weary. There are so many things people can say all the time.

    How do you do what you do? How do you go through all that? How do you make it through the day? You there's so much that's being placed on you. There are so many people that it seems like over and over and over, there's just stuff piled up on their shoulders.

    And I I I see a picture sometimes of a, you know, a circus clown or something that they just keep piling it on, and somehow they're able to walk around with it on their shoulders. But eventually, they drop, you know, 1p on the top and the whole thing falls apart. Why? Because there's too much. They can't carry it all.

    No matter how great it seems, they can't carry it all. They're gonna grow weary eventually. They can't go that far. They can't keep piling it on and lift it up. We can't do it.

    Here's the problem with us, is we think we can. Why do we ever think we can? We cannot do it in our own strength. We are human. We are not God.

    We are not able to just keep piling the burdens on and keep carrying it around. God never intended for that. He said to bring them to him. He said to lay them at his feet, that his way is easy and his burden is light. Bring it to him, and he'll give it back to us.

    He will take it away from us, and he will lighten our burdens. He has the strength. He will strengthen us. When we trust him, he will renew that strength. I just don't think I can go another step.

    Military, we had to do running and and hikes and different things and whatever, and I remember we were on a a 12 mile road march. Well, that that's a long way to go, but we were on a 12 mile road march with a 50 pound pack. So you got all the weight on your back, and you're still marching. And, oh, yeah. By the way, they like to throw the enemy at you along the way, so you gotta react.

    Right? So you're looking for the enemy, and you're marching along, and you're going you know, after a while, you just feel like, I ain't gonna make it. There's no way I'm gonna make it to the end of this. And they halt everybody and tell you, stop. Drink some water.

    Everybody drinks a little water out of their canteen and takes just a short break. And all of a sudden they're like, okay. Put your pack back on. Stand back up and you're like, okay. I can go another couple of miles.

    And away you go. Just that little bit, just a little water, a little break, take the pack off your back for a moment and suddenly your strength is renewed and you feel like you can go a little further. If just a little water and a five minute break can do that, think what God's renewal can do. God can renew strength that you can't even begin to imagine. He made this body that's so incredible that even after all that, a little water and a five minute break, and you're ready to go a few more miles.

    He made us if we trust him, that no matter how much gets thrown on top of us, he will renew us if we call upon him. If we hold on to that, he will give us that strength. Those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. We have to trust him. We have to trust him.

    When we trust God, he will renew our strength. The reality for all of us is this, we're human beings. We're human beings, and we oftentimes, because sometimes of how we've been taught, sometimes just because we're stubborn, we oftentimes try to do it all on our own. God never wanted us to do anything on our own. He never want us to do anything on our own.

    God's word says, apart from me, you can do nothing. Apart from me, you can do nothing. But he also says, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Through Christ who strengthens you, you can do all things. He will renew your strength.

    It may not be immediate. You may need to be driven to your knees for a moment because of the things that you have neglected in the life of your relationship with God. You may need to be driven to your knees to begin to trust God again because you haven't given him that trust. You've trusted everything but him. You may need to be knocked down in order that he can pick you up and make you realize apart from me, you can do nothing.

    But let me show you how it is when you trust me. Let me show you how it is when you give it to me. I will renew your strength. I will give you what you need, and I will strengthen you through the things that you go through in this life. We live a life, oftentimes, where we're weary from battles.

    Sometimes it's battles of life. Sometimes it's battles of of a job, or a relationship, or children, or financial battles. Whatever it is, we have all these battles that we fight in life, and we get weary. Sometimes all those things tend to knock us down. Sometimes when we don't even think that those things are happening, we may be truly fighting a battle against Satan.

    Yes. The devil and his demons do bring attacks on God's people. They absolutely do. There is nowhere that we can think that that doesn't happen. We do have satanic attacks in our life.

    Everything that happens to you is not a satanic attack, but we do have satanic attacks in our life. Perhaps you're going through that. Maybe you're at a place where you think this, and unfortunately, this happens a lot. I have messed up. I have done all these things.

    I'm looking at the the staring down the barrels of the consequences of everything that happened, and no one can help me. No one. I've I've examined everything I know to do. I've thought of everything I can think of, and yet no one can help me, and it's my fault that I'm where I'm at. Maybe it is your fault that you're where you're at.

    Maybe you did make the bad choices. Maybe you did do things that put you in the position that you're in. But the thing you're wrong about is when you say no one can help me, God can. God can. Unfortunately, in this world today, so many people get to that point and say, no one can help me, and so they end their life.

    Not ever stopping to think that god can. Many of them are not. Why? Because they don't know god. They don't know god.

    They've never experienced that. God knows your name no matter if you know him or not. God loves you and cares for you, no matter if you know him or not. God will lift you up and strengthen you, if you will call upon him. You see, God created every person in this world, and whether they have called him by name, whether they have asked him into their life, whether they have given their life over to him or not, God loves every creation that he made.

    Every single one. That's why that every single thing that people do in life can be forgiven. There's only one unpardonable sin. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, which is basically unbelief. If you don't believe, certainly, you can't receive forgiveness.

    Other than that, everything can be forgiven because God loves the creation that he made so much that he gives every opportunity for you to call upon him and let him renew your strength. Let him give you that fresh life. He gives you every opportunity, but we have to call upon his name. Maybe people don't know. Maybe they don't know because no one's told them.

    That means if you know him, you need to tell. So the question I have for you today is this. Do you know the god who calls you by name? Do you know? Because he knows you, but do you know him?

    Have you ever given your life to him? Have you ever gotten to that point and said, you know what? I need a savior. All these things that have piled up on me, and I cannot come out from under them, god, please come and forgive me and save me, and give me that strength that I need. Have you ever done that?

    Only you know. I can't look at here and see who does and who doesn't. Sometimes people say, yes. I do. Later to find out, no.

    They don't. Later, they say, you know what? I was wrong. I thought I knew, but I knew up here, I didn't know in here. I never gave my life.

    I I thought that because I came to church every Sunday, because I have a Bible in my house, because I give some money to the Lord, because I treat people good that, of course, I will I knew God. I was saved. But that's not what God's word says. It says, if you confess with your mouth, Jesus as Lord, and believe that God raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. But those are the steps you must take.

    There's no other way. There's no other way. Do you know the god that knows you by name? If today you don't know him, I wanna introduce you. I would love to talk to you about how you can know him.

    Perhaps you know him, but you've been trying to carry the whole load all by yourself instead of calling upon the God that says, let me carry it for you. Maybe today you need to bring those burdens to the altar and leave them with him. Maybe there's somebody on your heart that you know you want to pray for. The altar's open. We're gonna have a time of invitation this morning.

    I just ask you simply this. Would you respond as the Holy Spirit touches your heart?

  • Mar 5, 2025Chapter 3 Pt. 1
    Mar 5, 2025
    Chapter 3 Pt. 1
    Series: Genesis
  • Mar 2, 2025A Tale Of Two Trees
    Mar 2, 2025
    A Tale Of Two Trees
    Series: 2025
    Genesis reveals the beginning of Creation
    It also reveals the first relationship between man and God
    God planted two trees named in the garden
    The Tree of Life & The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
    I want to talk about this model that is still with us today
    It’s interesting to see that the Tree of Life is in the beginning
    Also at the end in Revelation
    God intended for man to have relationship with Him always
    In the garden, God actually walked with mankind
    Once mankind sinned, we were separated from God physically
    The two trees represent our choice in our everyday walk
    Every person, every day stands between these trees and a choice is made
    When we choose the eternal life, we are strengthened for our daily walk
    When we choose sin, we are saying we don’t need God
    If our God was not a loving God, full of grace, when we choose the sin, we would have to live in it forever
    God, from the very beginning, gave us a way to be redeemed
    And that is Jesus
    In fact, it is in the book of Genesis that Jesus is first introduced
    God gave us a choice from the very beginning
    Only we can choose
    He knew that we were unable, on our own, to live a sinless life
    So, He gave us Jesus to pay the price for our sins
    Have you ever called upon Jesus to forgive and give you eternal life?
    Full Transcript:

    Right. Preaching a sermon on going back to the beginning, and we sing this morning with no music. How about that? Just like we went back in the Garden of Eden. No musical instruments, just praising God.

    Amen? Alright. I am, again, excited about today. If you have been coming on Wednesday night, you are aware that we started our study on Genesis quite a few weeks ago. I told the congregation when we started our study on the book of Genesis, I said, now look.

    Understand, this will not be a quick study. The book of Genesis is going to take us more than a year to get through. We'll only meet for an hour on Wednesday night. It's gonna take us more than a year to get through. I think it only took us three weeks to get through chapter one.

    So takes a while. When you dig in and you study what's there and you're reminded of things that maybe you'd it's been a while since you considered. So today, I told him Wednesday night, I said, we were in chapter two, but there's not enough time. I want to do more. So Sunday morning, we will be back in the book of Genesis, and we're talking about a tale of two trees.

    A tale of two trees. Genesis reveals the beginning of creation. That's what Genesis means, the beginning. It actually means in the beginning. That's what Genesis is.

    In the beginning, it reveals creation. Creation. Understand. Everything that is in this world did not show up randomly. It was created by God.

    God created the very first plant. He separated the water and the land. He separated the heavens from the earth. He made the animals, the fish, the birds, the the mammals, the the land creatures, everything that's there. I wonder sometimes, god, why did you make mosquitoes?

    But for some reason, he did. He made all of that, including mankind. He made all of that. He created all of that. It was his creation.

    The Bible says when it comes to man, he literally scooped up the dirt from the ground, formed man with his hands, and breathed breath, life into his nostrils. The other things that God created is that he spoke and it happened. He took his time with you. He picked up the dirt. He fashioned mankind in his image, and then he breathed his own breath into mankind to become life.

    Now listen. I don't know about you, but right away that makes me so humble to realize. God could have just said, okay, man, and there's man. He didn't have to take time with me. He didn't have to create me after his image.

    I could have been just like any other animal operating on instincts and doing all of those things, but God took his time with me. In Genesis, it reveals the beginning of creation, and it also reveals the first relationship between man and God. It is a intimate relationship. Like I just said, he literally, with his own hands, created you. He fashioned you.

    He made you. That relationship that he made was special from the very beginning because we're the only creation that he did that with. He wanted a personal relationship with us. He made us to have a mind. He made us to have a body.

    He made us to have a soul. He made us to have a desire to worship. He made us to have understanding. He made us to all of these things that animals don't have all of that. God made us that way.

    Why? So we could have a relationship with him. That's why he did that. He didn't give us all that so we could stand around and say, you know what my IQ is? Mine's like six.

    But anyway, what's my IQ? How smart are you? Look how great I am. See how wonderful an athlete. God didn't make us to do all that.

    God made us to have relationship with him. That was the very first purpose that God had for us. He made us to have a relationship with him. God created a place. Before he created mankind, he created a place.

    Right? He created the Garden of Eden. In the Garden Of Eden, he planted two trees that he named. There's more than two trees. Don't get confused.

    I know that we think about, oh, there's two trees in the garden. There were more than two trees in the garden. There were two trees that were specific. There were two trees that were special. And God told us in the scripture about those two trees.

    They were ones that absolutely were set apart and different than the rest of them. Scripture says in the middle of the garden, he planted those two trees. Everything else was all around, but in the middle, there were those two trees. Two trees that God calls to grow up, and he named them. He gave those trees for Adam and Eve, and he said, look.

    Here's these two trees that are here. And all these other trees, you can eat from anything there, but don't eat from this one tree. The two trees that he named were the tree of life. I like the tree of life. It's a wonderful tree.

    It's a good tree. The tree of life. Right? And he named the tree of life. The tree of life that he placed there basically said, you eat of the tree of life, then if you ate from it, you would not die.

    He said, you can eat for everything in the garden, including that tree. That tree, if you ate from that tree, you didn't have to die. But don't eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Because on the day that you eat of that tree, you will surely die. Some people say, well, Adam and Eve ate, they didn't die.

    They did die. Not right then, but they did die. They weren't designed to die initially, but they did die because they ate from the tree. And so there's a tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and what is the result of that death? Right?

    The result of that is death. Now Adam and Eve knew all of this before they ate from that tree. God told them all that. It wasn't a trick. He didn't say, hey.

    Eat from any tree, but, you know, kinda maybe stay away from that one. No. Don't worry about it. Just stay away from that tree. No.

    No. He gave them the reason why. If you eat from that tree, you're gonna die. There's a problem. Don't eat from that tree.

    The one thing god said don't do, don't do it. Here's the the crazy thing. God gave him a choice. He gave him a choice. Every time I read Genesis, I read it and I go, god, why did you do that?

    Why did you give us a choice? Why did you make it a choice? Why did you just not even put that tree there, and then we didn't have to worry about it? Instead, you put it there and then told us, don't eat that. You gave us a choice.

    We had to choose. What are we gonna do? Adam and Eve had a choice. They had everything under their dominion, every plant, animal, everything god said is under your control. Everything.

    Just don't eat from that one tree. The one thing that he said don't eat from that tree. And I and like I said, I I'm I'm like, god, why? Why don't you just leave that tree out and then everything would have been good? But then we would not have in our own mind, in our own body, we would not have made that choice to love God, to serve God, to give our life to God.

    We would have had no choice, But God made us different from the very beginning. He fashioned us with his own hands. He gave breath with his own breath. He made us different, and he gave us a choice. And he said, you choose.

    You make that choice what you're gonna do. The animals don't have a choice. They follow instinct. They do whatever they feel like that they're supposed to do. That if the the food source is here, they follow the food.

    If this is the storm is coming, they hide under something, you know, whatever. They just do whatever happens because that's their instinct. They don't have a choice. They don't reason. They don't think like we do.

    But God made us to where we have that opportunity. He made us where we have a choice. Now here's the thing. This model is still with us today. What do you mean?

    We don't even know where the Garden of Eden is, preacher. How can this model still be with us today? The Garden of Eden was destroyed. We we well, it wasn't destroyed, but it was hidden when they sinned, and we don't know where it is. So how can you say that?

    I'm talking about the model. The model is a choice. Follow God or follow sin. We have that choice. Every single one of you had a choice today.

    Am I gonna get up and go to church or not? You can choose. There are many people that aren't here today because they're sick. They have something going on. They weren't able to be here.

    Some people just absolutely said, I just don't I'm not feeling it today. I'm not going. I made a choice. Every day, we have a choice. When you're driving down Airport Boulevard and you watch that light start to change, you have a choice.

    Slow down or speed up. Right? You know, there there are cameras out there now. They're getting ready to start sending tickets by mail. So you might better watch out for that.

    We have a choice. Floor it and blow through the red light or stop. We have a choice. There's a sign, a white sign with black numbers on it. Should we drive that speed or however fast we wanna go?

    We have a choice. We can do those things. That that's trivial, preacher. I mean, you're talking about small stuff. I am.

    But you know what? If we think like that with the small stuff, how are we gonna think with the big stuff? If we think about things like that and go, you know, everybody speeds. It's not a big deal. Well, now they say everybody, you know, uses, illegal drugs.

    It's not really a big deal. Everybody likes to get drunk. It's not really a big deal. Everybody, you know, has relationships outside of marriage. It's no big deal.

    The world says, it's not a big deal. Sin is no big deal. Just do whatever you want. But in the very beginning, God separated sin and said, don't do that. Don't do that, but it's your choice.

    You can choose to do that. Today, every day, we make a choice. Are we going to walk with God, or are we going to choose sin and eternal separation from God? What are we gonna choose? It's interesting to see that the tree of life is in the beginning, it's also in the end.

    Tree of life is in the beginning in Genesis, but it's also in the end in Revelation. Turn with me to Revelation. At the end of Revelation, you will find in, 22, chapter 22 verse one and two. Chapter 22 verse one and two in Revelation. Then he showed me a river of the water of life, clear as crystal coming from the throne of God and of the lamb.

    In the middle of its street, on either side of the river, was the tree of life, bearing 12 kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month, and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. The tree of life. It was in the beginning, and it's in the end of God's word. Right away, we see that. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, we don't see again after the garden.

    We only see it in the Garden Of Eden. It's not mentioned later. So we don't see that moving forward. The tree of life is mentioned not only in the beginning, but is also mentioned in the end. God always intended for man to have relationship with him.

    God always intended that. There was never a time when God said, you know what? I'm gonna make everything including man, and then I'm leaving. I'll spin the earth up, get it going, and I'm stepping away, and they do what they want. God didn't create the earth that way.

    A lot of people think that. They think, well, even if they believe there was a creation, they believe there was some deity that created all of this, set it in motion, and said, go forth, do well, and they left to go start another world somewhere else. That's not what Genesis tells us. God wanted a relationship with man from the very beginning. That's why he created man with his hands.

    That's why he gave him his breath. That's why he created him in his own image. He wanted a relationship always with man. He never intended for there to be a time when you didn't have a relationship with him, but he gave you a choice. He created you to be in relationship with him, but he still gave you a choice.

    You choose. You get to decide what to do. God always intended for man to have a relationship with him. In the beginning, in the garden, God actually walked with mankind. How do you know that God walked?

    Because in Genesis, it says, I heard God walking in the garden. It didn't say I felt the presence of God. I saw the spirit of God. It says, I heard God walking in the garden. God actually walked with mankind.

    He had a one on one personal relationship with Adam and Eve. He was there. They could see him. They could talk to him. They had this personal relationship with him.

    You know why? Because sin had not separated him from the world yet. It's sin. That's what separated mankind. Until sin came in, there was that walk with God.

    It was a personal walk, a personal relationship that was physical. It was there every day until sin came into the world. So in the garden, God actually walked with mankind. He was there. Once mankind gave into the temptations, we were physically separated from God.

    Is there anything God can't do? God can't allow sin in his presence. He can't allow sin in his presence. In fact, when he, when Jesus went to the cross and took the sin of the world on him, it says, God turned away because he couldn't look on the sin that covered his son. When sin happened, it was a separation.

    Consider this. What if before sin happened, God and man were standing side by side and sin happened, and suddenly, something like the Grand Canyon opened up. And now God's on one side and man's on the other, and there's this great chasm between us. That's a wonderful picture to think about today when you think about sin. It's larger than the Grand Canyon between can you stand on one side of the Grand Canyon and reach out and grab the hand of the person on the other side?

    No. You're physically separated. There's only one thing that can put the two of you together. That's a bridge. The bridge today is Jesus Christ.

    That's the bridge that bridge man and god. God designed that from the very beginning. Some people look at the story of creation, and they look at the Garden of Eden, and they say, oh, well, you know, I I mean, I know that that, you know, God created us and all that kind of stuff, But, you know, he didn't really, expect us to make that that bad choice. He didn't expect us to to sin when he told us not to sin, and so now there's been a problem. More on that later.

    Have you ever considered the two trees represent today our choice on our everyday walk? Think about it like that. Two trees represent our choice every day. Every day we stand in the middle of of the trees, and we make a choice. Do I follow the choice by taking life from God and walk in eternal life and walk in a way that's pleasing to God, or do I choose sin?

    Which do I do? Perhaps I I wanna choose sin. Maybe I wanna go and do that. I can take part in eternal life that's mine forever through Christ because we can still take part in that even though there was a separation that happened so long ago. Jesus bridged that gap and gave us the opportunity to accept that eternal life.

    Do we choose that? Listen. When I say do we choose that, we know people come in a Baptist church. Typically, people make a decision. They come up front and they say, yes.

    I believe in Jesus, and I gave my life to him, and we all celebrate. And we confirm that with them, and we go through baptism. We do all that. That's wonderful. Daily.

    Daily. Do you choose daily to continue to walk in that eternal life? Do you choose daily? The Bible says take up your cross daily and follow him. Do you do that daily?

    Every day, we have to choose what we're going to do. Are we going to follow Christ today, or are we going to go off and do our own thing and and live in a way that's not pleasing him? What are we gonna do? Are we gonna choose life, Are we gonna choose sin that's a separation from God? What are we gonna choose every day?

    Here's the thing. Well, real preacher, if I know Jesus as Lord and savior, even though I sinned, he forgives me. And so I'm not really separated away from God because he forgives me of that sin. Yeah. But while you're in that sin, as soon as you have sinned and you've caused that problem, there is a temporary divide until you understand you made that sin and you ask god, please let me come back.

    Please forgive me. God's will he's standing there. He's already gonna forgive you. You know he's gonna forgive you, but you need to ask for that. There is a separation.

    How many people just think about this. No hands. How many people are actively committing sin and feel close to God? Think about that. I chose to whatever that you know is sinful.

    While you're committing that sinful act, do you feel close to god? No. You feel separated. You don't wanna hear god. You don't even wanna know about it.

    You wanna completely be away from it. You know, there are many people that won't come through the back door of that church or the front door of that church, this church, any church, because when they walk in the door, they get convicted. They don't want the convicted. They don't wanna be that close. So in their sin, they're separated.

    Yes. Even if they know Jesus Christ, when you're sinning, you're separated from God. When you're following that walk in sin, you're separated at that moment. Yes. He provided a way that you can come back to him, but you have to choose.

    You have to make that choice. You have to decide. What am I gonna do? These two trees represent a model, a choice that we all have to do every day. Every single day, we have choices.

    We get up in our life, we have a choice. Are we gonna honor god and walk in a way that's pleasing to him today, or are we gonna walk in a way that's not pleasing to him? And if it was simple enough that we can make that choice the moment we got out of bed and we didn't ever have to think about it again, wouldn't that be great? You know what happens? We make that choice, and then, you know, two hours later, there's another opportunity that comes up.

    Am I gonna follow that sin? Am I gonna stay walking with God? What am I gonna do? All day long, there's stuff. All day long, there's stuff.

    I don't know about you, but sometimes I'll get a random text. Middle of the day, things are going great. I'm doing all well. I get a random text. I know well enough not to open that text because I know that that text that just came in or that email that just showed up, there's something bad on the other side of that.

    And I know people who have opened those texts, and you know what happened? Their phone blew up with pornography. Why did that happen? Satan is throwing it out there. Here you go.

    I'm giving you that opportunity to send. You can look. I know you you decided you're gonna walk like this today, but you know how much fun it would be if you did this instead? You know, you can ask forgiveness tomorrow. I've heard people say, oh, I'm gonna have fun today.

    I'll ask god to forgive me tomorrow. You just made a absolute choice to step into sin. You made that choice to separate yourself from god. Is that what we're supposed to be doing? No.

    God said, look, eat all the fruit, do all of the things, but don't do that. And today, if we think about it in that way of a model, the choice is there. Here's the thing. No one can make that choice for you. You have to make that choice.

    You're the only one that can make that choice. As a parent, we tell our children, don't do these things. Do this instead. But when they leave the house and they go out into the world, they're the ones that make the choice, not you. You can tell them all day long, but ultimately, the choice comes down to them.

    The choice comes down to them. They make the choice. We can choose every day. No one can make that choice but us, but here's the reality. There are consequences for our choices.

    Some good, some bad, but there are consequences for our choices. When we choose eternal life, we're strengthened for our daily walk. We're strengthened every day. We're strengthened when we walk in God. God lifts us up.

    He takes care of us. We're strengthened as we go throughout our day as we make that choice and we walk with him. When we choose sin, we're saying, we don't need God. Oh, come on, preacher. That's kinda, you know, extreme, ain't it, to say if I choose sin, I'm saying I don't need God.

    No. It's not extreme at all. That's exactly what you're saying. I don't need you, God. I know I'm gonna make my own decision.

    Don't follow me. I'm going over here. I'll come back when I'm done. I don't want you to be there. You stay over here.

    I don't need you right now. I'm going and doing this thing. I I don't I I'm I'm just making my own choice. I don't need god. When we sin and we make that physical choice to sin in our life, we're saying to god, I don't need you.

    I don't need you today. I'm making my own choice. I'm doing my own thing. We make the choice. Question is, which choice are you making?

    Are you making the choice of following God and walking in that eternal life every day, or are you choosing that other tree? Are you choosing to say, I don't need God? When we choose sin when we choose sin, we're saying we don't need God, and every single day, man struggles with that choice. Man struggles with that choice. It seems like such an easy choice, but we struggle with it.

    The world says it's okay. You remember the story I was telling children and Satan is in that tree going, it's all good. Try it out. It tastes wonderful. God didn't really mean you're gonna die.

    That's what we're dealing with every day. If our God was not a loving God full of grace, when we choose to sin, we would have to live in it forever. Think about that. Bible says that the wages of sin is death and eternal separation from God. He says that that sin, that choice that we have, the wages of sin is death and eternal separation for God.

    But the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ, our savior. God provided a way. If he didn't love us and he didn't provide a way, he wasn't merciful, he wasn't full of grace. When we chose sin, it would be forever. It would be forever.

    The trees that we see show every day the struggle the man that mankind goes through and wrestles with. But God, from the very beginning, already knew what was gonna happen. God said, don't eat from this tree. Remember, God is omniscient. He knows everything.

    He knew that Adam and Eve, at some point, were going to make the decision to eat from that tree. He already knew that was gonna happen from the very beginning. He already knew that. And I wanna be clear about something. Eve and Adam made the decision to eat from that tree.

    You read the scripture. When Eve took of that tree, she didn't have to run across the other side of the garden and tell Adam what she'd done and give him the fruit. He was standing there with her. Says she ate and she gave it to him. Oh, this is good.

    Try it. Sometimes it makes me think of somebody taking a drink of spoiled milk. Oh, try that. Yeah. It was horrible, but we gave it to somebody else.

    And what did they do? Oh, you're right. Why? Why do we do that? Eve sinned.

    So did Adam. He's standing right there with her when all that's happening. He sinned. She sinned. They chose sin.

    God knew it was gonna happen. From the very beginning, he gave us a way to be redeemed. How many of you just don't have to raise your hands, but how many of you know that Jesus is mentioned in the book of Genesis? Jesus is mentioned in the book of Genesis. Jesus is the way.

    God, from the very beginning, after they made that choice and they sinned and God passed out the punishment, he talked about Jesus. Really? Yeah. Look in Genesis chapter three verses fourteen and fifteen. Genesis chapter three fourteen and fifteen.

    Some of you are thinking, I've read Genesis three many times. I've never seen Jesus mentioned in Genesis anywhere, because it doesn't specifically say Jesus. The lord god said to the serpent, because you have done this, cursed are you more than all cattle, and more than every beast of the field, on your belly you will go, and dust you will eat all the days of your life. And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. He shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise him on the hill.

    Couple real quick things I want you to see there. Almost anywhere else that you find, you will never see where it talks about a woman's seed. Seed is from the man. Seed is from the man. But in this part, it says her seed because Jesus was gonna be born through a woman.

    Her seed, that's Jesus. He capitalized. Capitalized. He, meaning Jesus, shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise him on the heel. He's talking about the crucifixion of Jesus.

    It's just a small setback. Right? Yeah. He's dead, but God's gonna bring you back to life. It's just a small setback.

    Right there we see God already had the plan from the very beginning of time that when, Satan calls, he brought in the temptation and mankind made the choice to sin. God already had the plan in place to bridge that gap. He already had Jesus lined up to take care of that problem. He already had a way for man to be forgiven of the sin that he had committed in life. God didn't see what happened and went, oh, man.

    Now what? And he doesn't do that today on anything. Nothing catches him by surprise. There's nothing that happens and god is surprised. You know, United States Of America was so they were doing so good.

    They were following me, and now they're turning away. Oh, what am I gonna do now? He already knew that was gonna happen. Everything that happens, god already knew and he already has a plan for it. It's already there.

    It's not something that catches him off guard. From the very beginning, God had the plan for Jesus. We see it in the book of Genesis. God gave us a choice from the very beginning. A choice.

    God created mankind. He put two trees in the garden that were named the the garden the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Don't eat this one. He already knew it was gonna happen. Don and I were talking Wednesday night, and Don said, you know what, brother George?

    Even if Adam and Eve never sinned, they didn't ever choose that tree. When Cain and Abel came along, they'd have been all up in that tree. They would have been the ones if it if it if Adam and Eve didn't, But they sinned. Sin came into the world. They made a choice.

    God gave them that choice, and they made the wrong choice. He knew God knew that we were incapable, unable, whatever, to, live our own sinless life. Only we can choose. He knew we weren't gonna be able to do that, to live a sinless life. He knew that.

    Well, look. If God knew that we weren't gonna be able to live live a sinless life, why do you even bother giving us the 10 commandments? We're supposed to try. We're supposed to try. Every day, we're supposed to try.

    God says we should be perfect. He knows we're not gonna be perfect. Why does he tell us we're supposed to be perfect? So we can try every day. We can strive every day to live better than we did the day before.

    We can strive every day to live for God in a way that's pleasing to him. We can strive every day to keep everything that he has put before us. We can strive to be sinless every day. Well, there's no way. Nobody could be live a sinless life.

    Jesus did as fully man. As fully man, he walked on this earth and did not sin. Jesus did it. We don't do it, but he gave us a way. He knew we would not be able to do it, so he gave us Jesus to pay the price for our sin.

    Now think about that. I like to pick on Bill, so I'll do I'll use Bill. I said, okay. Look, Bill, don't sin. But you know what?

    I know you're gonna sin, so Tim's gonna pay that price for you. He'll be the one that'll pay the price. So you you're gonna sin. I know that, but Tim's gonna be the one to pay for it. Right?

    Well, how's that fair? I don't seem fair. It's not fair at all, but it's grace. It's mercy that God gave us. God said, I know Bill can't live a sinless life, but neither can Tim.

    And so I'm sending Jesus, And Jesus will be the one that makes the way for us. He's the one that's gonna pay the price for our sin. He went on that cross, and God turned away from him because he was covered with our sin. He's the one that paid the price. So here's the thing.

    He paid the price for our sin. And when he paid the price for our sin, he gave us reconciliation. We now have that reconciliation. Maybe today you realize, you know what? My whole life I have chosen badly.

    If there was a bad choice to be made, that was me. I made that choice. I've not done the right thing my whole life. I've struggled. I've had a hard time.

    I've never done that. I've never made the right choice. Well, there's still a way to overcome that and make a right choice. Have you ever called upon the name of Jesus, asked him to forgive you, and receive eternal life? Have you ever done that?

    You see, this is the amazing thing. God knew we were gonna sin. He gave Jesus to pay the price for our sin. And then all we have to do is accept that gift that he gave us, and we can have eternal life. And you know what it costs?

    For us, nothing. For Jesus, it cost him everything. For us, it cost nothing. You you can't buy it. You you you can have more money than anybody in the world and it doesn't help you.

    You can try to live the best life, do all the things you can for people, be the the most giving person that anybody's ever seen, it doesn't help you. You have to call upon Jesus. You see, he gave you another choice. He gave you the choice, you're gonna sin or not. People sin.

    We know the scripture says all have sinned. People sinned. So he gave us that choice, but praise God, he gave us another choice. Then he said, you know what? Even though you sinned, I'm gonna provide you with another opportunity to make the right choice.

    You made the wrong choice when you when you sin, but I'm giving you another opportunity to make the right choice. Here's Jesus' bridge that crosses this chasm of sin. And all you have to do is choose him and walk across him, and you can join me in eternal life. I'm giving you that opportunity. That's all you gotta do is call upon the name of Jesus.

    Scripture says, that if you confess Jesus as lord and believe that god raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. Call upon the name of Jesus. Ask him to forgive you and accept the eternal life that he gives. So here's the the real reality. Only you can make the choice.

    God gave us a design of choice. From the very beginning, we had a choice. Follow God or sin. Whatever we choose, we have that choice. What are we gonna do?

    God knows we're gonna choose sin. All have sinned. Praise God. He gave us another choice. He said, okay.

    Alright. You messed that one up. So already created away from the very beginning, here's Jesus. He he's willing to take all your sin, and he has already paid the price for it. You just call upon his name.

    You ask to be forgiven of all those things that you did, and you will be saved. If you confess Jesus as lord and believe that god raised him from the dead, you shall, not maybe, not might, not could be, but you shall be saved. So that's what you need to do. That's your choice. Will you do that?

    Meaning will say, I just don't think I can. Many will make the choice to reject Jesus, but those who make the choice to accept are rewarded with eternal life, Rewarded with a life together with God, not separated from him. They'll be rewarded with the payment of their sins being paid in full, knowing that God loves them that much. It's a choice. No one can make it for you.

    I've said this many times. If I could make the choice, any person that I ever came in contact with that told me that they never made the confession of faith in Jesus Christ, I will make it for them. But I can't. Only you can make that choice. On one hand, you choose life eternal with Jesus Christ.

    On the other hand, you choose death eternal with Satan. Which one do you choose? Only you can make the choice. Today, I want to tell you this. If you do not choose, then you already chose.

    Because if you don't choose life, you've already chosen death. Perhaps you walk out that door and on that very busy street, you don't see the car that mows you down, and this is your last breath that you ever took. Have you made that choice? Have you made that choice? Perhaps you lay down tonight and your heart stops.

    Have you made the choice? Are you ready? Because we don't know. We're not promised another minute. So as you consider that choice that needs to be made, have you made it?

    And if you've made it, have you chosen to follow Jesus? We have a time invitation. After I pray, if god's put it on your heart that you need to make that decision to choose him, I'm a ask you to come tell me about it. Perhaps you need to come to the altar and pray about something else. You've made the decision, but you know you're still having a hard time making the right choice every day.

    Maybe there's someone in your life that you desperately wanna pray for them. Whatever it is, the altar will be open. Let's pray.

  • Feb 26, 2025Chapter 2
    Feb 26, 2025
    Chapter 2
    Series: Genesis
  • Feb 23, 2025Uncertain Times
    Feb 23, 2025
    Uncertain Times
    Series: 2025
    What crazy times we live in with so much uncertainty
    People are afraid of losing jobs, rising costs, even crazy weather
    Scripture doesn’t tell us our lives will be certain and structured
    God has shown us certain truths for uncertain times

    Job 19:17-25 NASB

    We have a Lord that lives - verse 25
    This reminds us of some things
    The Redemption
    The Resurrection
    The Return
    We have a Love that lasts
    There is no place that His love cannot reach.
    There is no person that He doesn’t love
    There is no problem in which His love doesn’t endure.
    We Have A Labor That Lingers
    Every labor for the Lord lasts forever
    Do you have the certainty of a relationship with God?
    Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness
    And all these things will be added unto you.
    Full Transcript:

    There is something about that name. Amen? That absolutely is the most incredible name that's above all names. And, you know, it's just something peaceful about even saying the name Jesus, because you could think about how powerful that name is, how powerful that name is. Jesus spoke one word, and everything, a whole raging ocean became like glass.

    How incredible is that? With everything around us raging and storming and all that's going on, Jesus can take care of all of that. You know, today, we live in uncertain times. We live in uncertain times. There's a lot going on in our life today.

    And so I wanna share a few things with you today. I want you to think about this, what crazy times we live in with so much uncertainty. It's a lot of uncertainty, and especially right now, there are things going on. People are losing their jobs. Things are changing all over the the country.

    Things are changing all over the world. There's just stuff happening, it seems like, every which way that you turn around. People are afraid of losing their jobs, rising costs, even crazy weather. We've even had some weather that's just, you know, who if you raise your hand, I'm gonna call you a liar. Whoever saw nine inches of snow in Mobile, Alabama before?

    Nobody. Because it hadn't happened before. Seven, eight, nine inches of snow in Mobile, Alabama. Nobody ever expected that. It's not something we ever had, but we did.

    So all these things that are happening, it's uncertain. We just we don't understand exactly what's going on. But I want you to think about this. Scripture never tells us that our lives will be certain and structured. Scripture never says that.

    There's nowhere in scripture it says, when you call upon the name of Jesus, your life is absolutely certain. There'll be no surprises, no changes, no hardships, no problems, nothing happening. It actually says that when you call upon the name of Jesus, you will have trouble in your life. That you will. There will be things that happen we have absolutely no control.

    We think about this structure and all these things going on in our life, but listen, all of this control and certainty in our life is, it's really just a fantasy. There's no such thing really as control over your life because there's too many things on the outside of your life that play into it. God has shown us certain truths for uncertain times. God has shown us certain truths for uncertain times. I'm gonna go over three passages this morning.

    I'm gonna go over three passages, and we're gonna talk about each one of these passages. We're gonna learn some things from these passages about uncertain times. Because this is the time we live in. We don't live in a time where everything is perfect. The reality is we never have.

    But it just seems more right now, like there's so much more happening. And so we wanna talk about that just a little bit today. I wanna pray before we read these passages, and then we're gonna cover them, and we're gonna talk about them, and we're gonna ask God to reveal to us exactly what he wants to see. Let's pray. Father, we come to you today, and as we open your word, god, the place that we can find answers is in your word.

    We're not gonna find the answers in the Wall Street Journal. We're not gonna find the answers in the on Facebook. We're not gonna find the answers even from our neighbor next door. God, we're gonna find the answers from your word, the ones that you gave us. And this morning, as we go through these three passages, help us to take comfort in knowing, God, that you're in control, to show us and reveal to us that, father, we can trust you.

    Father, you said you would never leave us or forsake us, and, father, we believe that. And so I pray that today as we go through this time together, that you would touch each life how they need to be touched. Every person is going through different things, but, god, some need to be comforted because of the affliction that's going on in their life. Some may need to be afflicted because they've gotten too comfortable. But father, whatever it is, I pray that you would touch us today, and you would reveal to us exactly what you want us to see.

    God, we ask all these things in Jesus' precious and holy name. Amen. If you will, turn with me to the book of Job. The book of Job chapter 19, and we're going to go verses 17 through 25. We're gonna read that passage, and then we're gonna discuss some of it.

    So Job chapter 19 verse 17 through 25. If you don't have your Bible with you, the passage will be on the screen. It says I believe that's a start. Yeah. It says uh-oh.

    I went too far. I got it. Alright. It says, my breath is offensive to my wife, and I am loathsome to my own brothers. Even young children despise me.

    I rise up and they speak against me. All my associates abhor me, and those I love have turned against me. My bone clings to my skin and my flesh, and I have escaped only by the skin of my teeth. Pity me. Pity me, oh, you my friends, for the hand of God has struck me.

    Why do you persecute me as God does and are not satisfied with my flesh? Oh, that my words were written. Oh, that they were inscribed in a book that with an iron stylus and with lead, they were engraved in the rock forever. As for me, I know that my redeemer lives. And at the last, he will take his stand on the earth.

    Now here's the thing. I want you to think about this. All this passage that we just went through, Job has a lot going on. Job is in a the worst spot that anybody could ever imagine. If you're familiar with Job and you're familiar with how we got to this point, Satan has talked to God and said, let me sift him.

    God allowed it. And Satan took away his family. He took away his wealth. He took away his health. He took away everything.

    And all that happened to one behind another, behind another, behind another. And Job is sitting literally in sackcloth and ashes begging for peace. And he has all of these friends that are coming out to him, but none of them are giving him peace. None of them are giving him peace. Job is afflicted by disease.

    He's afflicted by disease. He's literally it says in scripture, he's scratching sores off of his body. He's literally afflicted with disease, a terrible, terrible situation. Many of you have dealt with disease in your life. Many of you may have dealt with cancer.

    Many of you deal with respiratory illness. There's so many things that we deal with in our life that we wonder why do I have to go through all this. We see other people not going through that. Maybe you wonder how do I have to go through all of these things? But we're afflicted.

    Job was afflicted by disease. He was also abused by the despot, by those that were around him. They abused him. They were like, what have you done? You have sinned, and god is punishing you.

    The reality was the opposite. Job was living for god exactly as he was supposed to. But Satan said, if I afflict him, he'll turn away from you. Job had been abused by all of these, and then he was abandoned during this time. All of his friends, you know what they did?

    They turned away from him. They all said, Job, you have sinned in God's hand. His punishment is on you, and so we're just turning away. You need to curse God and die. That's what his wife said.

    Job cursed God and die. That's how bad it was. That's pretty bad. You just need to do that. But in all the things that Job said and everything that was happening in his life and all that was going on at the end of that passage at the end of that passage, things changed.

    This was a time when he most needed a shoulder to cry on, and yet nobody was there. Instead of a reassuring hand and somebody to try to help him out, he was belittled and abandoned. All this that went on, everything that was happening, all the affliction, all the abuse, all the abandonment, and in spite of the disease and and despite the despair, he found a certain truth. And the truth that he found was, my redeemer lives. God lives.

    We look at this and it says, we have a lord that lives. That's what he finds in verse 25. And all this is going on and everything that's happening, he's telling you how bad it is and everything that's going on, but he said, but I know my redeemer lives. He's not dead. He lives.

    My redeemer lives. And because of that, I can trust him. Because of that, with everything that's going on, I'm appealing to him. I will not turn away. I will stay focused on serving God.

    My redeemer lives. We have a Lord that lives, it says in verse 25. Now in this, this reminds us of some things. This is what he said. As for me, I know my redeemer lives, and the last he will take his stand on the earth.

    So there are some things that we know. There are some things that reminds us of when we read this verse. Number one, I want you to think about this. It reminds us of the redemption. The redemption.

    Well, what do you mean the redemption? We have redemption because of Christ. Because of Christ. We cannot be redeemed without Jesus Christ. What I mean redeemed?

    Well, every single one of us, the scripture said, has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Every one of us. So we all are given a price to pay. That price that we're given for sin is death and eternal separation from God. However, Jesus paid that price.

    He redeemed us by paying that price, and all of us can understand there is a redemption for our sins because of Jesus Christ. Job said, my redeemer lives. He's alive. He's not dead. I know I will be redeemed.

    We can understand that we have redemption. We have redemption because of Christ, and no matter what happens, nothing changes with that. Well, wait a minute. So you're telling me that even though I sinned, Jesus paid that price. He paid the price to redeem me.

    And I accepted that redemption, and I have salvation. Okay? Good. Now I messed up, and I sinned again, And I had this problem or I had that problem. You're telling me that that redemption that I got initially does not change?

    That's exactly what I'm telling you. Because that one time that Jesus went to the cross and paid the price for all sin, past, present, and future. He died once for all. If it would didn't cover everything, he woulda had to keep going to the cross and keep dying and keep shedding his blood over and over and over again. But he didn't have to do that.

    He did it once, and it covered everything for all eternity if we accept it. He paid the price. He redeemed you if you simply accept it. He's not forcing it on you. You have to accept it.

    But understand that with everything else that's going on in your life and all the stuff that's happening and all of the world seemingly caving down around you, you have redemption if you know Jesus Christ. You have redemption. So the ultimate is my redeemer lives. I have been redeemed. I will spend an eternity in heaven with him.

    We have redemption because of Christ. I want you to think about why do we have redemption because of the resurrection. We have redemption because of the resurrection. You see, if Jesus went to that cross and he died on that cross and he was buried in that tomb and he never was raised from the dead, we would have no hope. We would have absolutely no hope.

    It's because of the resurrection that we have hope. It's because of the resurrection that all this is possible. Because there are other people who have been great people, who have done many things, who have died for people, but they were never resurrected. You see, they didn't overcome the grave. They didn't overcome all of that.

    They died. They were buried, and that was the end of of their earthly life. That was the end of of what they had to give. But Jesus died, he was buried, and he was resurrected to walk fresh and new. And today, he sits at the right hand of the father.

    Amen? Amen. And so because of that, we can think about with everything that's going on, we have redemption because of Christ, and it's because of the resurrection that we can have that hope. We can have the hope that no matter what else is going on in our life, that god is still in control. We can have the hope that will go through every single day.

    Understand that one of the the biggest problems, especially for Americans that we deal with in this country, is depression. There are so many people that are dealing with depression, and many of them don't deal with it very well. They don't go see anybody. They don't talk to anybody because there's a stigma, right, about depression. Oh, if I go see a counselor, then that labels me.

