Bridges are built for the purpose of closing a divide. They are built over any gap, water or land that needs to be closed.
Some bridges are not pretty to look at, but they do their job.
These bridges are all amazing, both in engineering and in beauty
The purpose of all these bridges is the same as for any bridge. It’s purpose is to close a gap. Some gaps are very large some, not so large, but they are all impassible without a bridge
until man committed their first sin. At that point, there became a separation that man couldn’t close
There is one mediator between God and man, and He is the Hope that we can have. He is the bridge for the Gap we can’t close.
John 3:16 says “for God so loved the world that He sent His only Son”
Jesus paid the price we were unable to pay on the cross at calvary, therefore, bridging the unbridgeable gap!
This is the Most Beautiful bridge, because it leads to LIFE!
There is one thing, however;
Have you ever heard of a toll bridge? In order to cross it, you must pay a price.
Jesus has paid your toll to cross this bridge. You just have to accept the gift, and you will be allowed to cross
Jesus shed His life blood on the cross in order to bridge the gap for you
Will you accept this gift and cross over that bridge to reconciliation with God today?
This is the only way the separation between God and man can be closed.
Are you ready?