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People are funny

Sometimes, if we are associated with something, we may deny it

New Orleans Saints fans, at one point, wore bags over their heads during games

People sometimes try to change their appearance to keep from being recognized

Sometimes, people just flat deny something, even when they are found out

Peter was very loudly telling Jesus He would fight for Him in Mark chapter 8

Peter even followed right into the courtyard of the high priest

Peter was a faithful follower and He was going to stay that way

Many believers today are loudly singing His praises on Sunday

But on Monday, they don’t even recognize that they are a beliver

Some just don’t talk about it, but others flat out deny being a believer

I want to be clear, I’m not talking about pretend believers

People that try to talk the talk, but they have never given their life to Jesus

I’m talking about bonafide believers that have a real relationship with Christ

Just like Peter, those believers, when pressed, often deny

How is it that we can sing “Just as I am” on Sunday and then be someone else?

The pressure of the world is great!

People do not like confrontation, and Jesus is confrontational

We often keep our mouths shut to simply avoid the confrontation

Sometimes, people go even further and deny a fact to avoid it

What about Peter? He denied Jesus

In John 21, Jesus appears to Peter, and three times Peter professes his love for Christ

In Mark 14, Peter wept after denying Christ, and in John 21, he professed his love

We know, that from that day on, Peter preached Christ until his death

My question for you today is simple:
Have you denied Christ?

When we look at the Resurrection, we know Jesus claims believers before the Father

He also said He would deny those who deny Him

Don’t avoid confrontation by denying Christ

Instead, confess Him before men, that they too might give their life to Christ

Don’t be denied, instead be welcomed, good and faithful servant

Do you really know Christ today or are you a pretender?