    No. It labels you as human and that you need help. You need to talk to somebody. But the number one person you need to be talking to is god. But you may need more than that.

    The number one problem across our nation in mental health is depression, and depression causes so many other things when it's not dealt with. But we can take all of these things that are happening, and we can turn it over to God and understand that he redeemed us because of the resurrection. We can have hope. We can get up every single day, and we continue to move and do the things that we need to do because he paid the price, because he's alive today. We can have that hope.

    We don't have to think all hope is lost. It's never lost because of Jesus. I want you to think about this. Why is it still hope with we have the redemption, we have the resurrection, but why is there still hope? There's a lot going on.

    I mean, do you see what's happening in the world today? The weather patterns, everything that's crazy. Do you see the unstable governments? Do you see the all the stuff that's going on? How can you say that we can still have hope?

    Because he will return. He will return. How can you be sure of that, preacher? Because he said, if I prepare a place for you, I will return for you. He said he's coming again.

    The scripture says that he will return to claim his children. He will return and bring us to heaven with him, those who know him. He will return one day. Just as he was here the first time, he will come back. But this time, not as a baby, not as a helpless child, but as a king.

    And when he comes back the next time, he's gonna bring us home with him. I didn't get a single amen. He's coming back. And when he does, he's gonna bring us back with him. All of this stuff that's going on is done.

    We have hope every single day because he told us that he paid the price for us. He was buried, and he resurrected. He's sitting at the right hand of the father, and he is going to return. So even though the times we live in are uncertain, even though the times we live in are hard, even though we sometimes wonder how are we gonna make it through the next day, we can trust him. Because everything that he's ever told us in scripture has come true, except for the resurrection.

    We're waiting on that. Not the resurrection. I mean, the return. Except for the return. He's coming back.

    He's coming back. And when he does, everything is going to change. I want you to understand, he will return and take us home someday. Now if that's not quite enough for you, I'm gonna share a little bit more with you. I want you to turn with me to Romans chapter eight verses 28 through 39.

    Romans chapter eight twenty eight through 39. And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew, he also predestined to become conformed to the image of his son so that he would be the firstborn among many brethren. And these whom he predestined, he also called. And these whom he called, he also justified.

    And those whom he justified, he also glorified. What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Amen? If God is for us, who can be against us?

    How can anything stand against us if God is for us? You know, in the military, they teach you, how to survive in cases of conflict, and they give you all this equipment, and then they want you to understand that it works well. And so one of the things that they do is when you're in basic training, they give you a a protective mask. You might call it a gas mask. I wouldn't because I'd be doing push ups if I called it that.

    It's protective mask. You put it on, and it keeps out all these chemicals and things that are around you. They want you to know that it works. So they take you to a chamber where they have filled it with riot gas. That's bad stuff.

    And they make you go inside with your mask on and you take a deep breath. You don't smell anything. Their skin's burning. You know there's gas there because your skin's on fire. Your neck's on fire, but you can breathe and everything's okay.

    And then they do something crazy. They tell you, take off your mask. And then they start asking you a bunch of questions until you go and take a deep breath. And then you're coughing and and spewing and and everything's coming out and you just wanna get out of there. And you finally get out.

    But here's what they're trying to teach you. If you have on that mask, those chemicals are gonna protect you. But it's just a man made mask. The reality for us is even though there are things going on all around us, if God is for us, it's just like he's wrapped us in his hands. And if he's for us, then who can be against us?

    There's nothing that can penetrate that. Will we have trouble in this world? Yes. He told us we would. He said if the world gave me trouble, it's gonna give you trouble.

    We're gonna have trouble in this world. The reality is I've got you wrapped up. You might stumble and fall, but it's not gonna be permanent. I'm gonna take care of you. And you know what?

    Even if something happens to you, even to the point of death, those that die live. Because to be absent from the body is present with the Lord. And so if he has you wrapped up, no matter what happens, who can be against you? No one. If God is for you, who can be against us?

    Not a single one can be against us. We have a love that lasts. We have a lord that lives, and we have a love that lasts. We have a love that lasts. He who did not spare his own son, but delivered him over for us all, how will he not also with him freely give us all things?

    Who will bring a charge against God's elect? God is the one who justifies. Who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is the one who died. Yes.

    Rather, who was raised, who was at the right hand of God, and who also intercedes for us. Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword? Just as it is written, for your sake, we are being put to death all day long. We are considered as sheep to the slaughter.

    But in all these things, we overwhelmingly conquer through him who loved us. If God is for us, who can be against us? We may be led to the slaughter. We may be persecuted, but God is in control. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities nor things present nor things to come nor powers nor height nor depth nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus, our lord.

    We have a love that lasts. And all of the things that happen in this world and all of the hardships and all of the persecution and all of the uncertain times and everything that's come our way, we have a love that lasts because nothing can separate us from the love of god. You know what I read in that? It says not a single created thing can separate you from the love of god. Here's what I want you to understand very clearly about that.

    That means that even you cannot separate yourself from the love of god if you have given him your life. Not even you. You can't pull away because he has you. He said nothing can separate you. Can you have salvation that lasts for all eternity?

    Absolutely. He's telling you right there that no matter what, you can't be taken out of his hand if you have given yourself to him in the first place. It can't happen. We have a love that lasts. How long does it last?

    For all eternity. We don't know how long eternity is because we can't fathom that. We have this idea of man. What if it was a hundred and fifty years? We don't know anybody that's lived to be a hundred and fifty.

    A hundred and fifty years seems forever, but a hundred and fifty years is a blink of an eye. Eternity, there's no such thing as time. God's love lasts for all eternity once we accept him as lord and savior. So we have a redeemer that's coming back. We have a lord that lives.

    We have a love that lasts. There is no place that his love cannot reach. K? I want you to think about that. There is no place his love can't reach, but I have pulled far away from God.

    There's been so much happened in my life, I'm mad at God. And I pulled so far away from God because of everything that's happened, there's no way that he still his love still reaches me. There is no place that his love can't reach. There is nothing in this world that can remove you from the love of God. There is no place that his love cannot reach.

    That is an incredible thought. There is no person that he doesn't love. There's no person that he doesn't love. Not one. He loves every person.

    Wait a minute. Preacher, Not everybody knows Jesus as lord and savior. That's right. There are some people that don't know him. They've never given their life to him, but he still loves them.

    His love was so great that he died for them. While they are yet sinners, he died for them just like you. He died for you while you were still a sinner because he loves everything that he ever created, and every person is created by god. He loves every person. There's not one that he doesn't love, but it can't be because, you know, I I know this person, and they're so awful.

    They're so terrible. All the things they've done in their life, They curse God all the time. They say they hate God, that they don't believe in God. All these things, God surely can't love them. There's no person that he doesn't love.

    He loves every creation he ever made, but he gave us humans a choice. You choose. Here I am, all the redemption, all of the forgiveness, all of the love that you could ever ever have, it's here for you. All you have to do is accept it, but you choose. If you choose no, then that's your choice.

    If you choose yes, then nothing can take you out of my hand. We have all that available. Even with everything that's going on, even with everything that's going on, we have a lord that lives. We have a love that lasts. There is no problem in which his love doesn't endure.

    There's nothing too big for him. His love covers it all. But you don't realize that I I've I'm losing everything. I'm gonna lose my home. I'm gonna lose my car.

    I'm I'm my my wife is leaving. My my kids hate me. Everything. His love can endure through all things. No matter what is going on at this point in your life, god's love is bigger than that.

    God's love is bigger than that. I want you to look at first Corinthians chapter 15 and verse 58. First Corinthians fifteen and fifty eight. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the lord. Your toil is not in vain in the Lord.

    Be steadfast. Be immovable. Stand in God. Have faith in God. Put your trust in God, and have a labor that lingers.

    Have a pardon me, that lingers. What do you mean have a labor that lingers? I I don't I don't understand. Well, like I said, first of all, we have a lord that lives. We have a love that lasts, and now we have a labor that lingers.

    Most of us on earth and everything that we do on this earth, it does not matter in eternity. But every labor for the Lord lasts forever. Think about that. What have you done with this life that God has given you up to this point? Many of you are 40.

    No laughter. Many of you are over 40, 50, 60, 70, even 80, even 90 in this room, and all the things that you've done in your life. Maybe you've built an empire that is, you know, seemingly going to last forever. Newsflash, it won't last forever. Maybe you have done things that is in the history books.

    Maybe you have raised a family and and have 73 grandchildren, great grandchildren, and beyond. It's still not gonna last forever. But every labor for the Lord lasts forever because it carries into eternity with you. What have you done for god? You can sit down and think about all the things you did for you, for your family, for your job, even for your church, all the things that you did for an earthly thing.

    It won't last forever. But the labor that you spend for the Lord lasts for all eternity. Every labor for the Lord that you do lasts for all eternity. That even includes giving the least of these a cup of water in his name. That's a labor for the lord.

    Well, I I don't I can't do much. Can you give somebody a glass of water when they're thirsty? That's a labor for the lord. Can you invite someone to come to church? Yeah.

    That's a labor for the lord too. Can you walk in a path that others can see Jesus in you? Yeah. That's a labor for the lord. And then we can go even further.

    We can go out and tell people about God. In fact, you have opportunity to do that this coming Saturday. We go out and tell people that's a labor for the Lord. We can spend time helping people. That's a labor for the Lord.

    As we do these things, they last forever. The labor that we do in this earth doesn't really matter in all eternity. It's our labor in the Lord that matters most. Do you have a certainty of a relationship with god? You see, here's the thing.

    Today, we've talked about what we have. All the things that we've talked about. If you don't have a relationship with god, then all these things we've talked about, you don't have. Only a relationship with God gets you those things. Only giving your life to him gets you those things.

    Listen. I am not one that will stand up here and try to make you feel good. What I wanna do is stand up here and tell you today that God's word says that if you die in your sin, meaning you have not been redeemed because you've never given your life to God, that you don't have that eternal love because you never gave your life to God, that you don't have that forgiveness because you've never given your life to God. If you die in your sin, the scripture says, you will spend an eternity in a devil's hell. It's a choice only you can make.

    There is no in between. You can't stand with one foot on one side and one foot on the other and hope that you land on the right side at the end of time. You know what happens when you have one foot over here and one foot over here? Eventually, you're gonna fall. Eventually, you're gonna fall, hopefully not today.

    Eventually, you're gonna fall. You have to understand, god gave you a choice. Do you have a certainty of eternity with your relationship with god? He gave you a choice. You choose.

    People say, well, I don't believe a loving god could send somebody to hell. Amen. A loving god does not send people to hell. People send themselves there by refusing to accept him, by turning away from him. Do you have that certainty in your life?

    Do you have that relationship with god and know for sure that you have been redeemed? Do you know that your redeemer lives? Do you know that he will return? Do you know that he loves you? Do you know that all of these things that we have is true?

    Only you can answer that. I've often said, I wish that when somebody got saved, the lord would just put a big o s right on their head. And I could meet people and know that person knows Jesus. But then when I met somebody that didn't have the big o s, I would spend time talking to them about the Lord and how they could come to know him, but he doesn't do that. So when I look out at a congregation of people like today, I don't know who knows Jesus and who doesn't.

    Only you know. You know that. You've made a decision or haven't made a decision in your own life. Only you know. So the question for you today is simple.

    Do you have certainty of your relationship with God? Do you know him? Have you given your life to him? Are you absolutely certain? I always say this, if you walk out those doors and cross this busy, busy street and get hit by a car and die before you can get home today, will you wake up with God?

    How can I know? I'm glad you asked. Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. Seek first the kingdom of God. That's how you know.

    Seek him first. Seek him. If you know him and you've given your life to him, seek him. As you seek him, all these other things that you need in life, they're gonna be added to you. All these things that you need, God's gonna take care of you.

    Is he gonna give you a brand new car and a brand new house and million dollars in your bank account? Probably not. Although he could. What he's gonna do is take care of you somehow. I don't know how.

    Will it always be easy? No. It wasn't always easy for him, but god's gonna take care of you. God's gonna take care of you. All these things will be added to you if you seek him first.

    Put him number one in your life. He's the one that you should seek every day. Wake up every morning seeking God. God, what today do you have for me? I wanna spend my time laboring for you today because I know it follows me into all eternity.

    What do you have for me today? Seek him first. Everything else takes care of itself. Seek him first. Do you know him?

    If you know him, are you seeking him? Are you trying to follow him? Are you trying to do the things that you need to do in life so that you can walk close with God? He's promised he'll never leave us or forsake us if we call upon him. Now all this uncertainty that's going on in our life, he's promised, I'll be here.

    I will never leave you. I'll take care of you. So the question for you today is a simple question. It seems like a hard question, but it's very simple. Do you know him?

    Have you given your life to him? Do you have an assurance of your salvation today? You can have that assurance. If you've given your life to him, he says, you can be sure of that. If you've given your life, you have that salvation, and nothing can take you out of his hand.

    Have you never made that decision? Have you never given your life? If you can't look at yourself and say, I'm absolutely certain that if something happened to me today, I would wake up in heaven. Then have you ever truly given your life to Christ? Only you can answer that question.

    People have been in church for forty years as church members, taught Sunday school, done whatever, and finally realized, you know what? I missed the step. I never gave my life to Christ. I've been trying to work my way to heaven. Doesn't work.

    You have to give your life to Christ. So today, I'm asking you to do this. During all these uncertain times, I want you to be certain of one thing. I want you to be certain of your salvation. We're gonna take a moment.

    We're gonna have a time of invitation. I'm gonna pray. As I pray, I want you to consider in your own life, am I certain that I know Jesus Christ? And if not, when we have the invitation in just a few moments, I want you to come talk to me. I wanna share with you exactly how you can be certain.

    Perhaps you know that you know Jesus, but you haven't really been laboring for him very well. You haven't really put him as a priority. He hasn't been the first thing in your life, and you want that to change. The altar's open. You can come and spend time at the altar.

    You can ask him to help you walk exactly as he wants you to walk. Whatever it may be, if there's something you need to talk to the Lord, the altar's open if you choose to go. Right now, you take that examination and you answer to God yourself. Father, we come to you.

  • Feb 19, 2025Chapter 1 Pt. 4
    Feb 19, 2025
    Chapter 1 Pt. 4
    Series: Genesis
    Full Transcript:
    Alright. Good evening, everybody. The common theme tonight has been it's cold. Yes. It's cold, and it's gonna get colder. So I hope you bundled up. And, make sure you leave a little water dripping tonight. It's gonna be a hard freeze. So make sure you take care of those issues. And, looking forward to, you know, some good quality time tonight in the Lord. So, if you joined us online, thank you for being here. If you're here with us tonight, again, thank you for being here. We are on business meeting night, so we will be starting off our we'll start our live stream and then shut it off at 07:00. So we'll pick up with our business meeting then. So let's go ahead and open with a word of prayer, and then we'll get kicked off back into Genesis. We hopefully will be finishing chapter one tonight and maybe even, getting into chapter two just a little bit. But let's go ahead and go to the Lord in prayer. Father, we thank you so much for all the blessings that you give us this and every day. Father, the seasons change and as much as man tries to understand and predict weather and all of those things even the meteorologist will say to me only God knows for sure what's gonna happen because they don't know but you do and father that's how it is with everything in our life. We don't know from day to day what's really gonna happen, but you already know. God tonight as we go back into your word in the book of Genesis, and we're still in the first, six days of creation that we've been studying. Father, just reveal to us the things that we need to see, that we need to understand and to know and to to hold as truths that we might be wise in our walk in you. Father, we ask all these things in Jesus precious and holy name. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Alright. So as those of you that were here last week or joined online know, we got down through verse 26 and then we stopped. Don said, tonight, you should have went on and covered verse 27, because it's still talking about the creation of man. I said, no. I stopped there for a reason. And so we look back at verse 26 and we talk about the fact that God created man in his own image. Says he created in his image and likeness. And we talked about that last week of how it's in God's image, but it doesn't mean that we look just like him. It means that we're in his image. It's also in his likeness. So we have some similarities, some things that we could ascertain about God from people, but we don't look just like him and certainly we don't act like God. But he did create us, in his image. And he said, let us, meaning it was the Triune God. It was the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It was not, only one of the Trinity. All three were together in this creation. And so God created man and his image. And when he created us in that way, it's something that we can look back on and understand that we did not evolve from something else. That God created us. I wanna tell you, this is what a scientist said. It would take 40 different stages of evolution to form a human eye. What possible benefit could there be for the first thirty nine stages? Right? And said, Darwin himself said, if it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous successive slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down. At at, Genesis at University of California, Berkeley listed a series of complex structures from the hair of mammals that he thought could not have been produced by thousands of years of small mutation. The Darwinists, the ones that were supposed to be following Darwin's, met this with absolute ridicule. So when they were met with proof that it couldn't happen, they just got mad and said he couldn't possibly be right. So when we look at all this, we understand that God created man. Now God created man. Not only did he create man, mankind in his image, but he created mankind as a full grown person. He didn't create Adam as an embryo. He didn't create Adam as a follicle. He didn't create Adam as just a tiny little baby. He created Adam as a full grown person. So god created him. He didn't evolve from something else. He was created as a full grown person. Now not only did god create man in his image, but verse 27 says, so god created man in his own image. In the image of god, he created him male and female. He created them. Then god bless them, and god said to them, be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth. So not only did god create man, mankind in his image, but he created them in their kind, male and female. So human as their kind, male and female, separate. Not the same. He didn't create males that became females or females that became males. He created male and female. Totally separate. There was not the same. He created them in their humankind of their own kind. He didn't create monkeys that became people. He didn't create, lizards that became people. He created male and female of their kind, male and female mankind. So for us to understand that and to hold on to that is something that we have to do very much because in this world we live in today, the world is trying to skewer that view and take away the biblical worldview and to cause you to believe that it couldn't possibly be true. That there's all these other things. So if he created them in that way, then we wouldn't find any evidence through fossils to the contrary. If they found evidence through fossils of some kind of creature that began to evolve into a whole different kind of creature, then that would be something that would say this couldn't be true. They have never found that. And according to what I read in scripture, they're never gonna because that's not how God did it. He created mankind on the sixth day, and he created them male and female. He created them separately. So, he told them to be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth. So all of these things that happened in as he created them, he blessed them. Now I want you to understand and see that the person, the human, is the only thing he created that he then turned around and blessed. He didn't bless the birds of the air. He didn't bless the fish of the sea. He didn't bless the the trees and the vegetation. He blessed the one that he created in his own image. He blessed man. That's the only one that he blessed. So is humankind better than animal kingdom? Yes. God created us to be over all of that. Is humankind blessed by God? Yeah. It says so right here. It's not animals kind that's blessed by God. It's humankind. God bless him. That's the first thing he did. He blessed him. So without his blessing, life wouldn't only be, unbearable. It'd probably be useless if he didn't bless it. Right? Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth. God gave man a job to do right off the bat. Okay. I created you now. Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth. God gave him a job. Man cannot fulfill god's plan for him unless he populates it. Right? That's what god's plan was. Be fruitful and populate the earth. That's what we're supposed to do. So then, you know, of course, you have the whole argument that people try to throw out. Well, that means that, the only reason people are supposed to have sex is because they're supposed to be populating the Earth. But that's not true. In fact, God gave mankind desire for sex that would help populate the Earth. But the very first part of the union of sex was to create the bonding of the one flesh relationship. That one flesh relationship. That was the very first thing. And so when we look at all of this and we understand, if you look at the animal kingdom, the animal kingdom does not have sexual intercourse for, bonding. It's strictly for mating for during the season that their body says they're supposed to do that. Human, people do not have a, what what they don't have a season of heat. Although sometimes I wonder. They they don't know. If they did, then we would know this is when we should be able to have babies. Right? But there's people spend a lot of money trying to figure out how we're gonna have a baby. You don't know. So the reality is God didn't make humankind only to populate the earth. There are other things. And he created that union between a man and a woman as a one flesh bond. And that's why it should be treated as something that is precious and special and god given and not just treated as an act to have someone have pleasure. It is an act that is holy before god. And so he created it that way. He said then, in all of this, not only will you go be fruitful and multiply and sub fill the earth and do it, but you have dominion over the fish and the birds and the air. And he said in verse 29, I have given every herb that yields seed, which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed, to you it shall be for food. So all of the things that God did, all of the stuff that he showed us, everything that he created, he put man over all of it. And then he told us that all of the the herbs and the and the fruit and the things that came from those, all of those things should be for food for man. And so if it's for food for man, understand this. Apparently, before the flood, we were all vegetarians. Didn't say he gave the animals for food at that point. Right? He said he gave the herbs and he gave the plants. He gave the fruit. He gave all that for food. It's later after the flood when god says these are for you. That all these animals are for you. But he put us over the animals. He made us to work, the ground. He made us to do all of those things and to make, life to fill the earth. Not just in human form, but also in the plants, in the trees, in the animals, and all of those things. We were supposed to be fruitful and multiply in all areas, not just in humans, but in everything. And so those are the things that we needed to do. He says in verse 30, also to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth in which there is life. I have given every green herb for food, and it was so. Then god saw everything that he had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day. It was very good. Everything that he had done was very good, and it was the evening and the morning of the sixth day. So those are the six days of creation. People go back sometimes and they say, well, you know, then it turns around in in chapter two and it goes back and it starts doing it again and starts putting it in in different ways or what? No. Here's the way to look at it. In Genesis chapter one, it talks about the six days of creation. In Genesis chapter two, it basically clarifies the things that happened on those days. It gives you more information. One commentator that I read said, it puts it more in Adam's perspective of what happened when you get into chapter two because it gives you more information about the things that occurred, like the fact of how Adam was created and then how Eve was created and those things. And they were taken away, that Eve was taken from the flesh and so of Adam and all of those things. So it gives us a little more detail. It doesn't change anything that happened in chapter one. It gives us a little more detail. But the one of the most important things I want us to see in the first part of chapter two is this. Thus, the heavens and the earth and the host of them were finished. And on the seventh day, god ended his work, which he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work, which we he had done. Then god blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because in it, he rested from all his work, which god had created and made. So several things. He rested on the seventh day. Do you think God rested because he was tired? He didn't rest because he was tired. God didn't get tired. God got tired, we'd all be in trouble. God didn't rest because he was tired. He rested because he was done. He completed the work that he set out to do. He'd completed all of that and he rested because he was done. He did so for several reasons. One, he rested to show his creating work was done. Two, he gave a pattern to man regarding the structure of time in a seven day week. Did you know that there was an attempt during the French revolution to change a week to ten days? There was an attempt during the French revolution to change a week from seven to ten days. So instead of measuring a a seven day week and a a thirty day month and they they were gonna change it to ten days and everything would be in tens, it failed miserably. It didn't it didn't work. We're on the seven day cycle. That's how God designed it. We're on the seven day cycle. So not only did he rest because his work was done, he also gave a pattern to give an example and, the blessing of rest to man on the seventh day. Now there's a lot of people that will say, oh, yep. And so because of that, that seventh day, that Sabbath day, then, you know, you're not supposed to work. You're that that's it on that particular day. You're not supposed to work. Well, here's the thing that we need to look at. Does God work on Sunday? God works on Sunday. Right? Yeah. God works he works every day. God takes care of self every there's no day that God doesn't work. So here's the thing. Instead of being so wrapped up in the actual day and saying, oh, on that Sunday, you've got a rest. The reality is the way that man was created, man needs a day of rest. Whatever day that might be. Man needs a day of rest. He needs to take a Sabbath rest to unplug from the things that are the stresses in life and to worship and spend time with God. Whatever day that is. That's what man needs to do. Man needs to rest. He needs a day that he rests. Is it have to be on Sunday? No. It doesn't have to be on Sunday. But in as much as possible, scripture also tells us to not forsake the gathering to believers. So we should try everything we can to not have to work on Sunday, but we all know there are jobs that require it. We don't have a lot of choice in this fallen world. That's the way it works. But instead of arguing about whether you should not work on Sunday, we just need to understand that we need to take a day of rest. We need to take a Sabbath day of rest, meaning rest from the stresses of life and worship to God on that day. Not just rest, but a day of rest and worship. Because when God rest, he blessed blessed man. He took that seventh day rest. And in all of that, he looked at what he had done, and he said it's very good. It's something that we should then worship him for all that he did. So we should be worshiping and resting at the same time. God bless that day and he sanctified it. He blessed that day and he sanctified it. It says he blessed it and he sanctified it because in it, he rested from all his work in which God had created and made. So he blessed it. He sanctified it. And so, therefore, we need to take that day, whichever day that that it is, and we need to use it to worship God and to rest from those things. In it, he rested from all his work. All that had been done, but I want you to notice one other thing here. Every day that it showed one through six, the passage ended. So the evening and the morning of the whatever day. Right? It never says that on the seventh day. On the seventh day, it never says so the evening and the morning of the seventh day. It tells us in that that, he sanctified it. His work was done. God had created it, and he rested on the seventh day. But it doesn't anywhere say in there the evening and the morning of the seventh day. The description of every day ended with that, but the seventh day doesn't. It's because God's rest for us isn't confined in a literal day. The reality is the rest that we seek is not in the day, but in God himself. That's the rest that we seek. And so when we get to that point and we're seeking rest, we're seeking in God. Our ultimate rest is when we join him in heaven and we have rest in God. But there is no evening and morning of that seventh day because everything have been completed and that signifies the end. And so it's the rest that we find in God. So important for us to understand that that rest that we seek is not a, it is a a rest in a physical sense, but the ultimate rest is resting in God and all that he does. So we need to look at it in that way as well. So, verse four through seven. Let's see if we can cover this. Verse four through seven, it says this. This is the history of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, before any plant of the field was in the earth, before any herb of the field had grown. For the lord god had not caused it to rain on the earth, and there was no man to till the ground. But a mist went up from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground. And the lord god formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being. Okay. So several things that we wanna talk about there. First of all, understand that God made the heavens and the earth. And when it in this particular passage, when it says, when it says let's see. Let me find it here. And the Lord God formed man of the dust. And it says the Lord God, made the heavens and the earth. So in verse four where it says the Lord God made the earth and the heavens. Is the word Lord in your copy of God's word, all caps. That is the first use of Yahweh in scripture. That is the first use of Yahweh in scripture indicating Yahweh God, the unspeakable name made the earth and the heavens. It it doesn't say any other God. It says the Lord Yahweh God made the earth and the heavens. So it's the first time in all of this passage that we see the Lord Yahweh used. And so, it's important for us to see that and understand We get that Yahweh is the God that created all of this. No other God, Yahweh, okay, is the one that created this. He says before any of the plant was in the Earth. So history began even before there was vegetation. There was just like a a a space and a watery globe. Right? God didn't cause it to rain. It basically was a thick vapor over the Earth, and there was a, evaporation cycle that would then turn into a cycle of dew falling down on the ground. And that was what was happening. There was no rain as we know rain. So there was a moisture that would form over the earth to cause plants to grow and that sort of thing. But it was not a rain like we know rain. It was simply, like a mist or a dew that would fall, and that's where all of it came from. So God had not yet caused it to rain. In fact, the rain didn't start until the flood came. That's the first mention that we find of actual rain. And so he had not caused it to rain on the earth. He had not also caused man at that point. So things were growing and things were happening, and there was nobody working the ground. There was nobody plowing the field, planting the seed, doing anything. God was creating every bit of it, and it was all growing according to his design. He was growing every bit of that. And then it says that god formed man from the dust of the ground. So here's the one thing about that that I want us to really hold on to when it says that he formed man from the dust of the ground. He didn't form man out of nothing. The animals, the plants, the earth, he spoke and it was there. But man, he formed from dust. So he took the dust, the earth that he created, and he formed man from the dust. He didn't just speak and man was there. He created literally created man. He formed man. He took the time to literally think of it like this. He took the time to design every little element of man as he put him together, as he formed man from the dust in the image and likeness of God. He took time with all of that. It doesn't say that he did that with the animals or the plants. He spoke and they were there. But man, he actually formed with his own hands. He formed man from the dust. Now he formed man from, how valuable is dust? Right? I mean, look. Dust we look at dust as the worst thing ever. Right? Nobody wants dust. You don't want dust in your house. You don't want dust on your car. Nobody wants dust. It's the basic element. There's nothing spectacular about dust. And and basically, it has very little worth. Man alone without God is almost worthless. God formed man from something that had very little worth. Man himself apart from God is basically worthless. Man dies returns to what? Dust. So God took him from dust. He returns to dust. It's what happens in between. Right? But God formed him and without God, he's he's worthless. With God and everything that God did is the most incredible organism that's ever lived. God did something else with man. After he formed him from the dust and he took up every little part of him and he formed the whole thing, then god breathes into his nostrils the breath of life. He did not do that with any animal. He didn't do that with any other species. Mankind is the only thing that God literally breathe life. The breath of God was breathe into Adam and he had life. He formed him. He created him. He did everything and all the stuff about him and then he still didn't have life until he breathed into him. So he literally breathe the breath of life into Adam and he became a living being. That word breath in Hebrew is, Ruach and the, in Greek is Pneuma, and it literally means he put his breath or his spirit within man. God's breath, God's spirit, he physically put in man. Nothing else. We're the only one. Now think about that. Would he do that if he didn't have a purpose for every single one of us? He has a purpose for every one of us. He created us. He took time with us. He he formed mankind and, I mean, it even says he formed nostrils and then he breathed into his nostrils. So everything about us, he formed. We're still exploring the human body. We still don't know how everything works. If we knew how everything works, nobody would die of cancer. If we knew how everything worked, nobody would have, lung disease. If we knew how everything worked, nobody would have arthritis. Nobody would all these things wouldn't happen if we knew how every but we don't. We don't know how everything works, and god created man in the beginning. And we still don't understand it all. So god created us. He breathes his own breath into us, his own spirit, and we became a living being in the image of god to worship God, to serve God, to have a mission from God. And he gave us that mission. And so when we read all this stuff and we stop and think about today, when people are arguing about man and and how man evolved or how, you know, all these things happen and and it's different and, you know, all of this stuff. Go back to Genesis. Read what it says. How was man created? He was formed by God. His breath was given by God. The spirit of God was breathed into man. There's a purpose. God created male and female of the species. He didn't create one. There there are some that try to argue that god created Adam first, right, before he created Eve. And then when he created Adam, he was a, a being that had, basically, he was male and female. And for a long period of time, it was Adam was male and female. And then he created woman. He took him out of Adam and made a female. That's not what it says here. He created male and female. He created them separately. He didn't create one with both. He created them separately. And he created them for their own purpose. Each one, both of the same kind, humankind, but male and female, both for a purpose. The purpose to join together in one flesh and create life to populate the earth, to take care of the earth, to take care of the animals and the birds and the earth and everything about it. That's part of what we're supposed to be doing. So So we're supposed to be doing every we're supposed to be over all of that. And so God did that. So when we hear all of the noise today and people are trying to distort the biblical worldview and replace it with some other type of worldview, go back and read Genesis. Just go back and read if we just you just go back and read the first two chapters of Genesis, it is as clear as it can possibly be. It is as clear as it can possibly be. Why are we studying Genesis? Because the world is so confused and discombobulated right now and all these theories that are being presented as fact and all of this stuff that's going on in the world has the world so messed up and so confused that they don't even know what it's supposed to be. Let's go back to the beginning and see how it was created in the first place. So that's why we're back in the book of Genesis studying that book. Sir? Hebrew word Mhmm. For dust that that's used for that. The root is clay. Right. So that follows the it follows that all the way through the bible. Right. We are the you are the father. We are the clay. Right. They formed us out of clay, which it it it's a central theme through the entire bible. Right. That's exactly right. And, you know, the whole point that we have a hard time some I wanna say we, I mean, mankind has a hard time sometime understanding is that when God created us, He created us for His purpose. He didn't create us for our purpose. He created us for his purpose. We are creation. We're not the creator. And so he gave us the ability to procreate because he said go and fill the earth, But we are not the creator. He is. We are the creation. That's right. That's exactly right. It it because it's right. And and the whole point is if you if you have a hard time with that, think about this. If that wasn't the case, then every time a man and a woman had sex, there would be a child created. But it's not. It's created when God chooses, when he decides and when he creates that person. He says, before you were in your mother's womb, I knew you. Meaning he created everyone. So wonderful way for us to, get back into Genesis and get through that first, instance of creation and go all the way through the first seven days. We will pick back up next week in, chapter two. We're gonna pick up in verse eight. I believe that's right. Yes. Verse eight of chapter two. We'll pick up with that, and we'll continue on. Like I told you when we started this, this just study of Genesis will most likely be longer than a year. Okay? So we're gonna be studying. It's gonna take a long time. But we're gonna go through it thoroughly. We wanna study it. We wanna get back to the basics and understand what we need to know and not what the world tries to tell us. So we'll be back in Genesis chapter two next week. So for those of you who joined us online tonight, we will, be kicking off our business meeting in just a few moments. But I wanna say thank you for joining us tonight. Love to have you on Sunday morning, 10:45, in person or online, either way. And we look forward to you being there and joining in with us at that time. But for tonight, God bless, and good night.
  • Feb 16, 2025Why Do We Baptize?
    Feb 16, 2025
    Why Do We Baptize?
    Series: 2025
    Baptism is something we regularly do
    But is also one of the most misunderstood things we do
    Does baptism wash away your sins?
    Is Baptism necessary for salvation?
    What is the purpose of being baptized?
    So, what are the reasons for a believer to be Baptized?
    3 Reasons
    Why do we immerse people instead of other methods?
    Today we are going to observe the ordinance of Baptism
    Do you know Jesus?
    Have you been Baptized?
    Full Transcript:

    And we love you too, Lord. Amen. So the question, why do we baptize? Share a story with you, I heard. Once there was a little preschool girl and she was in the congregation, baptism was happening.

    She looks up as the baptism's happening and the pastor takes the candidate for baptism and pushes them down under the water, pulls them back up. She said, daddy, why did he just push that man under the water? They tried to explain it to her quietly, and that didn't work. So when they got home that night, they tried to give her a full explanation and help her to understand what baptism's all about. And so they tried to explain about sin and how Jesus makes you clean.

    And that after baptism, people will they'll try to live a better life and and and do things more right. And so the little girl said, well, why didn't the pastor just spank him? There's a lot of confusion about baptism. It's it's one of those things that most people have heard of baptism. Maybe they know of baptism, but there's a lot of confusion about baptism and why we even baptize in the first place.

    Baptism is something that we regularly do. In fact, today, we will baptize two. Today, just a few weeks ago, we baptized. And so as we baptized throughout the the year, it's something that we regularly do. But often, baptism is one of those things that is greatly misunderstood.

    As a pastor, I can tell you that there are many times when I speak to someone about baptism and they absolutely do not understand what baptism is all about. One of the first things that that, I get when people want to be baptized, I'll ask them, well, why do you want to be baptized? Why is it that you want to be baptized? And the first thing they say is, well, I want my sins to be washed away. Baptism is very misunderstood, and baptism, does it wash your sins away?

    That's a question. Because people will say, I want to have my sins washed away. That's why I want to be baptized. I I had someone come to me, and they wanted to be baptized. And I said, well, have you ever been baptized before?

    Yeah. I've been baptized, like, five times, but it hadn't worked yet. They're baptized to wash their sins away. They think that by being dunked under the water and raised up, that their sins have now been magically washed away. Well, I wanna explain to you the water that's in this baptismal up here is no magic water.

    There's nothing magic about it. It does not wash your sins away. I want you to look with me to first John chapter one and verse seven. First John chapter one and verse seven. If you don't have your Bible with you, the passage will be on the screen.

    First John chapter one and verse seven. It says, but if we walk in the light, as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his son, cleanses us from all sin. The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin. It is not the waters of the baptismal pool that wash the sin away. It's the blood that Jesus gave on that cross.

    It was the death that he suffered on the cross that washes our sins away. That is the only thing that can cleanse us from our sin, because Jesus is the only perfect lamb. He was the only one that was able to atone for our sins. You see, the only way that sin can be forgiven is through the blood, and the blood through Jesus is the only blood worthy of forgiveness of our sins. He died that we might have salvation, that we might have a relationship with our father.

    Because up until that point, we had no way to be forgiven for our sins because the penalty for sin is death. Until Jesus died and gave that penalty, paid that penalty for us, we had no way to be forgiven, but now we do. It's not the water in this baptismal pool that washes the sins away. It's the blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only one that can do that.

    We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. That's what the Bible tells us, every single one of us. Nobody is perfect. There was only one perfect, and that was Jesus. Nobody else is perfect.

    Often use the example. If you wanna find out whether or not people are born sinful, put two two year olds in a room and toss in one toy and see what happens. Pretty soon, there's gonna be a scrap. There's gonna be a fight. There's gonna be a lot going on.

    Somebody might get hit upside the head. There's gonna be anger. There's gonna be all kind of things because there's only one toy. We are born with sin. It's in us.

    And so the only way that we can be forgiven for that is through Jesus Christ. The next question I always get is, well, you know, preacher, you said I I I I gave myself to Jesus. I I came up. I talked to you, and I truly I understand that I did ask Jesus into my life. And I know you told me that the blood of Christ forgives me of all my sins, and so I have accepted Jesus as my Lord and savior, and that's who I want to follow for the rest of my life.

    And I know that I have received that salvation. So the question that I have is this, is baptism really necessary? Is baptism necessary? Can I be saved without being baptized? Is that something that can happen?

    Because I wanna make sure, and then others will say, well, I got saved, but I wanna be baptized, like, today because I don't wanna wait. What if something happens between now and next week, and I haven't completed the process? I don't want that to happen. So baptism, is it necessary? Is it not necessary for salvation?

    That's a big question. A lot of people wanna know that. They don't understand, and so they ask that question. And and, you know, as I said, baptism is one of those things that we know, especially in a Baptist church, that we put a lot of emphasis on baptism. And as we do that, sometimes it gets confusing.

    So, again, what does the Bible say? Is baptism necessary for salvation? Look with me to Luke chapter 23 and verse 43. Luke chapter 23 and verse 43. And there you will find this passage.

    And he said to him, truly I say to you, today you shall be with me in paradise. Now that passage is Jesus speaking to the thief on the cross. This is a thief on the cross who recognized Jesus as savior. And when he said to the other thief, do you not understand who this is? He recognized who Jesus was.

    He accepted Jesus, and Jesus said, today, you will be of me in paradise. You don't have to come down off the cross and go be baptized in order to be with me. He said, today, you will be with me. There was no baptism required at that point. So baptism is not required for salvation.

    Baptism is something that we do after salvation. It's not part of the salvation. So when people ask the question, well, is baptism necessary for salvation? The answer is, no. It's not necessary for salvation.

    However, it is something that Jesus told us to do. And so, therefore, we follow in that. So the next thing that people will say after that is, well, then what is the purpose of being baptized? What is the purpose? If I if it's not necessary for salvation, it doesn't wash away my sins, then what is the whole purpose of being baptized?

    Why do we even do it? If if it's not necessary and it doesn't wash away sin, it doesn't do anything, why then are we baptized? Why do we do that? Why do we even follow along in that? Well, what is the purpose of being baptized?

    Here's the very first thing I wanna tell you. The purpose of baptism is it is your very first public witness of the change that has occurred in your life. It is the very first public witness to share with those that are in the congregation about the change that happened in your life. Because understand, the picture of baptism is buried with him in baptism, raised to walk in the newness of life. And what you're saying to those that are watching is that the old self, the old me, is no longer here.

    I gave my life to Christ, and that old self has been put away. My sins have been cast as far as the East is from the West, and I am now a new creation because I took part in the burial of Jesus Christ and in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and now I'm a new creation. The Bible tells us that we are new creations in Christ once we have accepted him. So when we have baptism, it is a picture of what's already happened in our life. The old you has passed away and buried, and the new you has risen to walk in the newness of life.

    You are a brand new creation. So the purpose of being baptized, it doesn't do anything to you per se. The purpose of being baptized is to show the rest of the world what has already happened in your life. It is a witness from you to everyone else that you have changed. You are not the same person that you once were.

    So after we answer the the questions, all these previous questions about baptism and all of those that have been answered, I want to do this. I want to give you three reasons for a believer to be baptized. Three reasons that a believer should be baptized. Okay? So I'm gonna look at several verses of scripture.

    Today's kind of a bible drill, so follow along. Several verses of scripture, and I wanna talk to you about the reasons. Look with me in Mark chapter one verse nine. Mark chapter one and verse nine. It says, in those days, Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan.

    Jesus came and was baptized by John in the Jordan. So we see in verse Mark verse chapter one verse nine, Jesus was baptized. So why should we be baptized? To follow Jesus' example. Because he told us to be baptized.

    He showed us by being baptized. Listen. Jesus had no sin. Jesus had no sin in his life. Jesus was god in the flesh walking in the world, and yet he was still baptized.

    The purpose for him being baptized was to set an example for us to show us. In fact, when he was baptized, the heavens opened and a voice from heaven said, this is my son in whom I am well pleased. And so we know that Jesus set that example for us to be baptized. He came and he did that. He set examples for us in all that he did.

    He showed us how you can live and not sin. He showed us how to forgive even when people treat you badly. He showed us how to love even those who don't seem very lovable. He showed us how to follow follow the father even when it's hard. He showed us everything there is that we need to know even including he showed us that we should be baptized just like he was.

    So one of the purposes, one of the reasons that we need to be baptized is to follow Jesus' example. Well, maybe that's not enough. Okay. You want me to follow Jesus' example, but is there anything else? Well, I'm glad you asked.

    Matthew chapter 28 verse nineteen and twenty. Matthew 28 verses nineteen and twenty. This is what it says. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you, and lo, I am with you always even until the end of the age. Jesus commanded it.

    He set the example, and he said we should be baptized based off his example. Then it was also commanded. He said to go and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. Make disciples means go and share the gospel, that they would come to know Jesus and be a disciple of Jesus and baptize them just as he was in the name of the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit, that they too would be baptized. So not only is it an example that Jesus gave us, but it's also a command.

    He gave us an example, and then he commanded that we should also be baptized. And so when we're looking at this baptism, it's one of those things that so many people look at it, and some will say, well, you know, I need to be baptized, but I'm not sure if I want to. Others will say, well, you know, I'm I'm good. I don't have to be baptized. I know that that I can be saved without baptism.

    And and then there are a lot of different questions. And then some that think that baptism is washing their sins away, and they come and wanna be baptized four and five times because, well, the first ones didn't take. Well, they didn't take because you were never saved. You never gave your life to Christ. You were trying to put baptism before salvation.

    It doesn't work that way. And so when we look at this and we try to figure out why, well, Jesus set the example. He also gave us a command, and then look at Acts chapter two and verse 41. Acts chapter two and verse 41. So then those who had received his word were baptized, and that day, there were added about 3,000 souls.

    They received his word and followed in believers baptism, because he set the example, because it was commanded that we go and tell. These people, once they accepted Jesus Christ on that day, they wanted to immediately follow in believer's baptism, and about 3,000 were baptized on that day. What an amazing picture to just think about that. Baptism after baptism after baptism because the all of those people had received Jesus as Lord and savior. You know, probably the the closest thing I can think of to maybe even that picture is, a crusade where thousands of people come and receive Jesus in at one, service where Jesus was taught and preached and salvation was was explained, and so many came and gave their life.

    We we preach every Sunday in churches all over the land. All over this country, the gospel is being preached every Sunday. And every Sunday, as the gospel is preached and we have an a time of invitation and invite people to come and accept Jesus, come and share with us the things that they want in their life, to give their life to the Lord. We invite that, and yet nobody comes. There are so many churches that we don't see people come and accept Jesus as Lord and savior.

    We don't see those salvations. Part of the reason we don't see those salvations is because that's the only time they heard it. Most of us are hard headed. Takes us more than once. Sometimes we have to hear it a lot.

