A Time Like This

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The Jews were under constant persecution

They were still allowed to come and go and do business, but they were hated

Mordecai knew that one day all this would boil over

When his niece, Esther, was taken as a possible choice for Queen, he had hope

Not hope that she would be royalty, but that God would use her to help her people

2021 in the United States

God’s people are under constant persecution

We are still allowed to meet together and come and go, but we are hated

Those in power, as well as those who influence those in power, hate Christianity

Those against Christianity claim we should love everyone

Isn’t that exactly what Christians have quoted forever? Love conquers all!

The difference is the love we speak of is God’s love

Those who hate Christianity say love everyone except those of God

Mordecai was hated, and the King was tricked into calling for destruction of Jews

Esther was called upon to intercede with the King, but she was afraid

Mordecai reminded her that she too was a Jew

Perhaps the reason God had allowed her to become Queen was for this time

Christians around the Nation and the world are being complacent

Those who are not directly affected by the evil being called good just ignore it

If you are a child of God, the world hates you too

One day you will be greatly affected by this hatred of Christians

Esther asked her people to pray for her and, in that strength, she faced her fear

Today, in this country, we need to lift up one another in prayer

We especially need to pray for all those in positions of influence to be strengthend

Perhaps God has placed them in the position for a time like this

We need to consider how can we face our fears and stand up against this evil

God has given us the power to defeat evil but we have to face it

The power we have is the love of God

We face the evil by sharing the good and perfect love of Christ with ALL

Perhaps any situation you may be in, is the one you were put in for a time like this

We need to understand like Esther, that God uses all of us

Not to place us above others but to use us to reach others

Will you commit to pray for all believers to be used for God’s good

Will you conquer your fears and allow yourself to be used for God?
