From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of God has been advancing and men who have God’s identity are laying hold of it.
When our view of God is right, our identity as God’s man is settled (as in, no more competing identities), and we are willing to sacrifice our agenda for His service, it’s time to build something that will outlast us. It’s time to invest in something we can’t take with us but something we can send ahead to eternity. It’s time to get busy building the kingdom of God right where we live, in our local church, and in our world. It’s time to start thinking outside the box and dream — dream big God dreams. The thing that advances the kingdom, which, by the way, is the heart of God, is the people we touch in our life. His heart is people that live in our context, our circle of influence. Our influence is not only our words but our actions, how we sacrifice and care for those around us.
The kingdom doesn’t need more religious guys. It requires bigger, hairy, audacious dreamers. Think I’m playing you? Jesus repeatedly described the kind of man God uses for breakthrough works of His Spirit in the world. Could He be talking about you?
As soon as John started talking about a Messiah, the battle line was drawn, men throughout the centuries have been challenged to cross that line, out of comfort and into risk for their King. Forceful men have been moving from within with God’s vision for kingdom expansion and even today, forceful men still hunger and thirst for the kingdom of God to explode in people’s hearts wherever they may be. It’s about winning men you know, to join forces and affect the course of history.
Thank you Father, your heart for every person born is overwhelming.