    Sometimes somebody needs to come to your house. We're going out in a few weeks, knock on doors, tell people about Jesus. We need to tell people that we work with. We need to share Jesus in all the ways that we live our lives. We need to be disciples for Christ and to share Jesus.

    And when we do and we share Jesus and they come to know him as lord and savior, then that's not just the, oh, they got saved. Now that's that. Now we need to help them learn and to grow. And one of the ways is to help them understand baptism in the very first place. So even those who had received his word on that day and at at Pentecost, three thousand souls received baptism on that day.

    There's also a question about, well, why why do we immerse people instead of any other method? Baptists are based our beliefs and faith on what Jesus did, and Jesus was baptized by immersion. Why do we do that? That's why. Because Jesus was baptized by immersion.

    I also wanna tell you something else on that is this. Look at Romans chapter six verse three and four. Romans chapter six verse three and four. Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into his death? So one of the reasons that we baptize by immersion is the picture.

    It's the picture of death, burial under the water, and resurrection raised in the newness of life. So when we talk about baptism and we talk about immersion, why do we do that? That is one of the very reasons that we baptize by immersion, because of the very picture itself showing that we have been baptized into his death, and through his resurrection, we walk in a new life. And so as we live in in our lives and we go through things and we accept Jesus Christ as Lord and savior, we have to understand that through this process of baptism, it is our first public witness. It is the first thing that people see.

    To me, it gives that connection as you, the candidate, are being pushed under the water and raised up in a new life that it puts you so close to recognizing it's because of the death, the burial, and the resurrection that you can have life and and have it abundantly. Look at Matthew chapter three verse 16. Matthew chapter three and verse 16, and it says this, after being baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water. And behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the spirit of God descending on him as a dove and lighting on him. Descending as a dove and lighting on him.

    After Jesus was baptized, he came up immediately from the water. And so we see based off this example that Jesus was immersed. He was buried in baptism and raised up. He was pushed under the water and raised up. He was immersed and raised up.

    He said, follow in baptism. He said, go and baptize. The example we have is immersion, so that's why we immerse. Also, the word baptize literally means to dip under the water. That's what it means.

    So why do we immerse? That's why we immerse. So today, there are lots of questions that we've we've asked, and there's lots of things that we have shared. Does baptism wash away your sins? No.

    Only Jesus' blood washes away your sin. Do you have to be baptized to complete the salvation? No. But we're baptized because Jesus commanded him. Why are we immersed?

    Because Jesus was immersed, and because of the picture that it shows of the death and the burial and the resurrection. And so these things are important things that we share. Why today am I sharing this? You came today and you said the preacher's given a lesson on baptism. He's really not telling us all about the gospel.

    Well, if you listened, I told you that the only reason that we can have salvation is because of the son of God. God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that's Jesus, that whoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. And as Jesus came, he suffered at the hands of our sin. See, we we think, oh, Jesus was crucified by the Romans. He was, but he was crucified for our sin.

    That's why he was crucified. Jesus gave his life. He was buried. He was crucified. He was buried, and then he was resurrected on the third day.

    And because of that, we now can have salvation if we call upon him, and we accept him as our lord and our savior. We give our life to him. The old life is gone. The new life has come. And then because of that, we recognize that through baptism.

    Buried and raised in a newness of life. See, there's really not much more important that a pastor would have to say to a congregation than number one, let me tell you how you can know Jesus as lord and savior. And I've told you that today. The second thing is, if you know Jesus as lord and savior, then don't keep that to yourself. You need to tell other people about it, and the first way you can do that is through baptism.

    The very first way is through baptism. So very important things that you need to hear. Important things because the world gets confused, and we hear all kinds of things about it out in the world. We hear people that come and they say, I wanna be baptized, but they've never given their life to Christ. We see people that come and say, well, I got baptized one time, but it didn't work.

    I need to be baptized again. We have people that say, well, I don't really need to be baptized. The reality is that it's something that Jesus gave us an example and he commanded us to do. So we should do that if we're at all able. I shared Jesus Christ with someone in a hospital bed.

    Wasn't very long taking their last breath. They accepted Jesus as their Lord and savior. And they said, I don't know if I'm gonna be well enough to get out of this bed and be baptized. And I shared with them that they could take comfort in knowing that their salvation was secure, whether they were baptized or not. But it was very important.

    They wanted to be baptized. So, well, there's no way we can get them out of this bed and baptize them. They had hoses and wires, and there was nothing that we could do. So we were able to turn them sideways on the bed and literally take a pan of water and push their head down in the water and back out. And we explain through the same process of the death, burial, and resurrection.

    And the smile that came across their face was just incredible because they wanted to follow in baptism, and they were afraid they weren't able to, yet we were still able to do it. Did we completely immerse them? No. We weren't able to. But we did the very best we could at the time, and absolutely, I know that they were so excited about that.

    And they passed a few days later. But you see, the important thing is they received Jesus as their Lord and savior. That's number one. I have shared the gospel with people who passed before they could be baptized. They're no less in heaven today than than anybody that was baptized.

    But for us to follow in that, it is a very important thing. If for no other reason that others can see the picture of what God has done for you and what God has given his life. People come to be baptized, and sometimes when they come to be baptized, family comes and they don't regularly attend anywhere, or maybe some of them don't know Jesus. This is the first time they've heard about it. Sometimes they have friends that come that that don't know Jesus.

    They've never, experienced that, but they come to the baptism because their friends are being baptized. And through that, they have an opportunity to hear the gospel. Today, we're going to observe the ordinance of baptism. We're going to observe the ordinance of baptism. Today, we have two young men that separately came to me, but close time frame together, and said, I know Jesus Christ, but I haven't been baptized, and I want to be baptized.

    I spent some time speaking with them and confirmed that they professed Jesus as Lord and savior and said we would love to do that, and we set it up for today. So you're here today, many of you, to celebrate with this and to bear witness to what god has already done in their lives. As we celebrate this ordinance of baptism today, I have a question for you, those that are here. Question is this, do you know Jesus? Do you know Jesus?

    Has there been a time in your life this is for everyone that's here. I don't know personally your heart. I can't know personally your heart. Only you know. Some may have been a member for years and years and years, but do you know Jesus?

    Have you ever actually given your life to Jesus? Because you see church membership doesn't save you. Coming to church every week doesn't save you. Being a good person doesn't save you. Do you know Jesus?

    Have you ever given your life to the one who gave his life for you? Do you know Jesus? That's a question for each person to examine their own self and answer. Do you know him? Do you know him?

    Have you given your life to him today? The next question I wanna ask you today is this. Have you been baptized? Some people got saved at a, maybe some, revival event, or they got saved at, even at a school, or they got saved somewhere else and, when the opportunity to be baptized when that happened. And time went by, and they never got baptized.

    I've had people come to me that have been saved for years and years and years and say, well, I never got baptized. Well, the Ethiopian eunuch who had accepted Jesus Christ, and he's traveling along in the chariot. He's asking about baptism. And he said, well, if you know Jesus, you can. He said, look.

    There's water. What's stopping me from being baptized right now? Nothing. He got baptized right then. Have you been baptized?

    Is it something that you put off for some reason? Is it something that you would like to do? There's water. What's stopping you? Today, we're going to celebrate that.

    I want to say this today. The most important thing for every single one of us in our life is to ask the question. Have I ever given my life to Jesus? The question is, if you pass away today, if you walked out of this church today, are you a % certain that you your salvation is secure and that you would wake up in heaven with Jesus? Are you certain about that?

    I didn't ask if you're a church member and I didn't ask if you ever, you know, walk down an aisle and talk to somebody. What I asked is, are you certain about your salvation? Are you sure? You see, there's so many different things that happen and people accept it but never give their life to Christ. I have spoken to so many people that as little children, they went to a vacation bible school, and their friend, little Tommy, went down the aisle and they decided to follow little Tommy.

    They didn't know why. The preacher said some words and they repeated them, and that's all they know. They never really gave their life to Jesus. But because of that, they were declared saved. And so for the rest of their life, they thought everything's good, but they never made that decision on their own.

    They never gave their life to Christ. I've spoken to people that are in their twilight years of life, and they've been in church their whole life but never given their life to Christ and finally did. Do you know Jesus? That is the number one thing that you need to know. Right now, today, not next week, not a year from now, but today, you need to know that.

    Do I know him? And if the answer is no, then my question is, do you want to know him? Do you want to give your life to him? If the answer is yes, then my next question is, have you told anybody that? Have you shared Jesus with anybody?

    Do you live your life in a way that others can see Jesus in you? Because every single day, we come in contact with people that are probably lost, and they may not have another day. See, we are not promised however many years, we're not promised another moment in life. And if we put off till tomorrow, tomorrow may never come. So today, if you need to give your life to Jesus and you wanna do that today, I'll be glad to talk to you about how to do that.

    We're gonna have a time of invitation in just a moment. If you wanna come talk to me about it, come on up. If you've accepted Jesus but never been baptized, you wanna come talk to me about that, come on up. Perhaps you don't wanna talk to me about anything, but you'd like to come to the altar and talk to the lord. It's open.

    You can come. Spend that time talking to him. But whatever God puts on your heart, I would ask you to do it during this time of invitation. Let's pray.

  • Feb 12, 2025Chapter 1 Pt. 3
    Feb 12, 2025
    Chapter 1 Pt. 3
    Series: Genesis
    Full Transcript:
    Or times that we've studied this book. But, god, you reveal things to us every single time, and we're so thankful for that. I pray that tonight as we dig into more days of creation that you would reveal things to us, that you would make more things clear, and that father, we would use it to confirm our beliefs from the very beginning. Father, tonight, we give you the glory for it all, and we ask it in Jesus' precious and holy name. Amen. Amen. Alright. So Genesis chapter one. And, let's see if we can get to the right spot. I gotta turn way over here to the first page of the bible. Almost the first page. You know, there's a table of contents before that. Genesis chapter one beginning in verses nine. We're gonna read nine through 13. We're gonna come back and do a little discussion about that. Genesis nine through 13. Then god said this is after, if you remember, the second day he had created the firmament in the heaven and and above the heaven and and below. And so now it says, then god said, let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear, and it was so. And God called the dry land earth, and the gathering together of the waters he called seas. And God saw that it was good. Then God said, let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seeds is in itself on the earth, and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, the herb that yields seed according to its kind, and the tree that yields fruit, whose seed is in itself according to its kind, and God saw that it was good. So the evening and the morning for the third day. So there's several things here that we wanna talk about. So remember, we're we're we're moving along, and we've already discussed that as the Bible talks about the morning and the evening of whatever day, it is plenty of evidence to believe that that is a twenty four hour period, not ten thousand year period or thirty thousand year period. It's a twenty four hour period. God spoke. It happened. And that's what it keeps saying every time something happens. God said it. It happened. And this happened. But it took some time. And as it took time, it was the evening and the morning of whatever day that was, a twenty four hour period. And so, as we see that, then we continue to to remember that as we go through this. So now it says, let the waters under the heavens be gathered together. So the idea is, remember when everything was separated and you had the firm above and the firm below, now what it's showing is that it appears everything is covered in water. There is no land. Everything is water. And so it says, let the waters be gathered together in one place and dry land appears. Let me ask this question. Have any of you ever heard the theory that all the earth was once in one place and it broke apart and formed the continents where they are now? Anybody ever heard that? Yep. And and and one of the things that they use for that is the outline of the shape on both continents that they seem to fit together. Right? Well, doesn't it stand to reason that if all that was underwater and the water then was separated and the land became above the water, that it would have the same effect? That it would look like it broke apart when in fact, all that happened was the water receded. The water was brought down and gathered into one place, and the land appeared above it. So when people say, well, it had to have all been one at one time. That's why it looks like a a puzzle. It all goes together. The whole reality is according to God's word, it says it was all water. And then it said, let the waters be gathered together and dry land appear. So, therefore, that's when everything appeared. Now, let the earth bring forth grass. Fourth day, let the earth the third day, let the earth bring forth grass. Now what has not shown up yet? What? Soil. Soil? Okay. It said the Earth will appear. We know people are not here, all of that, but what would be important for grass that hasn't yet shown up yet? Sun. There's no sun. There's no sunshine. Now look. Grass needs a lot of sun to grow. If you don't think so, plant it under a shade tree and see what happens. It doesn't grow very well, if at all. Grass needs sun to grow. It needs light. Right? But yet grass appeared. Not only did grass appear, but it says that the grass appeared. And when the grass appeared, it also brought forth plants and seed. The plants had to come, but notice what came first. Was it the plants or the seed? It was the plants. God brought forth the plants that had the seed in them. Therefore, beginning the cycle to allow the seed to become a plant, to become a seed, to become a plant, and so on and so forth. So having said that in that way, which came first, the chicken or the egg? The chicken. The chicken. Of course, the chicken came first. The reality is this. Think about this. As we know it, all vegetation needs a couple things. It needs water. It needs sunlight to grow. If it doesn't have either of those things, it won't work. In this case, it had the water because the water just receded, so all the ground was plenty wet, but it didn't have sunlight. But it did have light. Because remember, he created and separated the light from the darkness. That light that he created, didn't create, but it said he separated the light from the darkness. That light is considered to be God's holy light. That's what lit everything up. He had not yet created the sun and the moon. That hadn't been created yet, but there was still light. And in that light, the grass grew, the plants grew, they created seed, they had all of that. So, the whole reality when we look at all this, is these days of creation are literal days, not slow evolutionary development. Things that were created by God were created in full size. Now think about this. These plants were created as mature plants with seeds in them. They didn't evolve and then become a seed and then grow into a plant, and then on they were created as full size plants with seed in them, all ready to go. God had not yet created the sun, the moon, and the stars. So when you start talking about the evolution of things, and you start looking at the theory of evolution, and you start trying to believe that things began to evolve, and life happened, and then this happened, and then that happened, the whole theory is thrown out the window when there's no sun and there's no moon for that to grow. If there's no sun for that to grow, then how could it grow? It can't, except for that the light of God covered the place. So think about that. Many people often wonder how were they created on the fourth day, but night and day was created on the first day. Well, the sun and the moon were created on the fourth day, night and day were created on the first day. The difference is the light that created day was the light of God. In the fourth day, it became the sun, the moon, and the stars. So, we think about that. Revelation tells us that there will come a day when we will no longer have a need for the sun, the moon, or the stars any longer. Why not? Because the glory of God will light up everything. We don't need it anymore. We'll go back to the beginning, how it was in the first place. So it says, let the waters under the heavens be gathered into one place, let the dry land appear, and it was so. And it was so. Then it says, the earth brought forth grass, and the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields seed, and the fruit according to its kind. So plants were not created as seeds, but full grown. Fruit trees were not created as seeds, but full grown. They were mature plants having, an appearance of age because they had seed in them already. So they appeared that they had grown to a point they were developing seed. They were created as mature plants. One important thing I want you to see here, because this is gonna be repeated a whole lot of times in the first chapter of Genesis, according to its kind. Okay? So think about that. Every all the grass, all the plants, all the herbs, everything that came up was according had seed according to its kind. So that means that if a oregano herb grew, it would not turn into basil. Okay? It could not become basil. It did not evolve into something else. It may become different types of oregano. Perhaps, there would be different kinds, but it could never be something else. Everything that God created, all the things that he created, the plants, the animals, people, everything that he created, they could evolve to become a different type of species, but they were still the same species. They couldn't he didn't create a monkey that later became a human. Right. Because the monkey was created according to its kind, and man was created according to god's kind, in his image, and in his own kind. And so when we stop and think about that today, it blows the lid off of things like evolution. Okay? So in its kind, the whole point is it will never develop into something of another kind. Let the earth bring forth every herb that yields seed and every herb that yields seed according to its kind, and god saw that it was good. Now I want you to say something here. When he created the morning and the day, he doesn't say it was good, did he? The day and night. When he created the firmament above and below, he never said, and it was good. Then God said, let the waters under the heavens be gathered together in one place and let the dry land appear, and it was so. And he called the dry land earth, and the gathering together the waters he called seas, and God saw that it was good. That's the first time he said that. Didn't say that about the rest of it. When he saw this, the earth that he created, it was good. All that he'd created to that point, god said, it was good. It's not not not good. It's good. Now people like to turn things around. Right? When we study the scripture and it says, God brought forth every herb and every seed and they brought forth all of it and it was good. You know what I hear people say? Oh, well, god created marijuana, so it's good. We should we should use that. Right? Because it's good. Well, God created hemlock too, but do you know what happens if you use that? You die. Right? So, yes, God created all of that, but he didn't create it to be used in the manner that some have tried to use it. In fact, the scripture talks about in the old testament, in Exodus and Deuteronomy, it talks about the word sorcery, and it was connected with the making and taking of drugs. So the reality is that when we think about this, don't let people try to turn things around. God created all the herbs. He created all the plants, and they're good. So there's nothing wrong with using those natural things. There's not when used properly. When used properly, there's nothing wrong with that. But it doesn't mean that, oh, well, God created that, so it should be okay. Understand that. Alright. Thirteen said, so the evening and the morning were the third day. After God had created, I brought forth the earth, brought forth the grass, herbs, the trees, the fruit, all the seed according to its kind, and it was good. Now verse 14 through 19 says, then God said, let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night. Let them be for signs and seasons and for days and years, and let them be for lights and the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, and it was so. Then God made two great lights, the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. God sent them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good, So the evening and the morning were the fourth day. Now couple things I want us to see here. When God said let there be lights, why was it so? It was to divide the day from the night and let them be signs for seasons, and for days, and for years. Let them be signs. So God not only created these lights to light the earth, but he also created them to be signs. So since the very beginning, God has used the sun, the moon, and the stars to measure time and direction. If a sailor's out over the water and there's no moon, how does he know where he's going? Stars. He uses stars as a graph to figure out the direction he's going. People told time by the sun before they had app I watches. You know? Before they had their Apple Watch, they could look at a sundial. Imagine how big those things were. No. I'm teasing. Sundials. They had sundials to tell time. People could use all these different things for direction, for time. Even now, it's very easy to know on Airport Boulevard on on afternoon about 04:30, which direction you're traveling. Because if you're driving with your eyes closed like this, you're headed west right into the sun. Please don't close your eyes like that. I swear some people do. If you're on the other direction and it's not sun in your eyes, you're heading east. It's easy to tell that. It's for signs, for direction. It tells you the season. Depending on how high the sun gets in the sky, depending on how hot it gets, how close it is, how far away it is, it tells you all of those things. And so we can tell those things even if we didn't have a calendar if we paid attention to those. They're all signs. He set them in the firmament of the heaven. Now look. A few million miles more or less, and life would not be possible. A few million miles closer or farther away, and life could not exist on earth. God put it in the perfect place. Moved it one way or the other just a little bit, it wouldn't have worked. God put it in the exact perfect place. And because of that, when the sun burns, we don't burn up. When the sun burns, we don't freeze because it's too far away. We get enough heat and enough light, and things grow. We survive all because God put it in exactly the right place as he spoke it into existence. When we look at all of these lights and these signs and everything in the heavens, we can look at them and we can learn things. We can if you study constellations and those type things, you can tell by the constellations exactly the direction, all of that stuff. But now look, like with so many other things, people try to use things for negative. So, how many of you how many of you I hope you don't raise your hands. How many of you are astrologists? How about astronomers? Hey. We got a couple of astronomers. What's the difference? Astrology, they take the zodiac signs and they use that and try to tell your fortune, tell you the future, tell you they use it for, basically, worship of Satan. Okay? It is satanic. People say, oh, it's just for fun. I don't really look at it for real, but it really is a worship of the stars themselves and not of God. It's a worship of the creation and not the creator. A worship of the creation and not of the creator is sinful because God told us not to do that. That's an idol. You put the idol in, it becomes a form of worship, which becomes a form of Satanism. Okay? So that's what we really truly see. All of these things we know. But in Luke and Acts, it speaks of holy prophets since the world began. Holy prophets since the world began. There are those who believe these prophets are the stars themselves. That since the world began, the prophets, meaning the stars themselves. Why? Because the word tells us that the the we can observe the creations and see the existence of God. So the prophet since the world began would be the stars and the moon, the things that God created, and people could look at that and know that God truly exists. So there are those that think that's what they're talking about when it says holy prophets since the world began. Because when the world first began, there was no people. Right? God didn't create them till a little bit later. The sixth day. Sixth? Fifth day. Sixth day. And, so he didn't create them till the sixth day. So it was after that. So there are those that think that, but he made the stars. We look at the stars. We can do so many things with the stars, and it's absolutely phenomenal what we see. Now our United States government, it's more now, but and what this, commentator wrote is, at one time, our US government spent a hundred million dollars a year looking for extraterrestrial intelligence. It's more now. You know why it's more now? Because they say we have seen UFOs. We've we've we have. And we have seen UFOs. They're not called UFOs anymore. UAFs, I think. Unmanned aerial p, UAP. Unmanned aerial phenomenon. Right? That's what they call it now. Yes. We've seen that. We don't know what it is, but we've seen it. Right? They've seen something. They can't explain it. So because they can't explain it, we're trying to investigate it. So we're spending even more money now, James. Yeah. Yeah. Well, the point is that even though we don't know what it is, our United States government spends hundreds of millions of dollars trying to find what would they think may be life out there somewhere. We don't even know what's out there because we can only see so far, but they're spending all this money to find intelligent life somewhere. The commentator suggests that maybe we should spend a hundred million dollars a year to find intelligent life in Washington, DC. But that's the commentator. Okay. My point is this. Why are we doing that? Why are we spending all that time seeking that when the one that we should be seeking is god himself? That's the life we should be paying attention to, but that's what's going on. So when we look at all of this and we see not only has he made all of the things up to now, he separated the water in the earth. He's created the plants and the fruit trees and all of that sort of stuff. Now he's created the sun, the moon, and the stars, and he set them all up to separate night and day and to guide us and direct us in our paths and and direction and and all the things that we can, attain from that. And is the evening and the morning of the fourth day. So in just four days, we've seen a lot of things happen. We went from nothing to something. We went from something to more defined something. Now we've got water and earth separated. We've got plants and, that have, have sprouted up and and trees and seeds. Now we've got the sun and the moon and the stars. We've got all of that. Well, where do we go next? Well, let's find out. Verse 20 through 23. Then God said, let the waters abound with abundance of living creatures, and let the birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens. So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves with which the waters abounded according to their kind and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. And God blessed them saying, be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters and the seas, and let the birds multiply on the earth. So the evening and the morning were the fifth day. Alright. So now we got fish and birds. Right? We got sea animals and air animals. They're going on. Stuff happening out here. It's abounding great variety of birds and sea creatures. It says great sea creatures. The Loch Ness monster. Nobody's ever definitively gotten a good picture to tell if it's real. If it's not real, something's there, they think. Right? Dinosaurs. Here's the thing. Dinosaurs, the Bible tells us about the behemoth on the earth that talks about dinosaurs. We have dinosaur fossils. Yes. We can see those. We can tell you they were real. They were here. There were those that lived in the water. There were those that lived in the land, and there were those that flew in the air. There were they were here. God created all of that. So we know it says it was and it was here. God created the tiniest little hummingbird. And he created the the big old vultures. Right? All these different things that God created. He created all of that. He put them all in there. But I want you to say something about all of this. He said, let the waters abound. With living creatures, there's a difference. These are actual creatures that have a life. They're not a plant. They're actual creature that breathes. Right? It has it breathes oxygen. It moves through the water. It flies through the air. We have all these different creatures that actually have life. Again, he says, notice according to their kind. Right? According to their kind. Now when we look at all this and we see according to their kind, that means that those birds do not become dogs. They're birds. They may become different types of birds. Different species of birds are still birds. The fish still become fish. The mammals still become mammals. They're all but they don't change. They don't turn into something else. They may change to be more adaptive in nature, but they're still whatever they were. Okay? Now, I keep talking about that. Does anybody believe in fossils? Yeah. I hope you do. Fossils. How many fossils have we found that showed a fish that changed into a land animal that began to walk. We found fossils of fish. We found fossils of land animals, but we've never found any of the in between. We've never found any fossils of one kind of creature that was partly one kind of creature and partly another kind of creature and then became a full oh, we've never found that. Now all the fossils we found, we've never found that. Well, all the things that we've done, we have never found that according to their kind. That's what it says. So evolutionists also all the time give convincing examples of microevolution. And what I'm talking about here is so, for instance, a ratio of black to white peppered moss may increase when the pollution makes it easier for dark moss to escape detection. Or finches may develop different beaks in response to their distinctive environment. But at the end of the day, a moth is a moth and a finch is a finch. They're still the same. The fossil record, there's there's a, a Big Horn Basin in Wyoming that contains a a a continuous record of fossil deposits for what geologists say is five million years. Because this record is so complete, the paleontologists assumed there was gonna be a positive trail of evolution that could be found. Instead, the fossil record does not document a single transition from one species to another. Evolutionist Nile Eldridge wrote this. We paleontologists have said that the history of life in the fossil record supports the story of gradual evolution all the while knowing that it does not. I can say more, but I won't. All of this that we see, that God created the the fish, and he created the birds, and he created all of those things. But the whole thing I want you to see in this part too is not only did he create them all according to their kind, but in verse 22, it says, God blessed them. He didn't bless the plants, did he? He didn't he didn't bless the the the sun and the moon. He didn't bless the earth and the water, but he blessed the animals. They had life. They had life. Not only did he bless them, he told them to go forth and multiply. I think I heard that somewhere else. We might talk about that later. He blessed them. He created them. He blessed them. He told them to go forth and multiply. Right? Okay. So, big deal. That's different. It's not the same as what we saw before. So, by the way, just so you know, Darwin, the father of the theory of evolution, said that if it could not be proven that a species jumped, in other words, it began as one thing, it became something else, then the whole theory of evolution fell apart. And at the end of his life, one of the last things that Darwin wrote is, I have come to realize that species do not jump. Yet, today, we still teach Darwinism and the theory of evolution as fact, even though he said it's not true. So moving forward, the sixth day of creation, verse twenty four and twenty five. Then God said, let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind, cattle and creeping thing, and beast of the earth, each according to its kind, and it was so. And God made the beast of the earth according to its kind, cattle according to its kind, and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind, and god saw that it was good. The earth brought forth living creatures. God made birds and sea animals, but now he's turned his attention towards land animals of various types. All these different types of land animals that he made. And he made every one of them, it said, over and over in that short passage, according to its kind. When we look at the infinite variety of the animal kingdom, both living and extinct, here's the thing. God is so creative, and man, does he have a sense of humor. I mean, God made a giraffe and a platypus. Those are some weird looking animals. He made the and he made a peacock. Right? How beautiful a peacock is, but, you know, the things that make it so beautiful also makes it hard to run away from predators. Ain't that crazy? But God made all of those things. And then we look at that and we think, I mean, those are some strange creatures that God made. There's so many different things. He made a giraffe. Listen. Why did the giraffe survive? They're the only animals that can reach that high to eat the foliage off the trees. Then he turned around and he made other animals that eat the foliage off the ground. And then he made some that climb in the trees and and do both. All these different things that god he made all that, And he did every he didn't make them and then figure out how it's gonna work later. He created them for a purpose. He created every single one of those animals for a purpose. I mean, I don't think anybody could sit down and dream up the animals that God created. It's just incredible the way that he created all of those. And in every single one of them, it says over and over, according to its kind. So moving on. We made it through day five. Right? Day six. We're on to day six. Let us make man in our image. Alright? So God created all of these animals and he saw that it was good, but we hadn't ended the the day yet. Then he says, then God said, let us make man in our image according to our likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the cattle over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. Okay. So couple things here that we're gonna bring out. This is the first time we see. It says let us. It doesn't say god did. It said, let us us in our image. Not me in my image, let us in our image. This is the first place in Genesis that we see specifically a mention of plurality of the trinity. Let us make God in our image. So two things. It's us and our, so we know their plurality. It's not a single one anymore, and in our image. This is the only thing in all of the creation that God made that he said in our image. None of the rest of this did he make in in in the image of the trinity of God. This is the only thing. Man is the only thing. Mankind is the only thing that God made in our image. That's the only thing out of all that was done in our image. It's consistent that there's one God in three persons. Why? Because it's been talking about one now. It says, let us in our and we realize that there's a consistency there in our image. Now in this image, when we start and think about this, it doesn't necessarily mean in our image as in we look like God because God is not a human. God is not a person. What it means is we look like God in that we have, the attributes of God. We have the, the quality of God. We have the things that God has put in us. And so, mankind is the only one that has a, a natural countenance of looking upward, looking to the heavens, looking above for guidance, for peace, for everything. Mankind is the only one that has a variety of facial expressions. Such a variety. Most animals don't have that much variety. Now my dog can make some faces. But most of them don't have a lot of facial expressions. But we have all sorts of expressions. Mankind is the only one who has a sense of shame expressing itself in a blush. The the other animals don't blush. And mankind alone speaks. Right? So when we think about all these things, mankind possesses personality, morality, and spirituality. Sometimes, I question the morality and spirituality, but it's in us. Okay? And so, when we look at all of that, we see God's image in our image. These three aspects, these three ideas is personality, meaning the knowledge, feelings, or will to do these things that separates us from animals. Okay? We have knowledge. We have a will to do things or not. Animals just act on instinct. We have a will to do that. We have a knowledge of what's gonna happen when we do that. It sets us apart. Morality. We're the only animal that actually makes moral judgments and has a conscience. No other animal does that. And spirituality. Man is made for communion with God in our image. Again, God doesn't have a physical or human body, but he designed man. So in his physical body, we could do many of the things that God does. We could speak. We could talk. We could hear. We could do all of those things that it talks about god doing. This body is not patterned after god because this body is going to decay and fall apart. In our image, according to our likeness. Now why does it say that? Image and likeness. Image and likeness. Maybe we're gonna get a NIL deal. Image and likeness. That sounds like the same thing, doesn't it? Image and likeness. It sorta is. The terms for image and likeness are a little different. Image has more to do with appearance. Likeness has more to do with a a abstract similarity. So image would be a picture of you. A likeness would be a drawing that looks like you. Okay? Maybe a caricature. Right? So that's a likeness. Sir? Yeah. Yeah. You said like a doll? Daughter or a son. Right. Yes. Exactly. And they look like you, so there's a likeness. Right? And an image of you would be an exact, right, like a picture. And a likeness, like I said, could be like a caricature. You know what I'm talking about? Like, a funny cartoon picture that looks like you, but it's not you. It's a likeness. And, yes, children have a likeness to you. People can look at our children and go, I know who their parents are. You know? There's a likeness. Right? So they can do that. So we see that God made us and with the same image and likeness. So we have the image of God, but we also have a likeness of God. Okay? So even if we don't look exactly like him, we have a similarity of God. And then he tells, let us have dominion over all these things he's created. Why? Because God created us in his image, in his likeness. He created us to be like him. And so now, on this earth, he has put us in in charge over all of the plants, the animals, everything else that he has created. He put us over all of that. Okay? That's pretty amazing. That's a a very huge responsibility that he put us in charge over that. Let us have dominion over all of that. So what if we are irresponsible towards the earth? Well, God said we're supposed to have dominion. We should be responsible for it. Right? So if we're going around throwing out trash on the side of the road, that's irresponsible. We're not taking very good care of it. If we're mistreating animals or people or doing whatever, that's not we're not taking care of it. And so we're not doing what god has put us in charge to do. Now I would love to go on and finish out the chapter, but we are out of time. So we'll get into the last part of day six next week. And it's okay because we got a lot to cover with that. And so we'll get into the last part of day six next week. But we've gotten up through the first part of day six. We've got all the way up to the creation of man. Said, let us make man, but it didn't yet say they he made man. Said, let us do that in our image and let man have all of this, but he did not yet create man. We'll find out how he did that or what he did with that next week. Okay? Alright. So we'll pick up next week, verse 27, and and we'll finish out chapter one, and we'll see how far we go from that. Alright? So, again, one thing tonight as you as we sign off for those that are watching online, I I want us to understand as we go back to Genesis, as we study Genesis, one of our purposes in studying Genesis is to understand the creation story. It's to realize that the creation story takes a lot less faith to trust and understand than some of the theories that are pushed on us today as fact. And so, as I talk about the things and compare some of the things that are that are, being pushed in today's world, I'm doing that so that we can see what God's word says versus what the world is telling us so that we can then understand and be able to ascertain exactly how we believe and why we believe what we believe. Okay? So for those of you who joined us online tonight, thank you so much for that, and look forward to joining together with you again next week, or stop by Sunday morning, 10:45. Love to have you. God bless, and good night.
  • Feb 9, 2025Ambassadors For Christ
    Feb 9, 2025
    Ambassadors For Christ
    Series: 2025
    In our study in Genesis, we were reminded that God made Adam and Eve to serve Him
    Today, most people want to put themselves first
    What if we changed our mentality to put God first?
    Verse 17 says if we are in Christ, we are a new creation
    Verse 18 says we have been given the ministry of reconciliation
    We hold things against people when God doesn’t hold it against us
    God forgives, so we must forgive and show others how they can be forgiven
    We are ambassadors for Christ
    This is the reason we must serve as ambassadors for Christ
    If Jesus paid the price for all and made us a new creation,
    Then we must take our position as ambassador seriously
    As a new appointee in the cabinet of God, we must serve Him every day
    Have you become a new creation?
    Full Transcript:

    Amen. You know, God loves us. And the incredible thing is there's no reason for that. We don't give him any real reason to love us. We are sinful creatures.

    We don't do the things that we should do, and we do the things we shouldn't do, but yet God still loves us. That's just incredible to me. It's one of those things that as you go through each and every day, it's just an amazing thought that God loves us. I I don't know why if it were me trying to love somebody else, I would have already given up, I'm sure, on myself. But God doesn't do that, And so I am thankful for that.

    Today, I wanna talk about, being ambassadors for Christ. So you can go ahead and turn with me to second Corinthians chapter five second Corinthians chapter five, and we'll start there in just a moment. In our study in Genesis, we were reminded that God made Adam and Eve to serve him. That last part's important. A lot of people will believe God made Adam and Eve, but they don't think about why.

    Understand, God made Adam and Eve. He didn't make Adam and Eve little babies. He made Adam and Eve grown people. When they were created, they were already grown. And when he created them, he gave them instructions.

    He told them what they needed to do, and he told them to multiply. He told them to take care of the garden. They were there to serve him. They had a job the moment they were created. He already had something for them.

    Too many times, we don't think about it that way. We we look at our lives and we think about it the other way around. We think that God made Adam and Eve to serve self, and that God was to serve Adam and Eve. Right? God's there for me.

    Oh, I get in trouble, I call on God. I need something, I call on God. I I have, you know, something I can't figure out, I call on God. But otherwise, you know, it's all about me. But that's not true, and that's not how God created us in the first place.

    And as we go back to Genesis in our Wednesday night study, we're learning more and more about how God created Adam and Eve to serve him, and how when he put them here, he put them here for that purpose. Not their own purpose, but for his purpose. See, we wanna keep that straight. Today, most people want to put themselves first. It's all about me.

    Right? What do I want? How do I want to do things? How how or or I'm gonna get something out of this. If I do this, what will I get out of it?

    Everything's about me. I wanna make sure that my life is as simple as possible. I wanna make sure that all the needs that I think I have, that that they're covered. Even my wants, I wanna make sure that's taken care of. I wanna make sure that I'm good, that I'm happy, that I'm taken care of, that I have all these things that I want, and it's all about me.

    And, oh, yeah. If I have some time left after that, then I'll try to serve God too. You know, I'll I'll go to church once a week, you know, just one hour though. Don't ask me to do more than that. I'll go one hour.

    I'll I'll make my token visit. I'll, you know, I'll I'll, you know, I might praise God some. And and if somebody asked me specifically, I'll probably tell them about God. But, you know, I gotta make sure all my priorities are met first. That's how people today want to live.

    Me first. It's absolutely backwards. God wants to be the center of your life. He wants to be what you are revolving around, not him revolving around you. And so God wants you to put him as the center of your life.

    He put you here to serve him. What if we changed our mentality and put God first? Just think about that for a minute. What if instead of worrying about me and everything I want and all the things I wanna do and the places I wanna go and all of the money I wanna spend and the food I wanna eat and everything I wanna do, instead of putting I first, what if God was put first in our lives? What if each day we woke up and said, God, what do I need to do for you today?

    How do you want me to serve you today? What if we did that? We like to say as Christians, oh, yes. We put God first. But if we were put on trial for that, would there be enough evidence to convict us?

    You see, most of the time we say that, but that's not how we live. What if we live that way? What if we truly put God first? Well, you know, I got I I have to go to work. Yeah.

    You do. You have to go to work. You have to pay your bills. Those are things that by living in this world, we have to do. We understand that.

    Those are things that have to be done. But what if we did them with God in first place? What if going to work, we did it with God first in our life so that when we got to work, we were somebody who was an ambassador for God? What if we shared Christ with other people as an ambassador for God, the one that we put first in our life? And we said, let me tell you about this.

    Why why are you happy today? I'm glad you asked. Let me tell you about the time I had with the Lord this morning before I came to work. What if we absolutely put God first? Can you imagine how much different this world would be if God's people put him first?

    If God's people put him first. I'm not talking about lost people, I'm talking about God's people. If God's people put him first, how much different would this world be? You see, because we don't put him first in so many ways, we allow other things to happen. And when we allow these other things to happen, and take over our lives, we're not sharing as we need to be.

    When we're not sharing as we need to be, then we lose our focus of what we are supposed to do. What if we changed our mentality and put God first? Look with me to second Corinthians chapter five. We're gonna read verses 17 through 21. Second Corinthians chapter five seventeen through 21.

    Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he's a new creature. The old things passed away. Behold, new things have come. Now all these things are from God who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. Namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and he has committed to us the word of reconciliation.

    Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ. As though God were making an appeal through us, we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. He made him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in him. Verse 17 says, if we are in Christ, we are a new creation. If we are in Christ, we are a new creation.

    So what does that really mean? I give my life to Christ. I've accepted him as my Lord and savior. I said, I want you to come in and forgive me of all of the sins that I've committed in my life. I want you to be my lord and savior.

    I wanna put you first. I want to be this new creation. If the old person is gone and a new person exists, then what we've got to do is not to try to serve the old person. What? Let me break it down like this.

    If I am a brand new person, why would I try to go back and do what the old person used to do? Why would I try to go back and bring in all those things from the past and serve them instead of the God that made me the new creation, instead of the one that changed all things for me. If we are in Christ, we are a new creation, brand new. That means we've gotta put God first. That means instead of putting self first as we did in the old days, we need to put God first as he requires us to.

    We're a new creation. We're not the same as we once were. We are brand new in Christ. We don't go back and try to pull up all the old things. We don't go back and pull up all the old sins and, say, well, I can't possibly be a good person because of all these old things that happened in my life.

    You're a new creation. Why are you going back and dwelling on sins that God has cast as far as the East is from the West? Why are you going back and looking at your past failures instead of looking at how God wants to use you today? Why are you going back and trying to serve that old self instead of serving the God that made you new in the first place? If we are in Christ, we are a new creation.

    The old self serving person is gone. Why are you serving self? You're supposed to be serving God. That old self serving person is now gone. He's now gone.

    In my little tiny brain, you know, I kinda wish that when God made you new, that you literally would step out of the old body, look back at it, and go, yeah, that's gone. And now I'm a brand new creation. That you could physically do that. Right? You could look back at that and go, yeah, that's not me anymore.

    I'm this new person. That's not me. I don't even wanna see that person anymore because I'm not that that person anymore. We can't physically do that. But spiritually, we can.

    Spiritually, we can look back at that old person and the way that person was walking, the things that person did, and say, thank you God for saving me from that life. And now what do you want me to do? How do you want me to live? Where do you want me to go? What do you want me to say?

    Who do you want me to talk to? God, there's something you have for me. That's why you made me a new creation. If you didn't have something for me, why would you make me a new creation in the first place? You have something for me.

    You created me for a purpose. What is that purpose? Instead of just saying, wow. I'm so glad I got my ticket to heaven now, And then just go on about what you used to do. Makes no sense.

    You're a new creation. Why would you live like the old self serving person? The new Christ serving person is present. The old self serving person is gone. The new Christ serving person is the one that's present.

    Pardon me. That's the one that you need to concentrate on. That's the one that wants to serve God every day. That's the one that says, I haven't done enough for the Lord. I I I've not put God first.

    That's the one that seeks him every single day. And how do you want me to move this day? If you buy a new car, right, go get a brand new car, you don't take that brand new car, pull it into the garage, take off the brand new tires, and put the old worn out tires on it, do you? That would just be crazy. Why would you do that?

    Well, if you're a brand new creation, why would you go back and grab the attributes for the old creation and try to pull them in and put them on the new model? It's a new model. It's brand new. There's nothing old about it. It's not worn out.

    It's exactly as God wants it to be. Why would you go back and pull those old attributes and try to hang on to them? Because you're a new creation. Stop. Stop doing that.

    As a believer in Christ, someone who has been made fresh and new you know when we have baptism like we will next week, we say buried with him in baptism, risen to walk in a new life. A new life in Christ. The old is gone and passed away. The new has risen in a new life. Grasp hold of that new life.

    Leave the old behind. Well, I didn't do that, and so, yeah, I'm still struggling with some of this old stuff. Well, guess what? It's never too late to kick it to the curb. It's never too late to get rid of that.

    All you gotta do is bring it to the Lord and say, god, I'm still holding on to this. I wanna turn it over to you. Please take it away. And he's faithful to do just that. He's faithful to do just that.

    So if we are made new and fresh in Christ and we are a new creation, then when we are a new creation, we need to live that way. Verse 18 says, we have been given the ministry of reconciliation. We've been given the ministry of reconciliation. So we had a pop quiz with the children earlier and said, hey, what is ambassador? They didn't quite know.

    They hadn't learned that. I hope that you've learned what reconciliation is. Reconciliation is taking something that's broken and repairing it. We've been given the ministry of reconciliation. A reconciliation with our life to Christ.

    God looked upon a sinful self and he said, I can't have a relationship with you because you're full of sin. But through him, he gave the ministry of reconciliation. He reconciled us to himself through Christ and his blood. And now if we've accepted him when God looks at us, what he sees is the new person, and he says, okay. Now you were broken, but now you're fixed.

    Now through Christ, you have come to a place where we can be one. And I'm giving you that ministry of reconciliation. Well, what does that mean? Well, that means that there are people around you, all around you in life that are lost. There are people that need to know about Jesus Christ.

    There are people that maybe you've had personal issues with. Maybe they've had issues with you. Maybe you've had a problem with them, and so, therefore, you've never had any kind of relationship. The Ministry of Reconciliation says, God forgave you. You forgive them.

    You show them how they can be reconciled to Christ through him. We go out and we share that. Instead of putting up walls and tearing down, we should be reconciling together with people. We should be bringing people in. You know, the average Christian, when they get saved, here's what happens.

    They get saved and they say, I am so glad. I am saved. I'm now a brand new creation in Christ. And they're up here. And then they look down at those people they used to hang out with or people that act like they used to, and they say, those poor old sad sinners.

    I'm glad I'm not one of them. Now they take themselves and put them up here and everybody else that they're down here. So they stand up on the pedestal, they look down and they say, I'm glad I'm not one of them. The Ministry of Reconciliation says, help them become saved. Change their life.

    You now reconcile together with them and show them how they can be reconciled to God. We're not better than them. Five minutes ago, we were in the same shape. We were doing the same things. We were sinning and walking away from God, yet we were reconciled to him through Christ.

    Now our ministry is to help others be reconciled. Our ministry is to help others be reconciled. God created man, mankind to serve him. Always. Not just sometimes.

