Evil is everywhere in this world today, and probably nowhere more prevalent than the United States
It has become so commonplace, most people don’t even flinch when they encounter it anymore
This was a piece that Paul Harvey read on the air in 1965
WOW, he was right on target with how the devil was making our country his playground
We see exactly what you are talking about but what can we do about it?
That’s the thing, evil has become so prevalent that people feel as if nothing can be done.
I am going to read another letter to you this morning
Apostle Paul
These are the very instructions for how to deal with the evil in the world today
We are in the end times and we do not know the day or the hour of Christ return
1 Thessalonians 5:22NASB
We are usually pretty good with what we would consider the big things
Murder, Burglary, Assault….you know all the big things
But what about other stuff
We invite evil into our hearts on a daily basis
We have TV shows and movies that glorify evil
We go to movies that are even called Horror movies and pay to open our hearts to evil
We read books that are all about evil
You see instead of abstaining from evil or fleeing from evil we invite it in
The “we” I’m talking about here is not the lost world but people who call themselves believers
God’s people have got to wake up and realize that the toxic things of the world are exactly that, TOXIC
We know that judgement day is coming and instead of remaining vigilant and watchful we practice evil ourselves
I work for the NWS and their job is to keep the people safe by warning them of incoming bad weather
What if the NWS decided to just keep all the info to themselves and not put out the warnings. People would die!
If God’s people who know what is coming do not tell others, people don’t just die.
They spend an eternity in a devil’s hell in eternal torment
Stop entertaining evil and instead pray without ceasing!
Sound the alarm and tell people how they can be saved!
Do you know Jesus?