Extraordinary Love – In The Beginning

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Today we begin a series that will take us to Resurrection Sunday

Every story has a beginning, and your story has a beginning too

This is all about the love of God, and He loved you from the very beginning

He loved you so much He created you in the first place

I want you to understand, that God made a way for us from the beginning, it wasn’t a backup plan after we sinned

The light of men, that we read about in this passage, is Jesus

But you see from the beginning that the world could not understand it

But God did not leave us in this state of lostness, instead, He sent a messenger

We know this messenger as John the Baptist. He came to tell the world about Jesus, the Christ

It is the job of every believer to continue this mission of shining a light into the darkness by telling about Christ

This is LOVE, that God didn’t let us stay confused and lost, but sent someone to show us the light

We see here, the light was in the world but man could not see Him

You’ve heard of not seeing the forest for the trees. The world couldn’t see Jesus because they didn’t know how to look

But through the love of God He was already here, in fact the world was made through Him

So grasp this fact, God loves you so much, He created ALL through the Savior and placed the Savior here for ALL

When we think about the crucifixion and the resurrection, we truly see God’s love

But it didn’t start there, it was from the beginning!

Verse 12 is the greatest news we could ever receive, that as many receive Him become His children

God created us, provided the light for us, and gave us the opportunity to accept the Savior, all in the beginning

This is extraordinary Love and there is nothing like it in this world or beyond

The love is so extraordinary that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us!

So today I want you to see that God sent His Son Jesus, the light of the world, into the darkness

So we would finally be able to see the light and accept that extraordinary love, so we could receive salvation

Salvation from the penalty of sin, eternal death

So the question is, do you see the light and are you ready to give your life to Him today?