    Always. And when God created mankind to serve him, that means we're to serve him every day. That means that we do tough things sometimes. You know, that person treated me really bad. Yeah.

    How bad did you treat God before you got saved? God forgave you. You need to forgive them. But you just don't know what they did. It doesn't matter.

    As long as you hold it against them, you know who you're hurting yourself because you're harboring something that shouldn't be there. If you're gonna serve God, you have to reconcile. And then when you reconcile with that person and show them the love of God, they can be reconciled to God because they saw what you did. They see that love that you showed them, which is the same love God showed you. Verse 18 says, we have been given the ministry of reconciliation.

    We were reconciled to Christ. Our past was cast away, and we have been forgiven. We've been forgiven. Forgiveness we didn't earn, but we're still reconciled to Christ. Forgiveness we didn't earn.

    Well, they gotta show me they wanna give forgiven. They gotta show me their change. They're not gonna change if they don't know Jesus. You wouldn't change until you knew Jesus. We didn't earn that reconciliation with Christ.

    Christ gave it to us. God gave us reconciliation through the blood of his son, Jesus Christ. We did not earn one little bit of it. The truth be told, every single person that has ever lived or ever will live deserves to spend an eternity in a devil's hell. That's what we deserve because we've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

    But because God so loved the world, he gave his only son that we might have life and have it abundantly. He gave his only son that we would be able to be reconciled through him because he paid the price. Because he paid the price. It's through forgiveness that we didn't earn that we are reconciled. We can have a relationship with him because of Christ.

    Our mission is to show other people they too can have that same relationship, that they can have the same relationship. One of the things I've discovered in this world is when you start getting to know people, most people are dealing with a lot of heavy stuff. They're dealing with heavy stuff. Many of them are dealing with grief that they just can't seem to get past. They can't get past something that happened.

    It might not be grief of a lost loved one. It could be grief of a lost job. It could be grief of a lost, the way they used to be. It could be a grief of a lot of things. But a lot of people are dealing with grief and they're having a hard time.

    There are a lot of people who have been hurt, and because of being hurt, they just don't trust anybody else. They don't wanna talk to anybody else. They don't wanna con or con, confide in somebody else. They don't wanna do those things because they've been hurt. There are people that feel like they've been done wrong by family, by friends, by employers, by whomever.

    And if you start talking to people, you'll find out that most people that you talk to are dealing with really heavy stuff. The thing is, if they're trying to deal with it all on their own, what hope do they have? But when they talk with you and you say, you know, I was dealing with a lot of stuff, but I realized that God gave his son Jesus to take care of all those problems if I would just give my life to him and be reconciled to God. And now I've done that, and all that heavy weight is lifted off. Now I still have problems, but I give them to God.

    I still struggle with things, but I give it to God. I'm not dragging all that weight around anymore. How many people suddenly realize, wow. What a difference. I gave their self to the Lord and that weight is lifted off, but before that, it was awful.

    Our mission is to show people that they can have that same reconciliation that you have, that God will lift their burdens, that he will take care of them, that he will give them the forgiveness that they so desperately need. He will share with them the love that they may have never felt, and that because of that, they too can be a child of the king. That's our mission. We hold things against people when God doesn't hold it against us. Does that make sense?

    Does that make any sense? We hold things against people when God doesn't even hold it against us. We say, well, they don't deserve it. Neither did I. But I'm glad somebody shared it with me anyway.

    Well, you know, they they're not good people. God Bible says there's not one good. There's no such thing as a good person. Well, they just they're they're they're they're mean or they're they're this or that. Okay.

    Why? Why are they that way? Did you ever stop to try to figure out why? Or you just stopped at that point? What if God stopped there?

    We try to hold things against people that God doesn't even hold against us. We have to live in reconciliation. We have to live it out. We have to show people that you can't just tell people about it. Let me tell you, you can be reconciled to God.

    Okay. What does that mean? You know, sounds good. No. Live it out.

    Show people that reconciliation. Not only did God bring you to himself, but you wanna bring them in too. You wanna live that way. Well, how can you possibly forgive me for that? Because God forgave me.

    That's how. That's reconciliation. You have to live it. You have to show people. They have to know.

    They have to see it in you. You know, you can you can talk a good game, but if you're not living it, people know. They realize that you are not living what you say. You know, you're two faced. Right?

    You say one thing and you do something else. Oh, those Christians, they go to church on Sunday morning and they sing about God and they do all that. But I've seen them same people in the bar on Friday night hanging out with some woman that's not their wife. I've seen them over there, you know, so drunk they couldn't hardly get to their car. I I've seen them be so mean to somebody that you just couldn't even stand it, and then they wanna talk about how they know Jesus as Lord and savior.

    We gotta live it. We can't just say it. It's gotta be lived. We've gotta live it out in everything that we do. In the way that we speak to people, the way that we treat people, the things that we do, we have to live it out.

    It doesn't matter what someone has done. We still have to be able to forgive as Christ forgave us. Yeah. I know. People do some really nasty things to one another, but we have to be able to forgive just like Christ forgives us.

    It's the only way that we can show them what reconciliation looks like. We can talk about it all day long, but until we show them, they're never gonna see it. I don't know about you guys, but sometimes my wife will start to explain something to me, and she'll tell me about something. And she's trying to tell me, and she's trying to draw this visual picture for me, and I don't know what she's trying to say. She sees it perfectly in her mind, but I don't see it until she pulls out whatever it is and says, see.

    This is what I'm talking about. Oh, now I get it. It's kinda the same way. When we're trying to tell people about reconciliation, but they can't see it with their own eyes, they don't understand it. They don't understand how they can be forgiven if they don't see it.

    They don't understand how God can forgive them until they see how God forgave you. They don't see that. We hold all these things against people, and instead, we should be forgiving people just like God forgave us. It's the only way they're gonna see that God forgives is when we mirror what God has done for us. Look at verse 19.

    Verse 19 says this, namely that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and he has committed to us the word of reconciliation. God forgives, so we must forgive others. God forgives, so we must forgive and show others they can be forgiven. That's what it's talking about there. We have to do that.

    We can't just leave it or say it or just use words. Verse 20 says this, therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ. As though God were making an appeal through us, we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. We're ambassadors. How can they see God if we don't show them?

    Therefore I love when it's when a phrase starts with that word. Therefore. Everybody knows when you say therefore, you're supposed to ask the question, what's it there for? What's it there for? Why is that word there for?

    What is it there for? Everything we've talked about up to this point leads to that verse. Because of verses 17 through 19, we have to understand that verse 20 is imperative. And all the things that God has talked about in 17 through 19, therefore, because of all those things, we are ambassadors for Christ. We're called to be the one that shows the world who he is.

    Just as much as an ambassador for The United States goes to a foreign country and represents The United States, we as believers in Jesus Christ, those who know him as Lord and savior, represent him to others that have never met him. We represent him. Now here's the tricky part. You represent him even when you're not living right. Woah.

    Woah. Woah. Wait a minute now. Wait a minute. I I I I'm I'm not trying to represent him if I'm not doing the right thing.

    Yes. But your his name is on you. You're represented just as surely as if we wore a uniform. We put on a uniform like the military every morning that said soldier of God, And we went out and did things that weren't representative of God. We're still representing God.

    We're wearing his uniform. And people see that. If they know that you are a believer in Christ and you are walking in a way that's not pleasing to God, you're representing God in a negative light to people that don't know. You are an ambassador for Christ if you know him as Lord and savior. Are you taking those duties responsibly?

    Are you literally understanding that when you're doing things, other people are looking at you because you are an ambassador for Christ? I don't think that the bulk of God's people in this world today do take that seriously. And I say that because if they did, why would the world be in the mess that it's in right now? Why would we have church buildings all across The United States that are empty or almost empty? Why would we have people that don't ever consider spending time with God if God's people were truly being genuine ambassadors for him and everyone could see God in them.

    I absolutely believe if we really truly were ambassadors and put things first, that if we did that, that people would change, that we would start seeing a a revival across the land of people giving themselves to God. We are ambassadors for Christ. We represent a loving reconciling savior to a lost world. That's the only way they're gonna see him is through us. Understand this, that someone who's lost on their own accord do not seek out God.

    What do you mean? They're lost. Why aren't they seeking God? They don't believe there is one. They don't have any desire to follow that.

    On their own, they would never seek God. When the Holy Spirit begins to put it on their heart, they start looking around. When they look around, what do they need to see? The ambassadors for Christ. They need to see the ones in their life and around them that can point them in the right direction.

    They need to see that. We need to be living that life in that way. We need to be mentoring younger Christians to help them also be ambassadors. And then all of us need to be ambassadors to a lost world. We need to be ambassadors for Christ.

    Every single one of us. It's the only way that others that don't know Jesus would see it. It's the only way they're going to see him is through us. We speak to people. Now hold on.

    We speak to people with authority. The authority of God. What do you mean? If you're a child of God, when you speak to people, you have the authority that God has bestowed upon you to be his ambassador. You understand that an ambassador for United States can enter into a treaty with another country.

    He has the authority to do that that The United States has given them. They have the authority to make that decision. We, as ambassadors for Christ, we speak with authority based on the knowledge we have of Christ, the relationship we have with Christ, and knowing God's word as we share that with people, we speak with that authority. We don't need to be timid. We don't need to be concerned that we might not say the right thing.

    We have been given the authority of God to speak on his behalf to show other people how they too can come to know him. That's that's powerful when you think about that you have been given the authority of God to speak to other people. You've been given that. Others can see Jesus through us if we truly represent the one whom we call father. Others will see Jesus if we truly live our lives representing him.

    Representing him. Verse 21 says this, he made him, being Christ, who knew no sin, to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in him. Wow. Think about that. The reason that we must serve is that God made Jesus the only true and perfect person that never sinned, he made him to be sin.

    My sin. Your sin. Every other person's sin. God put every bit of it on Jesus Christ. That he would pay the price, the penalty for all of our sin.

    This is the reason we must serve him as an ambassador because he took all of our sin and put it on Christ. He gave every bit of it to him. He turned away from his son, Jesus, as he became sin and punished him for your sin. God's perfect son that never sinned. And yet my sin and your sin was heaped upon him to such a degree that the scripture says God couldn't even look at him.

    That he turned away because he can't look on that sin. His only son, he couldn't even look at him. He punished him with death because of your sin and mine. He gave his son for that very purpose. Scripture says we've all sinned, and there is no way we can actually get rid of that sin on our own.

    We can't buy it. We can't earn forgiveness. We can't throw it out. The only thing we can do is accept that gift that Jesus Christ gave us. The payment that he gave for that sin.

    That's the only thing that we can do. He put all of that sin on Jesus and punished him for our sin so that we might become his righteousness. Meaning, we would reflect him. We would become children of God, and we could reflect God in all that we do. That we could become his children.

    This is an incredible thought that even though I don't deserve it, God gave it to me. Not only did he give it to me, but he used his son to pay the price in order that I might be saved. Read a story once of a man was out fishing with his son and a friend of his son. There was an accident, and the two boys couldn't swim. They fell in the water.

    And they're both fighting drastically to to get out of the water. The man had one life preserver. That was all that was in the boat. He couldn't swim. He couldn't get in the water and pull him out, so he had to make a choice.

    Who was he gonna try to save? He looked at his son with tears in his eyes and told him he loved him and he threw the life preserver to the other boy. His son drowned, the other boy was saved. They asked him, how could you possibly do that? He said, well you see, as much as I love my son, I know that my son knows Jesus.

    And that when he his life ended on this earth, he was going to walk in glory with God, but his friend did not know Jesus. And if he were to drown and die right there on that day, he would spend an eternity in hell. So I sacrificed my son to save this boy that he might have a chance at reconciliation with God. As far as I know that's not a true story, but it is an example of how God sacrificed his son that we might have a chance at salvation. There's no promise that that boy was gonna ever receive Christ, but he now has a chance.

    There's no promise that you would ever receive Christ. He paid the price that you might have the opportunity for salvation, but you and only you can receive it. Nobody else can receive it for you. If Jesus paid the price, he made us a new creation if we accept him. Brand new.

    The old has passed away. We're brand new if we gave our life to him. We must take our position as ambassador seriously. It it's not just a title that we wear. We don't just walk around saying Christian, but doing nothing.

    It's not a title that entitles us to be lifted up higher than other people. It's a label that is put on us as a reflection of the righteousness of God, and we're to live our lives in his righteousness, for his righteousness, that others might see that and be saved. We have a job to do. He created us for a purpose. He wants us to be his ambassadors, to reach other people, instead of walking around as if we are better than everybody else.

    As a new appointee in the cabinet of God, we must serve him every day. Just like as a new administration comes in, they appoint new leaders in the cabinet. Those leaders are there to serve the one that appointed them by doing things that are supposed to be right for the country. God created a position for you. He appointed you as an ambassador for him.

    He appointed you to be an ambassador for him if you have called him lord and savior. So the question is, have you become a new creation? Have you ever become a new creation? Have you ever given your life to Christ? And if you have, are you an ambassador for him?

    Are you ready to serve him every day? Are you absolutely want people to see Jesus in you? Here's the thing. So many people say this, do what I say, not what I do. As a child, did that work for you?

    When your parents said, do what I tell you, not what I do. No. If it's good enough for you, it's okay for me. It doesn't work for lost people either. When you say do what I say, not what I do, I fail, but but do this instead.

    No. They're looking at you. They want you to be that ambassador. They wanna see in you, how do I do it? How do I do that?

    If God saved you, he created you as a new creation. Your job is to serve him and serve him by being an ambassador for him that others would see Jesus in you. Each and every day, we have opportunities to be a good ambassador for Christ or a bad ambassador for Christ. Christ. Every day we have those opportunities.

    What do you mean every day? I mean, I I've been listen. If you go out of your home and come in touch with other people, you have an opportunity. It might be a good, it might be bad. How are you gonna react?

    And even if you don't, if you live in a home with someone else, you have an opportunity every day to be an ambassador for Christ. How do you handle things? What do you do? The key is the only way we can truly be a good ambassador for Christ is if we flip the script. Instead of putting self first, if we put God first.

    And that has to be something we do every single day. It's not a one time deal. It's not a one time deal. Why? Because we're flesh, and we tend to serve self.

    But every day, if we make a conscious effort to put God first, then every day we can be a good ambassador for Christ. Today, if you've never given your life to Christ, you don't know him, you've never become a new creation, I'd love to invite you to come today and talk to me about it. Perhaps you have given your life to him, but you're thinking about it now and you're thinking, you know, I I'm I'm not been the best person for others to see Jesus in me. Well, it's not too late to make that change today. You can make that change today and continue to make it every day.

    Maybe you say, I think I do pretty good at that, and and I I would like to help others. I want to mentor other people. Listen, that's a fabulous thing. And so if that's the case, then seek out who God would put you to mentor. Today, please, if you know Jesus Christ, accept your responsibility as an ambassador and live every day for him.

    Let's pray.

  • Feb 5, 2025Chapter 1 Pt. 2
    Feb 5, 2025
    Chapter 1 Pt. 2
    Series: Genesis
    Full Transcript:

    Alright. Good evening. Good evening. Sounds like we need to go upstairs and play carpet ball, doesn't it? Sound like they're having a big time up there.

    Well, good to see everybody. Feels like it's been, you know, a couple months since I've been here on a Wednesday night. Really, it's only been a few weeks, but, you know, thank you for Don taking care of last week. I got sick and, you know, I'm, praise God. I'm I'm not out sick very often.

    I think that's about the second time in thirteen years, but, you know, sometimes it just happens. So I appreciate Don taking care of everything last Wednesday night. And, we're gonna, continue in our study of Genesis tonight. And, so it's a long turn in your Bible, over to the first chapter of Genesis. And we spent about two weeks covering verse one, I think.

    Not really, but we spent a long time covering verse one. So we're gonna get a long way tonight. We're gonna maybe get all the way through verse six or five. We'll see. If we get real lucky, we might make it a little further.

    But, you know, I think it's important that we take the time as we go through all of this to examine things that we might not otherwise think about. You know, you can open up the book of Genesis and start reading, and you can just read in the beginning and you start going through it. And especially if you've read through the Bible a few times, it's so familiar that you might just read over stuff that is really important or things that you never really considered before. And so that's why we're taking time to go through the book of Genesis, the beginning and we wanna go through all of that and make sure that as we, study it that God shows us things that maybe we really need to know. So I'm gonna go ahead and open up with a word of prayer and then we'll continue, in Genesis chapter one.

    Alright. So let's pray. Father, we do come to you tonight. And again, we're thankful father for healing for, so many of our church have been sick and gotten well. And we still have some that are sick and, so we just pray for all of them.

    We know there's a lot going on right now. God, we pray for all of our nation. There's a lot happening throughout our nation. Father with this new administration and so many changes that are happening and so God, we just pray for each person. We pray for wisdom for the leadership and that you would be with them and you would guide them with your word father and that through that our nation would return back to you father like we need to have been all along.

    Father, we thank you for your word tonight as we open up the first book, the book of Genesis. Father, the very beginning. I pray that you would just help us to see things that maybe we never noticed before, to dwell on some things that we need to dwell on and help us father to take what we learn and apply it in our lives that we might be a stronger in our walk than we've ever been before. God, we just ask that you just touch each life, watch over us and and protect us, but always use us for your glory. In Jesus name we pray.

    Amen. Alright. So the book of Genesis. Genesis is a Greek word. Does anybody know what it means?

    Beginning. Beginning, origin, source, generation. All of those are different translations within the the Greek. The original Hebrew is, Beresheth, which means in the beginning. And so, since when Moses was, writing all of this, it would have been Hebrew, when he put all this down in the beginning.

    So the title is the first three words of the first chapter of the first verse. And so in the beginning so it's important for us to remember because when we start thinking about now, think about this. How many of you remember being a newborn? Right? Nobody remembers being a newborn.

    It was a long time ago. It was in the beginning. There was something. How do we find out what happened? We have to ask.

    Parents, relatives, friends, family, siblings, they tell you about the beginning and so you can go back and learn about things that happened in the beginning of your life. For us to know what happened in the beginning of the world, We have to go back to Genesis. That is a record of that to find out. Now, sometimes I have people say, well, you know, you you go to Genesis is the beginning and you start reading about everything in Genesis, but, you know, it only tells you so much. It doesn't really tell you everything.

    It doesn't explain a lot of stuff, and that's true. In fact, the Bible says that if everything was written down, the world could not contain it. So it doesn't tell us everything. And Moses was not there in the beginning. Okay?

    So this word that was given to Moses was a divine word that God gave him, not a word that he knew from the beginning. It was a word that God gave him from some written records from some things that God just gave him. And and he breathed it into him. So but this is a beginning. It is in the beginning and this is the record.

    So we talked about the beginning God created. There was no it it wasn't, well, God took certain things and made this. No. God created it all from the very beginning. God created it.

    It wasn't there before. He didn't take something and make something else out of it. There was nothing there. God created it, everything from the very beginning. And so when we move into verse two, it starts talking about some of the how, Some of what was happening at the time in the beginning when God was creating.

    So in verse two, it says the earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep and the spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Okay. So let's think about this. First, I want you to turn to a whole another book, and you're gonna say, what? Why are we doing that?

    I thought we were doing Genesis. Well, we are. But I want you to turn to the book of Psalm chapter 33. Book of Psalm chapter 33, and we're gonna look at verse six. I want you to hear what the Psalmist said about the beginning.

    In Psalm 33 verse six, the Psalmist says, by the word of the Lord, the heavens were made and all of the host of them by the breath of his mouth. Alright. So think about that. It's telling us right there in Psalm that the word of the Lord made the heavens and the host of all of them came from the breath of his mouth. Meaning, he spoke it into existence.

    Now, that's important for us to realize and understand. He didn't have to build anything with his hands. He didn't have to get down and and scoop up stuff and and mold things and make stuff. He simply spoke and it became. So darkness was over the face of the deep.

    Now, this may describe in some sense, a sense of resistance to the holy spirit that God was now moving on the Earth. Because in the beginning, remember, the trinity was the trinity from the beginning. It didn't become later. It was from the beginning. And so darkness is over the face of the Earth, but the Holy Spirit and it's gonna tell us the spirit of God in a moment was hovering.

    So the spirit of God moving over the earth and it says darkness was on the face. Some speculate that the reason there was darkness where the Holy Spirit was beginning to move is because we understand Satan was cast out of heaven. And where did Satan get cast to? Earth. So in the beginning, there was darkness over the face of everything because Satan had been cast out of heaven.

    So the darkness not only is physical darkness, but it's also darkness in the spiritual sense. There's darkness all over this, and so darkness was over the face of the deep. It says the earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep and the spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. The spirit of God and so when God began to transform everything into something beautiful, it started with the work of the spirit of God. Everything all the work of creation begins with the Holy Spirit.

    The work that begins in you begins with the Holy Spirit giving you a conviction to show you that you need a savior. The word that God does through you starts with the Holy Spirit. All of that happens. The word that God created this Earth out of began with the Holy Spirit. And so it says the spirit was hovering over the face of the Earth.

    Now there's this hovering, they the one of the commentaries I was reading said, it gives kind of a picture as if, you ever seen a a mother hen put out her her wings and hover over her young? That that's kind of that picture. That the spirit of God was hovering over the earth like that. Like this is the child that's about to have be born. This is what's about to happen.

    And so the spirit was hovering over all of the face of the waters. And so God began to transform everything from what it was into something beautiful. Now, again, it was formless and void. The the definition of void is emptiness. Meaning, there was nothing there but darkness.

    Okay? So understand that. There wasn't that there was an earth and then God just prettied it up. There was nothing there. It was nothing but darkness.

    It was evil. It was nothing there but this evil spirit that was present as God hovers over all of this and begins to create. Now, also want you to understand this. When we're talking about this very beginning and God beginning to create, he wasn't only creating the earth. We're talking about the entire space.

    Everything. You know, we talk about in the known universe now. You know why we say in the known universe? Because we know there's stuff beyond the known universe, but we don't have a telescope powerful enough to see it yet. And I imagine if we ever get a telescope big enough to see past the known universe, we'll still be limited and we won't be able to see past that.

    That it will go on and on and on and on. So we don't know everything that God has created. We don't know. When it was formless and void, there was nothing there but darkness, and God began to create. As only God can create.

    It says, he was hovering over the face of the waters. Then, God said. Then, God said. So I want you to think about this. All what's happening.

    The spirit of God was hovering. Something was getting ready to work. There was a preparation for something that was about to happen. Hovering like a mother bird. The earth was without form and void and there was nothing.

    Now, when we think about all of this and God creates the things that he created, most likely, when God created it and the appearance came, it was an appearance of what today they would call an old earth. And what I mean by that is all the scientists try to tell us how some of these things were created. Right? And they talk about the Grand Canyon and they talk about, you know, how the continents appear to be, you know, where they broke off from one another and all these things that happened. Well, when God created the earth, most likely, he created it with all that already there.

    Well, why would you say that? Well, we're gonna get to it in in a week or two, but I'll give you a quick preview. How old do you think Adam was when he was created? He wasn't a baby. He wasn't a little boy.

    He was a full grown man from the moment he was created. Well, if he created Adam as a full grown man, why wouldn't he have created the world as a mature world? Why would he have not created that as a mature world? So that's just a feast on for a minute. Alright.

    So before I finish first three, look with me to Psalm chapter eight. It keeps going back to Psalm. Yeah. Because Psalm has a beautiful way of describing it. Psalm chapter eight, and we're gonna look at verses three and four.

    Psalm eight three and four. It says, when I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the mood and the stars which you have ordained, What is man that you are mindful of him? And the son of man that you visit him? So what I'm talking about here is this. God's about to create we're looking at this.

    God's about to create all of this. I don't know if you've ever seen the picture. Louie Giglio does a a thing and it shows the Hubble Telescope that went out into space. Right? Just before it exited our solar system where we could no longer communicate with it, they sent a communication and told it to turn around and take a picture of Earth.

    And so just as it went to go out of our solar system, it spun around and took a picture of the Earth from the as far out as we can see. We know there's much more past that. In that picture, think about it like this. So on your television screen, if you have, you know, one like Bill with 90 inch screen on the wall and no. I don't know what he's got.

    I'm teasing. You've got a big giant television on the wall, and something happens and one little pixel shows up in the middle of that TV. It's pretty tiny, isn't it? That was about what the picture of earth looked like from the telescope just as it was leaving the solar system. If that vastness is so big, and the earth was so tiny in that think about how big you were in that picture.

    You weren't even a pixel. And Psalm is saying, in all that you've done, why would I even be significant? As a person, why would I even be significant in the overall of everything that God did and the creation that he made. And but so many times we just expect that well, God owes us things. When we look at it from the perspective of how big God really is and how tiny we really are.

    Oh, man. It changes how we view God and the things that we look at. So look at verse three again. It says, then God said, let there be light. Let there be light.

    The very first step that he speaks that is to take all this chaos, everything that's there and bring light to it. Now, God didn't say let there be a sun and a moon. That wasn't until later on. What created the light? The light is God.

    God is the light in the darkness. Perhaps when he says, let there be light, the holiness of God is now the light that is making the darkness flee. It is the holy light of God that's making the evil darkness flee from him. There's light. Now this light, I want you to understand something.

    There are just in our own little solar system. Not talking about the whole universe, just in our little solar system. There are billions of stars. Billions of stars in our little solar system. If you took a quarter and placed it on the earth, that's about how big our solar system is in the known universe.

    Our whole solar system in the known universe. There are billions of stars just in our solar system. When God said, let there be light there wasn't a single heavenly body that created that light only God did. And he created all of that by speaking. We have to to think about it.

    It wasn't simply the earth. That was just part of everything that he created. He created not only the earth, but he created all of the other planets within our solar system. He created the sun in our solar system. He created all of that in our solar system just by speaking.

    And he said, first of all, the very first thing he did, let there be light. Not let there be man. Not let there be water and earth and, you know, ground and birds and none of that. Light. That's the first thing.

    Light dispels darkness. So the holy light of God did away with the darkness that was there. The void was no longer a void, now it's full of light. Just by that, he spoke and there was light. And this is the really neat thing.

    And God said, God saw the light that it was good. And God divided the light from the darkness. So, the darkness was dispelled, but it wasn't gone. But he divided the light from the darkness, so the darkness is still there. I read that and I wonder, god, why don't you just go ahead and do away with all the darkness?

    You know, you you made the light. Why don't you just go ahead and do away with all the darkness? But God had cast Satan down. The darkness was going to be there. Did away with the light.

    I mean, he put the light. It did away with the darkness, but it separated the light from the dark. That's all separated. What an amazing thing is that happens. I want you to think about this.

    When God said let there be light and light was. And then the Hebrew version says, light be and light was. Just like that. That's all it is. He had to go through that whole let there be.

    Light be and light was. Just like that. Anybody anybody remember how fast the speed of light is? Me either. I'd look it up.

    A 86,000 miles per second. A 86,000 miles per second is the speed of light. How fast is that? That's fast enough that it could travel around the earth seven times within one second. All the way around the earth, seven times within one second.

    That's how fast the speed of light is. God said, let there be light. And it was light. There was no lag. We weren't waiting.

    Let's see what's gonna happen. Let there be light. Oh, it was there. Just like that, he spoke it, it was there. Some people say, well, what about the big bang?

    God spoke, let there be life. Bang. There was. It was everywhere. I've heard people say this.

    I've even heard scientists say when they talk about the big bang, I've I've heard scientists or believers say, the big bang and and what we know, it appears that there was an explosion. Something happened and everything went out from there. What was it? God spoke it. That's what it was.

    And it went out from there. And so when we think about that and we look at it, that's incredible that God said, let light be and light was. Boom. Just like that. 86,000 miles per second light travels all the way across.

    God created everything that he created by speaking it into existence. He spoke it into existence. There was light. Genesis tells us that light existed before the sun and the moon were created because they weren't created till the fourth day. Not only did he say let there be light, but in verse, four, he said it divided the light from the darkness.

    In verse five, it said, he called the light day and the darkness he called night. So the evening and the morning were the first day. There was night and day before there was sun and moon. It's not the sun and the moon that create the light. God created night and day.

    He created the the separation before there ever was a sun and a moon. Think about this. Does he in is he in control of all that? Yeah. Anybody remember what happened in Egypt?

    What was one of the plagues? Darkness. Took the light away. And the darkness was so thick they could feel it. They couldn't see their finger touching their nose.

    The darkness was so thick it was oppressive because there was no light. None of us have ever experienced that. We've never been in a situation where there was absolutely no light. The closest you could have ever been is be in some room that's pretty much airtight and no lights on. That's about as close as you can get.

    But they say that we, our bodies, even generate a certain amount of light because of the electricity within our body. So we've never experienced that. But God took the light away and the darkness was so thick. They couldn't even see. So God created that.

    He said, let there be light and light was. He divided the light from the darkness. He called the light day and the darkness he called night. So was the evening and the morning of the first day. Now, let's see how far we get from here.

    Alright. So think about this. It was the evening and the morning of the first day. There's always this question that people debate. Christians alike debate this.

    Was it a literal night and day? Like a 24 period? Or was it like a, you know, a part of history. A a, you know, maybe a thousand years was night and another thousand years was day. Was it you know, what was it?

    Was it a literal night and day or was it, you know, more than that? There's there's a lot of people that that wonder about that. So, here's the thing. So was the evening and the morning of the first day. Why are we hearing the evening and the morning?

    God just created evening and morning. And when he created evening and morning, it wasn't thousands of years, it was a twenty four hour period. It was evening and morning. He just created that. And so if he just created that, then God created the world in six days.

    Some disagree and say well, it's not really days like we think about, but it's more like, you know, periods, of the world. It's not really days, but the whole point is this. God created, he made night and day, and the things that he put in his word, he said them literally if he meant them literally. There are some metaphorical things in scripture. But when it's metaphorical, you know it's metaphorical.

    And so, in this passage, I believe God is literal. He said it literally. He meant it literally. And it is a literal six twenty four hour periods. It's a evening and morning of the first day.

    Well, why would he start with the evening? Why would he start with the morning? Anybody know? What? Maybe you are.

    Started their days at night. It was the Hebrew the way Hebrews did things. Today started at dot at nightfall. So that started at night fall, and it went from night fall until night fall. And that was the evening and the morning of the first day.

    And so because that was the way that the Jews did, of course, that's how it was gonna be written. So evening and morning of the first day. So when we think about all of this, I don't think there's really any doubt that God created the world in a literal six days, and that I don't think there's any doubt for us to understand that God created the world. The way that it says it happened. There has been they've tried forever and ever to prove something else, but they can never start with nothing and get something.

    So only way that happens is with god. Verse six through eight. Then god said, let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. Thus God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament, from the waters which were above the firmament, and it was so. And God called the firmament heaven, so the evening and the morning of the second day.

    So the first day, light, and he separated light and dark. Second day, there's a firmament, and he separated waters. Okay. Well, what is he talking about here? Well, so here's what he's talking about.

    The idea of a firmament is an expanse or space. That's a firmament. Okay? And so when he said he had the waters under and above it, there were waters under it, there were waters above it. He separated the waters and had some under, some above.

    So they're actually separated, between there's space between them. Some scientists think that the the Bible is recognizing the existence of the significant water vapor, that's in the sky. That is such a blanket of of water vapor that it actually it's one of the things that causes, us to be able to have, the temperature variations. It doesn't get too hot. It doesn't burn us up.

    Right. There's, the winds because of it. We have the rain cycle. We have all of the things that we have. It's almost like a greenhouse.

    Right. Of what this this water vapor that's above the the, up in the atmosphere. And so there are some that believe that's what it's talking about. Well, if we look at the firmament as heaven, which is what the scripture calls it, if we look at the firmament as heaven, you know, we look at the what we would know as the first heaven. That's the sky we can see.

    And then the second heaven, which is the atmosphere above the stratosphere, all of that, and the third heaven is where God lives. Right? So between the land and the first heaven, there's a layer of water that's on the outside of that first heaven. And so many scientists believe that what is talking about here is that was the separation between water on the earth and water above the earth because it was divided by the firmament, which was space or heaven. And so God separated that out and made it above and below.

    Okay? So, there's a lot of of scientists that believe that. There's a lot of theologians that look at it and think this is exactly what it's talking about. So when we look at all of that and we see that it's there in that way, when we try to figure out how did this separation happen, God did it. He separated it out.

    And he made this water vapor and he put it one above and one below. Now the reality is when the water evaporates from the earth, where does it go? It goes up into the clouds, right? Up into the sky. Waters evaporated up and then the clouds get full and then eventually they burst open and water falls back to the earth.

    There's that separation. So we have it separated between the ground and the sky. We have all of that separated. All of that water happens. But remember, it didn't rain until the flood.

    So the water was separated even more so than that until the flood, and then God calls rain. There was no rain before that. So there was a separation. So God has spent two days creating the the day and night, and separating the water from below and above the firmament. He spent two days doing that.

    I think it's important. I think it's important that we understand that it could only work the way God created it. If it wasn't done that way we probably would burn up from the sun or we'd freeze or we'd have all these things that would happen, but because of the way God created it and the way that he did it, he made it perfect. And so we look at that we know about our earth. We know those things and we can see all of that.

    We don't know about everything that goes on outside of that. Right. There's so much outside of our universe that we don't even know And and further out than we can even say. So, I'm gonna take just a few minutes to talk about that. Because we know that we're talking about now the creations that God has done.

    He created night and day. He spoke and there was light and there was a separation. And then now we're talking about the firmament. Now the firmament, we're getting more straight down to earth. Okay?

    So the rest of the universe, we're not speaking about as much anymore. But people have brought up this fact. I've said it myself. We have a the known universe is so big we can never possibly explore it all. There are billions and billions of stars in the known universe.

    There are planets that we don't even know about. There are some that we know about, but we don't know much about them. And there are some that we don't even know about. And there's just within our solar system, there are planets that we don't know a whole lot about. You know, we're we're exploring Mars more than it's ever been explored in anybody's lifetime, But, you know, that's the only one that we've really been able to do much exploring.

    We don't even know what there is to know about the moon than our own, you know, orbiting our own Earth. So there's all this stuff that's happening. So there are people that would say, well, why would you think that God would create all of this amazing vast expanse of heaven with all of that in it. And he would create that little one tiny bit of earth and put people on it. And that's the only place people would ever exist.

    The only place life would exist on that tiny little ball. That one little but he we don't even know all everything that's out there. So why would you not think that there are more out there? Now I'm not advocating that there's little green men that are gonna show up. Right?

    The fact of the matter is we don't know what else exists out there. But I heard again, this was Louie Giglio said this and I think it's probably the best way to think about it. What if all of that wasn't made for us? Right. We look at it like this.

    Why would God have made all this for us and only had us? Why wouldn't there be something else? Why wouldn't God made it for more people, more things, more civilizations? Well, what if God didn't make it for people or civilizations or any of that? What if this is God's glory that he made as a testament to his greatness?

    What if all of that is to glorify him? Remember even the mountains will will bow down before him. The rocks will cry out all of that. So all of creation to glorify and worship him. That's an expanse that's so big.

    See when we look at it that way, I think we finally began to look at God in a much bigger picture than we look at him when we think everything centers around us. It doesn't center around us. It centers around God. We just happen to be a teeny tiny little part of it. It's a teeny little part.

    So instead of wondering well, why would God only make those few people with this great big why would he make people at all? He made people to worship him, to glorify him as part of that whole expanse that he made. And so we think about that and we think about all this creation and everything that God has done and how he spoken into existence with all of that and we've only made it through two days and so much has already been done that we can't even begin to really comprehend in just those two days. Now we're gonna dig further. We won't tonight, but we're gonna dig further in and we're gonna start getting into some of the other creations and we're gonna get pretty deep in into this to try to, help us to understand it all a little bit better.

    But the reality for us is to understand that all of this that was done was done by God. God did every bit of it. He didn't need anybody else. He didn't need anything. I think I've told you this before.

    There was a, it was a a funny story. Right? That a man supposedly was, telling God that he he could do things he didn't need God. He could create things just like God. And God said, well, okay.

    Let me see you do this. And he reached down and got a little dirt and he made it up and he made a man and he put the man up. And the guy said, okay. Stand back. I'm finna do that.

    And he scooped up some dirt and got ready to make the man and God said, hold on. First, you gotta make the dirt. So the reality and all that is this. We gotta understand. It wasn't that something was here and God just molded it into what he wanted.

    God spoke every single thing into existence. And even with a God that did all of that, even with a God that created everything he created, things that we can't even begin to fathom, we haven't ever seen, he made you. He made you. He made me as insignificant of a person as I am. God made me.

    He has a purpose. There's a reason. Everything God made has a purpose. Okay. I want you to understand that.

    Everything God made has a purpose. We're we're only in day two, and God has already made light. He's made darkness. He separated it out. He's made the water below and the water above.

    He's done all of that. He spoke everything into existence, and he did all of it for a purpose. There's not one thing that God has created that doesn't have a purpose. I question that about sharks and snakes and spiders, but, you know, they have a purpose. I don't know what their purpose is, but they have a purpose.

    Everything God created has a purpose. I say that because of this. How many people do you know that say, I'm worthless? How many people do you know that their self esteem is so low that they say I'm a useless lump of a human being. There's nothing about me that deserves anything.

    I'm I'm a terrible person. I I don't even know why anybody would spend any time with me. Well, you have a purpose. God created you. He created you in his image.

    And he created you in his image for a purpose that he wants to serve. He wants you to serve that purpose. Now our job is to find out what that is. And if we spend the time going well, what about me? How come, you know, this or that?

    It's all about it's not about you. If we spend all the time focusing on your own self and trying to figure out why things aren't going your way and why things aren't doing then we're never going to figure out what it is that God wants us to do. Because we're too focused on what is it for me instead of what is it for God. I shared with somebody tonight. They were talking about all things that have happened.

    They just don't understand. And I said, yeah. There's a lot of bad things that have occurred. But instead of thinking about all those bad things that have occurred, think about the good things that have occurred. And then I named out four, five, or six things just like that.

    And they were like, well, yeah. That's a very good point. You know, those things occurred. Those were good things. Those were positive things.

    And don't look at the negative. Don't dwell on that. Dwell on the positive things. What is it that God has has for you? Well, maybe it's not gonna be what you thought it would be, you know.

    You know, maybe you're not gonna be the the number one draft pick in the NFL this year. Okay. That's alright. What if you happen to be mister irrelevant? Y'all know that's the very last pick.

    Right? Well, let me tell you something. The very last pick from the draft a couple years ago played in the Super Bowl last year starting quarterback. Now got nothing to do with God as far as football. But what it means is even though everybody thought that person was insignificant, they had a purpose and they ended up fulfilling that in a way that nobody ever thought they would.

    Every person has a purpose. We may not think it. We may think, well, I'm not too smart and I'm not very talented and, you know, I don't have a lot of friends and I'm I'm not well spoken and I'm not this or that. We may think a lot of negative things about ourselves, But here's the one positive thing I want you to dwell on. God created you.

    And everything else God created, he took time to create you. Yes, sir. So my creation is further to that. Mhmm. For we are God's handiwork created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

    That's right. And God created us. And that's the whole point is think about in all that God did. And and we think about the earth and how massive it is and everything on the earth and in that picture of all that is a tiny little pixel and all that God did he took time to create you. To me and every other human being that walked this earth.

    That means every single person is relevant. Every single person matters. It doesn't matter where you come from, what you look like, who gave birth to you. None of that matters. What matters is God created you.

    It was no accident. Your parents might have said it was an accident, but it wasn't an accident. It was just unexpected by your parents. God had a purpose. He created you.

    He put you there for a reason. What is the reason? Well, so many people never spend any time trying to figure that out. They never spend any time trying to figure out God. What is it that you have for me in this world?

    I got news for you. It's not to be rich and be well respected and, you know, be the best looking person on the block. You know, everybody can't be like I am. But, it's not that's not the purpose. The purpose is to serve him.

    He has something for you. Yes. Yes. What is it? Would you spend time trying to figure that out?

    I I tell you this. This is kind of my testimony. Right? I spent twenty two years in the in the military. Was thankful for every moment of that.

    I was so glad that I was able to serve my country and do what I did. But at the end of that twenty two years, and I'm thinking, well, what next? And and God started calling me to ministry. It it was at that point I realized that God had probably been calling me to ministry twenty years earlier than that. But instead of taking the time to figure out, God, what is it that you want for my life?

    I decided this is what I'm gonna do God. Now you go bless it for me. And that's how most of us are. I'm gonna do it this way. God bless it.

    Well, what if that's not what God wants you to do? What if God wants you to go be a missionary? What if God wants you to be a pastor? What if God wants you to be a, ditch digger? He wants you to be a ditch digger and you tell all the other ditch diggers about God.

    What what is what if he wants you to be a preschool teacher or, you know, whatever it is. God said, you need to go into vocational ministry. I got got a job for you. I'm seeking, okay. Well, now what do I do?

    How do I do this? I know I got I'm going into what how do I do? I don't know. I've never done this. How do I do this?

    Well, I gotta put out resumes. Right? I gotta just like any other job. You gotta put out some resumes, see what you can find, see what something's open. And I said, okay, God.

    If this is what you want from me to be in vocational ministry, that's fine. But, God, don't make me be a youth minister. I don't wanna be a youth minister. Don't make me be a youth minister. I'm too old to be a youth minister.

    As many of you know, the first place God called me was to be a youth minister. I said, you gotta be kidding. God, that's I I didn't want I didn't wanna be a youth minister. That's where you need to go. It was, one of the hardest times in my life.

    It was one of the best times in my life. It was one of the most angry times in my life. It was one of the most loving times in my life. It was one of the most saddest times in my I mean, all those things happen. I learned so many things about how to be a pastor, and I learned so many things about things I shouldn't do as being a pastor.

    I learned things that, how to interact with people that I never knew before. I learned so many things. And after that period of time, then God said, okay. Now you're ready. Now you move on to something else.

    Now I put you somewhere else. Some people look at youth minister that, well, that's just a stepping stone. You just go in there to get your foot in the door. No. No.

    God's calling you if that's what he wants you to do. I didn't wanna be there, but God said be there. You know? I didn't I wasn't perfect. I didn't do the greatest job.

    I made a lot of mistakes. But I'm a human being. And through everything that I did, God taught me things. And God showed me things and he grew me just like he will you. What is it that God wants you to do?

    What are you doing for God? Are you doing anything for God? Are you just asking God do everything for you? See, if God's big enough that he can create this great big world and he spent time to create you, there's a purpose. What is it?

    Have you sought it out? Have you been serving and doing what God's called you to do? Or have you just been serving yourself and asking God to bless that? It doesn't matter if you're eight or 80. We still need to be seeking for God's purpose.

    Right? Or 90. We need to be seeking God's purpose. What do you have for me God? You know what, miss John?

    At 90 years old, 90 what? Yeah. 91 years old. Why are you still here? God has a purpose for you.

    That's the whole point. You're still here because God still has a purpose. So we still need to be looking for that purpose. Whatever it is. And so for every person, we need to be searching for that every day.

    God created this universe. He created the universes that we don't even know about. He created all of these things separated the night and the day separated the waters from the firmament did all of that, but yet he took time to create you. So one of the biggest things I want us to get out of our study in Genesis is, if God created me just like he did everything else, then what does he want me to do? Where does he want me to serve?

    What does he want me to do? How does he want me to be used by him? And then follow-up when he tells you. Alright. So I know that I probably walked out of the picture on the on the video and for those watching online, I'm sorry.

    I got a little excited tonight. But, thank you for being here with us tonight. If you joined us online, I look forward to picking back up, in verse nine, next time. And, we want to continue on in our study of Genesis. I told you this is gonna be a long study.

    We're not gonna have this done in a few weeks or even a few months. Alright? So for those of you who joined us online, God bless and good night.

  • Feb 2, 2025The Gift Keeps Giving
    Feb 2, 2025
    The Gift Keeps Giving
    Series: 2025
    Have you ever been in a situation where you just didn’t know how you were going to get past this problem?
    The prophet Elisha gave the woman a directive
    She didn’t realize he was telling her to trust God
    How was all this possible?
    God’s Role
    Do you need to turn to Him today?
    Full Transcript:
    I tell you after this last year, I think about all of those in our congregation that no longer have to imagine. They're there living it right now, and I'm so thankful to know they are. So today, you don't have any slides, so you have to stay awake and follow along. And, I've got a few slides, and I can see them and, but you can't. So if you see me clicking, you'll be sort of wondering, what's he doing?

    I'm moving my slides. Okay? Alright. So here's a question for you. Have you ever been in a situation where you just didn't know how you were going to get past this problem?

    Whatever it was, sometimes those situations can be financial. Sometimes they can be health problems. Sometimes they can be relationship problems. Sometimes work issues. Sometimes, you know, just all at once.

    It seems like they all come on you at once. And almost every single one of us can say, yeah, we've been in that situation. We've been in a situation where we wondered how how are we gonna move forward from here. What are we gonna do? How does this I can't find a solution.

    You know, that's the way we're built as human beings is we try to find our solution. We search for it. If we aren't new to a problem, the very first thing we try to do is we try in our own strength and our own knowledge to solve the problem, to get past whatever it is that's going on. We try to do that. Probably many of us have been in situations that were dire, a place where we just didn't know what was going to happen.

    I've been in situations where, you know, most of the time, through my own fault, I got in a situation where there was a whole lot more months left than there was money. How am I going to get to the end of the month when there's no money left? I still have to pay the bills. I still have to buy food. I still have to eat the you know, the still have to put gas in the car.

    There's all these things that have to happen, and and there's just nothing there. How am I gonna get to the end of that? I've had people that I know that have come, and they've we've talked, and they said, you know, we had this disaster happen. All these things occurred in our life, and all of a sudden, everything we had saved is gone, and we still can't make ends meet. What what are we gonna do?

    How are we gonna get to the next step? There are those that say, I've tried everything to resolve an issue with my spouse. We've been to counseling. We've done everything. We've tried all that there is, and we just don't see how we can get to the next step, how we can get past this.

    All of these things are huge in our life, and all of these things most every person in this room has probably been in a place where when you looked around in the situation you were in, all you could see around you was darkness, and it felt like the room was closing in on you. It's just closing in. How do we handle this? How do we move past it? We don't know.

    We don't understand. So for you, how did that get resolved? What happened? For some, maybe you had friends or family and you called them up and said, hey. Here's the situation.

    Can you loan me some money to get through to the next month? And maybe they were able to help you out. Maybe, the friends and family said, I don't have any money, but you know what? I got a lot of extra food. I'm gonna bring the food over to you, and that way, make sure you have something to eat for the next couple weeks till you get the paycheck.

    Maybe, you know, you need me to take the children while the 2 of you try to talk and work things out and figure out what exactly going on. I can do that. Maybe you just need somebody outside of your normal circle to talk to for a little bit, and so you talk to somebody. Maybe you talk to a counselor. Maybe you had somebody that helped you through, a doctor that helped you with a situation that was happening.

    Maybe that all those things happened. Maybe you got through all of that by calling upon other humans. Other humans are good, and and other humans help, and they do a lot of things, but they can't resolve everything. Sometimes there are issues that go beyond that. The friends that I was telling you, I talked to them and they said, you know, I don't know what we're gonna do.

    Literally, we're we have this bill. They told us if it's not paid by this day, the next day, they're gonna turn off our power, and we've we don't have any way to do it. We don't know what we're gonna do. Hours later after praying, I get a phone call. Hey, pastor.

    We don't understand exactly what happened. Did you tell anybody specifically about what was going on with us? I didn't. Well, I went out and opened the mailbox, and there was a letter that didn't come from the post office. There was no stamp on it.

    I opened it up, and I pulled it out, and there was a check for the exact amount of the bill that I owe. How would anybody know? It wasn't it was a cashier's check, so there was nothing I I couldn't tell where it came from or who gave it to us or any of that. It was just there, and it was the exact amount. How would anybody know?

    I said, were you praying about it? Yeah. We were praying about it. I said, well, God answered your prayer. God answered your prayer.

    He took care of it. I had issues where I couldn't figure out what I'm gonna do. All of a sudden, I go out the mailbox, open it up, and of all things, I had a, insurance, refund. I wasn't expecting enough money to cover what I needed. There all these things that go on that you can't say there was a human being that did that.

    It was a miracle. How did that happen? Where did it come from? But we get to that problem and we all go, I don't know. What are we gonna do?

    Some people have miraculous stories of how they got through it. Others have friends and family that got them through it, but almost every one of us have been in those situations. So I wanna share with you today the passage of scripture that I shared with the children. Today, it won't be on the screen for you, so I'm gonna ask you to get your Bible and turn to 2nd Kings, 4 1 through 7. 2nd Kings chapter 4, and we're gonna read verses 1 through 7.

    Alright. It says, now a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried out to Elisha, your servant, my husband, is dead, and you know that your servant feared the Lord, and the creditor has come to take my 2 children to be his slaves. Elisha said to her, what shall I do for you? Tell me. What do you have in the house?

    She said, your maidservant has nothing in the house except a jar of oil. Then he said, go borrow vessels at large for yourself from all your neighbors, even empty vessels. Do not get a few. In other words, get a lot. And you shall go in and shut the door behind you and your sons and pour out into all these vessels, and you shall set aside what is full.

    So she went from him and shut the door behind her and her sons. They were bringing the vessels to her as she poured. When the vessels were full, she said to her son, bring me another vessel. And he said to her, there is not one vessel more. And the oil stopped.

    Then she came out and told the man of god, and he said, go, sell the oil, pay your debt, and you and your sons can live on the rest. Now the thing I want us to see here is this woman was in a dire situation. In that day, if husband passed away, the no money to pay the debts, they could come in and either you could sell yourself into slavery, or they could come and take your children into slavery, Whatever it was to pay your debts. The debts had to be paid. Now God was telling them don't be so harsh on people, but, you know, society.

    Right? So this woman who had lost her husband, they they're going to take them into slavery because they want their money. What are we gonna do? Well, in that day, she went to talk to the prophet because that's how they communicated with God, and the prophet gave the woman a directive. Get a bunch of vessels, get all these vessels, anything that can hold the oil, and bring them into your house.

    Don't get just a few, get a lot. Get as many as you can get. Borrow them all from your neighbors. Bring them in. Get all that you can, and bring them into your house.

    Now he didn't say, hey. I understand you're in a in a bad situation. Let me get out my wallet, and I'll just take care of your debt. He didn't say, well, let me go talk to the the creditors and see if I can get them to forgive your debt. He didn't say, let's start a GoFundMe page and see if we can get enough money to pay your debt.

    He didn't do any of those things. He didn't resolve her situation immediately. He gave her a directive for her to follow in order for her situation to be resolved. You see, it wasn't just an easy fix. She needed to have faith.

    He needed to show her that she needed to have faith, so he gave her a directive and said, go and do this. Go and do this. The reality is when he said that, for you and I, I'm I'm like the children. I'm I'm looking at this ball. I'm going, there's only this much.

    Now look, Elisha, I know this oil is expensive, but there's only this much. How is that gonna provide for our needs? How is what am I gonna do with all these vessels? There's only this much. That's my human side thinking.

    But we don't see where she ever argued. He gave her a directive. He didn't give her money. He didn't go talk to her creditors. He didn't do anything to just make her problems go away, but he told her to do something very strange.

    We, as human beings, we just love to have a quick resolution to anything that happens. Oh, I got a problem. Let's get it fixed. Something quick, something easy, something that's gonna make it go away. No problem.

    Boom. I I have a problem. I can't pay a bill. Boom. Somebody give me some money.

    It's good. Took care of it. Thank you. You know, whatever it is, we wanna make it easy. But Elisha didn't make it easy.

    He said, listen. This is something you've gotta do. You've gotta work through this, and you gotta trust god in it. And so here, go and get these vessels, and then pour them and fill them up. And we'll figure out what to do at that point.

    Well, she wasn't necessarily probably understanding that he was saying trust God at this point. She was just doing what he told her. Okay. That's what you're saying. I will go and do that.

    I will go and do that. I'm not sure why, but you told me, so I'm gonna go and do that. God tells us things sometimes, and we wonder why would God have us do it that way. Why would that be the situate? That just doesn't seem to make a lot of sense.

    Why would we do it that way? I just don't wanna do it because it doesn't make sense. We read about a blind man that was told to go and wash in the river, and he said, this river's dirty. Why would I wash in this river and be healed? Actually, it was a I think it was a leper.

    Why would I wash in this river and be healed when I could wash in a clean river? God gave him a simple directive. Just go wash. You'll be healed. But instead of doing it, he won't argue about it.

    God tells us so many times, trust me. Give everything over to me, and I will take care of it. My way is easy. Give it to me. But we wanna hold on to it and say, no.

    No. I got it. Just give me what I need. Give me what I'm asking for. God said, let me do it my way.

    Go get vessels, fill them up with oil. Start pouring the oil. She didn't really understand that he was telling her to trust God, but she trusted him. She trusted Elijah as a prophet of God. She trusted that he was in communication with God, and so, therefore, she decided to do exactly what he told her.

    Can you imagine her astonishment as the oil just kept flowing? As the oil just kept on pouring out. Now look. I know there's only this much in here. And I pour it out.

    And all of a sudden, it fills something this big. I'm going, how is that possible? And it just keeps flowing, and it keeps going, and it keeps going. And then it's almost like, well, let's just see how far it'll go. Let's fill as many as we can and just keep on going and going and and amazing.

    How is that possible? How did God do that? She's just pouring. What Elijah told her to do, she just continued to do it, and, obviously, she was overwhelmed at what was happening. But she didn't stop.

    She didn't go. You know, this is crazy. This can't be. I got 10 things full of oil right now. That's enough.

    That's plenty. No. She just kept going. Well, if I'm I've gone this far, I might as well keep going and finish what I've been told to do. I might as well keep on going.

    I don't know what I'm gonna do with all this, but I'll just keep going. We have a tendency to even when we see God do something amazing in our life, we have a tendency to cut it off and go, wow. That was awesome. Thanks. But But what if God wanted to do more?

    What if there were more blessings that God wanted to pour out upon you? What if there was something else, but we stopped it because we said, oh, that's all I need. How do you know? We don't know what we need. We think we know what we need, but we don't know.

    What if God wanted to pour out more blessings? Why would we stop him? If the woman stopped pouring after 10 vessels and said, this is plenty to pay my debt. Well, her debt could have been paid with that. But now what are they gonna do?

    She couldn't get a job, her own property. She couldn't make a a living because she was a woman. In that day, that wasn't allowed. We're not told how old her sons were, but they must not have been grown men yet. Now what was going to happen?

    They would have been in in a bad situation again, but god said just keep pouring. When she poured it all out, not only did they have enough to take care of all the debt, they had enough to live on after that. So God gave them what they needed and poured more out on top of it because they were obedient in what God said to do. They were obedient in what God said to do. She didn't stop doing what she was called to do.

    She just kept doing it. So how's all that possible? People tend to act too proud. Like I said, here's the thing. We're so proud, we only need this.

    That's all I need. So once I get this, stop, god. That's good. I don't need anymore. God may have more.

    Why stop him? Maybe God's gonna show you that he's gonna give you more in order for you to bless somebody else. Maybe he's gonna take care of you in ways you never expected. Why are we so proud that we think we have to do it on our own, or even if God gives us a blessing, we only want this much blessing. Why are we so proud that we have to do that?

    Sometimes people just want somebody to give them something. So instead of being having to work for it, just give it to me. Just give it to me. You know, I'm I I don't have any money, and I'm hungry, and, you know, I need some help. Yeah.

    I'm I'm strong, and, you know, I got plenty of energy, and and I know how to use a lawnmower or a weed eater. I know how to do all that. So, look, you come and cut my grass and do what needs to be done, and then I'm gonna give you some money so you can go get some food. Don't do that. I just want you to give me the money.

    I don't wanna have to go work for it. Just give me the money. I don't I don't wanna have to worry about following what you want me to do, god. I just want you to bless me. You just don't just bless me.

    I know I haven't been in church in a while. I know I had opened my bible. Hadn't even prayed to you in a while, but just bless me right now because I need it. Just give it to me. Just because.

    Sometimes people are in situation where you have to just give, but I'm talking about when you're in a situation where you could do something. Instead of doing that, you just want it to be given. You don't even wanna be bothered. God's people are the same way. We could do something.

    We could spend time together with God. We could further our education with God. We could get our relationship closer with God. We could do all of that, but instead, we just want somebody to just give us what we need when we get in trouble and then go away. I don't want you to tell me what to do the rest of the time, God.

    Just right now, give me what I need, then get out of the way because I know everything else. We're we're proud. Sometimes we're just lazy. Sometimes, we just don't wanna trust. Sometimes, we turn to everything else but God.

    Sometimes we turn to everything else but God. We've done everything. We've tried getting a loan. We've tried, borrowing money from friends. We've tried, getting out and doing fixing something ourselves.

    We've tried whatever it is. We've tried everything else but turning to God. Now I'm not talking about lost people here. I'm talking about believers. People who know Jesus as lord and savior.

    Sometimes we will do everything else before we turn to god and say, help. God, I'm in a bad place. I need your help. We'll do everything else, and then I know you've all heard this. Well, I guess there's nothing else left to do but pray.

    Well, it should have been the first thing. Pray. You're in a situation. Pray. Wow.

    I don't wanna be selfish. God commands us to pray. He commands us to talk to him. He wants us to be with him. He wants us to have that relationship.

    Well, I I wanna try everything out. Why? Because you know why? Because if God provides it, it comes with strings attached. You know, God pours that blessing out, then he expects me to go to church.

    You know, he expects me to talk to him, pray, and do things. God, so I don't wanna take it from God. Reality is we should be doing all that before then anyway. God, help me. Are we gonna pray?

    We're gonna really give it to God? Are we gonna really live for God? We call ourselves a Christian. We say we're our believers, that we've accepted Jesus Christ into our heart and made him lord, meaning master, and yet he's the last one that we wanna turn to. The last option.

    I have no other option. I finally have to turn to God. He wants to be first in everything in your life. 1st, when you wake up in the morning, praise God. When you're given that meal, praise god.

    When your car cranks, praise god. Everything you do, praise god. He wants to be first. And if something goes wrong, call on god first. He says, I'll never leave you or forsake you.

    Never. I'll never leave you or forsake you, so call on me first. Give everything to him. The reality is people have an overall lack of faith. So what can we do about it?

    How do we change this in our life? Well, it starts with humility. It starts with humility. This woman in this passage had to humble herself. She was in a bad place.

    It wasn't her fault, but she had to humble herself and go talk to Elijah because she had no other option. And when she realized that she needed to be humble and go before Elijah, She humbled herself. You see, that's part of the reason why we don't turn to god first, is we don't humble ourselves. Pile it all up on me. I can do it.

    I can carry it. I can do everything. No. Humble yourself. God says, be humble.

    Understand that apart from me, you can do nothing. That's what the scripture says. Apart from me, you can do nothing, but you could do all things through Christ who strengthens you. So humble yourself first and realize that you are not god, that you are not Jesus, that you are not in charge, that Jesus is the lord of your life. Humble yourself before him.

    The woman had to humble herself in order to ask for help in the first place. So the question today is, why is humility so hard? Why is that so hard? It seems to be one of the hardest things that we do. Humble yourself.

    Man, I gotta go ask for help. Let let me try something else. Let me let me try something let me try one more thing before I ask anybody to help. We do it in everything. We do it in, say we're working on something.

    Right? We decided, I can do that. Then we get halfway through it and go, man, what did I get into? Well, I don't know how to fix this. I'm gonna have to ask somebody to help me.

    Wait. Let me try this. Oh, I got shocked. Why did I get shocked? I didn't ask for help.

    I didn't know what happened. Instead of getting shocked, instead of getting hurt, instead of going through all those things, what if I just asked for help in the first place? Why do I have this idea that to ask for help is a bad thing? Because the world says so. The world says you need to be proud.

    You don't need to ask for help. You need to know how to do it yourself. You need to be strong. Don't be humble. You gotta pour that out.

    I talked to people before about being a believer in Christ. They said, you see, I just don't think I can do that because Christians are such weak people. What do you mean they're weak? Well, you know, they have to humble themselves and all of that, and I just I just don't think I can do that. Man, Christians are the strongest people in the world because they gain their strength from God.

    They take away the things that of the world, and they give it to God. The reality is humility is not a bad thing. It's a good thing for you to realize you're not God. That's what it all boils down to, understanding you're not God, and God is the one you turn to. He's supposed to be first in your life.

    The woman had to humble herself before anything else could be done. When you're in those dire situations, the first thing you gotta do is humble yourself. Humble yourself and speak to God. Next thing it takes is faith. It takes humility, but it also takes faith.

    So if you humble yourself but you don't have faith that God can do it, then how are you gonna make that next step? You gotta have faith. Once she humbled herself, she had to have faith. Elisha said, gather up all the pots and do this. She didn't really know why she had that faith, but, okay, I'll go do that.

    I will do what you said. In her situation, perhaps she had more faith than Elisha because she had not been able to have that 1 on 1 relationship like we have today because that was before Jesus came. Right? But now we have that 1 on 1 relationship. And so when we know this is what we're supposed to do, even if we don't understand why, have faith.

    She had the faith that I'm gonna go do what he said, and it's gonna be taken care of. Faith that God would take care of her somehow. She didn't really know how. She didn't understand. I only have this little bit of oil.

    What's that gonna do? But he said do this, so somehow it's gonna get taken care of. I don't know how, but I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna follow in that faith. That's the reality for us is we've got to have the faith.

    People say, well, how can you have faith in something you've never seen? Well, I may never have seen God face to face, but I've seen what God has done in my life. You know, the argument is always this. Well, how can you believe in something you can't see? Do you see the wind?

    Yeah. You do. You're the only one. How did you see the wind? What do you mean?

    I see it rustling through the trees all the yeah. But you didn't see the wind. You saw the trees moving. Well, that's true. But I know it's there because the trees are moving.

    I could feel it blowing across my face, so I know the wind is there. I can't see God, but I feel him moving in my life. I see the things he's changing around me. I know what's going on, so I can have faith in God because he's present in my life. But you gotta have that faith.

    You gotta have the faith. Trust him. Trust him. There's something else you need. What?

    Charity. Charity? Wait a minute. We were talking about I had a problem, and and and I've talked to God. And now I've had to be humble, and now I've had to have faith, but now I have to have charity.

    What what do you I don't understand. How do I need charity? Well, because charity is something that every one of us need in our life. Some people think of charity as this, somebody giving them stuff. That's charity.

    That's that's the only way they think of it. Well, I don't want charity. I don't want that because I don't want people to just give me something. I want it, you know, I I can do it myself. I don't want charity.

    But there's another definition of charity. It's another form of charity. It's helping people to help themselves. Elijah gave charity to the widow by helping her help herself by saying, trust God. Go get the pots.

    Fill the pots. This is what God said. Help her help herself. Offer to let them mow the grass and give them some money. That's charity because you didn't just give them the money, you helped them help themselves.

    You see, charity is something that we don't do enough of. Give them the tools and the means to improve their situation. We need that in our lives to help other people. When people come to you and you just give them money, is that charity? Well, yeah, it's charity.

    But can you do it differently? Can you give them more than just the money? Can you help them to help themselves? Can you give them the tools to do things better? Can you do that?

    We need that in our lives. We need all forms of that. Sometimes you just gotta help them out with the money in the situation. Sometimes you gotta do more than that. Sometimes you need just money.

    Sometimes you need more than that in your life. And in this situation, Elisha gave them what they needed, and he said, go get all these pots and do this, and then I'm going to help you once that's done. So we've gotta have that charity in our life. Now this you may think this is the same word, just different, but it's a little different. The next word is the other thing is, we have to be giving.

    We have to be giving. Why? God multiplies what people give him. God multiplies what people give him. What did the widow give?

    The loyal. Did God multiply it? We don't even know how many times over. So much so that she could sell the oil, pay off all her debts, and still have money to live on. She gave that, and God multiplied it.

    And he multiplied, and he multiplied, and he multiplied it, and he multiplied it. But you know what else he multiplies? He multiplies tithes and offerings. He multiplies the tithes and offerings that you give. You know, some people will say when you talk to them about giving, well, you know, I just don't have it to give right now because I have all these bills, and I have everything, and I just don't have the money to give.

    Well, what if you give first and see what God does with it? Because God multiplies what you give to him. What if you give first and see what god does? I can give you testimony that there was many time in my life where I looked at and I said, on paper, I have all these bills, which I incurred on my own, by the way, more than I needed. I have all these bills, and I only have this much money coming in, and that only leaves, you know, 50¢ left over at the end of the month.

    I I just don't have any money to give God. Finally, I realized, god wants me to give to him first, and he'll take care of everything else. So I started giving. I started giving. I started with a tithe.

    I started giving 10%. Okay, god. I'm giving you I'm a write this check first. I'm giving it to you. I give you that tithe.

    There's no way, based on my math, that if I give away 10% of my monthly income, that at the end of the month, I got enough money to pay all my bills. But somehow, at the end of the month, I had all the money to pay all the bills. Didn't still didn't have a 50¢ left over, but I had all the money to pay the bills and I tithed on it. I keep doing that. I keep doing that.

    I still try to give the very first thing I do is try to give my tithe. God will multiply what you give him. As a church, when we give to God, he multiplies it. Whether it be in financial giving, whether it be in giving in service, whether it be in giving in love, whatever it is that we give, God will multiply. The widow didn't know how this was gonna happen, but God multiplied it and gave her not only enough, but an abundance to take care of her son and herself and her sons for however long.

    When we give, God multiplies it. He will give us more. He will give us an abundance to reach other people, to grow, but we've gotta be willing to do it upfront. We've gotta do that. God uses all the gifts to further his kingdom as well as helping people.

    When he took that oil and he multiplied it, not only was that a miracle that the widow saw, it was a miracle that her sons saw. It was a miracle that Elisha saw. And you know that the neighbors knew there was no way she had that much oil, and if she borrowed all of the vessels, they saw it. God furthered his kingdom because people trusted him more after the miracle that they saw. When we give and when we do and we serve and and everything is extended, people see it, and God furthers his kingdom.

    When we have the the people that can go out and knock on doors and tell someone about Jesus, you know what happens? People get saved. We have people show up and we go, we do that. Maybe we only have 3 the first time. But what if the next time we have 3 more that go, you know what?

    I can't do much, but I'm gonna do what I can. And they show up, and now we double the territory that we covered. There's double the chance that more people would come to know Jesus. What if we increased our tithe? What if instead of giving 10%, what if we say, you know what?

    God has blessed me. He's really poured it out upon me. I'm gonna give as it's been given to me, and I'm gonna give 15%. I don't know how I'm gonna do that, but I know that I need to. I'm gonna do that.

    I'm gonna give. I I haven't been giving, but you know what? I'm gonna give. What if suddenly people that haven't been giving started giving? People that gave gave more?

    Suddenly, we're not looking at red ink at the end of the month. We're looking at positives, and now we're going, hey, we can further God's kingdom. We can we can do this and do that with things we can do. How incredible is that? That God can multiply what we give to him.

    He multiplied everything that the widow had. He gave her more than she could even imagine, and he will multiply all the gifts that we give to his kingdom. We have those that sing. We have those that bake. We have those that make phone calls.

    We have those that are prayer warriors. We have those that are leaders and teachers. We have those that can go out and knock on doors. We have people to do things. What if we give all those talents to God and let him multiply it?

    How amazing would that be? Instead of saying, hey. We'd like for everybody to sit in the middle when you come in on Sunday morning. We could be saying, hey. Make sure y'all move over so we got enough room for everybody.

    But the whole thing is we have to understand in all of this, God. God has a role. God's role in every bit of it. God provides even when it seems your whole world is crashing down. God provides.

    Does he give you exactly what you asked for? Not always. Your world's crashing down and and you just say, you know what, God? Let me win the lottery so I'll be okay. Probably not.

    Your world's crashing down and you're asking for whatever, but instead, friends and neighbors and loved ones show up to help you, and they get you out of the situation. Maybe somebody calls you and says, you know what? I'm praying for you. And you can feel that strength that god's given you through that. Maybe there's other ways that it happens, but god provides even when it seems your whole world is crashing down.

    He provided not only enough oil to pay off the debts, but enough for him to live on. Now here's what I want you to understand today. It's the gift that keeps giving. Jesus is the gift that God gave us. It's the gift that keeps giving.

    He gives in every way imaginable. Number 1 is love. God wants to pour out those blessings upon us. God delights in pouring blessings out upon us. He keeps giving and giving and giving and giving.

    He pours out his blessings on his people when they turn to him, and he continues to give even when they don't understand how. But are you accepting what he's giving? Are you trying to limit it? Are you trying to do it on your own? Are you actually following God and paying attention to what he can do?

    So the question today is, do you need to turn to him? Do you need to turn to him? Maybe you're here today, and you know what? You've been here. Maybe you're a guest here today.

    Maybe you've been coming here for years, but there's one step that you've missed. You've never actually given your life to Christ. You show up on Sunday, and you sing, oh, how I love Jesus. You wear your clothes. You go to Sunday school.

    You carry your bible, but you don't know him. You've never given your life to him. You've never surrendered to him. If you don't surrender to him, then when these things come, you're on your own. You're trying to figure it out.

    No wonder he's not answering. You've never given your life to him. You've never given your life to him. Do you need him today? Understand he is the gift that keeps giving.

    It is not one time. You come down the aisle, and and we talk, and and you pray, and you accept Jesus into your heart. And then later, you follow a believer's baptism, and and that's not it. It doesn't end there. It just begins.

    God continues to pour out blessing after blessing when you follow him. But you gotta keep on following him. It's not a one time deal and then turn away and go back to doing whatever you want. You gotta follow God. He's now the one that's in charge in your life.

    Understand this, when you think there is absolutely nothing left, he pours out more blessing. Sometimes we think about it like this, and we go, you know, in all my life, God has given me so much. God has poured all this out on me. He's done all these things, and now I'm in this situation. You know, I think I've probably exceeded my limit.

    I've probably gotten everything that I was supposed to get. There's probably nothing left. There's probably nothing left for me to get, so you know what? I'm just gonna stop asking. Well, what you're doing when you do that is you limit God.

    You say, God, you've helped me all you can. I understand. Thank you. But, you know, I know you can't do anything more. Why do you think that?

    God has infinite blessings. God is greater than anything. He can pour out everything even when you think there's nothing left. Why do we limit what god can do? Why do we limit trusting god?

    Why do we limit seeking the gift that keeps giving? Why do we do that? God never said, this much, that's all you get. God said, trust me. He said, apart from me, you can do nothing.

    God wants to pour out blessings upon you. He wants to give you that love. He said, if you call on me with your mouth, you confess with your mouth Jesus is lord, and believe that God raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. And by saved, that means receive salvation. And through that salvation, he wants to give you that salvation and that sanctification all of your whole life.

    It doesn't stop. Oh, he knows you're a human being and you're gonna run into problems. He knows you're a human being and you're gonna do things wrongly. But he says, hey. Keep trying.

    Keep turning to me. I'll keep lifting you up. I'll keep on lifting you up. I wonder sometimes if you had a little child and they they ran outside and they fell and scraped their knee, they came in, you cleaned it up, put a Band Aid on it. The next day, they ran outside and they fell down, they scraped their knee and they came back.

    You cleaned it up and put it back. How many times are you gonna do that before you say, I'm not doing this again? You just keep doing it. Right? They need your help.

    You're gonna keep putting that band aid on. You're gonna keep taking care of them, and that's how we are for God. We're his children. Whatever we get into, God just keeps on taking care of us, but he wants us to acknowledge that we need him. He is the gift that keeps giving, but we need to put him first in order to receive those gifts, in order to understand that we need them, in order to ask for them in the first place, in order to be used by him that not only will he pour out the blessings upon us to take care of our needs, he will probably pour out enough blessings that we can use it to take care of somebody else.

    Maybe not financially. Maybe it's maybe it's love. Maybe it's, the ability to do something. Maybe it's food that we can give. Maybe it's a a ride somewhere.

    Whatever it is, but God gives us that we can give as well. Are you willing to trust him a 100% every day? The widow turned to Elijah. She said, I don't know what to do. Elijah said, go do this, and then bring them back to me.

    And then he told her how God was gonna bless it. God says, go do this. I don't need you to ask a lot of questions. I don't need you to really try to figure it out. You just do this, and I'll show you how.

    I'm gonna do it in your life today. Will you trust him? Will you put him first? Do you know him? Have you ever given your life to him?

    In just a moment, we'll have a time invitation. As we do, I'm gonna ask you if you've never given your life to Jesus and you want to come talk to me about it today, I'll be here. Perhaps you know Jesus, but you know what? You have not been trusting him, putting him first. You have been limiting him in every way, and you just wanna come to the altar today and ask him to forgive you for that and to pledge to put him first every day.

    The altar will be open. Whatever it is, you come as the lord puts it on your heart.

  • Jan 26, 2025Whiter Than Snow
    Jan 26, 2025
    Whiter Than Snow
    Series: 2025
    The snow this week was beautiful if it wasn’t anything else
    The snow covered everything; ground, cars, decks, everything
    This whole passage was after Nathan had pointed out David’s sin to him
    He was truly broken, and we see the conversation he is having with God
    Sometimes even when we think we got something clean there are germs hiding underneath
    It starts with confession
    In order to confess, you must have a broken heart
    God has the power to cleanse even the hardest stains
    This cleansing process is a process
    Are you ready to be whiter than snow today?
    Full Transcript:

    That is most definitely true. We owe everything to him. Everything. In this life, there's absolutely nothing we can do to find salvation except Jesus Christ. We can't work our way to heaven.

    We can't buy our way to heaven. We can't be good enough to get to heaven. There's nothing we as individuals can do in our own strength and our own power to spend an eternity in heaven except through Jesus Christ. And so, you know, this week, we were looking at the the snow, and, honestly, you already know I was pretty excited about the whole event. I enjoy the cooler temperatures.

    The snow was so beautiful. I was amazed at how much snow we got. I couldn't believe that that much snow was falling, and it was just continuing to come down. The temperatures did get too cold even for me, but, you know, I was really enjoying all of the beauty and everything that was there. It was so beautiful.

    And even if it wasn't anything else, if you didn't like going out in it, you didn't wanna play in it, you didn't wanna do anything, you could look out at it, and it was absolutely beautiful. It was amazing to me to look out at my yard. And as I was talking about, my yard is it's got some ups and downs in some places that don't look so good and some that no grass will grow and other places everything was dead. But, you know, in just a matter of an hour or so, all of that was gone. It was covered with snow.

    And the deeper the snow got, the more smooth the yard got. And so as I looked out to this beautiful yard with this beautiful white snow, the front, the back, everything was just gorgeous. And I looked at all of that, and while I was looking at all that snow, the verse came to me about being made whiter than snow. And so incredible to think about all of that that was happening in all of the snow and looking at it. And I said, well, you know what?

    I think that God is trying to tell me I gotta preach on whiter than snow. And, so we you know, I spent some time praying and and looking at everything. And, I looked as the snow fell, and the snow covered everything. It covered the ground. It covered, the the deck, the cars.

    It covered everything. I looked out while that snow was falling, and all I could think about was that that's just how God cleansed me. You know, I was I was a sinner full of sin, but I gave my life to him and all of that just came down and covered me up. And no longer does God see that ugly, nasty sin in my life. No longer does he see the person that I once was.

    Now what he sees is he sees me exactly how he wanted me to be, cleansed and pure and all of those things that he has done. And so the snow, it covered everything. I want you to understand this. It did not skip anything. There wasn't anything that wasn't protected from it that wasn't covered.

    It it it felt look. You know, they say, if a tree falls in the forest, does anybody hear? It? If it snows in the forest, it gets covered. Everything is covered.

    There's snow everywhere. In fact, yesterday afternoon, there were still places there was snow that hadn't yet melted. It covered everything. It didn't leave anything uncovered. And so when I think about that, that as that snow came down and it covered everything, it was so pretty, it was so, you know, enveloping, and it did all of that.

    It reminded me of how God cleanses all our sins, all our shortcomings, everything about us that is not holy at all, God covers it through the blood of Jesus Christ. He gave us that opportunity for it all to be covered, everything. Probably you I know I and probably you sometimes walk into, talk to someone and they say, well, you know, I would like to ask Jesus into my life, but I just got too much baggage. It's just too I've done too many things. Listen, I'm however old and from a very young age, I have done nothing but live my life badly.

    I've done things that I I I wouldn't even tell anybody because they were so bad. And I've got all of this that I'm carrying in my life, and I'm trying to be a better person, but I know there's no way that God can forgive all that. There's no way. Just like that snow covered every square inch of my yard, Jesus blood can cover every single sin in your life. Everything you've ever done, ever will do, it can all be covered.

    There is nothing that does not get covered because it's too bad. There's nothing that is done that is too bad that God can't cover. We see in scripture where God forgive people who committed murder. We see in scripture where God forgave people who committed adultery. We see in scripture where God forgave people who were thieves.

    We look at all of this, and God can forgive every single bit of that. Just like that snow came down and covered everything, Jesus' blood covers every area of your life. Covers everything. There's nothing that cannot be covered. God covers it all.

    Look with me to Psalm 517. Actually, I think it's let's see. Yeah. 517, and it says this. It says, purify me with hyssop and I shall be clean.

    Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Purify me with hyssop, I shall be clean, but wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. That's an amazing thought to me, to think about what God can do. To think about the things that he can do and how we can be covered. This whole passage, by the way, was after Nathan, the prophet Nathan, had pointed out David's sin to him.

    David sinned, but, you know, he tried to put that behind him. He tried to just act as if it never happened. He did a lot to cover it up, by the way, and I'm talking about the sin with Bathsheba. He did a lot to try to cover that sin up. And, you know, that's what we do too.

    We sin, and something happens in our life, and the first thing we do is we try to cover it up. Push it under the rug, you know, pretend it's not there. You know, that lump is there every day. We can see it, but we act as if it's not. I I didn't see that.

    That sin's not there. We try to cover it so nobody else can see it. We try to cover it so we don't feel bad about it. We try not to think about it. Do you know that people won't walk into a church because they know they have sin in their life, and they're trying to forget about it?

    And they know if they walk in, God's gonna reveal it to them. That's true. He will. God revealed David's sin to him through Nathan. Nathan told him a story about, someone stealing the one lamb that a person had, and David was so angry, and then Nathan said, that that man is you.

    And he pointed this sin out to David, and David was heartbroken. David finally admitted and and looked and and and head on faced the sin that he had in his life. And so this whole passage is after Nathan had pointed out David's sin to him. David I mean, he was totally heartbroken from that, and we see the conversation that he is having with God. That's what that psalm is.

    It's the conversation that David is having with God after this sin has been pointed out in his life. So David is heartbroken, and he's facing this, and he's praying, and he's asking God, cleanse me. Cleanse me. Wash me whiter than snow. Make me clean completely, because he knew that the sin that was in his life was something he could not do anything about, only God could.

    He was truly broken, and we see this conversation. David is asking God, purify me with hyssop, which was used during purification rituals of that day. Right? They took this hyssop and they used it and they covered the person with it, and that was supposed to, purify them. And so during all these rituals and the things that they did, they used it as a purification ritual.

    Here's the thing, if man is doing it, it's not gonna last. David said, purify me with that, but he went even further and said, wash me. God, you wash me. You cleanse me. You take care of all of that because he knew that if God washed him, then he would be whiter than snow.

    He said, I I'm I'm heartbroken. All of this that I've done, and and I've I've tried to cover it up. I've tried to live as if it didn't happen, but you sent Nathan to tell me that you still knew that it happened, and you still see that sin, that it's still there. I've never repented of that sin. I've never given it to you.

    God, now I'm heartbroken. I'm asking you, please forgive me. Wash it. Get rid of it. He said, cleanse me and make me whiter than snow.

    I found that interesting. Why whiter than snow? Snow is pretty white. If you walked out this week and looked at the snow, like I said, it's blinding. That sun started coming down on, Wednesday with all that snow on the ground, it was very bright.

    Why whiter than snow? Because he wanted it whiter, more cleansed than anything that could ever be seen on earth. He wanted it to be a supernatural cleansing that god would cleanse him and make him so clean. He would wash him and make him so clean that he would even be whiter than snow. He would be greater than anything that could happen in this world because it was god.

    Take it all away. Get everything out of my life, and make me whiter than snow. Not just white as snow, but whiter than snow. Cleanse everything. You see, God can do that.

    Too many times we limit God. We think, well, God can't he can't do everything. Yes, he can. He can't cleanse all those things that happened. Yes, he can.

    God can forgive, he can cleanse, he can take away every thing in your life that is holding you back. He said, make me whiter than snow. The snow is so white it was blinding, but David said, make me even whiter than that. Cleanse me completely with everything. Here's something I want us to think about.

    We have sin that happens in our life. As a believer, if you know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, he says, we are to confess our sins. Many times, we try to hide it. Just like David. I sinned, but I'm the only one that knows it.

    Nobody else knows it. I'm just gonna put it out of my mind. I'm not gonna worry about it. I'll leave it there. Well, when you leave it there and it's unconfessed, it stays.

    It is not gone, it's still there. God can forgive you and he has forgiven you, but he wants you to say, forgive me of this. He wants you to acknowledge, I sinned against you, god. And as I have, I I'm asking you to forgive it. And it's that sin that's unrepentant in your life that limits you and causes you problems, and it causes heartache and pain and everything in your life when you could be washed whiter than snow if you give it to god.

    David saw that. He gave it to god. He said, make me whiter than snow, cleanse everything. Sometimes, even when we think we got something clean, there are germs hiding underneath. Right?

    Oh, I I got it. That's beautiful. It's very clean. You can take a cup, put some hot water in it, rinse everything out. It looks beautiful.

    I put it under a microscope. You didn't put any soap in there, you just put water. Put it under a microscope, guess what? You're gonna see all those germs still hanging around in there. They didn't get clean.

    It looked clean. It looks beautiful. But still, there are all those germs hanging out in there because you only put hot water. You didn't use any soap. You only did part of it.

    You didn't finish it. Many times when we do that, all this is hiding underneath. It looks clean on the outside, but it's not really clean on the inside. There are things there that never got cleansed. David said, cleanse everything, even the sin hiding underneath.

    Cleanse all of it. Cleanse everything. God, I don't want to just take a bath, and I'm clean, but I'm only clean on the outside. I'm not clean on the inside, because I've never confessed that sin to you. I've never given it to you.

    I've never asked you to take it away and wash me. I've never done all of that. He's clean on the outside, but he's not clean on the inside. Jesus used to, with the Pharisees, they did all this ritual hand washing and cleaning and everything he did. He called them hypocrites.

    He said, you wash everything, but it's not what goes in the body that defiles it. It's what comes out the body that defiles it. You do all this external cleansing, but you didn't do anything about cleansing your heart on the inside. Listen, as believers, we walk around with that in our life. If we're not cleansed on the inside, then what comes out is not clean.

    We can look beautiful, we can put on the best clothes, have our hair fixed just perfectly, we can look great on the outside, our lives to onlookers can be wonderful. But you know, if you have that sin in your life that you have not repented. Only God can make us clean. Only God can do it. You know, just like you had to have soap to get the glass clean, you gotta have God to get your sin cleansed.

    He's the only one. You can't buy it at Walmart. God is the only one that can cleanse it. He is the only one that can make us clean, because he cleanses the inner most parts of our heart. Those things that we even hide deeply from our self.

    There are times when we hide things in our life so deeply, that we literally walk around not remembering something because we've hidden it away so far. But something's still not right. Something's still not not perfect. You know, it's kinda it'll rock in your shoe, and it kind of moves over out of the way, and you don't feel that rock. Right?

    So for right now, that rock is still there. You never got it out, but it's not hurting. So you kinda got it away, and it doesn't bother you. But it's still there, and one day that rock rolls back under your hill and you step down and about fall on the ground because it hurts so much. That sin that you think you've tucked away and hidden away and it's never gonna bother you again, it's still there waiting for the moment when it's gonna cripple you.

    Waiting for the moment when it's gonna destroy whatever's going on in your life. Waiting for the moment when it's gonna destroy your witness as you try to talk to somebody else. Waiting for something. That sin is still there. You can try to bury it.

    You can try to hide it, but it's still there. It's not gone. And if it's not gone, it's still going to be a problem, because you're hiding it. But wait a minute, preacher. I thought that when you asked Jesus into your heart, he forgave you of all your sins, present and future.

    He did. It's not that he can't forgive you of that sin, it's that you're holding on to it in your life because you haven't confessed it. You're the one that's holding you on to it. You're the one that's causing the problems in your life. You're the one that hasn't gotten rid of it because you're holding on.

    You're holding on. He's offered to cleanse it. He said he will cleanse it, but you're holding on to it. You've never gotten rid of it. Well, listen.

    It starts with confession. It starts with confession. Oh, hold on now. I don't like this confession thing. I I don't I don't wanna do this confession thing, because, you know, confessing that that bringing that forward and and hashing it again, all that.

    I don't I don't like that. Well, it starts with confession. I want you to look with me to the verses 1 through 4 of that same passage. Verses 1 through 4 of that same passage. It says this, be gracious to me, oh god, according to your lovingkindness, according to the greatness of your compassion, blot out my transgressions.

    Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Against you, you only, I have sinned and done what is evil in your sight, so that you are justified when you speak and blameless when you judge. In order to confess, you've gotta have that broken heart. You've gotta get to that place and understand that you have sinned against 1, against God.

    That's who you've really sinned against. Oh, you may have hurt somebody's feelings. You may have done something, against someone. You may have something against somebody else, but the true sin is against God because God's already given us the directives. God's already shown us how we're supposed to live.

    So that sin is really against God, and we're holding on to the sin. If we hold on to the sin in our life, then we're the ones that are suffering. One of the hardest things for someone to understand. If someone has done something to you, and you say, I will never forgive them for that, the person you're hurting is you. It's not them.

    A lot of times, they don't even know they did anything. You're holding something against them. They don't know why you're mad. You're absolutely holding on to it until you repent of that, and you go to them, and you tell them what they've done, and forgive them for what they've done to you, then you can't move on. You're locked into that.

    It's gonna keep dragging you down. When you have that sin in your life that you keep tucking away and you haven't gotten rid of it, it's gonna keep holding you down just as surely as if you're wearing weights. If you're walking around and everything's cool, all of a sudden you put 20 pound weights on both feet, it's much harder to walk. You got a choice, take them off or keep walking. You decide, I'm just gonna pretend they're not there.

    Keep walking. Keep trudging along. Suddenly, finally, you take them off. Man, how much lighter it is. How much easier it is to walk.

    How much different it is. The sin in your life is just as heavy and weighing you down as those weights on you. You have to confess. That's the first thing. Well, you mean I gotta stand up in front of the church and tell everybody what I did?

    Well, if God tells you that I'm talking about confessing it to God. Well, doesn't he already know? Mhmm. But he wants you to take the responsibility for it. And if you don't confess it to him, you can't start the responsibility.

    It starts with a confession. You have to take the responsibility and say, okay. I did it. I can't blame it on this person or that person. I can't blame it on my circumstances.

    I can't blame it on all these other things, but I did it, God. I sinned. I have this sin in my life. I did it. You gotta start with that confession.

    In order to confess, your heart's gotta be broken. What do you mean my heart's gotta be broken? Until that happens, you're not ready to confess. Until you realize what you've done and the sin that you've committed against God, and the fact that it has broken your heart because you have done what you did against God, you're not ready to confess. Otherwise, you might try to do it superficially.

    You need that broken heart. Your heart needs to be broken just like god's heart is broken when he sees the sin in your life. God, I've sinned. I've let you down. I've sinned against you.

    That broken heart causes the confession to come forth. You've got to examine yourself. You see, that's where we as believers in Christ in the 21st century in the United States of America, fail miserably. We don't examine our own life. We like to point out everybody else's stuff, but we don't do our own.

    We don't look at ourself. I'm okay. But let me tell you about you. Scripture says, take a look at your own eye first. We don't like to examine ourself on a daily.

    We don't like to check and see, did I make a good decision? And sometimes even when we know that something we did was wrong, we just try to play it off. Well, you know, everybody makes mistakes. It's okay. No.

    That's something you need to confess. Look at your walk with God. Are you walking with him? If he was standing beside you as you walk, are you thinking he would be satisfied with how you're living your life? Have you even checked that out?

    Have you even thought about it? Many people today do not even consider that I need to check myself out. Do you know the number one cause for heart attacks for both men and women in the United States of America? Failure to go see a doctor. Undiagnosed problems.

    They don't go get it checked out. Well, I'm okay. They don't check their self out. Well, I hadn't had any chest pains. Well, if you're having chest pains as you're getting late and getting checked out, You're having problems, that's not that you need to go before then.

    Have a physical examination. Have the doctor check everything. See what's going on because you can't see it inside your own body. Go see the doctor before that. If you're walking in in in Christ, and and you're not having a physical examination, a heart examination by God on a daily basis, then there are things there that you have either, a, pushed down to try to forget, or, b, for some reason you've not recognized.

    You need to be checking yourself daily. That's the only way we can stay in the good walk with God is daily, take up our cross and follow him. Daily, deny ourselves. Daily, ask him to look in our lives. It starts with confession.

    David confessed before God that he is a sinner. For some, this could be the first time that you confess and that Jesus comes into your life. So when I say you have to confess, first of all, when you confess, is it the first time you've ever confessed? Is it the first time you've ever asked God to forgive you of your sin and come into your life? Have you ever done that?

    If you've never done that, you can't just simply go and confess your sin now. You've got to confess that you don't know him, that he's not in your life. You gotta ask him to come into your life. To come in and take control. If you have asked him to come into your life and you know that you are saved, that you've given your life to Christ, and you know that he has given you salvation, then it's a time of reflection and understanding that all y'all know my word, all.

    It's completely inclusive. No exclusions. All sin needs to be confessed. You mean when the clerk gave me back 50¢ more than I was supposed to get back, I and I didn't give it back to her, I gotta confess that? Stealing.

    Well, is it really stealing? Yeah. If you're trying to, justify what you did, it's probably already the fact that you've already sinned. When you start trying to justify why you did something that you know already you shouldn't have done, yeah, it's sin. So you mean when when, you know, I I I took that pen from work because my kid needed one for school, that's a problem.

    Yeah. That's stealing. All these things have to be confessed to God. Confess them. Get them out of your life.

    I thought about this. What if every time you sinned, there was a rock in your house? Every time you sinned, there's a big rock that just shows up in your house. If you don't confess that the rock stays, then there's another sin and another rock and another sin. Pretty soon you want those rocks out of the house.

    Right? You wanna throw them out. You wanna get them out of the way. You don't want them in the house. You don't want them in the way.

    Well, if every time you sin, what if a weight shows up on your feet, and you don't confess it? The weights keep getting heavier and heavier and heavier. If you're not confessing that sin and cleansing, getting that cleansing from God, then you are being weighed down on a daily basis. Many of us just live with that. Well, it's just my cross to bear.

    No. It's not. Jesus said give it to him. It's not yours. He said, give it to him.

    Think about this. Why are we confessing it? Because all sin is against god. Just let that sink in a second. All sin is against God.

    The creator, the one who gave you life, the one who gave you salvation, the one who gave you everything, all sin is against him. All of it. In order to confess, you must have a broken heart. You must have remorse for what you've done. You must have that that point that you can do nothing else but confess.

    The point that is so heavy that it's driving you to your knees. When a a lost person never sees they're a sinner, they can't be remorseful. They can't have remorse for the sin in their life if they never realized they're a sinner. For a lost person, the confession they have is that I'm lost. That's the confession they have upfront.

    I'm lost. And at that point, then God reveals the sin. They have to come and have that heart that's broken for the things that they know they're missing. If God removes the veil from their eyes, then they can see. It takes God doing that.

    For a saved person, we have to look deep in our hearts and see what it is that we've been lying about. What do you mean lying? You've been lying to yourself. You've been lying to God. You've been lying to everybody, because there's sin that hasn't been acknowledged.

    When our sin is acknowledged and our heart is broken, it causes us to confess it. When we confess it, God cleanses it. God has the power to cleanse even the hardest stains. Even the hardest stains. You ever had a a pot that something burned in?

    Man, you scrub with everything you can think of trying to get that stuff out. And sometimes it just seems like you're never gonna get that stain out. Sometimes, it's sin is the same way in our lives. It's a hard stain because it's been there a long time. The longer it sits, the harder it is to clean.

    The longer that sin stays in your heart, the harder it is to confess, the harder it is to clean. But God has the power to cleanse even the hardest stains. And for him, it's easy. He can cleanse it like that. But we leave it sit, continuing to fester, continuing to get that way.

    Sometimes we give up with whatever it is that we're trying to cleanse, and we just throw it out because, you know, it's not worth it. It's gotten to the point where we can't clean it. It won't come clean. We've tried everything but gasoline, and we can't get it clean. Right?

    So we just toss it. Get rid of it. Can I tell you something? God will never throw you out. He will never give up on you.

    He will never just stop because that stain is too old and too hard to clean. He will never give up. God is willing. He stands ready to forgive. We just have to confess it to him.

    We have to bring it to him, and he can cleanse even the hardest thing. Man will give up, but God will not. Man will give up, but God will not. He can cleanse beyond man's ability, and he can make you whiter than even snow. He can do that.

    But this cleansing process, it's a process. What do you mean? You just said he could cleanse it like that. He can, but it's a process. 1st, your heart needs to be broken for that sin.

    It needs to be broken. It takes us looking deeply and honestly in our self in order for us to see that sin and to acknowledge that sin. Next, we have to confess it. We have to confess it. It has to be done.

    If you don't confess it, then why would God wanna cleanse it for you? It has to be confessed. Our heart should be broken for it. God's heart is broken every time we sin. Our heart should be broken every time we sin.

    We need to confess it. Get it out. Here it is. God, take it out. And then when we confess it, God is faithful to cleanse it.

    He is faithful to cleanse that sin and get it out of your heart. You confess that sin against God to God himself. Romans 10:9 says, if you confess with your mouth Jesus is lord and believe that God raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. It takes a confession for you to be saved. If you know Jesus as lord and savior, you've done that already, then it takes a confession to keep you cleansed.

    To keep all of that out, it takes that confession. But we also not only when we confess it, we have to forgive I mean, we have to receive the forgiveness. We have to receive it. The number one reason that people walk around with the sin still in their life, is they don't believe that when God gives them that forgiveness that they can even accept it. I'm not worthy to receive that.

    I know God can cleanse me, but I'm not worthy. Look what I did. I'm not worthy to receive the forgiveness that God offers. We put our self in that position and say, I know that you can cleanse me, but I'm not worthy of that, and I don't want to accept it. I don't want to accept it.

    Well, what we're doing is we're putting our self above god. We're saying we know better than you, god. We know better than you that we shouldn't be forgiven even though you said we can be. Even though you're giving us the opportunity, we're trying to say we know better than you. No.

    We don't. It's a process. God has given us that cleansing. All we have to do is accept it. And listen, when you accept it, it's gone.

    All of that sin is cleansed. You'll never see it. It's just like that ground under the snow. I couldn't see that ground under the snow unless I got out there and started digging down in it to try to find it. God said, no.

    Don't I've covered it. Leave it alone. Don't don't mess with it. I've covered it up. I've taken care of it.

    I've covered it with the blood of Christ. It's gone. It's gone. He said he cast it as far as the east is from the west. It's gone.

    This process that God gives us is something we need to do on a daily basis. We need to look into ourselves. We need to examine our walk on a daily basis. We need to be the ones that are ready to confess when we find those things in our life. But if you don't know him, if you've never given your life to him, then my question for you today is this, are you ready to be cleansed wider than snow?

    Are you ready for that? Are you ready to have all that weight lifted off of you? Are you ready to walk as a brand new creation? The old you being gone, the new you being a new creation in Christ. Are you ready for that?

    Is there things in your life that God has shown you that you need to confess and get rid of? Then do it today. For those of you who know him, listen. How effective can you be telling someone about how wonderful the forgiveness of Christ is if you are not willing to accept it yourself? If you're not willing to accept it yourself, how can you really tell them how wonderful it is?

    Be like those paid actors on TV that tells you how wonderful this product is. They've never tried it in their life. You know it's fake, and the person you're talking to and telling them how great god's forgiveness is, they're not gonna believe you because they can see in your life that you're not being you're not accepting that same forgiveness that you're trying to tell them about. It makes us ineffective. We look around this world today, and there are so many people that need to know about the forgiveness of Christ, yet we haven't received it because we haven't just accepted it.

    And how can we tell them? This past Saturday, we had a time of visitation. Had brother Tim come and teach us a little bit about how to witness to somebody. It was supposed to have been last weekend, and then it was supposed to rain, and we changed it to this weekend. And we were very low in number.

    I'm not saying that to try to hurt people's feelings. What I'm saying is, people need to know about Jesus. And if we don't have that close walk in our own life, it makes it very difficult for us to have a desire to go out and tell other people. So I want to encourage you today. It's time for a spiritual examination.

    Just like you go to the doctor for a physical examination, it's time for a spiritual examination in your own life. Are you whiter than snow today? Or are you holding on to those stains that God's trying to cleanse? Have you confessed any of them? Are you ready to let all that weight go that God might use you to reach others?

    You know, the only way that our nation will ever be a Christian nation again is if God's people will release all of that sin. I love passage that says, if my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and sin that we hold on to, the sin that we haven't confessed, the sin that we haven't accepted the forgiveness for, is what's holding God's people back today. Examine yourself this week. Are there things you need to confess? Are there things you need to do?

    Is there someone you need to go to and forgive? Whatever it is, don't wait. You'd be amazed at how much lighter your walk will be, if you just give all that to God. We don't know when our time will end on this earth. It could be tonight.

    It could be a 100 years from now. We don't know. We don't know what God will do. We don't know when he's coming back. We don't know how many breaths we've been given.

    Why hold on to something that you could seek forgiveness for today? And be washed whiter than snow.

  • Jan 19, 2025Faith Trumps Tribulations
    Jan 19, 2025
    Faith Trumps Tribulations
    Series: 2025
    Stop any person and ask “Have you ever faced tribulation?”
    You are sure to get a “YES”
    We all go through trying times and troubles
    It’s how we go through these things and what we do with it that matters
    Having been Justified
    By Faith
    We stand in Grace
    We celebrate in hope
    The Hard part is, we are called to celebrate in our tribulations
    There are things that we can not learn, except through tribulation
    We can get through the worst tribulations with Faith
    Tribulation and troubles are painful
    Faith trumps Tribulation
    Are you trying to go through these things without Faith today?
    Have you ever given your life to Him?
    Full Transcript:

    Hard it is to feel bad when you're singing of the goodness of God. You know what? Sometimes when the troubles and the trials come, the one of the greatest things we can do is sing to God, sing praises. I've shared with you before that I have a cousin that, his that's kinda his love language to God. Right?

    He sings. He loves old hymns, and he loves, songs, and he sings. Even when he was in tremendous pain after a terrible surgery that he had to have, they said you could hear him in the recovery room singing praises to god. He said that's what got him through all of those hard times and all of that pain. And I guarantee you, it is a wonderful, wonderful thing.

    Faith trumps tribulations. Ain't that wonderful? Faith trumps tribulations. We are so glad to know that, and we can stop any person and ask this question. Have you ever faced tribulation?

    Just try it sometime. Walk into somebody you don't even know. Hey. Have you ever had tribulation or trouble in your life? I guarantee you, the answer is going to be yes.

    Probably the answer is yes. Even today, something happened. It's like always something going on. There's all kinds of things happening in our life. We face trouble everywhere.

    And, you know, the crazy thing is it shocks us. Why is all this happening? Well, the scripture said, Jesus said, you will have trouble in this world. He didn't say you might, he didn't say you could. He said, you will have trouble in this world.

    Trouble comes in all shapes and sizes. Some is little trouble, some is big trouble, some is full on tribulation that you just can't seem to to shake. There are things that are happening in your life. We are going to have trouble in this world. Jesus told us so.

    We all go through trying times and trouble. So by a show of hands, anyone who's never been through any kind of trouble in their life, would you please raise your hand? Wow. Exactly what I expected. Nobody can raise their hand and say that.

    Now I wonder, if someone was able to go through life and never have any troubles or tribulation in their life, I wonder how would they handle it when it did happen. If you went through your whole life and you never had any trouble and suddenly something happened, I wonder how they would handle that. Now I know how they would handle that as the we might say they would freak out. I don't know what to do. I've never had this happen before.

    Young teenagers, they grow up, You know, thought about putting a block on their head and see if it it doesn't work. They grow up, and they have to go out on their own. And you've done everything you can to teach them well. Right? You've tried to show them everything, teach them everything, all of that.

    They go out on their own, and you know what happens? The first thing that happens, they make some dumb mistake. And you're like, what are you doing? Why did you do that? Well, because they had trouble.

    And they weren't sure exactly how to handle it and they made a mistake. They didn't handle it exactly right. Guess what? So do we. Same thing.

    I don't care if you're 90 or if you're 18, we don't always handle things right. We go through troubling times, and we try to handle something, and and it turns into more than we thought. We have all kinds of problems. We all go through trying times and troubles. It's how we get through these things and what we do with it that matters.

    So we're all gonna face it. It's gonna happen for every one of us. We're all gonna face it. At some point, we're gonna have trouble. We're gonna have trials.

    We're gonna have tribulations. All of those things are going to happen. How we get through those things and what we do with that after is what really matters. Oh, what do you mean by that? Well, you can't just stop and not go through it.

    There's a commercial on TV. I I think it's an insurance commercial. I'm not even sure. But there's a commercial on TV and it shows a tornado, and it says, sometimes things knock on our door and the person opens the door, looks at the tornado and goes, no thank you. Slams the door and the tornado goes on down the street.

    We can't do that. It would be wonderful if we could. We can't just stop and go, no, I'm not going through that. It's kinda like being on one of those, conveyor belts in the airport, you know, people movers. If you stop, you keep moving.

    Whether you're walking or standing still, you're gonna keep moving. In life, it's gonna keep coming. You can't just stop and avoid whatever it is. You have to go through it. There is no other way.

    You must go through it. How we go through it and what we do with that after is what really matters. The reality is, as I said, sometimes our our teenage children go out and and become adults, and they go out in life, and we wonder why did you choose to make that decision? That wasn't a good choice. But for them, that was a choice they had to make, and they had to go through it.

    What did they learn from that? Well, perhaps they learned that wasn't a good choice, and next time I'm not doing that, if I face that again. Maybe they learned that you know what? I should've trusted someone else. Maybe they should've learned something to go along with that.

    For all of us, when things happen, how do we learn things? What do we do? Well, let's look at Romans chapter 5 verses 1 through 5. Romans chapter 5 verses 1 through 5. You have your bible, go ahead and turn there.

    And, if not, the scripture will be on the screen for you. Romans chapter 5 verses 1 through 5. This is what it says. It says, therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with god through our lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we exalt in the hope of the glory of God. And not only this, but we also exalt in our tribulations, Knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance, and perseverance proven character, and proven character, hope.

    And hope does not disappoint because the love of god has been poured out within our hearts through the holy spirit who was given to us. Having been justified, that particular verse didn't say justified, but that's what it's talking about. Having been justified. Each and every one of us, if you know Jesus Christ as lord and savior, you've been justified. You see, we understand.

    Hopefully, you remember. I've talked about it many times. The process is justification, sanctification, and glorification. That's the process we go through. Justified means that because you chose to give your life to Christ, he justified you with his own blood, and therefore, you became one of his.

    So having been justified, if you know Jesus Christ as lord and savior, you have been justified. And then the rest of your life, you spend being sanctified, learning, and being trained in the way that you should go, making you better all along. You're never perfect. You keep working. It keeps getting better, keeps getting better, and they keep going and going and going.

    In the military, we have, we get into a place and we get into a fighting position, and we set it all up hastily as quick as we can. And then over the time that we spend in those positions, we spend making it better, making it better, making it better every single day. Eventually, we leave that location. It was never perfect, but we kept making it better every day. For life, that's what happens after you're justified, then you're sanctified, and we keep on working that.

    But having been justified, if you are justified, you know Jesus Christ as your lord and savior. He has justified you. If you are in that place, then that is just the first step. This is when Jesus says, you are worth it, and he died for you. And we accept him.

    How do we accept him? By faith. We accept him by faith. Well, yeah. We've heard that.

    I understand. We accept Jesus by faith. I I understand. Well, this is how we accept that justification is through faith. We trust Jesus and believe in him even though we've never actually laid eyes on him in person.

    If we've known Jesus for any length of time, that just okay. It's just an easy statement. But if someone who doesn't know him and you say that to them, they're like, I don't understand. How can you do that? How can you do that?

    How can you have faith in someone you've never seen? How can you have faith in someone you've never actually laid eyes on? You've never actually heard their physical voice. You've never touched them, shook hands, gave them a hug. You've never done any of that.

    How can you have faith in someone that's not even a physical presence that you can see? How is that possible that you can have faith in that? Well, here's how. We have faith in God because of the evidence of the things that we have seen. We haven't seen him, but we see the evidence.

    We know what he has done. Somebody says, well, I just don't believe in anything I can't see. My first question is, do you believe there's such thing as the wind? Well, yeah. But I can see the wind.

    Really. No one's ever seen it. You can see what it does. You can see the trees and the leaves rattle. You can see the limbs blow down.

    You can feel it on your face, but you can't actually see the wind. It's not you're not able to physically see it. Do you believe in oxygen? Well, yeah. You gotta have oxygen to breathe.

    Well, you can't physically see that oxygen. You can see a tank of it, but you let it out of the air. You can't see that. But you believe that you're getting oxygen, otherwise, your body wouldn't breathe. Faith, you believe in Jesus because of the things he's done.

    The things that you see, not only in your life, but in other people's lives. You see the things that have happened, and so by faith, we trust in him. We come to know that he has justified us because he said he would, and the scripture says very clear that he died on the cross for your sin and mine. That's justification. He's justified you before the father.

    So if the justification has come and by faith you believe in that and then you walk with him, then we need to hold on to that faith. This is how we accept the justification. We have seen his work in us. And because we have seen that work in us, we stand in grace. We stand in grace.

    Okay. We'll use a lot of words today, man. We use justification, faith, grace. That's a lot of stuff. It sounds like church words.

    We use them in church, but trust me, those are not just church words. Those are powerful words. Without justification, we would have no hope. If we didn't have the faith to accept that, we would have no hope. Without God's grace, we definitely would have no hope.

    We stand in grace. If it were not for grace, we would have no hope. What do you mean by that? Okay. Speed limit out here in front of this road right here.

    What is that speed limit? Anybody know? No. You don't know because nobody drives it. Trust me.

    If you think people drive it, stand out there and watch. Zoom. Cars go right by. 35 miles an hour, it's a residential zone. Supposed to be 35 miles an hour.

    Most of y'all go, woah. I've been going to drive faster than that. Most of us have been driving faster than that. We don't even know what the speed limit is. So here's the thing, speed limit 35.

    I've been driving 50. All of a sudden, this crazy thing happens and some dude behind me turns on blue lights. Blue lights come on. He pulls up beside me. He says, hey, sir.

    Do you know how fast you were going? And, of course, I'm going, I'm probably around 35, I guess. You know? Truly, I don't know. I wasn't looking at the speedometer.

    Well, this little radar gun here says you're doing 50. Speed limit is 35. But I tell you what, you probably knew that and you probably didn't pay any attention. And by law, I should give you a ticket, but today, I'm gonna give you a little grace. And I'm not gonna write you a ticket, I'm gonna let you go this time.

    Even though you're guilty, you're a 100% guilty, but I'm gonna not write you a ticket today. That's grace. That's minimal. Scripture says that the wages of sin is death. If we stop there, we'd have no hope.

    Because right before that, it says we've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. So if the wages of sin is death and there's nothing after that, we're all in trouble because we've all sinned. And that death doesn't mean we're gonna die because it is appointed under man who wants to die. It means it's the separation from God eternally. Then we would spend an eternity in a devil's hell.

    But it goes on to say, but, that's a big word, but the free gift of God is eternal life. If we accept it, then we stand in grace forgiven even though we have sinned, even though we deserve to be punished, even though we deserve to spend an eternity in hell. Because of justification of Jesus Christ, we can stand in grace forgiven for those things that he has done. That's a major thing for us to stop and realize that even though we all deserve to spend an eternity separated from God, he's given us grace. So if it were not for grace, we would have no hope.

    Because no matter what we did, no matter how good we were, no matter how much money we donated, or how many good deeds we did, we would never be good enough to get into heaven. But because of God's grace, we can. So we stand in grace according to what that scripture says. Grace for all our failures is a super powerful thing. Grace for all our failures.

    Because here's the thing, you know, that police officer said, you know, I'm out and give you a ticket today. So don't do that again. Okay? I'm not giving you a ticket. But the next time I went down that road, guess about what speed of doing what I was doing?

    Probably running about the same. This is all fictitious. This never happened. Okay? I want you to understand that.

    Not that it couldn't. But the police officer then pulls me over a second time. Didn't I just give you grace the last time and let you go without giving you a ticket? Yeah. Well, why are you doing it again?

    I don't know. We learned that as children. Why did you do that? I don't know. No answer, but we say it.

    I don't know. The real answer is, well, I was I didn't plan in enough time and I gotta be somewhere and the only way I can get there is drive faster. I don't know. I don't know why I did that. Probably, he's gonna go, well, this time is gonna cost you.

    Have a nice day. Right? But God says, I'm gonna give you grace again. I'm gonna keep giving you grace. That grace is so powerful that even though we've been forgiven, we've received the grace, we still mess up and God keeps giving us grace.

    That's pretty powerful. That's an amazing thing that we can stand in that. We stand knowing that we won't pay the price for our sin. That ought to make you hallelujah. We won't pay the price for our sin if we have accepted Jesus Christ as lord and savior.

    You know why? He already did. He already paid that price on Calvary. He already died. He was buried and resurrected on the 3rd day because God raised him from the dead.

    That price that he paid, that death, that blood that he shed is the price that it cost you, but he paid the price. He paid it. So we will never pay the price for our sin if we know him. Now I want you to think about this. How much can we celebrate knowing that?

    I know that I've given my life to Jesus Christ, and I know that even though I make mistakes every day, God looks at me and what he sees is the blood of Christ covering my sin. And therefore, I can stand in grace knowing I have been redeemed. My price has been paid. I have that assurance, and I know that I'm gonna get there. So I can celebrate in hope.

    I can celebrate in hope. Now I want you to understand, that word hope isn't, you know, like what we think about as like a wish. It's because of grace that we have hope. Because God gave us grace, we can have hope. That hope means our sins are forgiven and we have salvation.

    That's the hope. That's the hope that we can hold on to. In fact, hope has a name. His name is Jesus. Hope's name is Jesus.

    We can celebrate a hope. Hope is not a wish. I hope I go to heaven. No. I can be in hope knowing that that grace that he gave me is sufficient and discovered my sins.

    And because that I have the hope of knowing that at the end of this life, whether it's I quit breathing because of a heart attack or or got hit by a car or Jesus comes back, I am going to be in heaven. So I have that true hope. It's not a wish, it's done deal. So I can have that. That grace means I can celebrate in hope.

    It means that Jesus is my hope. It's not a wish, but it's an assurance of things. So think about that. If you're standing in grace, then you can celebrate in hope. Because you know that God has said this is what's going to happen.

    Now there comes the hard part of that verse. The hard part of that verse says, we are to celebrate in our tribulations. Hold up. Now I can be all behind celebrating that grace and salvation. Man, I can throw a party about that.

    Right? I'm excited about all that, but now you're telling me I'm supposed to celebrate in my tribulations? We just talked about tribulations, they're hard. We talked about trouble in this world, it's hard. Sometimes our tribulations are health problems.

    Sometimes our tribulations are financial problems. Sometimes our tribulations are are something's tearing up in the house, and how are we gonna fix it? Sometimes our tribulations, the boss comes in and says, yep, your job is over. There's all kinds of things that happen and we go through these tribulations, and most of the time, a real tribulation means something happened and we don't know what to do next. I was in a position where everything was fine.

    I'm all of a sudden my boss walked in one afternoon and said, hey, yeah. We want you to resign because, we're doing away with this position, and so we're giving you opportunity to resign. I said, wait a minute. What if I don't resign? They said, we'll fire you.

    So you can resign and, you know, draw your severance and all that stuff or we can just fire you and send you out the door. Blindsided. I was supposed to go on vacation the next Monday. What am I gonna do now? Completely just everything are just like all of a sudden the wall started closing in.

    It's tribulation. As I thought of all of that, what am I gonna do? How am I gonna call my wife and tell her that I just lost my job? Without that paycheck, how are we gonna pay bills? We're supposed to be going on vacation and we're gonna lose that money.

    There's where are we gonna all these things are clouding my mind. And in all of that process, from the time that I was told that information and the time I left the building on the way to the parking lot, a peace came over me. And I began to think about, you know what? God's got this. It didn't take him by surprise.

    I've been asking God if this job is not the one that you want me to have, will you show me? That's not what I meant. I didn't mean for you to take it away, but he showed me. And right all I could hear is you said to show you if this job is not right. Now trust me to take care of the rest of it.

    We have to celebrate in our tribulations. It was it was great because if it hadn't happened to me, I guarantee you I would have stayed in that job much longer than I should have, and I wouldn't be where I am today. God would not I would not have followed where God wanted me to go. Maybe you have similar stories. Maybe you think about it and there are things that happened and you wondered how are we going to get through this?

    But somehow God provided a way. I have stories, and I have friends that have stories where finances were in such a disarray. They didn't know what was going to happen, how they were gonna pay bills, and suddenly go out to the mailbox and find a refund check from your insurance company for an amount that was exactly what you needed. Or suddenly, someone handed you cash for no apparent reason and it was just what you had to have, or someone invites you over to to give you a meal and then you didn't know how you were gonna get a meal without that. All these things have happened.

    Why? Because faith is greater than tribulation. We're to celebrate our tribulations. Why do we celebrate them? Why is it that we're going to celebrate them?

    We are supposed to celebrate the hard times that knock us down. We're when we're faced with heartbreak and trauma, we're supposed to celebrate that? Yes. But why? Because god is going to use it in your life.

    God will see you through. He said he will never leave you and forsake you. Never. He said I will never leave you. I will see you through.

    Can you get through on your own strength? No. But here's a here's a news flash. You never could. The scripture says apart from me, you can do nothing according to what the bible tells us.

    We have in our mind that we do it all on our own. Guess what? You're not doing it anyway. So when these tribulations come and these hard times come, I don't know how I'm gonna get through it. Without god, you won't.

    But god god is going to see us through. He will never leave us or forsake us. He's going to bring us through. Celebrate because god is going to show you something in this. How are we gonna get through this?

    I don't know, but I know that god's gonna use it. We could take testimony today and go around the room, and I guarantee you there'll be people that could say, because of this tribulation that I went through, god used it for this reason. I have people that I talked to that say, I went through something. I didn't understand it. It was terrible.

    It was horrible in my life. I didn't know how I was gonna make it through, but somehow I made it through on the other end. And then I found out down the road that because of that happening in my life, this person came to know Jesus as lord and savior. Amen? I went through this, and I found out when I got to the other side.

    You know what? I have not been trusting god in my life. I've been trying to do it all on my own, and it took him knocking me down on my knees before I realized I gotta give it all to him. I can't just give him part of it. I gotta give him all of it.

    And so we go through these hard things. Scripture says celebrate those things, because God's showing you something. He's gonna do something amazing in your life. What's he gonna do? I don't know.

    Will we always know what it was? No. No. We won't always know, but he's going to bring us through. Celebrate all of these things.

    Look at verse 3 and 4 again. Verse 34, It says this, therefore there we go. Get to it. And not only this, but we also exalt in our tribulations knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance. And perseverance proven character, and proven character, hope.

    All of these things. It brings about perseverance. Perseverance brings forth, proven character. All of these things happen. And so when we look at all this, tribulation brings perseverance, which brings character, which brings hope.

    It's a process. Anybody ever play football? Couple of you. Alright. Looks like just me and you, about it.

    Okay. Play football. Right? I go out for practice at football in the beginning of the year. It's a 172 degrees on the field and the coach says, we're gonna run wind sprints.

    Why are we gonna run wind sprints? We run and we run until we just feel like we're going to die. Back then, you didn't get water breaks. You had to earn them. That's why people fell out on the ground.

    We didn't, you know, we didn't understand that. We had to run, run, and tongue hanging out. We're dying. What are we learning from this? Why are we doing this?

    Guess what? When season finally started and we're 40 minutes into a 60 minute game and we still have stamina to complete the game. If we hadn't been doing all that, we'd have been passed out on the side, not been able to do it. It was tough going through the things we went through, but we used it in the long run. That persevere that tribulation brought perseverance, and the perseverance then brought proven character, and that proven character brings hope.

    So as we go through these things in our life, God used them as building blocks in our life to make us into what he wants us to be. If we never had that, how long would our real trust in God last? If we don't think that we need him, how long will it last? I talked to someone about it one time. They said, I don't really need God.

    I kind of got it. I'm good. I said, yeah. Right now. Wait till tomorrow when something else happens.

    Wait till when something else goes on, then what are you gonna say? 911 happened and our churches were packed out. All of a sudden, they decided they needed god. Didn't need him before. Now we need god.

    Why? Tribulation came. God uses those things. There are things that we cannot learn except through tribulation. There are things we cannot learn except through tribulation.

    You say, wait a minute. Now I think God could teach me these things without it being a hard time in my life. You know, I think that I could learn some things. I don't have to go through all that. You know why we can't learn them?

    Because we avoid them. We avoid it. If that's more difficult than this, we'll avoid it. Anybody use GPS when you're traveling. Right?

    You bring up your GPS and it says, there's an accident on this road. But if you go this way, even though it's 40 miles further, there's no accident, and you'll get there quicker. We avoid that accident. We go off the road and go somewhere else. We know there's something going on and we don't want to go through it, we avoid that.

    We'll go way out of our way to avoid something rather than going through it. The quickest way from my house to my in laws is to go through Atlanta. I've never gone through Atlanta. Don't plan on ever going through Atlanta. I can avoid it.

    I might go through it one time and learn, oh, this isn't as bad as I thought. I probably will never find out. We cannot learn certain things except going through the tribulation. It's at that point when god shows us the things that we need to see. It's been said that in the military, the guys are trained and they're trained, and the ones that you see sometimes that you think are the the greatest military men go into battle and become the greatest cowards.

    And the ones that you never thought much of become the ones that are standing tall in the situation. God shows them things. He teaches them things. He learn they learn things through all that they do. For every single one of us, everything we go through, God will teach us things that we go through, and some things we cannot learn because we avoid them.

    Understand this, the most beautiful gems are diamonds. Right? Diamonds. You know how diamonds are made? Heat and pressure.

    Heat and pressure. With enough heat and enough pressure, that old chunk of coal becomes a diamond. But you gotta have the heat and the pressure. Nothing else you can do to make it be that way. It has to have the right amount of heat and the right amount of pressure.

    And with those two things together, it becomes something beautiful. For those of us in our walk with God, sometimes it takes the heat and the pressure to get rid of the old stuff that we don't need. Sometimes it's a tribulation that chops off the things that we've been holding on to that we don't need. Sometimes it's what we go through that causes us to be fashioned into the very thing that God wants us to be. It takes tribulation to get our impurities out.

    For a diamond, it takes heat and pressure to get all those impurities out. For us, sometimes I think it takes heat and pressure too. Sometimes it's the tribulation that gets everything out. We can get through the worst tribulations with faith. With faith, we can get through the worst tribulations.

    We have to have faith to believe that god can see us through anything. You have to have the faith to believe that. If you don't believe that god can see you through anything, then how can you go through that tribulation trusting him? You have to have that faith. We have to have faith that god has a plan even if we don't understand it.

    Most of the time, we want to make the plan. We don't want god to make the plan for us. God has a plan. God has a plan for your life. He has a plan for my life.

    He has a plan for all of us. God has a plan. And it's because of that that we can trust him. It's because of that that we can get through. It's because of that that we can get through the worst things in our life.

    Faith that god will use this, whatever it is, to make us better. God's gonna use it to make us better. I don't see how this is going to make me better. I don't see how I could go from being a a a sorry sinner to being a child of the king, but God did. He saw a way that it could happen.

    Incredible. Tribulation and troubles are painful. They're painful. It's as simple as that. They're painful.

    But it is that pain that sometimes strengthens us. It is that pain that causes us to grow. Sometimes it's the pain that drives us to our knees. You can't get stronger any way better than being on your knees. When it drives you to your knees and you say, god, I can't do it.

    I have to give it to you. God says, it's about time you realize that. Now let me help you up. Let me show you how I can get you through this. Now that you have finally understood that you are not strong enough, but I am.

    Rehab after surgery hurts, but if you do it properly by the end of it, you're much better off than you were before you had the surgery. God can take care of that. The pain sometimes changes the way that we do things. Sometimes the way that we were doing things was causing us the pain. But when we change it because of God, it's better.

    Sometimes that is the point. You need to change how you're doing things. Almost every one of us think that whatever we do, we do it in the best way possible. We do this the best. Whatever it is.

    Pick anything. How I get from here to there is the best way. Why is it the best way? Well, I mean, I've, you know, I looked at the different routes and I figured this out and I think this is absolutely the best way. But is it?

    Are you certain? Do you know? Because this person always goes that way. Why do they always go that way and you always go this way? Is the other way better than your way?

    Well, absolutely not. I know my way is the best. Really, it's just habit. I went that way one time. I've been going that way ever since.

    I need to change. I need to get out of that habit. I need to get out of those things in my life that are not glorifying god and get back to doing the things that are glorifying him. Sometimes it takes those things for me to see that. Sometimes it takes the things that you go through to see that you need to change your route.

    You need to change what you're doing. You need to change, and God wants to show you that. Sometimes the pain that we go through causes the change, and that's the point. Faith trumps tribulation. The hardest things that we may face in this world can be accomplished with faith.

    They can't be accomplished without it. Tribulation brings hope and hope is the greatest thing. Look at verse 5. Therefore sorry. Hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

    Hope does not disappoint. Hope does not disappoint. Hope is poured out through God's love. God loves us. And because of that, it always trumps tribulation.

    Faith beats tribulation because God loves you. And if God loves you, then he's going to take care of you. How's he going to take care of you? He's gonna see you through the good times and the bad, through the hard times and the easy times. He's gonna see you through every bit of that.

    Does it mean that we will never see tribulation? No. It doesn't. We will see trouble in this world. Does it mean that we can get through it?

    Yes. We can get through it. Well, preacher, you're saying that, but I know people who've had terrible diseases and things that have happened, and they trusted God was gonna take care of them and heal them, but they passed away. Guess what? They passed away, but through that they were healed.

    Sometimes the the way that God gets us through the tribulation is take us out of this world. We're not promised tomorrow. We're not promised another minute. Faith trumps tribulation. No matter how that works, it's going to be better than tribulation every time when we trust God as he brings us through.

    So the question is this, are you trying to go through these things without faith today? Are you trying to go through all of this on your own? Are you trying to be the one that gets yourself through that? Is it all about you and what you can do? Is it about you and your bank account?

    Is it about you and your health? Is it about you and your job? Is it what is it about? Is everything you go through, you think you've got it? And therefore, you don't need God?

    God's gonna show you you don't have it. You need him. Are you trying to go through these things without faith today? If you don't know him, scripture says you have no hope. So the question then is this, have you ever given your life to him?

    Have you ever done that? Has there ever been a time where you realized, I can't do this alone? I need God and you gave your life to him. Has there ever been a time that that's happened in your life? If it has never happened, then according to what the scripture says, apart from me, you can do nothing.

    The hope that we have is the hope in Christ. If we don't know him, we don't have that hope. That means if we don't know him, that verse that says, the wages of sin is death. That's all you got. You don't have the free gift of God, because you've never accepted it.

    The tribulations that you go through are all on your own, but God. God will see you through. Have you ever given your life to him? If not, listen. You're still breathing today.

    Right? Everybody take a deep breath. Let it out. You're still breathing? Okay.

    Then you still have time. You still have time. Just a moment, we'll have a time of invitation. If you need to come up here and talk to me about how you give your life to Christ, I would love to talk with you about it. If you know him, are you trusting him?

    Or are you trying to handle it all on your own? Listen. Give it to God. He will see you through and your faith will beat the tribulation every single time.

  • Jan 15, 2025Chapter 1 Pt. 1
    Jan 15, 2025
    Chapter 1 Pt. 1
    Series: Genesis
    Full Transcript:
    Alright. You got me, Don? Alright. Good evening, everybody. Good evening. Sorry. I was couple minutes late. I had something I needed to take care of, but, hallelujah. We're here. Right? Amen? And, so that's a good thing. It's good to be in the house of the Lord tonight. For those of you who've joined us online tonight, I do wanna, remind you, or tell you if you didn't know, we will be having our business meeting. And so we will sign off of our, Bible study at 07:00, to conduct our business meeting. But we're gonna get started on our Bible study first because we wanna make sure that we take care of that. We are beginning our study in Genesis. If you have a hard time finding books in the Bible, for this one, it's the first book. So should be easy to find. Alright? I'm a go ahead and open this up in the word of prayer, and then we'll dive right in to the book of Genesis. Let's pray. Father, we do come to you right now. We are so thankful to be in your house. God, it is a blessing. Sometimes we have a hard week. Sometimes there are a lot of things going on, and sometimes the devil just likes to get into everything. And so, father, we like to meet together in the middle of the week and build each other up to talk about, things and to share with one another and to reconcile and to, bond together in prayer. Father, in all those things, we thank you. And I pray tonight that you just guide us as we begin this study on the first book, father, Genesis. Thank you, and we ask it all in Jesus' name. Amen. Alright. So before you get turned over to the book of Genesis, you can go ahead and turn there, but we're gonna take a little bit of time to talk about, the book before we dive into it. Okay? I think it's important sometimes for us to get a a basis of understanding before we jump in. So the first thing is, when we come to the bible, most all of us that we when we're studying like we are tonight, when we come to the bible, we come to the bible with a knowledge and a belief that there is a god, that god is real exactly, as it says so in his word. And so we already kinda come with that belief. Right? And so one thing I want you to understand, when you read the Bible, it does not make, like, elaborate arguments for the existence of God. It just starts talking about God right away. There's there's no argument or defend or definition trying to help you believe that there is a God. It goes on the assumption that there is a god, and that's how it starts out. And so it it does tell us that god exists, and it tells us how we can know that god exists, and it tells us a lot about what god has done and how creation began and all of those things. But it doesn't have this opening argument for or against the existence of God. Because the Bible is God's word. So he's not gonna start it out with an argument that he exists. It's his word. He exists. So that's where we start. Psalms nineteen one through four says this. It says, the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows his handiwork. Day unto day utter speech and night unto night reveals knowledge. There's no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth and their words to the end of the world. And so right away, we understand that the heavens declare God. The handiwork of God declares God. The Bible tells us that we can know there is a God by what we see he has created in this world. Even someone who is not told directly about God can see the things of the world and know that there is a God. So there's no reason to have argument for god in the beginning of the book. We can see that. Romans one two says, for since the creation of the world, his invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and godhead so that they are without excuse talking about people or without excuse when they say, well, I didn't know. They can tell by the things that are already there. And God's word tells us that he has placed it in our heart to know that he exists. He already put that in our heart when he created this, and we look around, we can see those things. It's amazing when we look around the world and we can see God's creation, and there's no other explanation. There are people who tried forever to come up with explanations of the creations that God made, and they've never been able to come up with a true valid explanation. We come to the Bible believing that God is real. We also come to the bible believing, that it is the place where God has spoken to us. That's how God has spoken to us. We believe that, right up front. That's how God's has spoken to us, does speak to us. We can believe it because it's written in second Timothy, chapter three. It says all scripture is given by the inspiration of God. It's profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction and righteousness that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. So, absolutely, we know scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and it's profitable to us. It's how God communicates with us. So most anybody that you run into in this world, if you ask them, do they know what this is? They pretty much can tell you that's a bible. They may not know what's in it. They may never have read it. They may even say, I don't believe it, but they can tell you it's a bible. And if you start to ask them some questions, many of them know things about this bible even though they've never studied it, they've never read it, and they've never been taught it. They've heard things. They've been, around it. There have been things, so they know that's what this is. The bible is even still in print. The Bible still outsells most all other publications in the world. Even though you can get it online, on your phone, on everything else in print, it still outsells almost every other publication in the world. So we come to the bible believing that God is real. There is a God. We believe it's a place where God speaks to us. We can study God. But what we can't do is we can't take him and put him under a microscope, peel back layers, look at him, test him in a laboratory. We can know him by what he chooses to reveal to us. We can know him by what he chooses to reveal to us. I tell people all the time about studying God's word. Read it. Well, I read the whole thing. Good. Do it again. Wow. I already read the whole thing. Just do it again and tell me what you think. And most anybody that does that will say, you know, I saw so many things this time. I didn't see the first time when I started reading through God's word. Why? Because he chose to reveal it to you that time where he did not the first time. God chooses to reveal pieces of himself to us as we can handle it and as we need it. Even if you're dating a person. Right? You go out on a first date with a person, you don't know everything about that person. You only get to see what they show you. They hold things back. They don't give you everything up front. This is just the first date. We're just kinda, you know, getting to know each other. I'll show you more as we go along. Even when you get married, you've been married for as long as miss Joanne and brother Demar were, there probably were still things that weren't always evident because people just don't always reveal everything. The whole point is that God gives us what we need when we need it. He shows us what who he is and tells us about himself and reveals things to us when it's profitable for us and useful for us when we can learn from it and we can use it in our life. The Bible is definitely much more than a book. Don said tonight, it was funny because, we I knew what I was gonna be talking about. And miss Gail came in, and, he said, oh, you got a book in that box or something like that? She said, yeah. There's a Bible. He said, oh, you got 66 books in there. And I thought that was funny because the bible is much more than a book. It's a collection of books. It's 66 books. 66 books that have been written in different literary forms over different periods of time. Some give historical accounts. Others are poetic. Some are prophetic. All these different things, and they're all put together to come together for one book for us to study. Bound together in one thing for us to study. Somebody says, well, how do you know that the Bible is true? Well, here's one thing that I can tell you. From the very front cover where it says holy Bible, all the way back to the back where it says genuine bonded leather, all in between there, it talks about God. How do you what do you mean talks about? God talks about a lot of things. Yes. The underlying theme is God, and it talks about Jesus from Genesis to Revelation. All of these books go together. If you start reading these books and you start looking at everything, one reflects another, they all go together. Listen. Some of them were written four hundred years apart, and yet they still talk about the other book. They still reflect it. They still go together. How could any man get a collection of books over all those different forms and put them all together over that many years written by so many different people in so many different ways. The Bible's written in three different languages. The Bible's written in Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic, and yet it still all comes together. How could a man do that? The answer is he couldn't, not without God's direction. And so God's direction has given him that, and we can take the bible, and we can take it literal. Some people say, well, you know, the bible's not really literal. You you don't take it literally for what it says. Yes. You do. The bible is literal. Yes. There are things in the bible that you can understand that, they may be metaphors. People speak in metaphors all the time. People talk about that, but the reality is it's literal. Some argue, even in Genesis, we're gonna talk about this. There are some people that argue the seven days to create the the world. Right? There are some that will argue those seven days are not seven twenty four hour periods. They don't know how many how long it is. Could be thousands of years each day. They don't know. Others will argue. That's not what it says. It says the morning and the evening of the first day indicating a twenty four hour period. I fall in that category. But there are people that argue about that because they say, well, it's not literal. Well, yeah. Most of the Bible is actually literal. There are metaphors. There are things that we need to learn, and there are things that teach us other truths, but most of it, we can take it literal. When the Bible tells us of God, it's right, it's true, and it reveals to us the nature and the heart and the mind of God as much as we can comprehend. We can't always comprehend everything. That's why I say, keep reading it. My grandpa, every night, he went to bed. He would open up his Bible. It was about four times the size of this one. Man, if he'd hit somebody with that thing. He'd open that big old Bible every night, and he would read before he went to sleep. And I asked him when I was a young kid, I said, how long is it gonna take you to finish that book? He said, oh, I've read this thing through dozens and dozens of times. And I said, well, why did you keep reading it if you finished it already? He said, because every time I read it, God shows me something new. He read it dozens dozens of times. I'll tell people, keep reading it. The same scripture that you read over and over may tell you many things. Sometimes those teachings of scripture have a different application wherever you are in your life. You learn differently. You saw it this way when you were in your twenties, but in your forties, you see it another way. You see a different perspective. There are a lot of things. So study it. We need to learn it. We need to keep doing that. We believe the Bible is not a book of science, yet it does touch science. It's it speaks of the truth. If the Bible is false in regard to science and other things that we can prove, then how can we regard it as reliable when we cannot objectively prove many of the things that are there? Only way we prove them is through faith, through walks in life, through those things. If it doesn't prove science, then how can we say it's true? Science in its purest form absolutely agrees with scripture. It proves the bible in its purest form, But people try to take it out of context and take it away from the bible when it can't be. So even though it's not a science book, it has science in it. Even though it's not a love book, it has love in it. Even though it's not poetry, it has poetry in it. Even though it's not a book of laws, it has laws in it. It has all of that in there that God gives us as we need it. We know that the Bible is true, and we believe that the Bible that we have, that you hold in your hands tonight, if you have it with you, is a reliable duplicate. Now hang in there with me. It's a reliable duplicate. Why I say duplicate? It's not the original scrolls. This is not the original scrolls. We have a lot of the original scrolls. We don't have everything, but we have a lot of the original scrolls, and we can take those scrolls and we put them against the Bible. And as best that it could be duplicated, it's been duplicated in the modern Bible that we have in our hand. So we can still believe that. It's as as perfect as we can have it based on what we have. The Dead Sea Scrolls have been discovered, and they've been taken care of. There's all kinds of ancient manuscripts and testaments that come together to prove the things that are written in this book, so we can trust it. The Bible would be incomplete or maybe not even comprehensible if it were not for the book of Genesis. Genesis starts everything out. Genesis shows us how it all began. Genesis explains to us what it's all about. And, listen, if you didn't understand this, almost all of the important doctrines and teachings in Genesis, in the Bible have their foundation in Genesis. Genesis gives the foundation for these doctrines. Sin, redemption, justification, the promise of Messiah and Jesus Christ, the personhood of God, the kingdom of God, the universe, the solar system, life, man, marriage, good, evil, language, government, culture, nations, religion, all that you can find in Genesis. That's a lot. It's precisely because people have abandoned the truth of Genesis that society is so messed up today. If they followed Genesis in the beginning, society wouldn't be in the mess we're in today. John chapter five says, Jesus spoke of the importance of believing what Moses wrote. This is what Jesus said. For if you believed Moses, you would believe in me. Wow. How about that? So, according to the New Testament, Moses wrote the book of Genesis. Now here's the thing. Moses wasn't alive during most of the book of Genesis. How did he write that? How did he get all that information? Well, there are indications where records began and end, and all the parts of Genesis. There are passages and phrases such as this is the history. This is the book. This is the genealogy. And so all of this was given to Moses through God by other places where he found it written down. Other things, God just gave him directly to write down, and Moses was able to comprise the book of Genesis. And so he was able to put it all together based off those things. And everything around us, including ourselves, if everything around us, including ourselves, is a result of random, meaningless occurrences apart from the work of a creating God, then it says something about who I am and where I am the whole universe are going. If that's the case, then the only dignity or honor we bestow upon men is pure sentimentality because we don't have any more significance than the amoeba. We have no more significance than that if everything around us is a result of random meaningless occurrences. The world tries to teach us that everything that happened in the creation of the world and the creation of life was random and meaningless, and it just accidentally occurred. Here's the thing. There's a story saying that one day students in a great physics professor class, someone like Albert Einstein, said they had decided there was no god. The professor asked them how much of all the knowledge in the world they had among themselves collectively as a class. So the class decided to discuss it for a while. They discussed it for a while. They talked about it, and they came up with an estimate. They decided they estimated that in that class that they probably had 5% of all human knowledge among themselves. The professor thought their estimate was a little generous. Probably, they didn't have that much, but he asked them, is it possible that God exists in the 95% of what you don't know? Now think about that. If they're so sure about the things they know, but are there things they don't know? Yep. Is it possible God exists in what you don't know? Absolutely. It's possible completely in what we don't know. So that's a little background I wanted to go through tonight to just kinda share with you about our study in Genesis. We're not gonna be able to get into a whole lot tonight. We're going into Genesis chapter one verse one. That's all we're gonna cover tonight. Verse one. If you remember, I told you that our study on Genesis is probably gonna take more than a year, because it will be as much as I can give you in the time that we have. So in the beginning, that's a big statement. In the beginning. In the beginning, anybody know how John one one starts? In the beginning. It's different word. In the beginning. In the beginning, in Genesis is talking about in the beginning of the world. In the beginning in John is talking about the beginning of the existence of God, which there never really was a beginning. John says in the beginning was the word, and the word was God, and the word was with God. From the very moment that anything was, that was God. In Genesis, in the beginning of the world, that's what he's talking about. In the beginning of creation, Not the beginning of God. God existed long before that, but in the beginning of creation. And so when we look at that, it's a little bit different. In the beginning, God. That word for God in the beginning, God is Elohim. Elohim in that particular verse is a plural word. Now we know we talk about this and we go through in the study of Genesis, and it talks about in, some places, it talks about, they were pleased, things like that. And so we know that it's talking about the godhead, all three. In this, it says in the beginning, god, that word god was Elohim. Elohim is a plural form joined together. And so what we see here is in the beginning, God, that God, Elohim, clearly talks about the father, the son, and the holy spirit. In the beginning, right from the start of the world, from the very beginning, there was a triune God. God didn't look down and see his creation and go, they messed everything up. Let me make Jesus and send him down there and do all of this. No. From the very beginning, God, plural, Elohim, plural, was all three together. In the beginning, God, the godhead, created, Oh, created. That's a nice word. Created. Creation in its strict sense is producing something out of nothing. Can man create? I can build a house that wasn't there before. Right? But I had to use wood to build the house. But where did I get the wood? There was a tree that produced the wood. Where did the tree come from? I didn't make the tree, So I didn't create anything. I took something, and I built it, but I didn't create it in the sense of creating something out of nothing. The closest that a man and woman can get to creating something is a child out of their, sexual intercourse that they have as a couple. That's as close as we can get. And still, that's not something out of nothing because god already put in the man and in the woman the things that they needed to create that child. They call it procreation. It's not really a creation because it was already inside you for that to happen. So we cannot create. Only God can create. I I told a joke one time about, you know, a man said he could do what God could do, and, you know, he could do all these things. And he said, you know, you created a person out of dirt, and the man scooped up some dirt and started, you know, trying to create the person and all that. And God said, hold on. Wait a minute. First, you gotta make your own dirt. So the whole point is God created from nothing. There was nothing, and he created it all. So in the beginning, God, the plurality, the the the Godhead, the three in one, created out of nothing, not something. Real quickly, you've heard of the big bang theory. Right? Big bang says some space matter was flying around, and it happened to accidentally smash together. And this big explosion caused life. Right? And my question is always, where did the stuff come from that smashed together? How did it get there in the first place? If I I can believe that something there was an explosion. Life was created because god spoke and it happened. That's what the scripture says. I would expect it to be spectacular, but where did the stuff come that was that was all flying around? Where did it come from? If you don't think god created, then where did that come from? Nobody has an answer to that. Science can never figure that out. They don't know where it came from. They they try to come up with ideas about this and that, but it all goes back to it came from something. And god created from nothing. That's the very sense of producing something from nothing. That's what creation is. The whole point in all of this is he created something out of nothing. In the beginning, God created what did he create? The heavens and the earth. The normal phrase in the Bible for the universe, is what we see. So we call it the universe, the heaven and the earth. Well, here's the thing. To the Hebrew, this consisted of our planet and the atmosphere surrounding our planet in which he beheld the sun, moon, and stars. But it's more than that. When it says he created the heavens and the earth, he created the entirety of all that we know and the things we don't know all was created at that point. It wasn't just the earth and the heavens around the earth. It was the heavens was everything that we have found so far and the things we know is still out there, but we haven't found it yet. He created all of that. That's how big God created when he spoke and created the heavens and the earth. So when we put all that together and we think about it in the beginning, in the beginning of the world, God, the plurality, the father, son, the holy spirit, created out of nothing the heaven, all of the universe, and everything we know and don't know, and the earth that we know and we live on. God created every bit of this. So he created it. Hebrews said, our planet, the atmosphere, and all those things around it, but it's so much more than that. They didn't know anymore at that time. There's even more than that. The creation of the Earth was created and the heavens. Now the heavens, when we think about the heavens, the heavens that he's talking about are the heavens, around the earth, the space around the earth, the atmosphere, the stratosphere, even space around it. It's not actually talking about that he created heaven as we call heaven, sometimes referred to as the third heaven in scripture. That was there. That's where God lived already. When he created, he created everything below that. Everything that exists below that. Okay? So when it says the heavens and the earth, that's what we think about. He created everything as far as we've ever experienced and more when he created by speaking. And that's how he created the heaven and the earth in the beginning. Now when we look at all this and we see all of this and we put it all together, I I hope that you understand and realize how amazing the book of Genesis really, really is because it gives us the very basis for all of that. There there's, lots of things in the bible in Genesis that we can, look at and see through science what it's talking about. There are things that we can look at in Genesis and see life. There are things we can look at through Genesis and see their existence of God. We can see all of that stuff. And so it's gonna take a long time to get through it. So in the very beginning, God, the triune God, created out of nothing, the heavens, everything that we've ever found and the things we still haven't found yet, and the earth. Why you say the things we still haven't found yet? Because man has not gotten the ability to see past our solar system, into there's still space that we have not been able to explore. There's still stuff there. We know there are things there. It's still out there. We hadn't seen it yet. So, obviously, it's more than we could even really comprehend. And that's just the first verse. So it's pretty incredible when we get started in the book of Genesis. We'll try to cover, you know, a few more verses next week. We'll try to do more than one verse, but, we will get into more than just the one verse next week. I hope that you're excited about this study, this book of Genesis and the study. It is it is a basis that we need to really get back to. When we get back to this and we get all the way back to the beginnings and we see how God intended things from the very beginning, it can change your life. And it'll help you get back to where you need to be, not only in your walk, but also as you walk in this world. And so I hope that you, read ahead. Read ahead, study it, and, we'll get back together next week, and we'll dig into some more, of the book of Genesis. So if you joined us online tonight, thank you so much for being here.

    Look forward to digging into verse two and beyond next week. For tonight, God bless, and good night.

  • Jan 12, 2025Lord Or Not
    Jan 12, 2025
    Lord Or Not
    Series: 2025
    We as believers will often say “He is Lord of All”
    We know that scripture tells us Jesus is Lord of All
    The question today is this ….. Is He Really?
    Lord or Not
    England has a King
    We can call Jesus Lord without actually allowing Him to be Lord
    The Royal family is a pretty figurehead for England
    Does Jesus’ title of Lord act the same way in your life?
    "9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation."
    If you confess Jesus as Lord
    You give Him your life, in exchange you receive salvation
    But do you really give him all of your life
    He is Lord or He is not
    If we call Him Lord, but do not surrender everything to Him, He isn’t really Lord
    Have you spent time seeking what God wants from you?
    Perhaps there are things in your life  preventing your full surrender
    These are the things you have to start with
    The first question is, have you ever truly asked Jesus to be your Lord?
    If so, it is time to let Him be Lord of ALL
    Full Transcript:

    That whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. Notice that it says, whosoever. That means there are no restrictions. It doesn't matter where you come from, who you look like, or what's going on in your life, how bad you've been, how much money you've got. None of those things matter.

    God so loved all of us, the world, that He gave His only Son, that you might have eternal life. Thank you so much. I appreciate all of our praise team this morning, and Miss Sharon, Miss Vicky is out sick, and so thank you guys for, doing such a fantastic job. You know, I love worshiping God in so many ways. You understand that when we say, well, we're gonna have a worship time and then preaching, it's all worship.

    It's all worship. You see, we worship God through song. We worship God through giving. We worship God through hearing of his word. We worship God through reading his word.

    We worship God through praying, and we worship God through living our lives. It's all worship. The problem is sometimes that last part, the living of our lives, we find ourselves not living it in worship, but instead living it selfishly, or living it in some way that's not necessarily pleasing to God. So here we are in a brand new year, 2025. It's we're almost halfway through the month.

    It's rushing by already. It's incredible. And God was placing something on me, and so the the the sermon title today is Lord or Not. There we go. I wasn't on.

    So we as believers often say, he is Lord of all. Right? Do I hear you guys say that? Do you say it sometime? Let's say it together.

    He is lord of all. He's lord of all. We say that a lot of times. He is lord of all. Jesus is lord.

    As I explained to the children, that means master. That means king. You can look at it any of those ways. He is lord of all. We know that scripture tells us Jesus is lord of all.

    It says he is lord of lord and kings of kings. We know that scripture tells us that. So we understand in our mind, Jesus is lord of all. He is lord. Now the question today is this.

    In your life, is he really? Is he really lord of all? Is he really lord at all? Is he the one that is lord in your life? The reality is too many times we say with our mouth, Jesus is lord.

    But is he really? Is he lord, or is he not? Here's the thing. He can't be lord sometimes and other times not. If he's lord of all, he's lord at all times.

    Is he lord or is he not? The definition of lord is someone having power, authority, or influence, master or ruler. There's a word in there that most of us do not like, master. Well, come on now, preacher. That word master, I mean, you know, we equate that with slaves, and and we don't want a a master over us.

    We don't we're not we're not slaves to anyone. Well, the scripture tells us that we are bondservants if we call Jesus Lord, and that bondservant means slave. It means that we are a slave to him, but we are a slave because we choose to be, not because he forces us to be. You see the difference when we look at is he master or is he not master is do you choose him as master? You see, when we put that connotation in our mind and we say, well, we don't like that word master.

    Those masters were ones who the people under them had no choice. They were forced into that servanthood. They were forced into that. Jesus will never force you. God never forces us to serve him.

    He gives us a choice. He says, if you confess with your mouth. The point is, is he lord? Have you chosen to serve him? If he's lord, understand that means master.

    That means he's over everything. He's over you on Sunday just like he's over you on Friday night. He's over you on Monday just like he's over you on Wednesday night. The reality is if he is lord by that definition, master or ruler, then he is over everything. So is he lord of all, or is he not lord at all?

    We love to live in gray areas all the time. It's a gray area. It's not a gray area. Is he lord? Is he not?

    England has a king. King Charles. Right? England has a king. First time they had a king in a long time.

    Had a queen for a long, long time. Now they have a king. England has a king, so, of course, he's in charge. Right? He's the king.

    Well, here's the reality. He is king in name only. The royal family has been in existence in the country for centuries. They have kings, they have queens, they have princes, princesses, duchess, dukes, all the different stuff that they have. Right?

    They have all these things. They've been there for all of this time. But one thing every single one of those titles has in common in that country is they have no real authority. They have no authority. The king cannot make a declaration of war.

    The king cannot make laws. The king cannot even enforce the laws. The king is nothing but a figurehead. The king over the king of England, basically, he is there in name only. And the country pays them to be king.

    Ain't that amazing? Country pays him to be king. He's king with no authority. Too many people try to make Jesus lord with no authority in their life. Oh, they say he's lord.

    Oh, yes. We we say he's lord. We call Jesus lord, but we don't actually give him the authority that he has. We call Jesus lord without allowing him to be lord. Oh, yes.

    Jesus is lord of my life. Is he lord of everything? What do you mean is he lord of everything? Well, is there anything you put above god? What if, let's just say, everybody knows I love football.

    Right? What if God put in my heart, you know what? You need to leave football completely alone. You just need to forget about football. Don't do anything, have anything at all to do with football.

    Don't even need to watch it ever again. You need to take that time that you were watching football. You need to spend it in studying God's word or praying or going out and reaching people. If God put that in my heart and said, you just need to leave football alone. Now the question is, will I accept that?

    Will I allow it? Will I say, okay, God, or now I'm gonna start bargaining. Right? Wait a minute, God. You know, I I mean, I can go out after the game.

    Right? I can go out before the game. I can read my bible later on. I can do what god's no. This is what I want.

    Am I gonna allow that to happen? Am I gonna make him lord? Because if I'm not gonna make him lord and obey that, then is he lord at all? Does he have any authority in my life for you? Maybe there's something in your life.

    Maybe it's, I don't know, golf. Maybe it's work. Maybe it's family. Maybe it's money. Whatever it is.

    And god says, that is not got a place in your life. I want you to put it aside and fill it with me. Will you do that? Or will you say, I I can't? Because if we say, I I can't do that, then is he lord at all?

    Because if he's supposed to be lord, master, king of everything, he rules your life. If he's ruling your life and you refuse to follow that, is he lord at all? Is he lord at all? We say Jesus is lord, but then we try to limit what he is lord of. We wanna limit it.

    I tell people this. When you confess with your mouth Jesus as lord, this is the throne of your life. And you say, god, I want you to be lord of my life. Here's the throne. You take it.

    You sit on the throne, god. You give me direction. You tell me everything that I am to do, and I will be a loyal subject, and I will follow what you ask me to do. God says, I want you to go and be a missionary. You say, hang on.

    Hang on. Get up. Move over. Wait. No.

    Let me sit back down here. No. I can't do that. That's not me. I can't do that, lord.

    You just pushed him out of the center of your life. You just pushed him away and said, no. You're not going to be my lord because you want me to do something that I don't wanna do. Understand that when Jesus called the disciples, he told them to leave what they were doing and follow him and follow him completely. He said, you follow me, I'll take care of the rest.

    If you have called Jesus lord in your life, he said, you follow me. I'll take care of the rest. The royal family is a pretty figurehead for England. Oh, they dress up nice. They have all these crowns and robes and gowns and all the amazing things, and they have all the pomp and circumstance, and the horses, and the carriages, and, man, they have everything.

    Oh, it looks beautiful. It looks beautiful when you're looking at it on the outside. Sometimes, that's what we want to do with God. The actual running of the country is done by parliament. The king's not part of parliament.

    The king has no vote. King has no say so. The king, while having the title, is actually king of nothing. Does Jesus' title of lord act the same way in your life? Does he have the title lord, but he's actually lord of nothing?

    We call him that. Do we like to parade Jesus around and say, Jesus is my lord. And then after people look at us, we push him back in the closet and say, but not today. We just make decisions without him. I came to know Jesus Christ 10 years of age.

    10 years of age, and I look at my life, and I look back at the things that I did. And I was just sharing with someone the other day the importance of asking God his plans for your life. I made decisions about what I was gonna do as an adult in life, how I was gonna make a living, all the choices that I made. I made every one of those decisions, and not once during all of that time did I ever pause and say, god, what is it that you want me to do in this life? I said, this is what I'm doing.

    God bless it. I made the decision. Now you bless the decision I made. If he's lord, that's not the way we do things. It wasn't until I was 38, 39 years old, I was getting ready to retire from the military, and I was looking at what am I gonna do after military life.

    Oh, I had some plans, and I was already starting to pursue those plans. And one day, a pastor preaching a sermon said, are you on God's agenda? I don't know. I never asked God what his agenda was. Maybe I should do that.

    And I began to pray about it, and god started calling me into ministry. Of course, you've heard the story. I said, no. No. That can't be me.

    You've gotta be wrong about this. I fought it for a long time. But here's what I think about. If I called Jesus Lord at 10 years old, if I listened to him and asked him what he wanted from me in my life at 18 years old, would he have said, I want you in ministry at 18 years old? Perhaps, I should have been serving him in ministry, in vocational ministry for 20 years before I started.

    What difference could that have made in not only my life, but also the lives of many people that I came in touch with? Does Jesus' title of lord act like a figurehead and not as an actual lord in your life? Look at me to Romans chapter 10 verse 9 and 10. Romans chapter 10 verse 9 and 10. Many of you are very familiar.

    I've quoted the first part of this verse 2 or 3 times already this morning. Romans 109 and 10 says this, if you confess with your mouth Jesus as lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart, a person believes resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth, he confesses resulting in salvation. If you confess Jesus as lord. Have you ever done that?

    If you confess Jesus as lord, reality is that you are given the choice to accept the call of god in your life to confess that he is lord, meaning you have given him the kingship of your life voluntarily. You gave it to him and believe that god raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. Have you voluntarily given him the kingship of your life, and are you allowing him to stay on the throne or are you pushing him out of the way? Understand what this means if you confess. You proclaim that Jesus will be your lord, your master, your king, your number 1 in your life.

    You make a public proclamation of that. Right? Because we say that if you confess Jesus as lord, then you need to confess him before men so he will confess you before his father. So we have people come forward and they say, I proclaim Jesus. I accepted him into my life today as lord, and it's a public profession.

    Then we have baptism, which is another public profession that the old you has died, and the new you has risen to walk under the lordship of Jesus Christ. But do we accept that, or is it simply words? Here's the simply words. You give him your life in exchange for salvation. Understand that.

    You surrender your life to him just as surely as if you could pull the actual life out of your body and hand it to god and give it to him, and then he puts it back. You give him your life in exchange for salvation, a life that doesn't end, a life that goes on forever and all eternity. It says if you confess with your mouth Jesus as lord and believe that god raised him from the dead, you shall have eternal life. You give him your life, and in exchange, you receive salvation. But do you really give him all of your life?

    Do you really give him all of your life? So When you're in the privacy of your home, when you're away from church, when you're in a place where you're not even gonna see the people that you go to church with, Maybe you're away from even your family. Is he still lord? Is he still the one that you're seeking to find out what you're to do every day? Do you get up each day and recommit that to him, god your lord?

    Bible says, take up your cross daily. Daily. Deny yourself and take up your cross daily. Every day, it's a brand new surrender. It's a brand new surrender to him, because we tend to have short term memory.

    Oh, yesterday, I gave my life to Christ, but that was yesterday. Today, I got these other things. Daily, we're supposed to give our life to him. Now listen. I'm not standing before you today as a person who has always followed the right path, and I've always given my life to god every single day, and always allowed him to be lord in my life.

    But I'm a man that stands before you today just as you looking at me probably realize I need to work on that. I need to work on that. Every day, we need to give him our life. The phrase, either you're lord or you're not. I heard someone say, a new believer that had a lot of things in their life that they were trying to do.

    And they were saying, god, what do I do? What what do I need to do? Show me the directions I need to do. And god said, that video game system that you love so much, you need to do away with that. He said, oh, come on.

    Not that, god. He's looking at it, and he's going, not that, but that's I love doing that. He said, okay. Either you're lord or you're not. And he packed up the box, and he sent it to the palm shop.

    Got rid of it. He said, I gotta get rid of it. That's what God has told me. Is there something in your life that God has shown you that needs to go, but yet we keep holding on to it because it's one of our favorite things. Is there something in your life that god has shown you you need to do, but you keep putting it off because of every excuse in the world?

    Perhaps there's someone that god has said, you need to talk to them. You said, yeah. I can't do that. Is he lord or is he not? In the military, if they gave you an order and said, go do this, and you said, I ain't doing that, there's punishment involved in that.

    You don't refuse an order. This is an order. You go do it. But somehow when god gives us a directive, we think it's debatable. We wanna say, ah, man, you know, send somebody else.

    I'm I probably wouldn't be good at that. And Moses did the same thing. Right? He said, no. I can't do that.

    I can't talk. I can't do the one be the one that speaks and does all of that, and he kept arguing with God. By the way, Moses did eventually speak to the people. Aaron wasn't continually always the one that spoke. Eventually, Moses did, but he gave Aaron to speak for him until he got him broke in.

    The reality is, it's a process that we all have to learn. We have to give it to God every day. Do we really give it to him? Do we understand? We gave him our life.

    Are we really going to give him all of our life? Is he lord or is he not? It means every single area of your life belongs to him. It belongs to him. When you're in the military, they tell you this.

    They say, you know what? You're now government property. That doesn't sound good. I went to basic training, and they said, you gotta get a haircut. I had pretty short hair, you know, about like I have now.

    No. No. You need a haircut. They sat me down that chair, and they didn't leave me any hair. I had to I could feel it, but I couldn't grab it.

    There was nothing there. It was gone. Man, that's horrible. Of course, everybody, they shaved all their heads like that. We all walked out rubbing our heads.

    Immediately got in trouble because we're supposed to have our hat on. That night, one of the men decided, you know what? If they took that much, I'm gonna take it all. So he got a razor out, and he shaved his head all the way down to bald. Nothing but skin.

    Next day, falls out in formation. Do physical training and we don't wear a hat then. Drill sergeant came up and said, what did you do? He said, well, I just went ahead and shaved all the hair off my head. He said, did I tell you to do that?

    Did anybody give you a direction to do that? That is destruction of government property, and you can be subject to article 15 because nobody told you to do that. Wow. What if that's what god did? Did I tell you to do that?

    You're in trouble. I'm gonna punish you now because you didn't do what I told you to do, or you did something I didn't tell you to do. What if god did that? He doesn't. But what if he did?

    Think about it like this. If if we can commit to a organization, a government organization, a military, and follow every rule they tell us that we have follow and do everything that they say we have to do? Why can't we do that with God? Why are we not willing to do it with the one that is above all? Why do we have to do it our way?

    The reality for all of us is we have to learn to submit. We don't like that word either, especially Americans. We don't like that word submit or surrender. We want to be in charge. Every once in a while, one of the leaders would put a junior person in charge and go, okay.

    You're in charge now. No training. No telling anything. Just you're in charge. And you know what happened every single time?

    They messed it up. You know why they messed it up? Because they didn't know what they were doing. But they wanted to be the one in charge, so they got put in charge. God will never mess it up.

    Everything he does, he knows exactly what he's doing and why he is doing it. It might not make exact sense to you, but he knows what he's doing. Do you ask god daily what he wants? The majority of us probably don't. We ask god at some point, what do you want?

    We went in that direction, and we didn't ask anymore. Daily, we need to be asking, god, what do you want from me today? Maybe there's a new person in your life, and he wants you to talk to them. Maybe there's a habit in your life that you need to break. Maybe there's something that you need to start.

    Whatever it is. What do you want today? Are there things in your life that he wants you to give up? That's hard, isn't it? Are there things in your life that he wants you to give up?

    Man said he prayed to god, what do you want me to do that I might be a better servant to you, god? God said, you play too much golf. You need to cut that out. This man played golf 2, 3 times a week. He said, nope.

    Put the golf aside. That was hard. But he said what he found when he did it was God filled that time that he used to go play golf with opportunities to share Jesus to those that don't know. God gave him opportunities to do things that he never would have had the opportunity if he spent all that time playing golf. God taught him things that he probably never would have listened to if he was busy with that what was going on in his life.

    Are there things in your life that you have resisted giving up? Are there things that God said, get it out of your life, and you've resisted and said, no. I I don't wanna I wanna keep doing that. Or are there things that he wants in your life, but you have resisted? God said, go.

    I want you to be a minister. I want you to be a vocational minister. I said, that can't be me. I resisted. I fought.

    Eventually, as he does, god won. I look back at my life now and and I don't know how I would have ever survived had I not done what he told me to do. If we call him lord, but do not surrender everything, he isn't really lord. That's pretty simple fact. If we call him lord, but we do not surrender everything, he isn't really lord.

    We're still lord. We just let him hold the role like the king of England. We let him walk around being the one that's pretty and everybody understands, yes, he's lord, but he's not. The biggest problem is we convince ourselves it's okay to only surrender part of our life. It's fine.

    No problem. You know, I gave God the big parts. I do most of everything that God puts on my heart. I ask him about a lot of things, but, you know, I don't want to bother him with the little stuff. I don't wanna bother him with questions about the day to day, the mundane.

    I don't wanna bother him with that. Listen, if he knows how many hairs are on your head or lack thereof, he wants to know every detail. He wants you to keep him involved in everything. He doesn't ever want you to do it on your own. In fact, scripture says, apart from me, you can do nothing.

    He wants to be part of all of it. It's not okay to only surrender part of your life. What if he only partly gave you salvation? Okay. Your right arm and your right leg are saved, but rest of you still in question.

    I'll give you salvation, but only for a 100 years. After that, you're on your own. Yes. You can you can be in heaven, but it's on a trial basis. I can cancel your subscription at any time.

    What if he only gave us part of salvation? Because we only gave him part of lordship. We don't like it going the other way. We think it's fine. We convince ourselves it's alright when we're doing it to him.

    But if he did it to us, how would a partial salvation even work? Here's the reality. It can't. There's no way that a partial salvation could ever work. Neither can a partial surrender.

    A partial surrender doesn't work either. We convince ourselves it's okay, but it doesn't work. Have you spent time seeking what god wants from you? Remember, I've shared with you before, the average Christian, on a daily basis, spends less than 5 minutes a day in prayer, and that includes asking blessings over their food. The average Christian the average Christian does not spend time asking God what he wants.

    The average Christian tells God what I'm gonna do and ask God to bless it. Have you spent time seeking what God wants for you? Well, listen, preacher. I'm, you know, 8 plus years old, and and I've I've lived my whole life. And so, you know, I've done the things before, but I I don't really have left things left to do.

    How do you know? Have you asked God? At a 100 years old, God told Abraham, you're gonna be a brand new daddy. He wasn't done with him yet. If you're still breathing here today, he's not done with you yet.

    Have you asked God daily, what does he want from you? If you're a young person here, have you asked God, what does he want? Are you looking at your future and making decisions? Are you asking God, what does he want? You said he's lord.

    Let him be lord. Ask him what he wants. Let him tell you his plan for you. Follow what he has. Surrender.

    Submit to everything that he wants for you. Perhaps there are things in your life that are preventing full surrender. Maybe there's something in your life that is preventing full surrender. You know, oftentimes when a person comes and they give their life to the Lord, there are things that have happened in their life, and and nobody's ever taught them to let it all go. And they're still holding on to that, and they're going, I can't serve God because of this thing in my life.

    They if they found out that I used to do that, there's no way they would want me to do that. There's no way I could I could do this because of those things I've done. No. When you gave your life to God and you said, I want you to be lord, when he became your lord, he took everything that was not good in your life, every sin that you'd ever committed, and he cast it as far as the east is from the west. And if he took it all out, then there's nothing to prevent you from full surrender, except you.

    You're the only one. You're the only one that can do that. There's nothing in your life that's doing that. God took it away. These are the things that you have to start with.

    The first question is, have you ever truly asked Jesus to be your lord? Did you ever truly ask him? Anybody here ever go to Vacation Bible School? A few of us, right, went to Vacation Bible School. You know it's amazing.

    When you have Vacation Bible School, almost every year when you have Vacation Bible School, you'll have several children that make a profession of faith. It's an amazing thing. I love Vacation Bible School. Here's the problem. A lot of times when you have Vacation Bible School, you have children that are coming that have never been in a church before.

    And they see Johnny go up, and they think, well, that's what I'm supposed to do, so they run up too. And they heard what Johnny said, and they say the same thing, and we say, hallelujah. You just gave your life to the Lord. They don't have any idea what they just did. They don't have any idea.

    They said some words. They don't know what it means. They weren't convicted to come forward. They followed little Johnny. But some take that profession and baptism that follows and say, I'm saved.

    And they live their life saying, I'm saved. But they've never given their life to God. So the first question is, have you actually ever truly asked Jesus to be your lord? Have you truly given yourself to him at some point? Have you ever done that?

    You know, I always think it would be great if I could just look out, and there would be, like, you know, a halo over everybody that gave their life to Christ, and not over the ones that didn't. And I can focus on the people that I know do not know Jesus, but I can't see that. The only thing God sees it all. You know, if you ask yourself that, was it a true salvation? It's an amazing thing.

    I have a friend who was going to seminary, going to be a pastor. He came home from seminary 1 weekend, and there was a a service going on, a guest pastor preaching, and that pastor preached on the wheat and the tares. They look so much alike that it's very hard to tell the difference. But when you throw them up in the air, the wheat falls down and the tares blow away. At the end of the service, when a pastor opened up invitation time, he jumped up.

    His wife said, where are you going? He said, leave me alone. I gotta go get saved. He ran up to the front, and he said, I'm a tear. I've been a tear my whole life.

    I've been living like I thought I was supposed to live. I look like a Christian because I go to church. I sing the songs. I read my bible. I even go into seminary.

    But I've never truly accepted Jesus as my savior right that moment he got saved. I said, well, what's the next step? He said, well, I gotta go back to seminary class on Monday and explain to the class that that I was lost, But now I'm saved. I said, do you think you're still supposed to be in seminary? He said, I have no doubt.

    He said, that's the thing that pushed me to the point to know that he's my savior and I want to serve him forever. First question is, have you ever asked Jesus, truly asked Jesus to be your lord? Have you accepted him fully, completely, ever? If so, then it's time to let him be lord of all. Today, as we think about this question, is he lord or is he not?

    You're the only one that can answer that. When you take a deep examination, has he given himself have you given yourself to him, or are you just walking the walk, talking the talk, but not really doing it? You're just pretending. Or have you given your life to him? And if you have, then the next question is, are you allowing him to be lord or are you still trying to be lord?

    We look around the world today, and there are lost people everywhere. We look around the churches, and we say, why are the churches not full? Why are there so many people that are walking away from Christianity? Why are there so many people that despise Christianity? Why are there so many people that don't understand they need Jesus in their life?

    Well, one of the biggest reasons is that there are not enough people treating him as lord and following what he wants us to do. Churches should be full every Sunday, and they're not. People should understand that the number one thing they need in life is salvation because of the sin in their life, but they don't. If nobody tells them, how will they know? Nobody shares the gospel, how will they be saved?

    They're not gonna get it through the Internet. They're not gonna get it on the television. They're not gonna get it through going to the nightclubs and all of the things they're doing in life. How will they know? Are you allowing God to be lord of your life or not?

    If you've called him lord, you've confessed with your mouth and said, I want you to be lord, and you look in yourself today and you say, I'm not letting him do that, then I'm gonna ask you to recommit today. I'm gonna ask you to confess again. I want you to be lord. Help me to surrender all to you. If you don't know him, you've never come to know him, you maybe you've been at church, you've done the things that Christians do, but you've never accepted Jesus, then I'm gonna ask you today, don't wait anymore.

    Accept him into your life and then follow him as lord of your life. He always knows exactly what's the right thing for you, And he is the only one that can provide the salvation that you so desperately need. I'm gonna have a time invitation in just a moment. As we do, I'm gonna ask you to come forward. If you need to come and and ask Jesus into your heart, come today and I'll tell you exactly what to do.

    Maybe you wanna come to the altar and you wanna recommit to him. You wanna surrender again. It's open. Whatever you need to do, I ask you to submit to whatever god puts on your heart this morning.

  • Jan 8, 20252 Timothy Chapter 4 Pt. 2
    Jan 8, 2025
    2 Timothy Chapter 4 Pt. 2
    2 Timothy 4:9-22 NKJV
    Alright. Good evening. Good evening. Happy New Year. Welcome back.
    It's been a few weeks, since I've seen some of you and, especially if you've joined us online tonight. It's been a been a few weeks since we got together. I hope that your Christmas and New Year's celebration went well. Everybody had a good time. We enjoyed celebrating together, the birth of our savior, and then a brand new year getting started. So looking forward to that. We have a little unfinished business from last year. We didn't quite finish 2nd Timothy. And, so we're gonna try to finish that up tonight, and then we will be starting next week all the way back to the beginning. We'll be heading back to Genesis and, beginning in Genesis starting next week. So I'm looking forward to that study. Just so you know, just so you'll be prepared. We'll be in the book of Genesis probably all year. It's, it's gonna take a long time to get through the book of Genesis. So we'll we'll be in the book of Genesis for a very long time. So just be prepared for that. I hope that it's not that you have to get prepared, but that you're excited about it because it really is a good, a wonderful study and to go back to the very beginning and remind yourself how all this began and how incredible the God that we serve is and, you know, it's just an amazing time. But for tonight, let's go ahead and go to the Lord in prayer, and then we're gonna kick off with the last part of 2nd Timothy chapter 4. We'll begin with verse 9. Let's pray. Father, we do come to you tonight, and we are, again, excited to be in your house. God, the fact that we can gather together in your name in the middle of the week, encourage each other. Father, we're very thankful for that. Father, we pray that you would watch over us tonight, that you would guide us and direct us in the paths that you would have us to go. Father, we pray that you would be with our nation as we, mourn the loss of a former president, and tomorrow is that national day of mourning. Father, we thank you for living in a system, where democracy is still in control. And so, father, we pray that you would help us to lead people to you, father, that they would understand that you are the one that's actually in control. Father, tonight as we go through this time together, I ask that you open our hearts and our minds and then, god, you would just show us exactly what you want us to see, and you would use us always for your glory. It's in Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Alright. So, before I start, I know I referenced this a moment ago, but, you know, tomorrow is a national day of mourning, for president Carter. Now I know a lot of people have a lot of different political ideas and and thoughts and and feelings about him as a president. But I do want to say that he did a lot of wonderful things in the name of our savior, both in office and out of office. And so, therefore, you know, it's a it was an incredible thing that someone could have that kind of faith and have a stage like that. So, you know, there's a lot of people that, didn't have a home until Habitat for Humanity came along and helped them. So, you know, he did a lot of wonderful things. So, hopefully, it'll take a moment and just remember him and and pray for his family, as we go through the day tomorrow. Alright. So second Timothy chapter 4 beginning in verse 9. 2nd Timothy chapter 4. We're gonna read 9 through 13, then we're gonna talk about that for a little while. 2nd Timothy chapter 49 through 13. It says this says, be diligent to come to me quickly, for Demas has forsaken me, having loved this present world and has departed for Thessalonica, Crescens for Galatia, and Titus for Dalmatia. Only Luke is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you for he is useful to me for ministry. And I have sent to Ephesus. Bring the cloak that I left with Karpus at Troas when you come, and the books, especially the parchment. Alright. So several things. Paul was certainly a man of god, and we know that he wrote, the majority of the new testament. He wrote a awful lot of that, but here's a news flash that you might not realize. Paul was not superhuman. Paul was not deity. Paul was not Christ. Paul was a person. He was a human being, and he had been through going through a lot of things. He was somebody who had needs and wants, and at this point, he needed some companionship. He was pretty lonely. This is after his second arrest. He's, basically, he's heading towards death. He's heading that way right now, and he's not going to be released. He's heading that way, and he's kind of alone. And so he's writing this letter to Timothy, and he says, come to me quickly. He said, Demas has forsaken me. Well, he said Demas left him for the love of this present world. Basically, what he's talking about, Demas is that, he literally left the ministry. He he went away. He used to be a fellow worker, and now he has, decided the things of the world were better than the things of god. And so he's walked away from the ministry. He's walked away from following Christ. He's fallen out of relationship. And so it's just a a bad thing. And so Demus is now gone. He is no longer there with him. And then, others left out of necessity, Creason's and Titus. They left because they had things that had to be done at different locations. And so they went to take care of those things, and then Paul sent away. He told him to go go and and do some things. So he sent him away. So all the ones that had been around him, Paul either sent away, they left out of necessity, or they, fell away. Okay? And so a lot of things that that had happened in that situation. So he says, hey. I need you to come. He said only Luke is still with him. Only Luke is still with him. Luke had traveled with Paul on a lot of his missionary journeys. Luke had been with him through the first, imprisonment. Everybody else was gone, but, there he was. In the in the first imprisonment, he had visitors coming and going. He had, like, you know, people could come and see him and hang out and all this kind of stuff. And and it was more like he was just under house arrest, but everything was kinda somewhat normal, but this time it's not. And so he says, listen. Only Luke is with me. I I need you to come. I need you to come. I need you to come as quick as you can. I don't don't hang out. Don't wait. And, oh, yeah, bring Mark with you. Now that's something to think about there because, Mark was somebody that, you know, Paul didn't want anything to do with him to start with. You know, Paul Paul wanted to send him away. He didn't want anything to do with Mark. And now he's saying, hey. Bring Mark with you. Bring Mark with you. He's he's come back to a point that he's, realizing that Mark is working for the lord, and he wants to him to come as well. So he says, bring Mark with you. This kind of a restoration of trust in in Mark. You know? So that's a good thing. You know, think about that with with your own people around you. Anybody ever get crossways with somebody? Anybody? We get crossways with people. Right? Sometimes when we get crossways with people, we get crossways with them over silly stuff. Things that have no real reason, but some reason we get upset about it. I don't wanna I don't wanna be around you anymore. I don't want us to do things together. I don't whatever. You know, when that happens, really, reconciliation is needed. It's needed because the things that have happened and caused us to separate and be apart from one another, more than likely were things that were worldly, and we need to be reconciled because of God. And in this case, he's recognized that he needs to be back together with Mark. And so he's he said, hey. You know, I want you to bring him when you come. And then he says something kinda strange to me when I first read it. Bring the cloak that I left. Bring the cloak. Well, why would he want him to bring the cloak? Why would he why would that be so important? Bring that cloak. I mean, he's he's in prison. Why is he so wanting to bring the cloak? And, I started doing a little bit of research and found out where Paul was being held at this point. He didn't have it wasn't insulated. He didn't have a lot of it wasn't a lot of heat, wasn't a lot of thing. He was cold, and they didn't take care of him. They didn't provide those things for him. In the first arrest that Paul had, he was taken well care of. But this time, he was literally like a jail cell, and there wasn't a lot of things being taken care of for him. So he's cold. He says, hey. Bring the cloak. Well, here's the important thing to to know about this if you didn't know. This is something that's important is that when he says I left the cloak with carpus at Troas, it's likely that somehow he knew he was gonna be arrested. He was probably told he was gonna be arrested and so he took the cloak and some books and things like that and he gave it to Karpus to hold for him because in the time period if somebody arrested you, they confiscated all your stuff. They took everything and especially if it was nice clothes or cloak, things like that. They would take it. The soldiers would just take it. And so he had left that and said, hey. Stop by and get that. Stop and get my cloak, but not just my cloak. He said, I I need you to get do y'all know what a cloak is? Everybody knows what a cloak is. Right? It's kinda like a cape, but it's it's it's really a big round thing with a head hole and arms hole. Right? And it just goes over you. And that's the way this was. And, so it comes over the top of you. It helps them stay warm. He said, bring that. But he also said, look. Bring the books, especially the parchment. So he had left the cloak. He had left books. He had left parts. Why do you think he wanted the books so badly? So he could study. So he could read and he could study and he could continue to grow. Listen. Sometimes I think that people feel once they come to know Jesus as lord and savior that, well, they just know whatever they need to know. Well, the first book that we need to be studying all the time as a believer in Christ is this one. Come on. That's the primary book. Yeah. That's the primary book. Well, when he said especially the parchments, that's what he was talking about was the scripture. Okay? But also the books. Reading books that biblical scholarly people have written is a wonderful thing to go hand in hand with the Bible. Not a substitute. It's not a substitute for the Bible, but it is a wonderful thing to go hand in hand and help build you up as you study. When Jesus was alive and he would speak in parables, His disciples didn't understand what he meant. So oftentimes he'd speak in a parable and then he'd have to turn around and break it down for him. Understand that when you read the scriptures, sometimes it's hard to understand and a commentary or another scholarly writing that you can read and kinda help you break down some of these things that you're struggling to understand is a very positive thing. Paul had books. He had things that were scholarly books that were written that he wanted, and he wanted those parchments so he could look at God's word. He wanted those things because he was in a place where that was his comfort. He was just talking to God. He was spending time with God, but he needed stuff to even get closer to God. He wanted people to come and be around him. Probably not just to have companionship, but also so he could talk to them about what God had been showing him and all of the time that he'd been there and things, messages that they needed to pass on as he left this world. Things that still needed to be done. And he was called. Bring the cloak. Bring these things. Bring them with you. And when you come, I I I need you to to bring these things so that I can continue the fight that I'm in right now. Don't know how long it will be. So we look at all this and we think about it. It's important for us to to realize that Paul, even in this weakened state, even in this terrible way he was being held and all of the things that was going on, he still found that it was very important. He wanted Timothy to know things. He wanted to write all those things to Timothy. Now he's saying, Timothy, come here. I need you to come. I need you to come. I need you to bring these others with you. I need to pass on this other information. I want the books. I want the parchments. It's possible that he wanted to take those books and parchment and show Timothy what was important about them and give them to him at the end. We don't know that, but it could be that. So he wanted all of that and he was calling them in. Most of the people that are members in this church are older than 40 years old. We're not, as they say, spring chickens anymore. Right? Right. We're getting older. We had 8 funerals last year. Yeah. 8 funerals. We lost 8 people in our church that were hard workers, that serve the Lord, that did so much and taught people on all the things that they did. Now they're receiving their reward and they're, you know, where they always wanted to be. But there's still so much that needs to be passed on, and there's so much that we need to do to help raise up another generation. There's so many things that we have to do that we need to do to make sure that people know the things they need to know about the Lord. Paul, even in his imprisonment, was still trying to pass all that on. He knew where he was going. He knew what was gonna happen, and he knew that probably his time was growing short. And even in that, he wanted to continue to make sure that people knew what they needed to know. He wants to continue to groom them and prepare them for what was to come. And so he was continuing to do just that. Then he gives a warning. Right? 14 to 15, he says this. Says, Alexander the coppersmith did me much harm. May the lord repay him according to his works. You also must beware of him for he has greatly resisted our words. So if you just read that on, at face value, perhaps you think Paul's just being petty. He's just being petty. Right? This guy was mean to me. I hope God repays him. You know? Sounds like he's being petty, maybe. Well, here's the thing. The Alexander, was mentioned as someone whose faith had suffered during the shipwreck that Paul was on. He's been mentioned in the past in first Timothy, 120. Paul mentioned him. He said his faith had suffered, and and he was a a coppersmith. Well, a coppersmith back then didn't mean that they just did copper. It was any metal worker. If they any kind of metal work, they were a coppersmith. And so, all of this that happened, Paul simply wrote that Alexander did me much harm. He didn't say let me tell you what he did. You know what he did? He did he didn't post it on Facebook. Alright. Tell the whole world. He didn't go through all that. He just said he did me much harm. That is simple. He wronged me in some way. So he said that. Right? So the implication here is that, perhaps, he informed the Romans own things about Paul. He was a traitor. So he had turned from the faith. He'd suffered in his faith, and now he had turned against Paul by giving, evidence against him to the Romans. Right? So that's kinda what, what we see there. And so perhaps that's what he did. He said he's done me much harm. But then he said, may God may the Lord repay him. So Alexander's judgment was just simple. May he be judged according to his works. Here's a question. How many of you would like to be judged according to your works? None of us want to be judged according to our works. We don't want to be judged that way. We we want to be judged with mercy and grace. Right? We don't want to be judged according to our works. He said he did me much harm. May he be judged according to his works, what he did. And he would be judged for that. If we were judged for the things that we do that are negative. Now listen, we do have to answer for those things. They will be brought up even those who us who are believers in Christ. Every part of that will be brought up and we will have to answer for it, but we're not judged for it. We're not judged for it because Christ took our judgment. Christ paid the price for everything. So all of those things that we've done that are in our life, we don't pay the penalty for it. Yes. We will have to answer for it. Yes. It will be brought up. And, yes, there will be, it will be hashed out. But we don't receive the punishment for what we did because Christ already received the punishment. You got the judgment seat of Christ when all this is gonna take place. Right. And he looks at me without the delivery for money. That's right. And so all these things will be told, but the price has already been paid. Right. Okay? So that's the most wonderful part of knowing this is that Christ paid for all of our sins. For every single one of them. So he did me much harm, probably. He turned him in. He brought charges against him. And a lot of times when they brought charges against him, they accused him of a lot of things. They accused him of atheism, of cannibalism, hatred of the human race. They accused them of, being sinful. All of these things that were being leveled against those who were Christians. They were accused of atheism because, certainly, the Christianity that they was not the belief in God that others thought it should be. So it's atheism. They charged them against cannibalism because they spoke of eating the body of Christ. So cannibals. Right? They they spoke of that. So all these things they were brought, and they brought them up on charges for these things. He said, look. May god just judge him according to what he's done. That's what he's really saying. Like you said, that's that's the end result. My god just judge him according to what he's done. As we we look at all of this, he also goes on to say, that nobody nobody stood with him. He says, let's see. 1515 through 19. You must also be aware he has greatly resisted our words. At my first defense, no one stood with me, but all forsook me. May it not be charged against them? But the lord stood with me and strengthened me so that the message might be preached fully through me, and that all the Gentiles might hear. Also, I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion. And the lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me for his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory forever and ever. So in these closing, part that he's talking about here and all of this, he's he's saying several things. First of all, he says, no one stood with me. So no one stood with me, but the lord stood with me. He was all alone. We knew that Jesus stood with him. Right? He didn't have anybody standing up there receiving the charges. He was the only one. Nobody stood with him. Nobody stood with him. Jesus stood with him, and Paul served him very faithfully, and God was faithful to Paul in his first defense. He says, may it not be charged against them? This is saying, hey, Paul is not bitter that nobody came and stood with him. He understood what the situation was. He wasn't bitter that anybody didn't come and stand with him. He said, listen. May it not be charged against them. That's spiritual maturity. That's spiritual maturity. In a movie that I recently watched, a man Christian, things going good in his life. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, a drunk driver slams into the passenger side of the car that he was driving, and his 17 year old son was a pastor. He killed his son. Of course, the man's arrested. He goes to jail, but you can't get his son back. The man turned very bitter, very angry towards the one who was driving the car. Said he actually hated him. But then God started working on him. And God started showing him that if he forgave him for his sin, he could forgive this man for his sin. And it took a lot. A lot. He kept resisting it. He kept fighting it. Finally, he broke down. He gave it to God. He said, God, if this is what I have to do, I will forgive this man. But it wasn't just, okay, I forgave him. No. No. No. He had to go tell him he forgave him. He had to go see the man face to face and let the man know that because of God he forgave him for the actions that killed his son. And and which was incredible to this man that was in prison. But then not only did he forgive him, when the man got out of prison, he mentored him. And they got together and he mentored him and helped him in his walk until the 2 of them became great mentors for other people. The whole point is that God said I forgave you. You've gotta forgive them. We look at this. Paul saying, listen. Don't hold it against them. I forgive them. Whatever reason they didn't come, I forgive them for that. We say that and and this is what we usually say with that. That's easy to say. Hard to do. It is hard to do. I think it was pretty hard for Jesus to go to the cross too. Don't you? I think that there are many things in our life that is very hard to do, but it's worth it when we do it. Sometimes the things that are easier not that worth it. God even said, it's easy to love your brother, but love your enemy. Can you love your enemy? It's easy to love your brother. Can you love your enemy? Can you love that person who is not your brother? You see, Paul said don't charge it against them. Don't charge it against them. Then he goes on to say, look, I know that God's gonna take care of me. He I was delivered out of the mouth of a lion. God had delivered Paul out of the mouth of a lion. He kept him from being eaten. Right? He stopped that. And because of that, he was saved. He said I know that God will deliver me. Now he doesn't know if God's gonna deliver his life this time. We like to think of it like this. Oh, well, of course, I'll be fine. There's no way that something bad would happen to me because god's gonna take care of me. Right? And he does. But here's the point. Just because God's taking care of you doesn't mean he's gonna let you live another day. He's gonna take care of you, but it might not be on this side of heaven. It might be by bringing you home. That doesn't mean that you don't still do what he's called you to do. It just means that, you know what, even if something happens, you'll be okay. You'll be okay. When the viper bit him on the hand he shook the viper off into the fire. Oh, my goodness. You know, he's supposed to die, but he didn't die. All of the ones and they would talk about in Old Testament, they were being bitten by all of the vipers, but they looked up at the one on the pole that was being held up. They lived. Right? It says nothing will come to you. None of these things will be a problem for you in that moment and what God had for them at that point. That doesn't mean that never ever would it ever happen. People ask me, well, you know, God's gonna take care of you. You can walk right out in front of that car and nothing will happen. Right? I say, let's see. No. I don't say that. No. The whole point is, God's not saying that. God doesn't say that he's gonna take care of you and you will never ever be hurt. He doesn't say that he's gonna take care of you and you will never die. He there are many in scripture that are martyrs. They were serving God and they were killed and because of their death, more people were saved. Because of what they did in death was greater than what they did in life. And so even Paul knows that God saved him from the lion's den. He doesn't know if he's going to save him physically or not, but he's gonna save him. He's gonna take care of him. And he said, look, I know I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion. God delivered him. He just didn't know what his fate was gonna be this time. But he knew he was either gonna be preserved for this world or preserved in the kingdom of heaven. 1 or the other. He knew all of that. And then he says to him be the glory forever and ever. Listen. It's not about me, Paul said. It's not about me. I don't want you worshiping me. I don't want you talking about how great Paul is. I don't want you talking about all these great things for Paul. What I want you to see is how god did these things, and I just happen to be the one who used for it. God did these things, and I was the one that that it happened to in order for god to be glorified. I had all of these things happen, but god is the one. Don't look at me. Don't don't say Paul. It's not Paul. It's god. I guarantee you if you, can talk to Billy Graham today and you say, Billy, look at all those great things you did in your life. He would have said that wasn't me. That was God. That's right. That was God. The reality is that we don't know what God's gonna do in using us. Will he use us in life? Will he use us in death? Will he use us somewhere in between? How's he gonna use us? We don't know. We gotta be willing. He said to God be the glory forever and ever. To God be the glory, and no matter what happens here, to God be the glory. I don't know what's gonna happen. Whatever it is, God gets the glory. Not me. And Timothy, listen. It's not about me. Therefore, Timothy understands it's not about him either. Right? Timothy is looking at this example. He's looking at this example. We we all all the time, we wanna talk about, well, don't do things like I do. Do it better than I do. Well, actually, we need to be doing things in a way that we can say, follow me. See what I'm doing? I'm following God and you follow me as I follow God. Don't don't say don't don't follow me. If you're following God, they should be following you. So Paul did. He followed God, and as he followed God, he showed Timothy, and he showed, Luke, and he showed, Mark, and he showed Barnabas, and he showed all these different ones. He showed them what it means to follow God and how to walk in that way. And to God be the glory all the way to the point that he died. So at the end, 19 through 21, Paul is basically closing out his greetings to his friends. He says, greet, Priscilla, and Aquila, and the household of Onesiphorus, Erastus, stayed in Corinth, but, Trophimus, I have left in Melitus, sick. Do your utmost to come before winter. Eubelus greets you as well as Putins, Linus, Claudia, and all the brethren. Now he's telling all of them, look. My heart goes out to these people that I've I've worked with. My heart is still thinking about these who are still in the fight, who are still out there, who are still serving. I'm thinking about you. Greetings to all of you. He says, I'm thinking about all that. He wasn't centered on himself. He was centered on them. And he even said, I've left sick. I've left sick. Paul was a man he was he was used by God to perform many miracles, but yet, he wasn't able to heal. You understand? Jesus did many miracles, but he had even some of his disciples that he did not heal. He left them with things in their life. Infirmities that he could have healed, but for whatever reason he didn't. He told Paul, my grace is sufficient for you. My grace is sufficient. Even the things he had going on. So we look at that and sometimes we wonder, well, if God's so good, how come there's so many sick people? If God's so great, how come cancer is still a thing? If God's so great, how come I prayed that he would save the life of this person, but he didn't do it? That's right. If God's so great, why not? Paul says, look. God is the one to receive all the glory. He's telling all these that he's thinking about. He's talking about them, and he even says, I even left one that was sick. Paul did not have miraculous healing powers of his own, but he trusted God in all of it. He trusted God in all of it. God used Paul to heal people, but he didn't use him to heal that person. So he didn't heal all of it. We have to understand that it is the will of God. It's hard to say. It is the will of God that some people should remain sick. What? I don't even sound right. It don't even sound right. I've told you this example before. My mother has multiple sclerosis. She was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis when I was, I think, 17 years old. It's been a battle all of her life. She's still struggling. There are days that she can't hardly get out of bed. There are days that she can't hardly move. There are things that are going on. She doesn't know what's gonna happen next. She spent time in her life when she went blind in one eye. Thank God, he gave her the sight back. She went deaf in one ear, never regained that. There's been all kind of things that happened in her life and and years ago, we were talking and she said, you know, if God said we can take you back and I can take this away where you would never have it. She said I would not do that because I have been able to witness to people that I would never have been able to witness to without having this illness. I have been able to show people the love of God through this that I never would have been able to do had it not been for this. God used me throughout this disease and everything that I've had in ways that I never would have been able to be used without it. If God asked me, we go back to that time and you could have your mom without this mortal sclerosis, what would I have said? Yes, please. Yes, please. But I won't see it through the eyes that she has because she's the one who's experienced all of that. The whole thing that we see here is as he is saying goodbye to everyone, and he's talking about those who have served him so well, the ones who have continued to be around him. He's encouraging them to continue to do the things that they need to do. And then all of this, at one point he says, do your utmost to come before winter. And some believe he's talking about an actual winter. Some believe he's talking about the winter of his life, which would be the end of it. Do your best to come before winter. Paul's elderly at this point, and he did want to see Timothy before his life came to an end. We don't know if he ever did. Scripture doesn't tell us if he saw Timothy before he died or not. We don't know. But the reality is we have 2 books of Timothy, first and second here, where we know Paul poured everything into Timothy. This is after he was doing it in person. He did it in person first. Now he's been doing it through the writings that he's been sending him. He continued to pour all of that in because it was important for him to continue to empower Timothy that Timothy might be a servant of God and and lead people to Christ the way that he needed to do. Paul's imprisonment, was in a a bleak building in Rome. It was a 100 years before Paul was ever in prison, it was built. It wasn't a beautiful place. It wasn't somewhere that anyone would desire to be, but Paul was there. It was built for the political enemies of Rome. So, of course, you know it wasn't a good place, and it lasted it lasted, for a very long time until the point that, Paul was beheaded under Nero outside of Rome's, gate at a place called 3 fountains. Know why they call it 3 fountains now? There's a legend. It's an absurd legend, but it's a legend. There's a legend. The legend says that when Paul was beheaded, his head bounced 3 times. And where it bounced the first place it bounced, a fountain sprung up. The first one was hot, the second was warm, and the third one was cold. And it says 3 fountains. It's a that's just a legend. But that's what they call that, 3 fountains. But Paul was beheaded. You know why he was beheaded? It was illegal to crucify a Roman citizen. It was illegal to crucify a Roman citizen so they be had to be had him. There's some tradition that says he was beheaded on the same day that Peter was crucified upside down. I don't know if that's true. They say there's some in some tradition, it says that, but he was a Roman citizen. He could not be crucified. Otherwise, he probably would have been crucified. That was the normal way to put people to death during that day. The last words from the pen of Paul. The lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Grace be with you. Amen. The last words, a man who loved Jesus, he had received his grace, and he let everybody know that this is being affirmed. The lord Jesus be with you. I'm gonna be gone, but Jesus be with you. He's talking to us today and all What's that? He's talking to us today. Exactly. And so that's the great thing about scripture is that even though it was written so long ago and oftentimes written to a specific audience, it was also something that we can glean from even in today's world. So we look at all this and we gotta understand that You know what? It's not about a man. There are great preachers. There are great evangelists. There are great people that have done many many great things for God in this world, and it's good that we recognize that. But if those people are no longer here, then they're together with Christ. It's not them. It's Christ. Right. And the thing is we learn from what they've done, but it's God that gives the glory. It's God that we have to continue to keep our eyes focused on. Yeah. We can learn things from those people, but that's not the one that we need to walk close with. Paul was a incredible man. Paul was an incredible disciple of Christ, and he was an incredible writer. He wrote all this down. Perhaps the reason he was imprisoned is so he had time to write all this down. I don't know. But the reality is that because of what he wrote down, we today can study and learn from it. The congregation in that day was hearing and learning from it. And so there's so much going on with that. I hope you enjoyed the study of Timothy, first and second. I learned a lot in in these two books. Just a a good deep study, and I'm glad that we had the opportunity to do that. Look forward to starting in Genesis next week. So for those of you who joined us online tonight, thank you so much for being here. God bless, and good night.
  • Jan 5, 2025Ring In The New
    Jan 5, 2025
    Ring In The New
    Series: 2025
    Happy New Year!
    Just like we celebrate a new year, we celebrate a New creation. How can you become a New Creation?
    "17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, this person is a new creation; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come."
    A brand new creature! A new believer is a new creature. A new baby can learn the bad with the good. New believers sometimes fall away quickly due to bad examples. Just like a new year, sometimes, we fall short of our goals. Sometimes it is because we don’t fully buy in. Make no mistake he is a New creature. Old has passed away, New things have come. Have you been renewed?
    Full Transcript:
    You know, we live in a country that is filled with opportunities, filled with stuff, filled with all kinds of direction. And sometimes it's hard for people to think about god being all they need. Every commercial tells you you need a lot more than that. Right? Every commercial tells you you need everything. You gotta have all this stuff. Everything you look at says that. But the reality is, all we really need is God. That's what we need. In this new year, ring in the new not just year. Ring in the new everything. Be renewed. It's a new year. It's an opportunity to do over. Last year, maybe, it wasn't as great for you as you had hoped. Maybe last year, things weren't so good. Maybe you had a hard time, but this year, you want to do it right. This year, you want to strive to do better. Many people begin the year with a opportunity, and they say, I want to read the Bible through this year. I've never done that before. That's a awesome thing. Do that. If you've never read the Bible through, there are so many different plans out there that you can get, and you can read it through. Don't hurt yourself if you don't make it through in a year. Just keep reading. You know? Yeah. There's plans to read the Bible through in a year, and, actually, it's fairly simple to read the Bible through in a year if you just take the time to do it every day. But even if it takes you a little longer, read it all the way through. It's something you need to do. You need to read it all the way through. How do you live your life for God if you don't know what's in the book? Right? So you need to read it all the way through. Many people say, well, I wanna serve God better this year by x, fill in the blank. Last year was a very difficult year for our church. Last year was a very difficult year for me as the pastor. As I was thinking about the new year, I look back over the last year, and I I feel like that there were many times throughout this last year because of the things that were going on that I was kind of in a, maybe in a depressed state of mind. I said, god, don't let me be that way this year. Let me get past that. It was hard. We lost a lot of people in our church that I was personally very close to. It was a tough year. But you know what? They are all celebrating today. They finally got where they wanted to be their whole life, and I need to be celebrating too. And so let's ring in the new. Let's start fresh this year, and let's ring in the new. So, first of all, happy new year. Happy new year. Thank you. It's a new year. We want it to be a happy new year. We want it to be a fresh start, and we want to look at it with a very positive outlook. Here's the thing. You know, when you look at things that are coming with a negative outlook. Right? I've gotta have some skin cancer taken off this week. So if I'm sitting there dreading that, thinking, man, it's gonna be horrible, I've gotta have that done, it's hard to get past it. But if I think about it in a positive way, hey, I'm getting that cancer off my body. It's gonna be better. It's gonna be a great thing. I'm so glad that that's happening. It changes your whole outlook. We look at the new year 2025. It's gonna be a great year. Why? Because God's still in control. God's in control. No matter what else is happening in your life, no matter what else is happening in the world, it's gonna be a great year because god is in control. So just like we celebrate a new year, we wanna celebrate a New Year in Christ. It's a time to reflect and make changes. It's a time in secular world to reflect and make changes. Right? How many people have seen, more weight loss commercials than you ever wanna see in the last week? Right? Man, they're on everywhere. Why? Everybody wants to make a change. It's time to make a change, lose weight, get healthy. Gym memberships, they'd sell them for 25¢ a month, to start the year and then raise it up, of course, as you go. They do all of these things. Why? It's time to make changes. It's time to be different, to do something different. Well, why? Because it's a new slate. We've given been given a new chance. It's time to make changes, to look back and reflect over what went well last year, what didn't go so well, and how can I make it better this year? I'm gonna encourage you to do this. Think about your walk with Christ over the last year. What went well? What didn't go so well? What do you what did you want to do that you didn't do? Where did you fail him? It's a brand new year. Let's strive to make the right changes in our life this year. Strive to read God's word. Strive to spend time in prayer. Strive to spend time together with brothers and sisters in Christ. Strive to live your life so that others can see Jesus in you, and even strive to tell people about Jesus. Make those changes. If last year that wasn't you, then this year, that's where we need to go. We need to ring in the new. It's a time to reflect on the things that didn't go so well, and it's a time to make changes so that this year will be better. It can be different than before. Sometimes we get wrapped up in this, well, you know, that's just how it is. It's always gonna be that way. I can't really do anything about it. Well, can you? Sure. There are things in life that you can't really change, but most everything in our lives, we can do something about it. We can do something. We can take that opportunity and do something about it. Do you want to do something about it? You reflect on last year. You wanna make changes this year. What can you do and make different? We look around our church and we see that we have people that are here, but there's a lot of vacant seats. There's a lot of vacant seats. We lost 8 people from our congregation last year. We lost 8 people, but we hadn't brought in 8 people. We don't have the seats filling up with new people. Why is that? Is it because we're not telling them about Jesus? Is it because we're not telling them about, the need for a savior? Is it because we're not living our life as we should? Why is that? Think about that. Why is it? It can be different than last year. It can be different if we strive for that, but we have to strive to do better. We have to absolutely strive to do better. Do you know that the majority of people who make a New Year's resolution to get in better shape are done going to the gym by the end of January. By the end of January, they're through. They're not working out anymore. They have for forget about that. That was too hard. I'm not doing that. Many people who strive to read the bible through in a year don't make it through Genesis. They get started and they start reading through Genesis. And if they get through Genesis and Exodus, guess where they stop? Leviticus. They hit all those laws and, man, they just quit. They stop. People say I'm gonna do better, but they don't strive to do better. They say I want it to be different, but they don't really try to make it different. They say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing the same way you always have and expecting it to be different. Expecting to get different results. Well, if we do the same thing the same way we always have, it's not gonna be different. We're gonna get the same results that we've gotten in the past, both in our personal individual lives, and our spiritual lives, and our church lives, and all of it. If we do the same thing we've always done, we're never gonna get this any different results. And so we have to strive to make it a better year. We have to strive to make those changes. We have to strive to do better. That means that even when we don't feel like it or even when it gets hard, we have to keep working. Just like celebrating a new year, we celebrate a new creation in Christ. We celebrate a new creation. This the word says that if anyone who has come to know Jesus as Lord and savior is a new creation. A new creation. Not the same as they were before, but different. A new creation. If it's new, it's not what it once was. Right? Think about that. If it's new, it's not what it once was. Some people will say, well, you know, I've always been this way, and I just don't know that I can really change. Well, here's the news flash. On your own, you can't. But if you call upon the name of Jesus as lord and savior, and he makes you a new creation, then it's totally new. And God can help you to be a brand new creation in Christ. He can help you to change how you were into how you need to be. We can be a new creation. We every year, we celebrate New Year's and and so many people say, I'm gonna be better this year, and then they fail. But with God making you a new creation, you can be better. You can be better. He's there with you. You are a brand new creation in Christ. If it's new, it's not what it once was. The old has passed away, and the new has come. I said to the children, you can never get back 2024. You cannot turn the calendar back to 2024. It is not possible. It's gone. There's no way you can go back to 2024. Well, if someone becomes a new creation in Christ, there is no way they can go back to being lost. It can't happen. God said that those which I have in my hand, no one can take you out of my hand. If you are a new creation in Christ, you can't go backwards. If it's a brand new year, you can't go backwards. The reality is what we have to do is strive to go forward, strive to do better from here. We have to continue to look at that new thing. God has made us new. God has made us new. Just as surely as if you, had a a facelift and you looked in the mirror at your new face for the first time and went, wow. That's really different than what it was before. Look in the mirror of Christ and say, you know what? God has changed me. I am not the same person that I was. I'm different. I'm a different person than I once was, and it's time that I start doing something about that. It's time that I live my life that way. It's time that God made me a new creation. Let me live like a new creation and not live like I used to. The old has passed away. The new has come. Don't dwell on the old. Look to the new. It doesn't have to be the way it has always been. For me, that's a big big one to think about. It doesn't have to be the way it's always been. Well, you know, that's just kinda who I am. That's just kinda the way I do things, and that's just, you know, whatever. Okay. But it doesn't have to be that way. You don't have to continue to do the same old things that you've always done. You don't have to continue doing that. Listen, as people who are believers, one of our commandments, the greatest commandment that was given to us is go and tell. Go and make disciples of all nations. Baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit. We're supposed to go and tell. That is our number one. That is the greatest commandment that we go and tell. So here's the thing. If we look at that, and that's our great commandment, but over the years as believers in Christ, we've never done that. It doesn't mean that we have to keep living that way. In fact, it means we should not keep living that way. The old has passed away. The The new has come. Don't look for the same old results doing it the same old way. Look for new results. The new things, the new creature, a new creation in Christ. And it's time for all of us to take a long hard look in the mirror and say, hey. You know what? I'm a new creation. Why am I still doing things in the old way? Why am I still living my life in that way? I need to change. God has called me to be his son or daughter. Why am I still living in this bad way? Why am I still doing things in this way? Why am I not doing what I need to do? Pardon me. How can you become a new creation? Maybe that's what you're saying today. He's talking about this new creation. I've never done that. I don't know what that means. How do I become a new creation? 2nd Chronicles 5 17. You can take a look at it in your bible. The words will be on the screen. 2nd, Corinthians. I said chronicles. 2nd Corinthians 5 17. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature. The old things passed away. Behold, new things have come. The key part of that phrase is if anyone is in Christ. Have you ever given your life to Christ? Have you given your life? Have you said, I wanna make you Lord and savior of my life? Have you given up your old ways and given yourself to him? If you are, you are a brand new creature in Christ. The old has passed away, and the new has come. Do you know him? Has that happened in your life? If it has never happened in your life, I'd like to talk with you about that personally one on one. If anyone is in Christ, then he's a new creature. The old has passed away. So a brand new creature. A brand new creature. This year, 2024, my family, my wife, and I, welcomed a new grandchild. Right? New babies are so special. They're wonderful. I know many of you, you know, you got 27 of them. That's this. But it's still fresh. Right? Every time you have a new one, it's still wonderful. It's still an amazing thing. As parents, we have a new, child in our life. It's a brand new creature. Then this new creature comes into our life. And, man, it is so different. It changes everything in our life. We've been blessed and been able to be close to our grandchild, and so it's been a wonderful time for us to be able to do that. He's a brand new creature, and it's so neat watching every day. Watching, literally, every day new things he learns, new things he's doing, the new things that's happening in his life. He's getting stronger. He's eating, you know, more solid food, things that are, not baby food stuff as much, and, you know, all these kind of things. And so we're looking at all that. We're watching them grow. And I'm thinking when I'm looking at all this, I'm thinking, you know, that's exactly how our our walk is in Christ is supposed to be. We become a brand new creation, a brand new creature, and we're supposed to continue to grow in strength in him every day. We're not supposed to be the same as we were before. We're supposed to continue to grow and be a better person, to be worthy of that lord and savior that we have accepted. New believers are just like newborns, and they're learning every step of the way. But how do they learn? Well, how do they learn? Somebody's gotta be there to teach them. Somebody's gotta be there to show them. Somebody's gotta mentor them. How does that baby learn to wave? Every time he leaves, I say, bye. I wave at him. The other day he was sitting there and he started going, ah, he's getting it. He's remembering that wave as as creatures in Christ. And it wasn't just me, but the creatures in Christ, brand new. They come in, and and they accept Jesus as lord and savior. And then sometimes we just expect them to know everything right then. Well, you don't know everything. You didn't know everything when you became a believer. How are they gonna know everything right then? They're not. They gotta be mentored. We have a new believer's class. It's only 6 weeks. We go through a new believer's class. That doesn't give them everything they need. That gives them some basics to build upon. They gotta have mentors. They gotta have somebody there helping them to strengthen. Well, I'm 80 whatever years old, and so I've been, you know, in church my whole life. Yeah. Are you perfect? No. Are you gonna be perfect? Not till I step into heaven. So while you're here, you still need to be taught, you still need to be mentored, you still need to do things, but you also need to then turn around and pour into other people. Pour into other people. Well, I'm too old to do this or to do that. Yeah. But you know what? You can still teach. You can still talk to other people. You can still share with other people how they can be a better creation in Christ. How they can learn to be stronger. The things that will help them in the hard times. You know what? I went through that before. Let me tell you what happened in my life. This occurred, and this is how I handled that. This is what I did. And listen, it wasn't right. I learned to do it this way. You can share all that with new creations. New creations in Christ. Even if they're not new, but they're not yet in heaven, they're still learning. We still need to work together to help each other to grow in Christ. They new creations have plenty desire to learn. Every child, they have desire to learn. They wanna learn something all the time. They're constantly watching. They're learning everything. They're they have this desire to learn from you, to learn from the ones that are around their life, a new creation. In a church, they have a desire to learn from you. They know there are people that have been here for all of these years, and they want to learn something. They have that desire to learn. They must have things taught to them. They don't just know it. As much as we'd love to think that when a person becomes a new creature in Christ, that immediately everything they need to know is imparted upon them, and they don't ever need anybody else to show them anything. That is not how it is. Even the scripture says, they're like newborn babies on milk. Right? And they need solid food. They need to grow. They need to learn. We're the ones that know Jesus, have known him for all these years, that need to be the ones to help teach them. We're the ones they're looking towards. We're the ones they're looking at saying, how do I do these things? And if we're not doing things as we should, how are they gonna do them? A new baby can learn things. A new believer is a new creature, and a new baby can learn good and bad. Woah. Hold up. What do you mean? Well, they can learn your bad habits just like they learn your good things. They can learn things. You know, it's amazing. You know, people who before they became parents, they had we'll say a colorful language. They used a lot of words that shouldn't have been used. They have a child, and when suddenly that child begins to use those words, they're shocked. And that's when they have to start changing their vocabulary. Right? They start changing it because they're shocked that that word came out of their child's mouth. Well, why? Because they're watching you. They're learning from you. They learn the good and the bad. They learn the good habits, and they learn the bad habits. They learn everything. They're watching everything that's happening. Brothers and sisters, new believers are watching you. They're watching everything you do. They're watching if you have a a a good habit in your life, a habit of reading God's word and and talking to others about him and doing all those things. They're looking at you have bad habits that the only time you pick up God's word is when you come back to church. On Sunday morning that you talk about God in one way, but then you don't live that way during the week. They're watching those things. They're learning those. Well, you know, so and so. So they've been a believer for 60 years, and, you know, I don't see them doing whatever. So I guess it's not something I need to do. They learn the bad with the good. We as believers, those of us who are more mature believers I didn't say who are mature believers because probably most of us in here aren't mature yet. We're more mature, but we haven't made it to that mature stage yet. We're still striving. We're still learning. We're still trying. But if we're more mature than those who are new in Christ, we should be helping to mentor them. We should be helping to mentor them to bring them along, and show them exactly how they need to do things. Bad examples teach just like good examples. Sometimes, they teach even quicker than good examples. Bad examples teach just like good examples. The person is doing things in a way that's bad and negative, that teaches that child just like it teaches a young believer. It teaches them just like good habits. Sometimes even faster. And so we have to be careful with what we're doing. We need to teach. We need to share. We need to bring them along. But we need to do it in a way that's pleasing to God, and we need to be good examples. We have to be diligent not to be bad examples, but to be good examples. Well, they they shouldn't watch me. I'm I'm just not that good. You know, I I struggle. I have a don't don't don't do what I do. Don't do what I do. Is that really how you wanna live? Is that really how you want to live, to tell people, don't do what I do. I'm not doing it right. I'm not doing it right. Paul said that we should tell them to follow us, that they should mimic what we do. And if we know that people are following us, you know what we gotta do? Follow God. We gotta follow God. We gotta be that good example. Instead of saying, don't do what I do, stop doing the wrong things. And instead, follow God and do what God puts in your heart. Do the things that are right in his sight. Do the things that you know you should have been doing all along, but you haven't. Don't tell people, don't follow me. I'm not a good example. Become a good example. Be that person that leads someone to Christ. Be that person that shows someone how they can overcome those hard things in their life. Be that person that is the mentor and braze them up. It's been said that growing the body of Christ cannot be done with addition, but it has to be done with multiplication. You see, with addition, it's the whole body brings in 1. But with multiplication, everybody brings in 1. And so then suddenly, that's multiplying. That's not just adding. I'm you know, I would love to see this congregation packed out, but that's not what I'm talking about. When I'm talking about growing the body of Christ, I'm talking about the the kingdom of God. I would love to see the kingdom of God be growing, being multiplied exponentially. Because those that do not know Jesus Christ as Lord and savior, they have a a eternal destiny in hell. Only by giving their life to Christ can that change. You know how. We should be sharing with them how. We need to be letting them know how. We can be a bad example, and we can say, well, don't do what I do. Instead, do what I do. Instead, live your life so you can say, hey. Follow me. I'll show you how you do this. I'll show you how to you know what a a carpenter that's any good? They don't say, hey, don't do it like me. They say, let me show you the best way to do it. And then they show you exactly how to build something so that it comes out right and proper. Somebody who is, good in computers, they said they don't say, don't do it like I do. Let me show you the best way to do it. Somebody who knows Jesus as lord and savior shouldn't be saying, don't do it like I do. Let me show you the best way to do it. Let me show you how I walk. And and you may be a little different. God may get put you in a different direction. Maybe use a different devotion than I do. Maybe you have your prayer time and devotion time at night instead in the morning. Maybe you do it a little different. But do those things. Let me show you that because I'm gonna do them. And I wanna walk in that way. That's the way we should be teaching them, not bad things, but new things. We have to be diligent, not to be bad examples. New believers sometimes fall away quickly. You know why? Due to bad examples. Well, you know, I gave my life to Christ, and I'm looking around, and none of these people are living like that. What's the difference? They look just like the people that aren't going to church. Why would I wanna continue to follow them that way? Why would I wanna continue to do that? I can go back to doing things the way I was doing before. I can do this or that. They fall away from the walk. Before. I can do this or that. They fall away from the walk. That doesn't mean they fall that they've lost their salvation, but they fall away from the walk. And instead of growing as a believer, they never grow because they fell away because of bad examples that have been given to them in the 1st place. They're taught bad habits like not putting God first. Not putting God first. We gotta put God first in everything that we do. So think about this, if I'm getting paid the first thing I should be doing is taking what I got paid and giving part of that back to God. Giving him a tithe. Giving him an amount of that money as it's been given to me. I give back to him. I should be doing that. That should be the first thing. When I get paid, I should be doing that. First thing I should be doing during the day is I should be focusing on God. I should be putting God before all those other things. I need to be doing that. And if I'm not putting God first in all things, then the people that are following me are not seeing that. I'm a bad example. I need to get be a good example in order that others can see that. I need to make changes in my life. Perhaps you are here today, and you're thinking, you know what? I have not been doing the greatest thing. I haven't been putting God first. I haven't depended on God for everything. Well, you know, I mean, I don't I don't wanna say I depend on God for everything. I mean, you know, some things I just I I don't necessarily need to call God to, ask about or try to get him involved or, you know, I can do these things on my own. Really? The scripture says apart from me, you can do nothing. The reality is when we start thinking about, I can do all these things on my own. I don't really need God for this. You need God for everything. You need God for everything. And if we're not putting God first and putting God above everything else in our life, then we're going to be bad examples. Just like a new year, sometimes we fall short of our goals. In a new year, we make resolutions or goals, and we wanna do this, we wanna do that, but we fall short. We just don't make it. Say, well, I wanted to do this, but we didn't. Why? A lot of times, the reason we don't is because we don't really take our goals seriously. Oh, we say we're making goals, but we don't really take them seriously. We just want to have a good list to share with somebody and say, this is what I'll plan on doing this year. And if I do, okay. If I don't, okay. It's kinda like marriage today. You know, people get married, and they say, well, if we make it, fine. If we don't, it's okay. Not a big deal. No. A goal when you set a goal, it should be something you strive for. When we make a new goal, then we should strive for it instead of falling short of it. The reason we're falling short is because we're not really trying to reach it. So it's a new new year, a new creation, then strive for that goal. For all of us, we need to be striving for those goals. Sometimes it's because we don't fully buy in. What do I mean by that? Well, sometimes we make a goal because it sounds good, but we didn't really buy into that goal. Right? You know, I think that probably, you know, this is what I should do this year. But, you know, you didn't really buy fully into that. It just like I said, it sounded good, and I never really bought in. Well, I'm gonna tell you this. If you don't fully buy in, you're never gonna reach that goal. You'll never reach it. If you say, you know what? Last year, I challenged at the beginning of the year for each person to lead 1 person to Christ during the year. If we took a a tally today and said, how many of you achieved that goal? I dare say that it wouldn't be a very high total. It wouldn't be a very high total. Why? Because we said, okay. Yeah. We wanna do that, but we didn't fully buy in. We're like, yeah. That sounds good. We didn't really buy in. We never really tried to reach that goal. You know, if God happened to put somebody in our way and we had opportunity to tell them about Christ, maybe that woulda happened, but, you know, we didn't go out of our way looking for it. Sometimes we don't reach goals because we don't fully buy into it. We don't try. We just say, well, it's a goal. I'm never gonna reach it, but it's a goal. If we don't buy in, we'll never reach the goal. If we don't buy in, how are we gonna reach people for Christ? Make no mistake. He is a new creature. Those who accepted god as lord and savior, he is a new creature. A new creature. Not the same as before, a new creature. Not the same. Different by design. What do you mean by design? Well, god said, if anyone comes to me, he is a new creature. He designed it that way. You are new. You're not the same. You are not the person that was walking in the shadows. You are not the person that was in the darkness. You are now the person in the light. And if you are a new creature, then you need to be walking fresh and new. Every day, we need to be trying to walk fresh and new. We need to be putting God first in everything we do because we are a new creature. If you're a new creature and you want to bring other people along with you, then we have to do it that way. It's a new year. It's time to realize the old has passed away. The old has passed away, it's gone. It's no longer here. It's passed. Now we have a new slate. We have a new year. We have a new life. We have a new opportunity. The old person for that has accepted Christ. The old person is gone. The old person is gone. The old has passed away. Grasp the truth that as a new creature, we have to have new habits, new goals, new opportunities. And every year, we need to be striving to reach those goals. We need to buy into them a 100%. I'm gonna challenge you again this year just like I did last year. I'm gonna challenge that every person in this room would lead at least 1 person to Christ this year. Lead at least 1 person to Christ this year. The reality is that for most people, if you lead one person to Christ, you know what's gonna happen. You get so excited about it. You start looking for another. That's called multiplication. That's when we start multiplying. You get so excited, you start looking for another. And then if you lead that one, and they lead 1, and they lead 1, you see what's gonna happen. Today, we're gonna celebrate a baptism. You know why? Because brother Tim led a person to Christ. It wasn't the only one. He led several to Christ this year. But this particular one, we're gonna baptize today because he led into Christ. You know what? The old has passed away. He's a new creature. That means he needs mentoring by all of you who know him as lord and savior. That means that we now want him to lead someone to Christ. Now we wanna continue to do that. Just think about it. If everybody led someone to Christ, we'd have to keep the baptism full all year long. We'd be baptized in all the time. And the great thing about that is not that the church would be growing, but the kingdom would be growing. And that's what we need to strive to do. New things have come. New things have come. The old is past, new things are here. What God has put in your life is new and better than anything you ever had without him. That anything you ever had without him, what God has put in your life is new and better than anything you ever had without him. Grasp that. Be excited about that. The things that God installs are always perfect. Everything he puts in our life is always perfect. I was telling James today, I think about 6 weeks ago, 5, 6 weeks ago, God put this message on my heart for today. This was the day it was going to be. And between the time that God put that message on my heart and today, James got saved. And then we talked about baptism, and he said, originally he was gonna be baptized next week, then he came back. No. I wanna be baptized this week. It's gonna work out better for me. I said, that's awesome. I went back and looked at my message for today and went, wow. Look how God put all that together. It's amazing how God does all that. God does everything perfectly. He puts it in our life perfectly if we will follow what he's doing for us. When he puts it in our life, if we follow it, it's always gonna be perfect. Instead of trying to hold on to the old things or think that we know better than he does or do things differently, we have to trust in these new things. We have to trust in them and follow them. Here's the question I have for you today. Have you been renewed? Have you been renewed? When I say have you been renewed, have you trusted God in your life? Have you trusted him as your Lord and savior? Have you become a new creature because you've given your life to Christ? Has that happened? If it hasn't happened, then what are you waiting for? What are you waiting for? Today can be that day. If it has happened and you already know Jesus Christ as lord and savior, when's the last time you consider yourself renewed? Are you renewed daily? Have you given your life daily? Are you daily taking up your cross and following him? Are you doing that on a daily basis? Or are you kinda hanging around in your old ways, and not really growing and maturing in Christ? Giving it all to him. Well, today, I wanna ask you this. If you know that you need to be renewed, you need to give your life to Christ fresh and new this year, then I'm gonna have a time of invitation in just a moment. The altar will be open. If you need to give your life fresh and new to God this year, I'm gonna ask you come down here and do it at the altar. Do it at the altar. If you've never given your life to Christ, but today, you know you want to do that, come talk to me. I wanna talk with you about it and tell you exactly how you can do it. Whatever God puts on your heart during this time of invitation, answer. And if you need to come down to the altar to do that, then come down. It'll be open. If you are not physically able to do that and you need to stay where you are, that's okay too. But answer him. Don't let it pass by. Answer whatever he puts on your heart. Let's pray.